What's the matter, Xiaojun, are you unhappy? "

Seeing that I was not in a good mood, Qiao Er asked with concern as she was lying in a bamboo chair in a daze.

Liang Qiao didn't know about the changes in the county, and didn't care much.She is the typical little woman who can't hold too many things in her heart. One me and one bakery are already full.

Of course, I would think about Yan Fei once in a while, probably not too much.

As for Miss Xiaoqing, she used to be very concerned about it, but now she has gone to Tongda Company and has not seen her for a long time.That's good, she can take care of me wholeheartedly, without worrying about Miss Xiaoqing's face. [

I lazily responded.

Qiao'er became a little anxious, thinking that I was sick, so she reached out and touched my forehead in a hurry.Her little hands are soft and smooth, with a faint aroma of bread.

I reached out and patted her hand with a gentle smile.

"I'm fine. There are some things in the county. Let me think about it."


Qiao'er felt relieved, she was used to me, a little brat, talking about "the county affairs", and she wasn't surprised at all.Seeing that the tea on the small table was already cold, he picked up the cup to exchange for hot tea for me, took a plate of sauced beef and two breads, and placed them lightly on the place where I was at hand.

Meng Yuhan's third day in office.I ran into Meng Yuejin outside the Standing Committee Building of the County Party Committee.It's really irritating to look at this kid's arrogant look.Building No. [-] where Meng Yuhan lives.Originally, Building No. [-] had already vacated the house.Both Yan Yucheng and his father found it troublesome.Never moved there.

It's okay.Where do you live.The key is the size of the hat on the head.

Meng Yuejin saw me.I stayed for a while.He obviously doesn't remember me much anymore.

A child's appearance changes rapidly.Flash past more than a year.Compared with the meeting in Qing'an County back then.I have grown taller again.Almost 1.5 meters in the early teens.The body is getting stronger.The childishness on his face was also eliminated.Liang Guoqiang is already teaching me the method of the great cycle of luck and breath.If you practice hard.Master said the end of this year or the beginning of next year.You can start practicing hard qigong.

Meng Yuejin still looked like a gangster.The jacket was open.The shirt inside was unbuttoned three times.Long hair.Put your hands in your trouser pockets.Hang Erlang local.A pair of eyes can never see people seriously.

Look at Meng Yuhan is also a very steady person.How did you teach such a dude?

I only glanced at Meng Yuejin and walked straight away.

Meng Yuejin was behind me, stunned for a while.

At the end of last year, the office building of the county party committee was re-zoned, separating the office area of ​​the county party committee and the office area of ​​the county revolutionary committee, each with a separate door.This was also Yan Yucheng's idea.

Every morning, a bunch of cadres gather outside the office building of the County Party Committee and County Revolutionary Committee, waiting to report on their work. This is also a habit that has slowly emerged in the past year.In fact, many tasks may not be so urgent. They need to come to the county party committee and county revolutionary committee early in the morning to report face-to-face to the leaders. Things can be done with a phone call.But these middle-level cadres like to line up early in the morning, as if the secretaries and directors will give out red envelopes.

Due to the inconvenient communication, at the beginning, there were indeed some important matters that needed to be decided by the leaders. Gradually, some guys who were good at making money, wanted to take the opportunity to get close to the leaders, so they used the excuse of reporting work and squeezed into the queue early. ranks.

Even if the leader really doesn't want to meet you, it's okay to talk to the leaders before they enter the office, at least show your face often, so that the leader won't forget what virtue you have because it's too long.In case the leader will be happy and ask you to go in and report on your work, wouldn't that be a big luck?

As a result, every morning in front of the office building of the County Party Committee and County Revolutionary Committee, there would be a mass of black heads gathered in dark Chinese tunic suits and black briefcases, whispering to each other in twos and threes, it was really lively.It is similar to what Liang Shaolan saw when he went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables every day. [

Yan Yucheng was very dissatisfied with this, and had to scold him several times with a dark face.But with little success.

You Dao is the law and don't blame the public. I'm not afraid that Secretary Yan will be angry. Once you lose your temper for three or two days, everything will go back to normal after that.Yan Yucheng couldn't punish others for this, and in the end, he had no choice but to give up and let it go.

This situation also exists in Qing'an County.

A few days after Meng Yuhan took office, he found that basically no one came to him.Except for a few members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and heads of departments directly under the County Party Committee who visited him politely, the heads of other departments were very cautious, including a few deputy directors of the County Revolutionary Committee who were not in the Party Committee, and they never visited his office.On the contrary, there are as many people who report to Liu Jincai, the director of the county revolutionary committee, and Tang Haitian, the deputy secretary of the county committee, every day.

Every morning, Meng Yuhan walked towards the county party secretary's office with square steps. Although the cadres who were waiting to report to him greeted him with smiles on their faces, most of them were cautious in their eyes. distance.

Although Meng Yuhan remained calm, he was extremely upset.

The contrast between the actual situation and the good wish of "once the power is in hand, the order will be carried out" in the original imagination is a bit big.What makes him especially unhappy is that everything seems to be done well without going through him as the top leader.

Damn it, it looks like I'm here to be the leader, not to be the daughter-in-law.

No matter how angry he was, Secretary Meng could only hold back for the time being.You can't offend most of the middle-level cadres as soon as you come up.

"As long as Yan Yucheng leaves, Liu Jin will be fine!"

It seems that what Liu Wenju said after drinking was a bit unreliable.

The situation in Xiangyang County clearly shows that not only Yan Yucheng is capable, but Liu Jincai, the head of the County Revolutionary Committee who was a repairman, is also capable, and he has managed a group of middle-level cadres into obedience.

Meng Yuhan felt that it was necessary to change his strategy. Instead of waiting for cadres to come to seek refuge, he had to take the initiative to visit comrades.

As usual, this proactive visit must start with the second in command Liu Jincai.This rule cannot be broken at will.

"Comrade Jincai, are you free? I'm Meng Yuhan..."

Meng Yuhan was very polite on the phone.

It's also very important to call it that way.Calling him "Director Liu" would be too blunt, but calling him "Jin Cai" or "Director Jin Cai" would be too affectionate.It seems that the friendship between the two has not yet reached that level.

Still according to the rules of the party, it is more appropriate to call him "Comrade Jincai", neither excessive nor overly enthusiastic.

"Oh, it's Secretary Meng, what instructions do you have?"

Dad's tone is neither arrogant nor humble.

"If you're not busy, I'd like to go over and have a chat with you."

"Secretary Meng has instructions, let me go there." [

Dad follows the rules.

It stands to reason that if the first and second in command discuss matters, it is the second in command.

Go to the chief's office.

"Hehe, Comrade Jincai is too polite. It's the same for whoever comes and who goes...I'll go right away..."

Since Secretary Meng insisted, the old man was not too polite.

"Okay then, Secretary Meng, I'll wait for you in the office."

At this time, Director Tang of the Finance and Taxation Bureau, who was reporting to his father, stood up wisely and left.

Not a moment later, Meng Yuhan came to Dad's office, and as soon as he entered the door, his hands stretched out.Since you took the initiative to come to the door, you might as well lower your posture a little.Anyway, since I just took office, it is reasonable to have a low profile.

Dad has been the director of the County Revolutionary Committee for two years, and he has raised some officials.However, the leader showed such a gesture, so naturally he couldn't take it too seriously. He immediately turned around from behind the desk, shook hands with Meng Yuhan for a while, and divided the guest and host into a seat.

Secretary Xiao Liao made tea for Meng Yuhan, refilled his father's cup with boiling water, and retreated.

Liao's full name is Liao Shunli, Jiang Youxin gave it to his father before going down, a colleague in the office secretarial department, a year or two older than Jiang Youxin, good writing, low-key and cautious, taciturn, quite similar to Jiang Youxin's temperament points similar.The most important thing is that the background is not complicated, and there is no strong backing, so it is more reassuring to use.

"What instructions does Secretary Meng have?"

Dad still said the same thing, lukewarm, purely businesslike.

"Haha, Comrade Jincai, I'm new here, what instructions can I give? I just want to chat with you and learn about the basic situation in the county..."

Meng Yuhan smiled brightly.

"Hehe, since that's the case, then I'll simply make a report..."

Dad pondered for a while, and began to report a bunch of data.Dad was born as a technical cadre, and he is very sensitive to data, so there is no need to look through the data, and the basic situation of the whole county will be presented one by one, without any hesitation.

Meng Yuhan listened very carefully, interjecting from time to time to ask questions if he was unclear.At the beginning, he just came to communicate with his father with a tentative mentality, and gradually he became surprised that there are so many data, ranging from the total industrial and agricultural output value of the whole county to the profit and loss of a small-scale factory , Dad said in a eloquent manner, he knows everything well.

No wonder Liu Jincai was born as a maintenance worker. In just three or two years, he was able to establish such a prestige in Quanxiangyang County.Just imagine how grass-roots cadres don't feel afraid when they hide in front of their superiors?

Listening and listening, Meng Yuhan also slowly felt relieved, this is a person who does things honestly, and he should not have much scheming.

Unknowingly, several hours passed, and Meng Yuhan praised: "Comrade Jincai, you are amazing. No wonder Xiangyang County has developed so rapidly in the past few years. It has a lot to do with a leader who is as thorough as you..."

Hearing this praise, Dad felt disgusted in his heart.

Meng Yuhan was obviously complimenting, but in fact, the high-ranking leadership flavor was clearly revealed in his tone.Although the secretary of the county party committee is the top leader, after all, there is no difference in administrative level between the two.You keep saying that you are a newcomer, you are full of bureaucratic accents, and you are full of superior airs. It seems that the master is used to it on weekdays.

Dad is a down-to-earth person, and what he dislikes the most on weekdays is this kind of bureaucrat who puts on "lord" airs.

Fortunately, my father has also experienced it now, and he was very angry in his heart, his face remained calm, and he said lightly: "Secretary Meng, you are polite. The little achievements in Xiangyang County are all due to the good leadership of Secretary Yan. The cadres and comrades at the grassroots level The result of a joint effort."

"Yes, yes, a united team is a team with combat effectiveness..."

Meng Yuhan laughed.

"Comrade Jincai, the county will hold the plenary meeting of the county party committee and the people's congress soon, right? How is the arrangement for this matter?"

Dad smiled slightly: "The county party committee is responsible for this matter. Secretary Tang Haitian is in charge, and Secretary-General Lu Zhen is in charge of the specific arrangements. Secretary Meng can ask the two of them to understand the situation."

This is very well said.

The Revolutionary Committee is only concerned with economic production and party affairs, so you should go to the party and mass secretary, we don’t just reach out.

Meng Yuhan was very satisfied, stood up, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Comrade Jincai, I wasted your time..."

"Where there is, Secretary Meng is welcome to point out the mistakes in the work of the Revolutionary Committee at any time."

The meaning of Dad's words is also quite clear. You just came here, so don't meddle indiscriminately. The Revolutionary Committee's side is my Liu Jincai's one-acre three-point land.

"Help each other, help each other, haha..."

The corners of Meng Yuhan's eyes twitched, and then he said "haha", said some polite words, and left.

As soon as Meng Yuhan left, Dad thought for a while, grabbed the phone, and talked to Tang Haitian.After that, he called Wu Qiuyang again.

"Dad, is this Meng Yuhan reliable?"

That night, I asked very rudely in my small room.

Yan Yucheng was transferred to Baozhou City, and many things can only be discussed by the two of us.Although Tang Haitian is like-minded, the friendship has not reached that level after all.He is orthodox, and it is difficult for him to fully accept that an eleven or twelve-year-old child participates in the discussion of such an important issue.

Dad stared at me, lit a cigarette, and said slowly: "I can't tell yet. But it's full of bureaucracy."

"Hmph, he taught that kind of son, and he himself is not much better!"

I said angrily.

It wasn't entirely because of Meng Yuejin, but the most important thing was that Meng Yuhan stepped in and snatched the county party secretary from his father.It is tolerable or unbearable!

From the first day he set foot in Xiangyang County, he has been listed as the number one enemy by me.Although the secretary of the county party committee and the director of the county revolutionary committee are both division-level, in the eyes of regional leaders, the prefectural committee is completely different.In terms of past and present lives, looking at the senior officials of the provinces and ministries, and the officials of the frontier, there are very few who have not served as the secretary of the county party committee.It can be seen that the secretary of the county party committee is the only step in the officialdom.

Dad smiled: "Didn't even your Uncle Yan scold him?"

I froze for a moment.It seems that not only Yan Ming is outrageous, but Tang Shengzhou, Wei Hongqi, and Ma Wencai are also crap.Even the mere Mr. Liu Jun, it seems that he can never be called a good citizen!

Ha ha, let's not discuss this issue.

"Dad, isn't the County Party Committee Plenary Session and the National People's Congress just about to be held? Some cadres who haven't had time to adjust should also move."

"Hey, the power to appoint and dismiss cadres is in the hands of the top leaders."

Dad remained calm.

Seeing Dad's determined expression, I smiled.

"He's the leader, he hasn't even sat on his buttocks yet."

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