Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1599

It was getting late at night, in Liu Pucaide's study, father, son, Weng and son-in-law sat around a small tea table and made hot tea.

After dinner, Liu Ye brought Yan Hao here to talk.Wu Zhengxuan rushed back to the courtyard of the Wu family first, where there were also a group of brothers and sisters waiting for him to chat.Liu Yan and Wu Muye stayed and went back tomorrow morning.It is rare for sisters and sisters-in-law to get together, and everyone has a lot to say.Yan Ming still stayed at home, helping Lao Tzu receive guests.It wasn't until after nine o'clock that I came here to talk.

It's not too late if it's the New Year's Eve at ordinary people's homes, and there are still many guests visiting.But in Ouchi, there are generally no guest workers at this time.Those who can be allowed to enter the New Year's greetings of the leaders of Da Nei Ling do not necessarily have to be prominent figures, but at least they must be people who are very close.Therefore, at this time, Yan Ming can take off the task of "accompanying guests" and come over to talk.

The four sisters and a few children sat around the living room, Ruan Bixiu talked, Jiang Youxin, Yan Ming and Liu Jun moved the conversation place to the study, and sat with Liu Jincai.It's not often that they get so greedy.Jiang Youxin asked: "Yan Ming, are you used to the work of the Central Organization Department?

Before the end of the year, Yan Ming was transferred to be the director of the Second Bureau of Cadre Cadres of the Central Organization, and served as a member of the Central Organization Department.It should be said that being promoted to a leading cadre at the deputy ministerial level in his early 40s is quite remarkable within the current system.It's just that there are more "heterogeneous" Liu Jun in the family, but it's hard to say. [

There are four brothers, and Jiang Youxin has always played the role of the eldest brother. In fact, the faction also intends to train him to take on more important responsibilities.

Compared with Yan Ming, especially Liu Jun, Jiang Youxin has a neat resume and is already 46. He is fully capable of holding more important positions without being criticized.It can be foreseen that in the next few years, with the completion of the layout of the big faction and Chairman Li Zhiguo gradually taking control of the overall situation, Jiang Youxin's position will undergo important changes.

Yan Ming smiled and said: "I'm still familiar with the situation. The work of the central government is still very different from the local work, especially the Central Organization Department, which is even more complicated. There are many things to learn.

Liu Jincai nodded, and said with a hint of approval: "Well, Yan Ming, it's good if you have this mentality. Learn more, observe more, speak less and express less, so you can get familiar with your job as soon as possible. Cadre inspection work, relationship To the root of our country, we can't be sloppy." Yes, Dad! "Strictly and respectfully replied. (

As Yan Ming grows up, Yan Yucheng and Liu Jincai appreciate him more and more, and he is no longer the dandy that people always worry about in Xiangyang County. "Dad, have you finalized the content of the government work report?" Liu Jun asked casually while making tea.

The second session of the National People's Congress is scheduled to be held in early March, and it is only a little more than a month away. The drafting of the government work report should have already begun, and the general content has been finalized.Everyone knows what Liu Jun is concerned about.

Liu Jincai said slowly: "The issue of the pillar industry has not yet been finalized. Comrade Cheng Ziqing means that in order to speed up the economic development of various regions and solve the prominent financial problems of local governments, we should support the rapid development of this industry." Liu Jun and others His expression became serious.

Comrade Cheng Ziqing is also one of the giants, Liu Jincai's main assistant in the State Council.In terms of economic construction, the owner has a great say.The meaning over there is obvious, that is, to accelerate economic development, faster, and faster.This is consistent with the interests of their entire large faction.Jing Qiuren is the main spokesperson in the party-mass field, while Cheng Ziqing is the helm in the economic field. "Comrade Sui Ziqing's opinion has been endorsed by Comrade Luo Duo, and several comrades have clearly stated their positions—r——one by one"

After a while, Liu Jincai spoke slowly again, and several familiar names came out of his mouth.They are all the main leading cadres of the national ministries and commissions, provinces and cities, and the backbone of the party there, including two members of the Politburo.These few people alone are already a terrifying force.

Liu Jun said coldly: "Competing for the interests of the people is putting the cart before the horse. Not to mention their short-sightedness, at least they are not broad-minded enough, and their vision is also problematic."

Yan Ming said: "Liu Jun, there's no need to be so polite. In fact, he is looking at the overall economic situation and future of the entire country for his own selfishness."

Jiang Youxin was calmer, and said in a deep voice: "Father, let's analyze carefully why there are so many leaders in the local government who support this industry as a pillar industry?" Liu Jincai asked with great interest: "Well, talk about Tell me what you think."

Liu Jincai has always valued himself as the first secretary and son-in-law, knowing that he is thoughtful and often has unique insights. "I think it's mainly about fiscal revenue. Before Mr. Hong implemented the tax-sharing system, the fiscal revenues of the central and local governments were upside down. The local government had money and the central government had financial difficulties. After the tax-sharing system, the distribution method was reversed. The central government's fiscal revenue If it is full, the financial resources of local governments will not be so sufficient. Local governments are counting on land transfer fees to maintain normal operations. This is the main reason, no one wants to cut down trees by themselves. Coupled with the local staffing, Severely overstaffed, extravagance prevails, all kinds of administrative expenditures, and public expenditures surge. All of these require money. Therefore, to curb the crazy development of real estate, we must first solve this problem of local governments. Otherwise, the struggle will always be extremely fierce "Because it was in the secret room, Jiang Youxin spoke frankly and did not hide anything.

Yan Ming said: "Father, Liu Jun, do I think this issue is taken too seriously? The real estate market has been liberalized. We haven't let it go for a year or two. We have already liberalized it more than ten years ago. From now on Judging from the history of more than ten years, the price increase is not so orderly, as long as we can control it at a macro level and restrain the soaring order, it will not cause too much harm to the people.”

Liu Jun immediately replied: "Brother Yan Ming, there is some truth in what you said. However, this time and that time. More than ten years ago, our reform and opening up had just started, and many companies were in the stage of primitive capital accumulation. , the overall strength of the national economy is very weak. The common people have just solved the problem of food and clothing. Therefore, the process of liberalizing the real estate market and raising prices is relatively slow. Because everyone has no money in their pockets, this idea cannot be adopted. It is different now Yes, after more than 2000 years of reform and opening up, our masses have indeed accumulated a little savings on hand. The people have begun to become rich and prosperous, and the masses have raised a lot in terms of basic necessities of life. This is the basic condition for the soaring real estate. From the rising trend of real estate prices in recent years, it can be seen that the range of price increases in recent years is obviously larger and faster than in previous years. For example, in [-], the average housing price in Yulan City, but It is more than five to one hundred yuan, and it has soared to more than [-] last year. In just four years, it has more than quadrupled. This is the result of the state's lack of encouragement. Once it is included in the government work report, it is tantamount to the state's open encouragement. Price increase. You are also aware of the state of our country. What is good at the top is bound to be bad at the bottom. Once the decision on this pillar industry is introduced, the price will not be controlled at all. Once it rises, it will be extremely difficult to fall back. When Liu Jun said this, he was quite reasonable and confident, because he had experienced it before.

"Xiao Jun is right." Jiang Youxin nodded in agreement: "The real estate industry is a very complicated industry that involves a lot of things. It is not only directly linked to the government's fiscal revenue, but also involves many other industries, such as construction. Industry, building materials industry, and related service industries are all developed on the basis of this industry, but these industries are all labor-intensive industries, which can solve the employment problem of a large number of low-skilled labor. Once the price of this industry If it goes up, in a sense, it will kidnap our entire national economy, and even most of the local governments.

At that time to control the price is very difficult to adjust! !down.If the price drops too much, the entire industry will collapse, and the chain shop effect caused by this will be unbearable by the country and the government. "

Liu Jun slowly made an excuse: "So, the only feasible way is to take precautions and curb the rapid development of housing prices. At the very least, we must ensure that the construction of low-rent housing and affordable housing will not be affected by the general trend of the market." .Using this as an opportunity, it may be able to stop the crazy soaring of the real estate industry.”

Yan Ming asked: "What about the local government's fiscal revenue? Economic growth is also very important." [

Not only is it very important, but it is also a manifestation of the main achievements of the leaders of the f ministries in various places. Even the central government led by Liu Jincai attaches great importance to the speed of economic growth.This is the fundamental contradiction between political achievements and people-oriented!

Liu Jun looked at Liu Jincai, and said in a deep voice: "Dad, this actually depends on the central government. Real estate prices are rising in an orderly manner, and the local government's fiscal revenue is insufficient. Should the central government consider giving some compensation? Of course, not directly. We can consider transferring some projects that should have been borne by the local government to the central government, so as to appropriately reduce the pressure on local governments to invest in infrastructure. I think this is the fundamental solution to the problem. At least, they are asking When the price is raised, the reason will not be so sufficient." Jiang Youxin and Yan Mingmie↓ looked at Liu Jincai together.

Liu Jincai frowned, and was not in a hurry to speak. He picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip, and Liu Jun hurriedly refilled him with hot tea.

"I've been thinking about this issue. Some industries are overheated and need regulation, while others need support. Your suggestion is very good, and I will discuss it with relevant comrades."

After a while, Liu Jin said slowly. (To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in to the chapter for more, support the author, and support genuine reading

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