Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1579 Miao Zhengqiang was terrified

Liu Jun raised his hands and pressed down, and the venue immediately fell silent.

"Comrades, you need to worry about this. The Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will never let you continue to live in dilapidated buildings. Governing power for the people is the purpose of our party. We will invite relevant experts to appraise the buildings you live in now. If they can be repaired, they will be repaired. No Restoration means rebuilding new buildings. In a word, government work should be judged with the satisfaction of the masses as the highest criterion.”

Liu Jun said calmly, not too impassioned, as if he was narrating a matter of course, without the slightest affectation.Strange to say, Liu Jun's calm attitude made the masses feel at ease. It seemed that this young man was very trustworthy.

"Okay, Secretary Liu, we have all heard that you are a good official, Liu Qingtian, and I often see news about you serving the masses on the Internet. We believe in you, the city government, and will make decisions for us! "The young man who was the first to ask to speak stood up again and said loudly. "Yes, Secretary Liu, we trust you!" Several other resident representatives also said together.Liu Jun nodded slightly, with a gratified smile on his face.

The matter was settled in this way, and Liu Jun immediately called Zhao Yan. Although Zhao Yan had retired to the second line, he was still serving as the party secretary of Changfeng Headquarters. In fact, his prestige in the company was still surpassed by others. Many important things, without his nod, cannot be carried out.The new chairman had to take the initiative to communicate with him whenever there was an important event.Hearing Liu Jun's request, Zhao Yan fully agreed, and said: "Please rest assured, the secretary, this matter is on my old Zhao! Tell me, how many families will move here?" "About 160 households!" [

Liu Jun replied.Residential buildings in the resettlement community, each building can accommodate 160 families. Currently, there are cracks in four buildings, and [-] residents need to be resettled.

"160 households, okay, no problem, I will temporarily arrange two rooms for each household. Although they are old, they are usable. They are all good houses, and the water and electricity facilities are also complete. I will ask someone to clean them up. Within two days , it can be delivered!"

Zhao Yan said, like a soldier accepting a combat mission, without the slightest hesitation.Liu Jun smiled and said, "Hehe, Lao Zhao, thank you!"

"Secretary, what you said is outrageous. You are also doing this for the people of Yulan City. How can I not support it? Don't worry, after they move here, they will be members of our Changfeng Company. I, Zhao Yan, will treat them with respect. They will treat everyone equally, and will never look at them differently. During the Spring Festival this year, they also have the condolences that the factory workers should have, and none of them will be left behind. This money belongs to the state, and it is the same when it is spent on our own people. It is worth it!"

Zhao Yan said loudly, and made a "guarantee" to Liu Jun.

Liu Jun smiled, and relayed Zhao Yan's words to the resident representatives present.The representatives were very happy to feel relieved from the depression of being "forced" to move again.

Liu Jun immediately appointed Yang Siyan, the director of the demolition office, to be fully responsible for handling the temporary resettlement affairs, and asked the demolition office to dispatch vehicles and personnel to help the people move. All the people in the dilapidated buildings were relocated out, and the final relocation time should not exceed one week.

Yang Siyan nodded repeatedly, wiping his sweat while nodding.

After getting lost with the resident representatives, Liu Jun invited Cheng Wendao and Huang Zhongjun to go to the municipal party committee to speak together. Cheng and Huang politely declined, saying clearly that they had to bid farewell to find out some information, and would not bother Secretary Liu and Mayor Li for the time being.Liu Jun smiled slightly, not reluctantly.

When Liu Jun and his party came out of the meeting, they caught up with a luxurious Mercedes-Benz braking in front of the office building in the community, making a sharp braking sound.Liu Junluo couldn't help frowning slightly.

Soon, a super fat man squeezed out from the Mercedes-Benz Fengli, his whole body was chubby, look at that posture, although it is not as big as Pang Haihai, the difference is extremely limited. If Pang Haihai is an elephant, this guy's level is at least as good as that of Pang Haihai hippo!

That big fat man, wearing a huge gray down jacket, ran up the steps in front of the office building in the community while wiping his sweat. Even the down jacket couldn't cover up his fat body, shaking like waves, like dancing.Secretary Liu also knew this fat man. He was Miao Zhengqiang, the owner of Haoyuan Real Estate.

Miao Zhengqiang is a representative of the Municipal People's Congress and the vice president of the Private Entrepreneurs Association. During some meetings held in the city, Secretary Liu has seen him several times. Such a huge mountain of meat is naturally unforgettable. "Secretary Liu, Mayor Li...I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Miao Zhengqiang raised his eyes and saw Liu Jun and Li Tao standing at the top of the steps. Before they could run to the front, they apologized one after another on the steps. They were out of breath, which showed that it was really strenuous to climb and talk at the same time.

After much difficulty, Miao Zhengqiang reached the top of the steps, and stretched out his round arms to shake hands with Liu Jun, but he froze in the middle of reaching out. Secretary Liu had no intention of shaking hands with him at all. Looking at him, his eyes are a little cold. (updated fastest - -

This cold look could not help but make Miao Zhengqiang shudder all over, and the hot sweat all over his body seemed to subside immediately. "Miao Zhengqiang, come with me!" Liu Jun said calmly, calling him by his first name, neither "Mr. Miao" nor "Boss Miao"○

Everyone immediately became stern. Xia Yu, Yang Siyan and others, who originally had a smile on their faces, quickly put it away, followed Liu Jun with a sullen face, and walked down the steps. When they passed by Miao Zhengqiang's side, they all kept their eyes straight, as if Miao Zhengqiang was carrying a famous poison, and if he got close to him, he would be infected.

Miao Zhengqiang froze there, his chubby face turned red and turned white, and a deep hatred flashed across his eyes as he looked at Liu Jun's back.But Miao Zhengqiang didn't stay for long, and had to move his chubby body to follow closely.

It could be seen that Liu Jun was very angry, and Miao Zhengqiang had no doubt that if he mishandled one of them, Secretary Liu would immediately punish him!This person's cruelty has earned him a reputation.Liu Jun walked to Building 86 again, turned around, pointed to the long crack on the wall, and asked, "Miao Zhengqiang, what's the matter with this crack?" [

Miao Zhengqiang wiped off his cold sweat, and said anxiously: "This... this, Secretary Liu, this is also a moment of neglect. We didn't investigate the geology. We didn't do it on purpose. I promise that we will not do it on purpose in the construction of the resettlement house. To engage in any deceitful tricks, this... this is really caused by carelessness...

"Accidentally? Can you build a dilapidated house if you are not careful? You know it is a dilapidated house, but you dare to let more than 100 families live in it? Do you know how many people live in these four buildings? Nearly 600 people! Six hundred lives, understand ?" Liu Jun's voice was not high, but his tone was cold!

Miao Zhengqiang wiped off his sweat again, and said, "Secretary Liu, this is a misunderstanding. At that time, the crack hadn't appeared yet, and we...we didn't know it was a dilapidated building...the Construction Bureau...

Miao Zhengqiang said, but did not continue.In desperation, he wanted to say, "The Construction Bureau has accepted it." When he caught a glimpse of Xia Yu standing next to him, he realized that he was careless and almost made a big mistake. Wouldn't this offend Xia Yu to death?Do you still want to engage in real estate in Yulan City in the future?

"You want to tell me that the construction bureau has accepted it, right? No matter who inspected it, it doesn't work. The facts are obvious. The construction bureau is responsible for this matter, and your developer is even more responsible. It’s okay if you find a dilapidated house, you can pull it down and start over again. It’s unforgivable for you to dare to let people live in it even though you know it’s a dilapidated house. A businessman must also have a conscience, you can’t just keep money in your head!” Liu Jun slightly improved Little voice.Everyone, including Li Tao, trembled slightly.

This was already Liu Jun trying his best to suppress it. After all, Miao Zhengqiang was not a cadre within the system, so Liu Jun didn't sternly reprimand him.He didn't treat Xia Yu like this not long ago.However, the anger in Liu Jun's chest revealed suspicion.

"Yes, Secretary Liu, I admit my mistake, I admit my mistake, it's all caused by our careless work, that...I'll change it right away, call someone over, re-survey, rebuild, but...that's, it's the existing residents , not easy to arrange..."

Miao Zhengqiang also realized that the situation was very serious, he couldn't care about anything else, and confessed his mistake to Liu Jun one after another.

"You don't need to worry about this, we have already arranged it. Your task is to immediately organize a team to conduct a comprehensive and detailed survey of all the housing buildings to see if there are other hidden dangers. As long as there are unsafe factors, All must be rectified immediately. Those that should be reformed, those that cannot be reformed, should be rebuilt. This matter must not be careless!" Liu Jun suppressed his anger and ordered in a deep voice. "Yes, yes, I will definitely obey Secretary Liu's order and rectify immediately!" Miao Zhengqiang responded again and again.

"As for the resettlement of these residents, we have just discussed that Lin Chao l will be temporarily relocated to Changfeng Company's employees' family buildings. All the expenses incurred during the relocation process will be borne by your Haoyuan Real Estate. The 160 households , Some of them have already been decorated and fixed, so they cannot be removed, and the loss caused will also be compensated by your Haoyuan real estate. Yang Siyan, you are responsible for the implementation of this work, and you cannot let the masses suffer!"

Yang Siyan hurriedly agreed respectfully.

Miao Zhengqiang also agreed repeatedly.As long as you can escape this catastrophe, what is a little loss?Liu Jun turned to the director of urban construction: "Xia Yu!" "Yes!" Xia Yu couldn't help but straighten his back. "Your Construction Bureau, immediately organize a city-wide quality inspection. It must be in place, and you are not allowed to go through the motions and make superficial articles! The results of the inspection must be reported to me in writing!" "Yes! Secretary Wu!"

Xia Yu put his legs together and replied respectfully. ∫ To be continued,)

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