Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1548

"Don't move, put down your weapons and raise your hands!"

Zhuang Hailong's face changed slightly. Before he could recover, the brigade was fully armed, and soldiers in camouflage combat uniforms rushed in, standard rifles pointed directly at the front of the rain. All hooligans with weapons in their hands, including who Security guards, everyone has a black muzzle on their heads.No one dared to resist, obediently dropped their weapons and raised their hands high.These masters really dared to shoot, one of them was knocked down just now, and there was blood on the floor. "Everyone squat down, put your head in your hands, and no one is allowed to move!" The soldiers shouted again.

The hooligan and the security guard were so busy that they clasped their heads in their hands obediently and squatted on the ground, not daring to lift their heads.Being arrested by powerful agencies, they are very experienced. They know that at this time, as long as there is a slight change, they will immediately attract a violent beating!There were about a hundred soldiers rushing in, all fully armed.

At this time, a young colonel ran to Liang Jingwei and raised his hand to salute: "Report to the commander, the [-]th Battalion of the xx Mechanized Infantry Regiment of the xx Division is fully equipped and fully staffed, and is ordered to arrive. Please instruct! Commander, Hong Wanyou !” At this moment, all the onlookers were dumbfounded.

Liang Jingwei stood up, raised his hand in return, and said, "Take control of the scene and wait for comrades from the public security organ to come and deal with it!" [


Hong Wanyou saluted again and turned around.

"Everyone is under surveillance, none of them are allowed to run away, and wait for the comrades from the public security organ to come and deal with it!

When a large number of soldiers rushed in, even Zhuang Hailong's face changed color after seeing the world.The people in the army are not good stubbles, and you didn't discuss cleaning them up.Especially after hearing Hong Wanyou's address to Liang Jingwei, he gasped even more.He even offended a military commander!After listening to Liang Jingwei's disposal measures, Zhuang Hailong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.so far so good!

As long as you don't move on the spot, it's not a big problem.Zhuang Hailong was able to create such a big scene in Nanming City, and the relationship between the localities was a lot of fun.Not to mention Nanming City, even if it is a big shot in Province F, Zhuang Hailong is enough for one or two of them.

With such a thought in mind, Zhuang Hailong stopped getting close to Liang Jingwei, but ordered Manager Lin to send some fruits and melon seeds, put them on the coffee table in front of Liang Jingwei, and said with a smile: "Calm down, everything Very negotiable."

Liang Jingwei didn't answer.

As for Secretary Liu, he has always been relaxed and there is nothing unusual.

Zhuang Hailong's eyes swept across Liu Jun's face again, secretly surprised.This person sat side by side with the army commander, his demeanor was not inferior at all, it can be seen that he is also a top figure, but he is so young, this status is difficult to obtain.Could it be some princeling or something?If so, beware!

Zhuang Hailong has been working in the local area, and he deeply understands a truth: it may not be so terrible to offend officials.Offending Ya Nei is the real big event for them.

Because officials act with scruples after all, and want to have a certain influence.There are hundreds of taboos in the yamen, and they will never give up until they put their opponents on the ground.Zhuang Dilong secretly added caution.

The only regret is that Zhuang Hailong doesn't know who he offended.If he knew all the past methods Liu Jun used to deal with dudes and hooligans, Mr. Zhuang might not be as calm and composed as he is now.There are more than one or two dudes and hooligans who put their lives on Liu Jun's hands!

Soon, there was another whining siren sound outside the door, from far to near, but it stopped abruptly not far from the equipment club.Apparently, the police also saw a Taiwanese military vehicle parked outside the door, including a dozen or so infantry fighting vehicles.Hundreds of soldiers armed with guns surrounded the "Tianlong Babu".Such a posture is making a big fuss!

A third-level police supervisor got off the leading police car, ordered the accompanying police officers to stay outside, and took only a few responsible persons, and hurried to the gate of "Tianlong Babu".

At the gate, the third-level police supervisor and several others were unceremoniously stopped by soldiers with guns.The police were also very interested, and without the slightest hesitation, they handed over their documents for inspection. After the soldiers checked, they waved and let him go. "What happened?"

Walking into the lobby of the club, the third-level police supervisor scanned the audience, suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked politely.

Hong Wanyou took a step forward and said: "Comrade police, I am Hong Wanyou, commander of the xxx Infantry Regiment of the xx Division of the Army. We have received orders that there are hooligans making trouble here and threatening our commander's personal safety with weapons, so we came here to stop the situation. "Hello, Commander Hong! I am Gongsunyou, deputy director of the Nanming Public Security Bureau. Who is the chief?"

The third-level police supervisor politely saluted Hong Wanyou and asked.

Director Gongsun, please follow me! Hong Wanyou led Gongsunyou to Liang Jingwei: "This is our boss!" "" Grow well!Gongsunyou, deputy director of Nanming Public Security Bureau, reports to you! "Gongsunyou saluted Liang Jingwei and said loudly.

Liang Jingwei raised his hand to return the salute, and said calmly: "Hello, Chief Gongsun. I am the commander of the X Group Army of Liang Jingwei's Army!" Gongsun You took a deep breath.As the deputy director of the Nanming Public Security Bureau, how could he not know where Liang Jingwei came from.The son-in-law of Chairman He of the Military Commission is said to be the youngest general in the entire army.Zhuang Hailong hit the iron plate this time. "Hello, Commander Liang. Excuse me, what happened here?" Gongsun You asked carefully, suppressing the shock in his heart.

Liang Jingwei calmly recounted the incident briefly, and also recounted Guangzai's words in the original text.

Zhuang Hailong couldn't help but glared fiercely at Guangzi, who was still under Xiaoqi's feet, his teeth itching with hatred.This bastard really doesn't have eyes.How dare he ask the commander of the dignified group army to kowtow to him three times and call him "Grandpa" three times!

This is not the way to seek death!

If someone seeks death, that is a one-off death, one-off.

This bastard died in battle, but he had to suffer a lot first and suffer a lot of living crimes!

"In addition, Director Gongsun, I officially inform you that this 'Tianlong Babu Club' is suspected of illegally possessing controlled knives and controlled firearms. Please take a look, there are dozens of controlled knives and homemade firearms at the scene. It is a murder weapon. In addition, they are also suspected of illegally colluding with the evil forces of the underworld and oppressing the masses. If my soldiers did not come in time today, I am afraid that there will be a large-scale fight here. Director Gongsun, I am very concerned about the security situation in your city. I am very dissatisfied that the public security organs have not fulfilled their due obligations. As a result, gangsters and evil forces have run rampant in the downtown area, openly armed and wounded people. I will report this issue to the provincial party committee and provincial government of f province, the municipal party committee and municipal government of Nanming City, and my staff The higher-level leading organs should truthfully report it!"

Liang Jingwei said slowly, with a low voice, biting every word clearly, and a huge pressure came to his face.Beads of sweat appeared on Gongsun You's forehead.It seems that Liang Jingwei didn't intend to let it go.

However, when it comes to the son-in-law of Chairman He of the Military Commission, an active general, this matter is beyond Gongsunyou's control, and he immediately said: "Commander Liang, your criticism is too correct. We accept it humbly and resolutely correct it... Look, the scene It's rather chaotic, and someone was injured, should we deal with the scene first?"

"It's fine to deal with the scene. This is the responsibility of your public security organs. I won't interfere. But to avoid the light, there are also members of these underworld forces. I hope Director Gongsun and the public security organs can immediately detain them. I will follow this case to the end. , until the court judges!" Liang Luowei said indifferently.

This means that it is very clear, if you want to cover these criminals for personal gain, you have to go through my test first.

It was obvious that Zhuang Hailong and Guangzai were so arrogant that they summoned dozens of fierce thugs at once. It can be seen that they must be the local tyrants on weekdays, and they would definitely not be so arrogant as a genius.Generally speaking, those who dare to be so domineering must have some backing behind them.However, Liang Jingwei and Liu Jun have already unified their opinions-there is no mercy!The more backing he had, the better, they all came out, and they all happened to be destroyed.Zhuang Hailong's face changed slightly, as if he was about to drip water.Gongsunyou hesitated.

Although Liang Jingwei couldn't afford to offend him, he was also very clear about Zhuang Hailong's power in Nanming City.This person is not an ordinary hooligan leader, not to mention his relationship with the heads of the Public Security Bureau, but it is said that he has an extraordinary relationship with the main leaders of the city.There are gossip that this person is actually involved with some leaders in the province, and he is a talented person who can often go in and out of the provincial party committee compound.According to Liang Jingwei's thought, he wanted him to arrest Zhuang Hailong as well.Zhuang Hailong is the leader of the evil forces of the underworld!

Seeing that Gongsunyou was in a dilemma, Zhuang Hailong took the initiative to say: "Director Gongsun, please do your business and arrest what should be arrested. I will go back to the bureau with you to make notes!" Gongsun Chao couldn't help but be overjoyed.

What he was most worried about was that Zhuang Hailong was stubborn and refused to go to the bureau with him.Now that Liang Jingwei is staring at him here, if he really "please" not to move Zhuang Hailong, it is estimated that Liang Jingwei will never mind asking his tiger and wolf teacher to help him and arrest him himself.

In this way, it is difficult to be a man with him caught in the middle.It couldn't be better for Zhuang Hailong to talk about it now.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a big boss, very decisive.

"Well, let's bring these underworld members back to the bureau first... Commander Liang, please give your soldiers an order to let my colleagues come in to deal with the scene!" Gongsunyou said to Liang Jingwei, still polite Yes." Yes! Liang Jingwei nodded to Hong Wanyou. Hong Wanyou raised his hands in salute, then turned around and went out to issue orders.

Soon, a large number of policemen came in, handcuffed all the thugs who were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands, and escorted the thugs who had a wounded leg and Guangzai, who was bleeding from the head, into a police car.

ps: Hehe, old friends, don't be bored, the situation is really critical.Well, the author misunderstood what he was looking for, and he wanted to go to the urban mistress, er, it seems that the current urban mistress is me!Pie was nervous to be killed from behind by such a fierce man.Everyone who has votes supports it.It's a bit difficult to compete in the top ten this month. You can't stand the position in the urban category, right?Even if you want the pie to be flat, you can't eat it like this, can you?Honest people don't necessarily have to suffer, right?Ask for monthly ticket support in vain! ! !to be continued,

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