Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1604 An Interesting Personnel Adjustment Plan

Remember the small meeting room for the meeting.It's not the kind of formal conference room layout. I only know the layout of the reception area. They are all spacious and comfortable cloth made of sand, surrounded by a semicircle, and the room is covered with bright red carpets, which is very comfortable.

When Liu Jun came in, Luo Zili, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Xu Hongjiu, Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, and Xiang Hajun, Director of the Organizational Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, had already arrived. Luo Zili and Xu Hongjiu were smoking, while Xiang Bo was staring at his notebook. Information about relevant officials.

Seeing Liu Jun walking in, they all smiled and nodded.

Liu Jun sat down next to Luo Zili, and Luo Zili smiled and gave him the cigarette in hand.


Liu Jun smiled slightly, took out a Da Zhonghua from the cigarette case and lit it.

Xiang He smiled and said: "Every time I attend the secretary's office meeting, it is a test for me." You guys are quite addicted to cigarettes

The atmosphere of the secretary's office meeting has always been relatively casual. Except for very serious topics, everyone is not very careful about what they say, basically they say whatever comes to mind.

This kind of "protest" has also been raised by Xiang Bo several times, but every time he said it with a smile, everyone laughed and said nothing.

Soon, Liu Feipeng and Bu Weiqing walked into the meeting room together.Di Weiqing's secretary, Xiao Zheng, gently closed the door of the conference room, sat down on a chair beside Bu Weiqing, and assumed a posture of recording.

Every secretary's office meeting, besides Xiao Zheng, is also responsible for recording by a secretary from the Provincial Party Committee Office.Zhao Dan, secretary general of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the meeting, and he was also in charge of recording in name.In fact, of course, the Secretary-General will not do it himself. Although he is said to be present, he will occasionally express his opinions and opinions, and some people use "present" to talk about things.

It's just that Zhao Dan is more disciplined, and under normal circumstances, he rarely speaks.

"Comrades are all here, let's have a meeting. Today's meeting is mainly to study the adjustment of cadres in individual cities," Comrade Zhoubo.Could you please introduce the situation of these cadres to be adjusted. "

Bu Huiqing took his seat on the main seat, rolled his eyes slowly, and said calmly.

It could be heard that the Secretary of the Department was not in a very good mood, and seemed a little unhappy.But I don't know what happened to make the Secretary of the Department feel bad.Liu Jun estimated that it should be related to the adjustment of cadres this time.

Not only Liu Jun, but also other leaders of the provincial party committee are well aware of the reasons.

"Yes, Secretary of the Ministry."

Xiang Han nodded in reply, and opened the notebook in front of him.

The first cadre position that Xiangha proposed to adjust was the secretary of the municipal party committee of Yuannan City in the north of the province.Yuannan City is located in the northwest of the province, bordering on the Central Plains Province.It is the most populous province.The economic development of a prefecture-level city with the largest jurisdiction area is relatively unsatisfactory.The concave ranking has always been in the lower position in the province.

This is certainly related to the geographical location and historical reasons of Yuannan City, but it also has a lot to do with the allocation of cadres in Yuannan City.

Generally speaking, the more backward the economy is in the cities, the more obvious the situation of cadres "self-produced and sold".Without dazzling political achievements, the cadres can't be promoted, and the cadres outside are not very willing to go there.Accumulated over the years, most of the cadres in these backward areas are old acquaintances who keep their heads down but do not look up, and there are many small factions stirring horse spoons in the same pot.There are hills everywhere.

The main leading cadres of Yuannan City are all relatively old.The former mayor, Liang Wenfeng, was 60 years old when he retired last year.Zhang Baosheng, secretary of the municipal party committee, is now to be adjusted.Also 59 years old.Speaking of which, Zhang Baosheng and Liang Wenfeng are old friends. Both of them are cadres born and raised in Yuannan City, and their work experience has many similarities. Both have served as county party secretary.These two people fought fiercely in Yuannan City. It is no exaggeration to say that they have been entangled for decades.Especially when competing for the position of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary, Zhang Baosheng finally defeated Liang Wenfeng with his "age advantage" by being two years younger, and ascended the throne of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary.

Of course, for the provincial leaders, these two were the targets of adjustment.

It has always been the most taboo thing in the political arena to gain the strength of local forces.The local forces at the provincial and provincial levels have all been "cleaned up. Clean up. Naturally, the province cannot tolerate this situation in Yuannan City for a long time. It's just that Yuannan City has not been valued by the provincial leaders, and it has not been a key "cleanup" target. , and both Zhang Baosheng and Liang Wenfeng have reached the edge of the age red line, so they are allowed to stay for a year or two longer and retire with the trend, so as to avoid forced adjustments and side effects.[

When Liang Wenfeng was adjusted last year, Bu Weiqing deliberately asked Wang Guozhao to go to Yuannan City to take over the post of mayor.At that time, Zhai Haojin was still in office and suggested that Wang Guoli be the director of the provincial government office and be an assistant to the new governor.Bu Weiqing was not very happy, and wanted to beat Wang Guozhao far away.Facts have proved that Bu Weiqing's concerns are not unreasonable.Sure enough, Wang Guozhao soon became Liu Feipeng's confidant, and he was highly relied on. He was very effective in advising Liu Feipeng.

In the end, it was Bu Weiqing who

The situation in Yuannan City is complicated, and Zhang Baosheng's work style is very domineering. Anyway, he is approaching retirement, so he doesn't have many scruples, and often puts his old status in front of the new mayor.Domineering tight.The work of the new mayor is difficult to carry out, so he complains to Bu Weiqing from time to time.Bu Wei had planned to replace Zhang Baosheng early in the morning.

Now that Zhang Baosheng has reached the age limit, there is no need for the secretary of the Ministry to be polite anymore.

Zhang Baosheng retired, this has become a conclusion, there is no controversy, what really surprised Liu Jun was the proposed candidate for the former Nanshi Party Secretary proposed by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

Xiang Han proposed a total of two people.

One of them was indeed Wang Guozhao. The other was Mai Xianbin, Secretary of the Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.

As soon as Liu Jun heard it, he understood why Bu Weiqing was unhappy.There is no doubt that Mai Xianbin is Bu Weiqing's preferred candidate.It was Liu Feipeng who came out to fight Wang Guoli with Mai Xianbin.

It is said that the appointment of the secretary of the municipal party committee of a prefecture-level city is considered a relatively major personnel adjustment within a province.Generally, in this case, the secretary of the provincial party committee and the governor will communicate first, which is necessary for the procedure.What's more, Bu Weiqing is not that kind of powerful provincial party secretary, and Liu Feipeng is not a governor in the general sense.The current strength of the two in the province is indistinguishable.Bu Weiqing occupied the position of Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, which was only a slight advantage.

It is estimated that the Ministry of Weiqing must have followed the procedure, and got angry with Liu Feipeng. In the end, two people from completely different camps were elected to the provincial party secretary's office meeting for discussion.It can be seen that the communication between the two did not reach an agreement.

Zou Weiqing urged Mai Xianbin to be the secretary of the Yuannan Municipal Party Committee, and Liu Jun could quite understand it.The mayor is already Bu Weiqing's confidant, and with Mai Xianbin's past, Yuannan City will undoubtedly be firmly controlled by Bu Weiqing, and the two factions of Liu Feipeng and Liu Jun don't want to get involved.

In addition to political appeals, Bu Weiqing has another very secret reason for his strong control over Yuannan City, that is, Xie Yu has taken over two major projects in Yuannan City, both of which cost more than one billion yuan.If the former secretary and mayor of Nanshi were all direct line cadres of Bu Weiqing, then there would be nothing to worry about.

Bu Weiqing confidently kept this secret very well.

Xie's daughter-in-law is not the kind of gossip girl, so she will not tell everyone that she has made a lot of money in Yuannan City.

Of course, this is just a matter of Qing Qing feeling good about himself. In fact, Liu Jun already knows this.It's a secret.Xie Yuan got the position of deputy secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee for no reason, which aroused Liu Jun's alarm.Later, it was verified from Ding Ling's mouth.That being the case, it would be unreasonable for Liu Jun not to pay attention to Xie Yu's movements.

As for whether Liu Feipeng is also paying attention to Xie Nuan, Liu Jun does not know.Judging from Wang Guozhao's appointment as the secretary of the former Nanshi Party Committee, he may also be targeted.Of course, it is not ruled out that Liu Feipeng is enriching Wang Guozhao's working experience.Wang Guoli had successively served as the mayor of Wuxi and Yulan, but he lacked the experience of serving as a secretary of the municipal party committee. This would have a negative impact on his future promotion to a higher position.Taking this opportunity to go around Yuannan City is a good plan.

No matter what, Wang Guozhao is capable, and even Liu Jun does not deny this.Especially in terms of economic construction, Wang Guoli is very capable.A backward area like Yuannan City really needs a strong leader to take the helm in order to hope for high development.

Maybe Bu Weiqing and Liu Feipeng are very clear that at present Liu Jun's attention is mainly on the "pillar industry" and he is busy dealing with the "blame" from the top. on this issue.Neither of them asked for Liu Jun's opinion.Moreover, in principle, there is no need to communicate with the party secretary of the provincial capital city in advance for such a cadre adjustment.

The same deputy secretary of the provincial party committee has a different division of labor, and the actual power is still very different.

Liu Jun didn't care much either.

He had no interest in the cadre arrangement of Yuannan City.

Next, the second adjusted position announced by Xiang Han is the position of secretary general of the provincial government.The former secretary-general of the provincial government was planning to be transferred to other provinces, so this position became vacant. [

Interestingly, there are also two proposed candidates for this position.One is Wang Guozhao.The other is Wu Chengjun, another deputy secretary-general of the provincial government.

As soon as he heard about this proposed appointment, he knew that Wu Chengjun was just a training partner, and the real candidate was Wang Guochuang.

Wang Guozhao is currently the deputy secretary-general of the provincial government and the director of the provincial government's general office. In terms of qualifications and reputation, he is above Wu Chengjun. In addition, he has Liu Feipeng as a strong backing. If he meets head-to-head, Wu Chengjun has no hope of winning.

It has been more than a year since he served as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, and it was the first time he encountered such an interesting situation. A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Liu Jun's mouth. ,

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