Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1559 Are You Ready?

The playfulness on Qian Jianjun's face disappeared, and the application became serious, and he said slowly: "Liu Jun, do you want to fight against the general trend of the world with your own strength?" "

As soon as this remark came out, even Aunt Tan showed a look of surprise.In Qian Jianjun's family, there is also a rule similar to "the wife does not interfere in politics", but it is not so strict. Aunt Tan is also very virtuous, and generally does not conform to Qian Jianjun's governance strategy.However, I still know a little about the general political situation.She had never seen Qian Jianjun say such things to anyone.

Liu Jun straightened up for a while, and said solemnly: "Uncle Qian, the general situation is uncertain, as long as there is any hope, I don't want to give up!"

Qian Jianjun picked up his teacup and took a sip, then pondered, "Liu Jun, the problem is not that simple. From a certain point of view, what you think makes sense. Promoting the development of the real estate industry will lead to soaring housing prices. In this sense, this is indeed a competition for the interests of the people. However, everything cannot be viewed from only one angle, but a different angle. Land transfer fees and real estate related industries have increasingly become the majority of local governments. If housing prices are stabilized across the country, it will be equivalent to local governments across the country. From the provincial level to the county level, fiscal revenue will drop sharply. Not to mention follow-up development, even normal expenditures will be difficult. Maintain. Therefore, the general trend is set! This is not something that everyone can imitate with just a paper document or a model city.”

Liu Jun frowned.He didn't expect that Qian Jianjun would have such an in-depth discussion with him as soon as he sat down. This was not his original intention to visit Qian Jianjun.But since Qian Jianjun raised the topic on his own initiative, he couldn't get around it. [

"Uncle Qian, you are an elder, and you know many things better than me. Then I would like to ask you, in the past, just ten or 15 years ago, we did not have the land transfer fee and real estate industry at all. Why did our Local governments can maintain expenditures and maintain high economic growth. Even after the tax-sharing system began in [-], the economy has maintained high growth. The real estate industry has only begun to flourish in recent years. This proves that without land transfer fees, without real estate and its related industries, our local governments can still operate and the economy can develop. The reason why most local governments in the country now pin their hopes on land transfer fees and related industries Regarding the real estate industry, it can only be said that many officials have changed their thinking. To put it bluntly, they are lazy, unwilling to spend energy on developing other sources of income, and unwilling to rely on real skills to build the economy. It is some officials who have stabilized housing prices. The inertia and calmness are their pockets, so they are not happy! Liu Jun's tone was slightly agitated.

I don't know why, but Liu Jun is more relaxed in front of Qian Jianjun.Perhaps it was because Qian Jianjun had a political reputation and was a leader with integrity, so Liu Jun couldn't help opening his heart in front of him.

Qian Jianjun frowned, and said with a little displeasure: "Liu Jun, you are now the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, not an ordinary young man. You should be more mature in looking at things. I admit that what you said makes sense .There are indeed many officials who prefer to take shortcuts, and their personal conduct is not good. But the overall situation is like this, and it is difficult to change it on your own. Maverick, are you ready?"

"Uncle Qian, no matter how difficult the overall situation is, someone must stand up and insist. This is not a purely economic issue, but a social issue. If we allow housing prices to soar, it will hurt most of the people and our party. and the reputation of the government. This kind of damage is deep-seated and long-term. At that time, we will need to pay ten times or even a hundred times the energy and cost. Many years ago, we destroyed forests, reclaimed lakes, and reclaimed seas. It is now proven that the mountains ask for food, and the lakes and seas ask for food, which is wrong. But what a high price have we paid for this? The frequent floods in the whole basin in recent years are a warning to us. Now we know that we will let Soaring housing prices will cause extremely serious consequences, but they are left unattended, or even fueled. How is it different from the land reclamation movement many years ago? I can assert that if we do not pay attention to this issue now, then five years later, at most ten years After that, it will become the biggest social problem. It will damage the foundation of our ruling party's legal governance!" Liu Jun straightened his back and said loudly.Qian Jianjun got up, and the atmosphere in the room seemed a little tense.

Aunt Qin didn't expect that - when the two of them met, they would feel anxious.Only Liu Jun, a young junior, dared to speak like this in front of Qian Jianjun.It's just such a question, she really can't interrupt, so she put the candy box in front of Liu Jun, smiled and said: "Xiao Jun, eat candy.

"Yes, thank you, Aunt Tan!"

Liu Jun quickly nodded his thanks, picked up a candy, peeled it off, and put it in his mouth. "Liu Jun, if you really insist on it, the situation of you two...or are you ready for that sentence?" After a while, Qian Jianjun said sullenly, looking into Liu Jun's eyes A worried look flashed across his face.

Liu Jun swallowed the candy and said, "Uncle Qian, this is the end of the matter, there is an advance or retreat! It is better for someone to stand up than everyone to remain silent. Even if the general situation of the whole country is irreversible, I can at least guarantee that most of the citizens of Yulan City will able to afford a house."

Qian Jianjun smiled lightly and said, "Okay, young man, I underestimated your ambition! Tell me, is there anything I can do to help? Liu Jun is not overjoyed.

It can be seen that Chen Jianjun actually agrees with his point of view in his heart, and he has only reached Qian Jianjun's current high position. More often, he looks at issues from a political perspective.It is also a good intention to remind Liu Jun to pay attention to the overall situation.Of course, the field that Qian Jianjun is in charge of is not economic construction, nor can he give him and his father most of the substantive support. "Uncle Qian, Qiu Jingchuan from Jiangkou City, do you still remember?"

Qian Jianjun smiled and said, "I knew it, if you come to the door this time, you probably want to plot against me again!"

Liu Jun blushed, and said with a smile: "Uncle Qian, you are so good at predicting things, I have always admired them. What my father said, there are two cadres in Jiangkou City with good abilities. They want to be transferred to the national ministries and commissions. To further exert their abilities is also an exercise for themselves...

Secretary Liu clarified his intentions for coming.

Qian Jianjun said lightly: "This is a good thing. I support it."

Liu Jun decided in his heart.Regardless of the fact that Qian Jianjun has stepped down as secretary of the provincial party committee, he has been in power in the province for five years, and his influence is not trivial.In the team of the Provincial Party Committee, there are several heavyweights who are the henchmen of Qian Jianjun's single hand.It was Liu Jincai's business to remove the two members of the municipal party committee who were close to Secretary Li.But to arrange for two members who are close to Qiu Qingchuan to go there, it is necessary to rely on the strength of Cheng Jianjun.Now that Cheng Jianjun has clearly stated his position, how can Liu Jun not like it?

After these adjustments, Secretary Li could no longer maintain a majority advantage over Qiu Jingchuan.Zhi Qingchuan will definitely be able to make a bigger voice in Jiangkou City.

Seeing Liu Jun's happy expression, Qian Jianjun said with a smile: "Liu, just for such a small matter, you just ran to the door to fight with me, have you passed?"

Liu: "Use extraordinary means against extraordinary people. It is not so easy to get your promise from Uncle Qian."

Qian Jianjun smiled, and Auntie Dutan said, "Look, I'll just say it, this person is very cunning, there must be no good coming to the door, and he will set me up as soon as he comes."

Seeing that the old man was in a good mood, Auntie Bei laughed and said, "You guys are called Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer!" Qian Jianjun couldn't help laughing.

After resigning from Qian Jianjun, Liu Jun walked slowly forward again, not going home directly, but went to Yan Yucheng's residence.He doesn't need a phone appointment for this.Even if Secretary Yan is not at home, he can always find someone to talk to.When I came to my father-in-law's house and asked, Secretary Yan really didn't come home, saying that he was in a meeting.

At this level, no matter how regular Secretary Yan's work and rest schedule is, everything will not go well.After all, the work of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is not so leisurely.

Yan Ming smiled and said: "It's best if the old man is not at home, we can smoke casually, so that he won't be greedy when he sees 7." Liu Jun couldn't help smiling.

Xie Ying glared at his son and said, "Yan Ming, what are you talking about? Buried your father? It's a good thing he doesn't smoke. I have given him so much effort to quit smoking. You can't spoil me. There is more. , you and Xiaojun should also smoke less. Don’t think that you are young and have good health. When you reach your father’s age, you will know that when you feel uncomfortable, it is really uncomfortable. Yan Ming said yes with a smile.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Mom, the chairman smoked until he was 83, and the southern inspector smoked until he was more than 90. Hehe, the key is to have a good body."

Regarding this point, Xie Ying did not refute, but said: "If your father is like you and can insist on exercising every day, I won't mention him."

Liu Ye smiled and said: "Mom, this is impossible. Well, if you want Dad to learn from Xiaojun, you'd better not make this plan. Even if Yan Ming can learn from Xiaojun, that's fine. His belly is getting bigger and bigger now. Yes, just like what Xiao Jun said, it's fucked! Yan Ming smiled and didn't care." Liu Jun, where did you go to Secretary Qian just now? "Liu Jun nodded and said: "Well, I chatted with him about Jiangkou City.

Yan Ming is also very clear about the situation in Jiangkou City.Knowing that his father-in-law and Laozi valued Qiu Qingchuan very much, he asked, "Has Secretary Zai agreed?" Liu Jun smiled and said, "He taught me a lesson, but he agreed."

Yan Ming also smiled: "Just promise." To be continued,

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