Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1569 The most correct way to deal with Liu Jun

However, Li Tao's good sense of self was defeated by Xie Ai's seemingly casual sentence.

Although Li Tao didn't like Xie Ai very much, out of the need for a political alliance, Li Tao tried his best to get along with Xie Ai in Yunyuan, at least on the surface to maintain it.Li Tao's local work experience is not very rich, but his work experience in ministries and commissions is different.People who have worked longer in national ministries and commissions are better at handling personnel relations in the office.Li Tao used the means to deal with his colleagues in the office of the Ministry of Construction, and used it on Xie Ai, and it really came true like a god.

Xie Yuan happily attends the party invitations that Li Tao sends out from time to time.Although there are differences between men and women, there are still many common topics that can be talked about.

During a certain gathering, Li Tao drank two more glasses, and with some meaning, he inevitably spoke more, and with a little reserve, he told Xie Jiao his "plan" to gradually control the city government, and the foundation of this plan, It is Liu Jun's support to him to a certain extent in terms of personnel.

Xie Yuan listened with a smile, and then said casually: "It was given to you by Liu Jun voluntarily, and everything is under his control." [

This sentence made Li Tao's feverish mind suddenly sober up, thinking about it carefully, it was really the case.

He did propose several heavyweight personnel appointment and removal plans to Liu Jun, and Liu Jun basically got the approval every time.Thinking about it now, in fact, these adjustments were all proposed by him trying to figure out Liu Jun's intentions.The few cadres who were adjusted were all unqualified according to Liu Jun's rule of "making progress and making achievements".In other words, even if Li Tao didn't propose an adjustment, maybe Secretary Liu would let them move their positions.Now that Li Tao proposed it, Liu Jun gave him a favor, which was not costly.Even, according to the analysis of some cadres with a darker psychology, Secretary Liu asked Mayor Li to act as a villain, and he hid behind his back and planted a feather fan.Mayor Li was "sold" by Secretary Liu and was still counting the money for others.

Xie Yuan didn't care about Mayor Li's "displeasure" and continued, "If it's really a cadre that Liu Jun is used to, he won't agree with you even if you fight over your throat." Li Tao deeply agreed.Even though he hadn't tried it yet, he admitted that Xie Ji had a point.Seeing that he "defeated" Li Tao with a single word, Xie Jiao was very proud.

Li Tao is the mayor of the government, but Xie Ai does not regard him as a superior.Yu~\', Xie Ai is now also a department-level cadre, not below Li Tao, and the party rank is only second to Li Tao.In private, Xie Ai consciously became Tai Weiqing's person, and Deputy Secretary Xie really didn't care much about all the department and bureau level cadres in the province.

Of course, what Xie Jiao did was not entirely to "strike" Li Tao, but just to remind him, don't think that Liu Jun is really easy to deal with.In addition, it does not rule out that Xie Ai, as a woman, has some inexplicable vanity.So what if you, Li Tao, are the mayor?When it comes to political experience and official knowledge, it may not necessarily be better than me!I, Xie Jiao, was able to reach this high position today, but it was not for nothing.

Everyone is a leader of the Tai Clan, so we must maintain the same general direction, and we must respect Li Tao as the main one in terms of face.After all, he is the mayor of the government, and if Xie prostitute goes over his head, he will inevitably be criticized as "domineering" who doesn't know the rules, and relies on Tai Weiqing's favor to be domineering.Xie Ai is quite aware of this point.But privately, Concubine Xie didn't mind showing her rich "political experience" and officialdom wisdom in front of Li Tao. She wanted to tell Li Tao that we are allies, not superiors and subordinates!There is only cooperation between us, no affiliation.If you, Li Tao, want to play tricks on me, it won't work.Xie Ai did it like this, and there are actual network needs.

After all, Li Tao is the mayor, and he is in charge of the money bag.The contracting of many projects is in the hands of Li Tao.On this point, Liu Jun is more disciplined and does not interfere with Li Tao's financial power casually.Or, Liu Jun didn't bother to interfere.There is still a big difference between the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor.In particular, Liu Jun, as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, has a higher vision. He always comes to compete with Li Tao for these useful powers.However, Secretary Liu's status is very high, which does not mean that Deputy Secretary Xie's status is also high.

Deputy Secretary Xie is still quite keen on the pursuit of money.Only when Mayor Li was "convinced", Deputy Secretary Xie could confidently reach out to Li Tao for some projects.Yes, it is justified, which is very important.Otherwise, Deputy Secretary Xie is "begging" Mayor Li, and Xie prostitute is not happy.

In business affairs, I will do my best to support you, so you should give me something in return. This is called reciprocity, and no one owes anyone!

Sure enough, after this time, Li Tao's perception of Xie Yuan has improved a lot.This woman really has a certain amount of political wisdom, but it's not just as simple as taking refuge in someone.However, Deputy Secretary Xie "pointed the country" in front of Mayor Li, but was slightly criticized by Secretary Tai.

Naturally, Secretary Tai criticized with a smile. After hearing Deputy Secretary Xie's eloquent narration of "the process", Secretary Tai patted Deputy Secretary Xie's plump and smooth smile and said: "Li Tao is still very smart, and he has found a way to deal with Liu. Joon the right way!"

Xie Yuan was a little puzzled, and of course she was a little unconvinced: "How did he find the right way to deal with Liu Jun?"

"He called it 'Using the Spear of the Son to Attack the Shield of the Son'. Liu Jun proposed the criteria for inspecting cadres, and Li Tao followed them. Therefore, every time he proposed a personnel appointment and dismissal case, he was able to pass it smoothly with Liu Jun. This point It's very important. Li Tao's foothold is not stable, and Liu Jun's hard magnetism is definitely not enough. Liu Jun has been operating in Yulan City for four or five years, and he occupies a favorable position. Li Tao will give him hard, He is asking for trouble. The method he is using now is very good, not bad. The cadres at the bottom, seeing that Li Tao's proposal can be passed by Liu Jun every time, will naturally respect him. This is very important for his establishment in the Yulan City Government. Prestige is very beneficial." Tai Weiqing explained.

To Xie Ai, Tai Weiqing could have such a good attitude and explained to her tirelessly.If it were someone else, Secretary Tai wouldn't have the patience to talk to you so much, but he's willing to wake you up, which is already very impressive.For the rest, you can figure it out yourself!Xie Yuan tilted her head and thought about it, and it really happened.

If Li Tao is really in a daze, if he wants to get rid of the cadres that Liu Jun values ​​​​hardly, he will definitely have a bloody head.This is definitely a heavy blow to Li Tao, who has just taken office as mayor.Now that Li Tao is acting like this, although he is following Liu Jun's wishes, he has gradually established his prestige. The leaders of the city government really respect Mayor Li more than before. "Oh, in this officialdom, it's really...no one is simple... Xie Yuan said with emotion. Tai Wei Qinghui smiled and didn't say anything. It was originally like this. city ​​of provincial capital

It seems that Lao Gao's family is not unreasonable.Even Tai Weiqing admired the shrewdness of those members of the Gao family.Right now, Li Tao is indeed included in the training list of reserve cadres of the high school, but he is not worthy of great use, and has to go through the test of "actual combat".There is nothing more "strict" than letting Liu Jun "inspect" himself.Putting Li Tao in Yulan City, on the one hand, supported Tai Weiqing and gave him face; on the other hand, it was also about Li Tao's real ability.If Liu Jun is resisted, then no problem, it is definitely a talent.

This Liu Jun is the successor that the big faction is focusing on cultivating, and his status is very different from Gao Changhong's status in the high school.

It doesn't matter if Li Tao can't resist and lose the battle, it's even worse if Liu Jun helps them check out a "defective product" to save them from putting it in a more important position in the future!

I just don't know if Li Tao himself is aware of Gao Suan Daluo's intentions. [

I should get a little bit of it when I think about it.

Sitting opposite Liu Jun at this moment, Li Tao was hesitating whether he should communicate with Liu Jun about the adjustment of cadres. Liu Jun had already spoken first and said, "Mayor, this year's investment promotion has achieved very good results. The Local Taxation Bureau Cao Huaiyuan, who worked very well, cleaned up many dead spots. It is estimated that the city's fiscal revenue will increase significantly this year."

Li Tao nodded quickly, and replied: "Yes, secretary. In the first ten months of this year, 67 billion in fiscal revenue has been completed, which equals the annual task target issued by the city government. It is estimated that the financial revenue for the whole year of this year will reach more than 85 billion. Compared with last year, the growth rate has reached 150%, which is a very good result. Cao Huaiyuan is indeed very capable in his work. This person is using it correctly. !"

Liu Jun smiled and said: "The economic growth of 50.00% is indeed very good. This is also the result of everyone's joint efforts. Facts have proved that we can increase fiscal revenue and increase available financial resources without large-scale land transfers. We must strive for To achieve the goal of fiscal revenue exceeding [-] billion next year. Of course, in addition to continuing to increase the intensity of investment promotion, increasing the intensity of collection, streamlining institutions and personnel, reducing unnecessary administrative expenses, and practicing strict savings are all necessary measures. .”

Li Tao's heart skipped a beat when he heard Liu Jun talk about the "simplification of personnel in the organization".The co-author is going to "act against the sky" again.This young secretary really refused to stop.However, Li Tao quickly adjusted his thinking and replied cautiously: "Yes, secretary, these measures are indeed very important. Especially streamlining organizations and personnel, reducing expenditures, and an important part of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. Today, I am also I want to talk to the secretary about this aspect."

Liu Jun handed Li Tao a cigarette, smiled and said, "I would like to hear more about it!" To be continued,

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