Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1575 Arrival of the Central Inspection Team

Bu noon the next day. (The update is the fastest - Yushi Airport has put up a big battle, and all four teams in the province, Cheng Pukong, have arrived, led by Bu Weiqing and Liu Feipeng, and greeted the Central Inspection Team at the airport. Is this how it is supposed to be? It complies with the regulations of the document. The central government has repeated orders and repeated applications, and the formalism of "welcome and send" is not allowed. If Mr. Jiang was still in office, perhaps the posture of greeting would not be so full. After all, we must pay attention to the impact. But Jiang The old man has actually retired, but he has not yet gone through the retirement procedures, so it is only natural that he should be greeted with a higher standard. He is not afraid of criticism.

Respecting old comrades is the tradition of our party and our country, which is to be blamed.

It is estimated that this is also the last time Mr. Jiang came to the province as a public servant.

The huge jet plane arrived at Yulan Airport on time. The white-haired Mr. Jiang walked down the spiral staircase. When he saw the red carpet under the spiral staircase and the dark welcome crowd, Mr. Jiang's face immediately became serious, and he was very unhappy. , Some even didn't want to go down the spiral staircase.However, he only hesitated for a moment, then walked down with a straight face.

Both Bu Weiqing and Liu Feipeng were secretly worried in their hearts, knowing that the old man's temper was going to be violent. [

Although no one would take such a scene seriously in their hearts, if Mr. Jiang said a few words in public, it would be boring.

"Hello, hello, Secretary Jiang, on behalf of the comrades of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People's Congress, and the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, I welcome Secretary Jiang and the comrades from the Central Inspection Team to come to our province for inspection work."

Bu Weiqing "looked" at Mr. Jiang's black face, smiled all over his face, went forward, held Mr. Jiang's hand and shook it again and again, and said very politely.And pay attention to the wording.He didn't call Mr. Jiang, but "Secretary Jiang". After all, Mr. Jiang hadn't gone through the retirement procedures yet, and he was on the list of leaders of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.Still has the name of Mr. Jiang.

Mr. Jiang still had a straight face, and shook hands with Di Weiqing.Said: "Comrade Weiqing, shouldn't you do it like this! The central government has long had documents to stop these formalistic things. You and Comrade Fei Peng are both senior leading cadres who have been educated by the party for many years. You should take the lead in obeying the central government's policies document!"

Mr. Jiang's words and sentences are also very appropriate. He deliberately brought up Liu Feipeng, and he was "criticized" together with Bu Weiqing to show the impartiality and selfishness of the leader of the Central Inspection Team.

Bu Weiqing said with a smile: "Secretary Jiang's criticism was right, but we didn't pay attention. The main reason is that the comrades admired Secretary Jiang's integrity and came to welcome Secretary Jiang and the comrades of the inspection team."

In such a scene, there is always a few words to explain.

Boss Jiang softened his face slightly, and said, "Comrade Weiqing, I accept the comrades' wishes, let's not make an example!"

"That's right, let's not be an example!"

Bu Weiqing laughed.

Next, Mr. Jiang shook hands with the main leaders of the Provincial Party Committee one by one. When he held Liu Jun, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In fact, a young man like Liu Jun seemed too dazzling among a large number of high-ranking officials in their fifties.

"Hi, Secretary Jiang, I'm Liu Jun!"

Liu Jun introduced himself politely.

"Hehe, it turns out to be Secretary Liu. I have admired you for a long time. You are indeed a handsome young man, and your reputation is well-deserved."

An exception broke into a smile on Mr. Jiang's face, as if he didn't come here to find fault at all.

Liu Jun replied with a smile: "Secretary Jiang has praised you, and I will ask Secretary Jiang to give me some pointers!"

In fact, although it was the first confrontation between Liu Jun and Jiang who had never met, it had already happened many years ago.At that time, Liu Jun was still the county magistrate of Ningbei, and Bai Yang had just transferred the director of the First Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to be in charge of investigating the "fraud case in the selection of advanced individuals for supporting education activities". , Jiang Lao, who was the deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection at the time, was the actual supervisor.

That time, because the photo was fake. (The update is the fastest--it made Secretary Jiang very passive, and was severely angered by Bai Jianming, who was the head of the Central Committee at the time. After that, Bai Jianming retired, and Secretary Jiang continued to work in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Ten years later , although the position has not changed, the rank has been promoted from the deputy ministerial level to the deputy state level treatment. [

This time, it can be regarded as meeting old friends.

I don't know if Secretary Jiang still remembers the deflated one ten years ago!

I guess he should remember that during Secretary Jiang's official career, especially after he served as the deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, he was embarrassed by a small 24-year-old county magistrate. This kind of experience should be unique.

After a polite sentence with Secretary Liu, Mr. Jiang nodded.Restraining his smile, he continued with the next meeting.Comrades shake hands.

Concubine Haiying ranked fifth among all members of the inspection team.A newly promoted bureau-level cadre like her can only be attached to Zhuanwei.When concubine Haiying shook hands with Liu Jun, her eyes were kind and worried.Holding Liu Jun's hand tightly, he whispered, "Secretary Liu, are you okay?"

The double meaning in this sentence is obvious.In front of so many people, Wei Haiying could only do this.Liu Jun smiled slightly and said, "I am in good health, so if there is any illness, don't worry about it."

Wei Haiying knew that Liu Jun had hatred in his heart.Smile reassuringly.Hold Liu Jun's old hand tightly again

There was a lot of commotion at the airport for about twenty minutes.The greetings are over.A group of people surrounded Mr. Jiang and boarded the car. Dozens of black and shiny limousines drove out of Yulan Airport one by one.

According to the arrangement of the Ministry of Weiqing, all leading cadres of the four sets of provincial teams must participate in the welcome meeting for the central inspection team.Mr. Jiang did not object to this point.The job responsibility of the central inspection team is to inspect and supervise the work of the main local leading cadres. It is absolutely necessary to gather all the provincial deputy ministerial-level leading cadres together to meet and talk.

The welcome meeting was held in the conference room of No. [-] Office Building of the Provincial Party Committee.The venue has already been set up.Ministry Weiqing respectfully invited old chairman Jiang to accompany him and Liu Feipeng on one left and one on the right, followed by other members of the central inspection team, and then came Luo Zili, Xu Hongjiu, Liu Jun and other leaders of the provincial party committee.

In this way, Wei Haiying and others sat on Liu Jun's seat.Others are fine, but Wei Haiying is a little uneasy.

Too Jiangyue.

However, this is a welcome party, and there is no need to arrange seats completely according to official titles and positions. It is a necessary etiquette to show respect to guests.

"Comrades, Secretary Jiang personally led the comrades of the central inspection team to our province to inspect the work today. This is the strong support of the central government for the work of our province.

Bu Wei cleared his throat, made a brief opening remark, and then respectfully invited Secretary Jiang, the leader of the Central Inspection Team, to speak.

"Comrades, first of all, I would like to thank the comrades of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, the Provincial People's Congress, and the Provincial Political Consultative Conference for their welcome to our central inspection team, especially Comrade Bu Weiqing and Comrade Liu Feipeng. I am satisfied with the work, and I am here this time mainly to see the changes in the province.”

Jiang, with a deep and dignified voice, fits perfectly with his external image.

Secretary Jiang first said a few official clichés, then turned serious, and said: "Comrades, although all the work in the province is going well, there is nothing perfect in this world, and there are certain loopholes in the work. It is also inevitable. The purpose of the inspection agency established by the central government is to urge the main local leading cadres to be cautious and meticulous in the process of administration, and make no or fewer mistakes.” You may have a little understanding of my character, Jiang Mucheng.My personality is relatively straightforward, I say what I see, and I don't hide it.When I see cadres who are serious and responsible in their work, I express my appreciation and admiration; if I see cadres who are not responsible for their work, then those who should be criticized should be criticized, and those who should be educated should be educated.Even if the mistake is more serious, then we will unceremoniously report the mistake to the Party Central Committee. According to Party discipline and state law, we will deal with whichever one is committed, and we will never tolerate it!This is my attitude! "Secretary Jiang said, his eyes swept across the faces of the leading cadres attending the meeting. The coercion that had been in high positions for a long time came awe-inspiringly. All the people present were senior officials above the deputy ministerial level. eyes, and couldn't help but be terrified.

This man has worked in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for a long time, and has investigated and handled thousands of cases, but he does not know how many cadres' futures have been ruined by him.

When Secretary Jiang's gaze swept over Liu Jun's face, he paused for a while.The corner of Liu Jun's mouth.A faint smile emerged.This smile was so calm, even a little indifferent, which made Secretary Jiang's heart skip a beat and made him very uncomfortable.

It seems that the yamen is the yamen, even if he is the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, in his bones, he still does not change his habit of being a "dude".Secretary Jiang raised his eyebrows slightly, and then returned to normal.

Many people saw this subtle movement between Secretary Jiang and Liu Jun, and their hearts moved. [

It seems that the goal of the central inspection team this time is obvious.

Thinking of this, the hearts of many officials suddenly settled down, and they became calm and relaxed.People didn't come for me, why panic?But these officials were relieved for a while, and then they raised their hearts again.

"You may also know that there are nine people in the central inspection team, but now, there are only six sitting here. There are three others who have arrived in Yuxiaolan City in advance and are conducting unannounced visits. These comrades communicated with me yesterday. When I called, I said that I had already collected some cases, some of which were more serious. I will not comment on this for the time being. The purpose of our party has always been to never wrong a good person or let a bad person go. If some comrades, It’s true that the government has deteriorated and doesn’t care about the sufferings of the people, so I wouldn’t mind reporting his situation to the central leadership!”

Next, Secretary Jiang revealed an amazing "inside story" again!

Many officials suddenly gasped secretly.

Sigh: Friends, have you ever noticed that it’s not that pies must ask for tickets, I don’t ask for them, people are desperately asking for them, especially the two behind, who have been striving to catch up.Does it have to be in the last month of the old year?Lost to Maicheng?Pies are not reconciled.So, if you still have a monthly pass, please support Pie!Thank you! (to be continued)

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