Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1588

"Secretary Liu, hello!" A middle-aged cadre in his forties strode into Liu Jun's office and bowed slightly to say hello. "Hehe, Comrade Zaiyi is here, hello, hello!"

Liu Jun raised his head from behind the desk, with a bright smile on his face, walked out quickly, and shook hands with Luo Zaiyi warmly. "Come on, Comrade Zaiyi, please sit down!"

Liu Jun's unexpected enthusiasm made Ke Qifan a little strange.There are very few cadres who receive this kind of treatment in Liu Jun's office.Not to mention Luo Zaiyi, the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Li Tao, the mayor, and Han Jinwu, the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, have never received such treatment.But I don't know what Luo Zaiyi's ability is that Secretary Liu values ​​so much. "Thank you Secretary Liu!"

Luo Zaiyi was not overly "flattered" by this kind of treatment. After politely thanking him, he calmly sat down on the sofa next to Liu Jun.

This Luo Zaiyi is currently the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and the chairman of the Legal Work Committee.When Liu Jun was in charge of Changhe District, Luo Zaiyi was the deputy director of the Changhe District Management Committee in charge of legal work, and was also the youngest deputy director of the management committee at that time.Of course, Luo Zaiyi is young this year, compared to other directors and deputy directors, and there is no comparison with Liu Jun.At that time, Liu Jun was only 26 years old, and Luo Zaiyi was 26 years old. [

Luo Zaiyi can also be regarded as a relatively typical intellectual with a strong sense of the legal system, and he is one of the main movers of "administration according to law" in Changhe District.Straightforward personality.

However, it was also because of this straightforward character that it affected his progress.Over the years, the level has risen to a higher level, becoming a deputy department-level cadre, but the real power has not seen much increase.

Luo Zaiyi himself didn't really care about these things.Shortly after Qi Hongming succeeded Chai Shaoji as the secretary of the Changhe District Working Committee, he transferred Luo Zaiyi from the position of deputy director of the Changhe District Management Committee to the chairman of the Municipal People's Congress Legal Work Committee.In the eyes of others, this is completely sidelined.Luo Zaiyi didn't get emotional, and still did his job conscientiously.When Liu Jun returned to Yulan and served as mayor, he urged Ding Yuzhou to by-elect Luo Zaiyi as the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, a step up in rank.Luo Zaiyi is in charge of the legislative preparations to stabilize housing prices this time.

Yesterday Liu Jun participated in a legislative hearing at the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress with comrades from the Legal Work Committee. The committee members put forward some different opinions. At that time, Liu Jun didn't have time to discuss these opinions with the committee members one by one, so he asked Luo Zaiyi to come today Do~\', discuss in detail in the room. "Comrade Zaiyi, come and smoke!" Liu Jun brought the yellow panda to Luo Zaiyi.Luo Zaiyi smiled slightly, and he was not polite, he took out a cigarette from the cigarette case to light jlo

"Comrade Zaiyi, in the past few months, your Legislative Affairs Committee has done meticulous preparations for legislation. I am very happy about this. It is still like your previous style in Changhe District." Liu Jun said with a smile.

Strictly speaking, Luo Zaiyi can be regarded as Liu Jun's old subordinate. Liu Jun has always regarded him highly. The by-election as the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress two years ago also reflected Liu Jun's respect.Therefore, Luo Zaiyi was not under a lot of pressure in front of Liu Jun.Facing the "old" leaders they respect, everyone will feel warm in their hearts.

"Secretary Liu, your insistence on suppressing housing prices and allowing the people in Yulan City to own their own homes is a manifestation of our party's purpose of governing for the people. I admire it very much. As for the preparations for legislation, this is what we should do, but when I'm sorry for your compliment." Luo Zaiyi said respectfully.

"Hehe, Zaiyi, have you learned to speak flattery?

Liu Jun joked with a smile.

Luo Zaiyi's face was serious, and he said: "Secretary Liu, this is not flattery, it comes from the heart. Besides, you also know how I am, even if it is flattery, it is not easy! That is to face a leader like Liu Jun. , Luo Zaiyi would speak like this. Liu Jun was slightly taken aback, feeling Shen Gui, and nodded.

What Luo Zaiyi said was the truth, and it was not an ordinary ability to make someone like him willing to speak flattery.

"Zaiyi, some committee members put forward some different opinions yesterday, some of which I think are very reasonable, so I invite you to come here today, let's talk about it in detail. The time jl is basically enough for the preparation of the legislation. Let's discuss it carefully, make a decision as soon as possible, and strive to formulate a complete law as soon as possible." After a while, Liu Jun said slowly, cutting into today's topic. "Yes, Secretary Liu!"

Luo Zaiyi agreed, and took out a large stack of documents and a notebook from the briefcase he was carrying.Luo Zaiyi gently placed the documents on the coffee table in front of him, and opened the notebook.

"Secretary Liu, your intention to keep housing prices down is good. Since the implementation of the municipal government's Shark document, it has also won the support of the general public. We have visited a large number of people in the past few months, and people from all walks of life have Basically, we agree with the city’s move to level housing prices, but there are also some detailed issues that are worth discussing. For example, even if the current housing prices in Yulan City are used as a standard, no price increase within three years will not solve all problems. Questions for the citizens. Because this housing price is still twelve times the average household income of our city residents. This average household income is very particular. Families above this average can probably afford to buy a house, so if it is lower than this average What about low-income families? Not necessarily. That is to say, even with the current housing prices, there are still quite a few low-income families who cannot afford a house! Therefore, our policy of stabilizing housing prices will not benefit this group of people. Luo Zaiyi said, looking at Liu Jun. Liu Jun frowned slightly, but Luo Zaiyi could tell that this was not an expression of displeasure, but meditation. "Secretary Liu, home ownership, according to my personal opinion, this should be It is a policy that covers all classes of the city, not just some of them. "Luo Zaiyi shook his head, and stopped trying to figure out Liu Jun's attitude, and went straight to explain his views." Well, you go ahead and talk about all the problems first, and we will discuss countermeasures one by one.

Seeing the nervous expression on Luo Zaiyi's face, Liu Jun knew that he had some worries in his heart.After all, Liu Jun's prestige in Yulan City was unprecedented, surpassing any previous secretary.Although Luo Zaiyi had worked with him before, he was not yet a direct confidant.Liu Jun's politeness to Luo Zaiyi is mainly out of respect for his character.Faced with such a "superior being" who is as upright as Luo Zaiyi, it is inevitable that he feels apprehensive.Liu Jun gave him a comfort in time.

Luo Zaiyi felt relieved, and quickly responded: "Yes... The second problem lies in the operability of the legislation itself. According to the documents of the municipal government, it is difficult to forcefully stabilize housing prices and implement a ceiling price. problem. As far as the legal provisions themselves are concerned, the clearer the stipulations, the better, and the more detailed the better, so that the operability will be stronger. If a law, the behavior it defines, is in constant change, then it The operability of the machine will be greatly reduced, and even when the external conditions develop to a certain level, it will become impossible to operate.

It is difficult to grasp the maneuverability of legislation to stabilize housing prices.For example, there is a big difference between the price of a good location and a remote location, and there is a big difference between the price of a hardcover house and a simple decoration house.If we set a general price ceiling, it will be very difficult in practice, and it will even lead to new unfair phenomena. "Liu Jun pondered, nodded, and said: "Please continue!" "

Luo Zaiyi smiled and said: "The third question is the continuity of this policy. Secretary Liu, it is undeniable that the current real estate market across the country is bullish. That is to say, in the next few years, the whole country will Real estate prices will continue to rise. At present, the housing prices in Yulan City are not very high compared with other first-tier cities. Now that we set a price limit, the gap will only widen. Yulan City is a city Maintaining such a low housing price will create a huge temptation for speculation, and a lot of funds will pour into our Yulan to hype the housing price. At that time, many new houses in our city will become empty nests. It is a kind of superficial prosperity. If, I mean, if you are transferred and you get a new secretary whose thinking is not consistent with yours, will the new secretary change this policy? If so, It will make jokes and create opportunities for speculators to get rich. This is probably not our original intention!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Jun's face turned serious, and he said, "Well, Zaiyi, what questions do you have?"[

Luo Zaiyi quickly said: "Secretary Liu, at present, our legal work committee believes that these three are the biggest problems. The others are small technical problems that are easier to solve."

Liu Jun smiled, took a sip from his teacup, and said, "Zaiyi, it can be seen that the comrades in the Legal Work Committee have put in a lot of effort for this. The three questions you mentioned are indeed true. It has practical significance. So, have you and your comrades discussed these issues?" Luo Zaiyi smiled and said: "Yes, we have also discussed it." "Hehe, then please talk about your solutions It’s the right way. Secretary Liu used the usual method of brainstorming. Luo Zaiyi hurriedly said: “Okay, let me talk about our superficial views first. If there are any shortcomings, please correct me. "

Liu Jun waved his hand and said, "Zaiyi, we are old colleagues and we know each other well. I won't say too many polite words. Today we mainly discuss ways to solve problems."

Luo Zaiyi nodded repeatedly, his face turned red, he seemed a little embarrassed, he opened the notebook in front of him, looked carefully, then raised his head, and began to explain his solution to Liu Jun.

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