Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1585 Arrogant and domineering, nothing more!

Mr. Jiang originally didn't plan to talk to Liu Jun alone so early.But it depends.It is impossible not to talk about it.Not only is the situation in Yulan City not optimistic, but the news from the capital is also not optimistic.

Liu Jun didn't take a defensive posture at all, but took a counterattack posture.Jiang Lao led his people to "attack" Liu Jun in Yulan City, not only met with a tenacious counterattack in Yulan City, but also directly ignited the flames of war back to the capital.

Before Mr. Jiang left the capital, a certain top figure had chatted with him for a while, and the person he was talking to was Liu Jun.The top big shot said, don't underestimate this young man, he has a strong character and would rather bend than bend, I hope Mr. Jiang will treat him with caution.At that time, Mr. Jiang was somewhat disapproving. No matter what he said, the initiative was in his hands.He supervised Liu Jun, not Liu Jun supervised him!

A young man in his early 30s is still a young man in terms of professional experience, so how good can he be?Could he still be fine?

It's no wonder Mr. Jiang is so confident, even though many years ago, he had an indirect encounter with Liu Jun, that time, he couldn't do anything to Liu Jun.But Mr. Jiang didn't think it was Liu Jun's ability at all.If Bai Yang hadn't been involved in the incident, Bai Jianming, who was then head of the Central Committee, was furious. Under the dual pressure of Bai Jianming and the faction, Liu Jun would not have been able to pass the test so easily. [

Mr. Jiang has worked in the discipline inspection system for so many years, how powerful the Gn department has never seen?Many officials at the ministerial level were pulled down by Mr. Jiang himself.In terms of political wisdom, in terms of official connections, and in terms of tactics and tactics, those people are not the best choices, and in the end, aren't they smashed into the sand?

Liu Jun, Huangkou Ruzier!

However, less than a week after arriving in Yulan City, Mr. Jiang couldn't sit still, and felt that it was necessary to talk to Liu Jun in person.

Huang Zhongjun acted as Mr. Jiang's secretary temporarily, and called Liu Jun's mobile phone. He said very politely, saying that Secretary Jiang had something to do and wanted to communicate with Secretary Liu. He wondered if Secretary Liu had time.

This is just a polite word, the leader of the central inspection team summoned, can you have no time?

But Liu Jun really has no time!

Liu Jun replied flatly to Huang Zhongjun: "I'm sorry, Bureau Huang, I'm currently attending the hearing on stabilizing housing prices at the Municipal People's Congress. At the beginning, I was the moderator and I couldn't leave. How about this, I have time in the afternoon, and I will visit Jiang in the afternoon. old!"

Hearing this, Huang Zhongjun was taken aback for a while!


This means that.Want Mr. Jiang to sit in the hotel in the afternoon and wait for Secretary Liu to come?

However, Huang Zhongjun was not confused, he could not agree to such words casually, and immediately said with a slightly serious tone, "Secretary Liu, Secretary Jiang is also very short on time, so please come over immediately!"

"Yellow Bureau, the legislative work of the National People's Congress is equally important!"

Liu Jun was unmoved at all, and his voice became increasingly cold.

Huang Zhongjun's heart skipped a beat.Secretary Jiang could not care about Liu Jun's face, but he, Huang Zhongjun, could not.It's true that Mr. Jiang single-handedly promoted him, but he is now working in the Organization Department of the Central Committee, and Guo Jixian, the head of the Central Organization, will not take care of him like Mr. Jiang does.I heard that Liu Jun's brother-in-law and brother-in-law, Yan Ming, will soon be appointed as a member of the Central Organization Department and director of the Second Bureau of the gn department.Huang Zhongjun realized that Liu Jun was really angry.In all fairness, what they did in Yulan City was indeed a bit out of line, no wonder Liu Jun was upset!

At this time, Huang Zhongjun suddenly remembered that the person on the phone was a top yamen.The youngest deputy secretary of the provincial party committee in the country!

How can such an awesome person stand by and watch others stab him in the back?

"Then, how about it, Secretary Liu, I will report this situation to Secretary Jiang. When we meet, Secretary Jiang will decide."

Huang Zhongjun's tone became a little more cautious, and he said in a discussing tone.

Liu Jun said calmly: "Yes. But Bureau Huang please make an appointment in advance, so as not to conflict with my schedule!" [

Suppress Huang Zhongjun!

Liu Yanei didn't give any face at all.

Huang Zhongjun reported the content of Liu Jun's phone call to Mr. Jiang. Although his tone was as objective as possible, he still made Mr. Jiang's brows stand upright, his right hand clenched into a fist, and he beat the armrest of the sofa heavily, saying angrily: " Arrogant and domineering, no more!"

In fact, speaking of it, Liu Jun's actions are not particularly arrogant.You, Secretary Jiang, have a distinguished status. That's right. If you want to see me, Liu Jun, I should also come and visit.But you can't ask me to be on call.The Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary of the Yulan City Party Committee, and the Director of the Standing Committee of the Yulan City People's Congress, are not busy all day, waiting for your call at home.

It's just that if it was someone else, as long as they were not talking to foreign guests, no matter how important the work was, they would immediately put aside and rush to Longquan Hotel to meet Secretary Jiang.No one will do things like Liu Jun.

It can be seen from this that Liu Jun has already made up his mind to "show the outcome" and has no intention of compromising with anyone.

However, Huang Zhongjun did not get angry with Jiang Lao, nor did he echo Jiang Lao's words.Instead, he said worriedly: "Secretary Jiang, I heard that Liu Jun has written to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Central Organization Department to report the situation of our inspection of Yulan City. .”

Secretary Jiang sneered: "So what if he is dissatisfied? How can the inspection system be changed because of him?"

Huang Zhong licked his lips and didn't say anything more.

Of course, the inspection system will not change because of Liu Jun, but the specific members of the inspection team are not so safe.Now that the taste of inspections has changed and has become aimed at Liu Jun, then Liu Jun's counterattack must not be aimed at the inspection system, but at specific members of the inspection team.There is a big difference between targeting the system or targeting the personnel who implement the system, and the effects are completely different.

With Liu Jun's unique wisdom, he will definitely be able to distinguish the difference.

But if this is the case, Huang Zhongjun can't say any more, and if he continues, Mr. Jiang will probably vent all his anger on him.Mr. Jiang has a high position and authority, but his personality is fiery.There is absolutely no need for Huang Zhongjun to "bear it on behalf of others".

Jiang Lao deserved to be a veteran leader of the gn department. Although he was furious, he still didn't lose his judgment and sulked for a while.Said to Huang Zhongjun: "You tell him to come and see me at 02:30 in the afternoon!"

"Yes, Secretary Jiang!"

Huang Zhongjun bowed slightly and exited Mr. Jiang's room.

As soon as Huang Zhongjun went out, Mr. Jiang stretched out his hand and swept it violently. The teacups, fruit plates, ashtrays and other things on the coffee table in front of him fell to the ground with a "crash". Pacing up and down the room.His face was livid.

During lunch, the news that Mr. Jiang lost his temper quickly spread from the Longquan Hotel to the ears of other major leaders of the Provincial Party Committee.Both Tai Weiqing and Liu Feipeng asked about the details in a hurry.

The real reason was not very clear to the person who called Tai Weiqing and Liu Feipeng, but only said that Mr. Jiang had lost his temper.

Tai Weiqing and Liu Feipeng were surprised and became more careful.

Liu Feipeng already knew that Wang Guozhao's brother-in-law, Chi Gu, was detained by the Huacheng District Public Security Bureau of Yulan City on suspicion of sheltering women in prostitution and whoring. The case is under further investigation.Although Liu Feipeng didn't know the specific circumstances of Wang Guozhao calling Chi Gu to "spread the news", it would definitely not be a coincidence that people from the Yulan City Public Security Bureau arrested Wang Guozhao's brother-in-law at such a sensitive time.

It seems that Liu Jun has already noticed everyone's small actions against Liu Jun, and has taken countermeasures.

This judgment made Liu Feipeng very uncomfortable. [

Liu Jun is so hot, beyond Liu Feipeng's expectation.A person who is used to being strong, suddenly finds that someone else is stronger than him, will feel like Liu Feipeng in his heart.


At 25:[-] in the afternoon, No. [-] vehicle of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee showed up at the Longquan Hotel on time.Huang Zhongjun greeted him personally in the lobby.Originally, Huang Zhongjun planned to let Liu Jun hang out and let him know that the prestige of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee should not be played on the head of the central inspection team.But in the end Huang Zhongjun changed his mind and greeted Liu Jun in the lobby.

The current game is no longer just a purely political game, with some personal factors mixed in.Huang Zhongjunya didn't want to get involved.Offending Liu Jun to death, what good is it for him, Huang Zhongjun?

Mr. Jiang has already left his job. In the future, Huang Zhongjun will have to rely more on ko's own efforts.

A gn department of his level is not qualified enough to establish Liu Jun as a personal opponent.

"Hello, Secretary Liu!"

Seeing Liu Jun coming down from the big Audi, Huang Zhongjun stepped forward to meet him, shook hands with Liu Jun, and said with a pleasant smile.It seems that the phone call in the morning didn't have the slightest impact on Huang Zhongjun.

It's quite a skill to cultivate one's energy.

"Hello, Bureau Huang. Is Mr. Jiang there?"

Liu Jun asked with a smile.

Huang Zhongjun quickly replied: "Mr. Jiang is waiting for Secretary Liu in the reception room."

Liu Jun nodded.

"Secretary Liu, please follow me!"

Liu Jun didn't say much.Following behind Huang Zhongjun, he walked forward slowly with a calm mind.He turned a blind eye to Huang Zhongjun's slightly hurried footsteps.Secretary Liu is such a person. It is impossible for ordinary people to influence his behavior, even in such small things, it is always reflected.

Huang Zhongjun had to slow down to adapt to Liu Jun's speed.

Mr. Jiang did not set the meeting place in his luxurious suite, but in the reception room No. [-] of the Longquan Hotel, which showed that the talk was very formal.

When he came to the door of the reception room, Huang Zhongjun couldn't help raising his wrist to check the time: 29:[-].

This Secretary Liu is really arrogant, even the time to meet is so accurate.

Huang Zhongjun couldn't help but shook his head slightly, reached out and knocked on the door, and then he entered, and said, "Secretary Jiang, Comrade Liu Jun is here!"

"Please come in!"

In the reception room, Secretary Jiang's old and majestic voice came.

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