Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 154 I Picked Up a Wife

Youxin's inaugural speech was not long, about four to ten minutes.According to) 10 grids, this is a lot of words.When he was a teacher before, he never taught such a long class.

Next, Secretary Huang from Taishan District gave a speech.

This is nothing to listen to. It's just how to unite and how to carry out work. It's all clichés.I stood up and slipped out the back door.When I first came in, I didn't see Zhou Houqun's car, probably to pick up skilled workers from the Tengfei factory.The Tengfei factory is now quite large, and the technical personnel are getting more and more nervous. Inspired by Tang Yuanying, the Hongda enamel factory, they hired several retired master craftsmen, but it was still not enough. They needed to continue to go to several arsenals to pick up the technicians who came to the factory to help.Fortunately, after more than a year of training, several apprentices from the Liujiashan Brigade have basically graduated and can be used.

It is unrealistic to train qualified lathe workers, grinder workers and other technicians in more than a year, but it is almost enough to process the same type of spare parts for many years.

Before slipping out, I said hello to Uncle Wu and told him that my car was outside and I would take him back to Liujiashan when we were done. [

After sleeping in the car for about half an hour, Secretary Huang and other leading comrades finally finished their nonsense, and there was warm applause in the conference room. Wu Qiuyang and Secretary Huang boarded the jeep and left, and Uncle Wu walked over slowly.

This is Wu Bo's respect for Wu Qiuyang.If it were another leader, he would slap his ass and leave long ago. Would he stand there and wait for your car to leave before leaving?Don't say that Uncle Wu is very angry now, even in the past, Cui Xiuhe, as the deputy director of the county revolutionary committee, still suffered in front of Uncle Wu.

Before the car started, the branch secretaries of several nearby brigades happily ran over.

Needless to say, hitchhiking came.

Everyone knows that Uncle Wu is the most wealthy brigade secretary in Xiangyang County.

Naturally, I don't have any opinions. Everyone squeezes together. Anyway, there are only ten miles or so.The car bumped on the rough dirt road, Uncle Wu sighed: "Secretary Jiang is right, this road really should be repaired. Running on this kind of road will not only shorten the life of the car, but also the life of people!"

Zhou Party Secretary of the Matangwan Brigade smiled and said, "Fifth Brother Liu. You are rich and powerful now. Don't you just donate some money to repair the road? I don't think it will take as long as three years."


Uncle Wu smiled slyly.

"If you are not in charge, you don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. You only see my superficial beauty. How do you know that I also have my own difficulties? Such a big stall. There are too many places to spend money."

"Then you still promised Secretary Jiang to build a feed factory next year?"

"Building a factory belongs to building a factory. Building roads belongs to building roads. Two different things."

Ruan Zhishu of the water brigade asked, "Liu Wu, what does this feed factory use as feed? Pigs and chickens, can they really eat that stuff?"

Wu Burton was at a loss for words.

In fact, he didn't understand how the feed was adjusted, he said it after reading my note.But at this time, it is naturally impossible to ask me, a child, in public.Fortunately, Uncle Wu was quite quick-witted, pretending to be condescending with a smile, and said in a long voice, "This is a commercial secret, how can I tell you..."

I almost laughed out loud.

I often hear me talking about the market, business, and competition. Uncle Wu is now talking about "commercial secrets".Not to mention, the use of "commercial secrets" is appropriate here, so why don't we just block Secretary Ruan back?

Back at Liujiashan, he ordered Su Jianzhong to send the other branch secretaries back to their respective brigades.

"Xiaojun, what is this feed made of?" [

Once there were no outsiders, Uncle Wu couldn't wait to ask.

"It's mainly corn, bone meal, and some probiotics, amino acids, etc. I don't know the details."

I said carelessly.


Uncle Wu was in a hurry.

"You don't know how to build this factory? I agreed to Secretary Jiang at the meeting..."

What a man pays attention to is "one spit, one nail". Uncle Wu cares about his own face.

Seeing Uncle Wu's anxious eyes, I didn't think it was funny: "Uncle Wu, we don't know how to make enamel, right? Isn't the enamel factory built? It doesn't matter if we don't understand, someone will always understand. Let's save Just ask the experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences."

Uncle Wu thought about this, slapped his head and laughed.

"Come on, let's sit in the office?"

"No, I'll go to Tongda Company first."

Tongda Logistics Company is affiliated with the Liujiashan Brigade. Currently, the company's headquarters is also located in Liujiashan, and an office is set up in the county.At present, most of the business still comes from a few factories in Liujiashan, and other businesses are still being expanded.It is reasonable to locate the company headquarters in Liujiashan.

In 1980, logistics was a bit difficult.

It is reasonable for me to pay more attention to Tongda Company.

The parking lot of Tongda Logistics was expanded on the largest Sun Valley Ping in the Liujiashan Brigade. In the middle of the field ridges, the office building is naturally located together.A two-story building, the first floor is a warehouse, and the second floor is an office. It is full of red bricks and blue tiles, with a cement base and white lime surface, but it looks decent.Compared with Tengfei Factory, it is much more grand.

Tengfei Factory has the largest scale and the strongest strength, but because it was built the first time, the funds are tight, and because of its simplicity, it looks the most shabby.Uncle Wu has long intended to reform.

I walked through the slightly desolate field ridges because the crops were harvested, and slowly entered the yard of Tongda Company.

All the cars were out, and the yard was quiet.

On the second floor, I stretched out my hand to open the door of the office, stepped in, almost plunged into someone's arms, and the fragrance wafted through my nostrils in an instant, and what I saw in front of my eyes were two beautiful red lips and shell-like teeth.

Fortunately, this yamen has practiced martial arts for many years, and his skills are nimble. He stopped abruptly in a hurry, and tilted his head back, so there was no bigger mistake.Otherwise, even though the yamen would have a swollen forehead, the other party's teeth would be a bit insecure.


It was Miss Xiaoqing's surprised voice. [

Sister Qing is now the treasurer of Tongda Company, so it is normal to bump into her here.

"Miss Xiaoqing."

I'm a little embarrassed.

This eleven or twelve-year-old body is sometimes out of control.As long as he lost his mind for a moment, he rushed forward and ran extremely fast.Unlike in the previous life, a 40-year-old person is tall, fat, and very bulky, and he can't get up fast if he wants to.

It's November, and Miss Xiaoqing is wearing a red peach-collared sweater with a moon-white turtleneck underwear, a moon-white coat, a pink silk scarf around her neck, and black straight-leg trousers. , red lips and white teeth, breasts towering, beautiful tight.

She will be 17 years old in a blink of an eye, and Miss Xiaoqing has become a beautiful big girl. Where is there any trace of a country girl?

When it comes to dressing up, Xiaoqing also learned from Liang Qiao.

Now that Liang Qiao is the big boss, she is not as cautious as when the bakery first opened. Apart from her own salary, she doesn't take any extra money.I was instilled with the concept of "two-in-one" every day, and I gradually let go of it.When you need to spend money, pay it to the account of the bakery, but always let me know.

Most of the time, they remit money to Liang Jingwei and ask him to help buy some clothes and supplies in the provincial capital.Therefore, the two sisters Liang Qiao and Liang Shaolan can be regarded as the most "avant-garde" fashion in Xiangyang County.

Sister Qing was naturally not to be outdone, and from time to time asked the driver of the logistics company to bring her beautiful clothes back to the big cities.She came to Tongda Company to be in charge of finance, and I paid her a pretty high salary.Uncle Qi doesn't need her to support his family now. A little girl earns a salary that is a bit higher than that of a national cadre. If she just dresses up, it is more than enough.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Miss Xiaoqing has become a beautiful landscape of the Liujiashan Brigade. On the way to and from get off work every day, I don't know how many young people's eyes are full of hunger and blood.

It is said that the matchmaker who came to propose marriage forcibly stepped on the bluestone threshold of Qibo's house by several inches!Among them were the children of several cadres, and some were even state workers. Uncle Qi and Qiniang liked it very much, but they were all kicked out by Sister Xiaoqing's cold eyebrows.It made Qi Bo and Qin Niang baffled and puzzled.The reason, apart from Miss Xiaoqing herself, is probably only a little guessed by me.

I rolled my eyes and found that there was no one else in the office, so I felt a little embarrassed.

"Xiaojun, sit down quickly... my sister will make you some tea..."

Sister Qing was in high spirits, there was no one else in the office anyway, so she had to be taboo, took my hand and pushed me into the chair, looking at me for a long time with a pair of wonderful eyes, and then turned to pour tea.

The seat of the manager, Heizi, is smooth and flat, but I feel like I'm sitting on pins and needles.But since it came, it must be unreasonable to run away immediately.As Song Dandan said, that would hurt Miss Xiaoqing's self-esteem too much.

That's all, let's see the trick.

Sister Qing not only brewed strong tea, but also put out a bunch of snacks, such as boiled peanuts, preserved eggs, fried melon seeds, biscuits, crispy radish sticks, and so on.Hehe, it seems that girls are greedy. Throughout the ages, there is no exception.

Until Miss Xiaoqing conjured up a blue and white porcelain bowl, which was full of dark brown sauced beef, I suddenly felt that my estimate might be wrong.These snacks are not prepared for herself.

Seeing that the sauced beef was neatly sliced, and the sauce was so tempting, I couldn't help moving my index finger and pinched a piece into my mouth.

Sister Qing looked at me with anticipation and nervousness.

"It's delicious, it smells so good...Miss Xiaoqing, this sauced beef tastes better than the people's restaurant. Where did you buy it?"

As I said, I picked up two more pieces and put them in my mouth, devouring them.It has lived up to its reputation as a large carnivore.

"I do it by myself……"

Sister Qing's eyes shone with joy.

"Wow, you are so ingenious!"

I yelled.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is better than the one made by the People's Restaurant, but the sauced beef is full of color, flavor and taste, and it is indeed top-grade. It is reasonable to say that the praise is exaggerated.

"It's been ready for a few days. If you don't come again, it will be broken and you can't eat it."

Sister Qing pursed her lips and smiled, with limited flair.

Sure enough, what the yamen expected was true, it was really specially prepared for me.

Seeing that Miss Xiaoqing's big eyes were watery, her smile was like a flower, and her whole body glowed with a strange look, I was also moved in my heart.However, if you are moved, you are moved, and you dare not have animal thoughts.One is that my family is still young, and the other has a willow character on their heads, which makes my heart hard to get rid of.Lonely men and widows, alone in a room, it is better to leave early.

The plums in the melon field must avoid suspicion.

I picked up a few slices of sauced beef and ate it, my small eyes rolled around, I was thinking about finding an excuse to escape, so as not to hurt Xiaoqing's self-esteem, but unexpectedly Xiaoqing took out a big account book.

"Xiaojun, this is the current account of the logistics company, please take a look."


Almost forgot what I was here for.

It seems that my concentration is still quite lacking, just a pretty beauty and a bowl of sauced beef will make me dizzy.

As you know, checking the accounts is my last resort as a shopkeeper, so I can't be sloppy.Even though it's melon fields and plums, I can't take care of it.

Sister Qing's handwriting is very delicate, with a good frame, it is impossible to tell that it was written by a junior high school student.No matter how difficult the family is, I still sent Miss Xiaoqing to a junior high school. For this, I appreciate Uncle Qi very much.

I slowly flipped through the account book page by page, and Miss Xiaoqing leaned beside me and handed the sauced beef to my mouth piece by piece.That expression, that manner, are just like Liang Qiao.

Chewing the mellow sauced beef in his mouth, smelling the unique fragrance of a girl in his nose, and turning his head slightly, he caught a glimpse of the towering twin peaks under the red sweater...

It seems that this account cannot be checked.

In this situation, I am not afraid that you are Liu Xiahui!

I gritted my teeth, closed the account book, and was about to say "goodbye" to Miss Xiaoqing, when a car roared from far and near, and a car came back.I let out a long breath, but Miss Xiaoqing frowned in dissatisfaction, a little annoyed.

After a while, the car drove into the yard.

I smiled at Miss Xiaoqing and said, "Go and see who is back."

Then I stood up and ran out of the office. Miss Xiaoqing had to run out after me.

What came back was a truck. The door of the cab opened, and a big man jumped out. It was Mr. Yan Haijun, the manager of Tongda Logistics Company.Heizi is not a full-time driver, but he often goes out with the car.

As the manager of the logistics company, he can be said to be conscientious. Over the past few months, he has lost a lot of weight, but that spirit is always there.


I yelled happily on the second floor.

"Ah, Young Master Jun is here!"

Heizi was also very happy and raised his hand to greet me.

Then another person jumped out of the cab, but it was a girl, tall and beautiful, she didn't seem to be inferior to Miss Xiaoqing, but she was dressed a little rustically.

"Heizi, who is this?"

"She is Shi Xiuli, Young Master Jun, do you still remember?"

Heizi scratched his head, looking a little shy.

Shi Xiuli?

"Ah, that Shi Xiuli from the Meiqiao Brigade in Quxi Town, Qing'an County?"

At my current age, my memory is super good. Even though it was half a year ago, I can still remember it all at once.

"That's right, it's her. Young Master Jun insists on getting his brains."

Heizi grinned.

"That you……"

Heizi laughed and put his arms around Shi Xiuli's shoulders. Shi Xiuli was caught off guard, blushing, and shoved Heizi coquettishly.

Haha, so that's the case, I'm not surprised.

"Heizi, how did this trick change? It's true!"

When Sister Xiaoqing took Shi Xiuli to wash her face, I happily poked Heizi's waist and asked loudly.

Heizi smiled honestly and explained the whole story.

But it turned out that after forming a relationship with Meng Yuejin last time, Heizi took the initiative to get in touch with Shi Xiuli because he was afraid that Meng Yuejin's bastard would cause trouble for Shi Xiuli.Fortunately, Meng Yuejin was dealt with severely by his father, and he was honest for a while, not daring to cause trouble.Unexpectedly, Heizi took advantage of him, and after a while, he fell in love with Shi Xiuli.

"Heizi, I really have you. Those few days were not a waste of money. I found a beautiful wife..."

I laughed out loud.

Heizi scratched his head, embarrassed by my laugh.

ps: The fifth watch arrives!Ladies and gentlemen, would you like to reward the monthly pass?Thank you!

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