Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1608 Ideal Effect

Naturally, the original intention of Li Zhu to talk to Xie Yu about this matter was not to imprison her for six. That relationship, and a slightly domineering way of doing it on a day-to-day basis.This made Li Shou feel uncomfortable seeing her.

The mayor's "complaint to Xie Yan" is a joke.

What Li Shou meant was that he hoped that Xie Yu would report it to Bu Weiqing, so that Bu Weiqing could stop this matter.

The use of deputy department-level cadres requires the nod of the province, and Liu Jun can't do it on his own.Even if Luo Zaiyi himself is already a cadre at the deputy department level, the transfer from the "second-line" deputy director of the National People's Congress to the "first-line" deputy mayor of the government cannot be done without discussion by the provincial party committee.

Li Zhu couldn't stop him, but it didn't mean Bu Weiqing couldn't stop him either. [

Although Xie Nuan didn't think highly of Li Zhu, but since we were all comrades in the same trench, Xie Nuan felt that Li Zhu's problem should be solved for him as much as possible.After all, there is no good for Xie Nuan if there are stubborn heads like Liang Zhexiao in the city government team.Many cadres she single-handedly promoted were all distributed in the departments that Luo Zaiyi and Yi Han would be in charge of in the future.Xie Huan had some idea of ​​the virtues of those cadres, and sooner or later they would fall into the hands of Luo Zaiyi and Yi Han. When they asked Xie Nuan for help, Xie Nuan couldn't speak very well, and his prestige would be greatly compromised.

It's just that the "pillow wind" that Xie Yu gave Bu Weiqing didn't seem to have any effect.

It's not that Bu Weiqing no longer "loves" Xie Nuan anymore, but that the secretary himself has encountered difficulties.Liu Jun's unexpected support for Wang Guoli made Bu Weiqing puzzled.This incident has affected the foundation of Bu Weiqing's power structure in the province.If Liu Feipeng and Liu Jun really form an alliance temporarily, over time, Bu Weiqing will definitely lose control of the provincial situation.One referral.The secretary of the provincial party committee who can't control the situation will definitely be taken down.If Liu Feipeng and Liu Jun were just deputies in a general sense, Bu Weiqing might be able to ask the old Gao family for help and let the high-level officials "clean up the door" on his behalf.Both Liu Feipeng and Liu Jun are the kind of extremely powerful and well-established figures, even the old Gao family, how can they be easily shaken?

The old Gao family supports Di Weiqing, hoping that he can bring the province under his command. But now they have to stand up for him all the time, everything is reversed, I am afraid that the old Gao family will not be happy.

After careful understanding, Zou Weiqing seemed to have found no signs of an "alliance" between Liu Feipeng and Liu Jun, so he was a little relieved.But don't dare to be careless.

Because he still couldn't figure out why Liu Jun supported Wang Guo's appointment as the former Nanshi Party Secretary.If this problem is not clarified, one day will not be safe.

For this reason, for Liu Jun's proposal to replace the two deputy mayors, Bu Weiqing agreed without much consideration.

The two deputy chiefs, even the deputy mayors of the provincial capitals, are not serious dishes in the eyes of Bu Weiqing. Since Liu Jun wants it, give it to him.For such a small matter, Liu Jun was angered again and asked him to really cooperate with Liu Feipeng, but the gain outweighed the loss.

This result was already expected by Liu Jun.

He unexpectedly supported Wang Guozhao and received the expected results.That is, Bu Weiqing and Liu Feipeng both paid more attention to him again. How ridiculous it was to think that Liu Yanei automatically gave up the competition in the province.No matter how fierce the high-level game is, Liu Jun is definitely not a person who voluntarily withdraws from the "battle." In the province, especially in Yulan City, he must get what he wants.

When Bu Weiqing and Liu Feipeng were confused, they would usually choose to "be kind to others." For fear of offending Liu Jun, they sent him to the other side's camp.

Of course, it looks as if Liu Jun has both sides, taking advantage of everything.In fact, Liu Jun also has Liu Jun's difficulties. He is valued by Bu Weiqing and Liu Feipeng again, and the dominance has not changed, and he is still in the hands of the provincial party secretary and governor.The two men, Liu and Bu, showed their favor to him, not just to win over him. .The primary and secondary positions are still the same.If Liu Jun wants to take the initiative to interfere in other matters, neither Di Weiqing nor Liu Feipeng will take whatever they want.

Fortunately, Liu Jun doesn't mean to "expand the territory, small, as long as he firmly guards his one-acre three-point land.

Now, it's not time to expand everywhere.

The three major factions in the province have reached an interesting balance again, and everyone is cautious.Avoid causing relatively large contradictions.

This time, the by-election for the deputy mayor is an equal election.Speaking of it, this is also a bit against the rules. In general, the deputy mayor election will adopt a competitive election model. Even if it is a sparring partner, two of them should be pulled out to make a show.However, Liu Jun vetoed it. After all, it was not a formal general election, it was just adding two deputy mayors. There was no need for a contested election.

Since Secretary Liu said so, there were also people who opposed it.

In this way, it is almost a foregone conclusion that Li Zaiyi and Yi Han will be elected as deputy mayors.

However, Secretary Liu still followed the "hidden rules" and took the two mayoral candidates to visit some deputies to the National People's Congress.In addition to "canvassing", we also need to know by the way to see if the representatives have any good suggestions or ugly ideas. We should propose that the representatives live in the first guest house of the Municipal Party Committee, which is called "Yangchuan Hotel" double room.One of the double rooms was particularly lively because of the arrival of Liu Jun, Luo Zaiyi and Yihan and other leaders.Representatives from several nearby houses rushed over one after another, sitting or standing in the room, vying to talk to Secretary Liu. [

Whether Liu Jun is the mayor or the secretary, it is his homework to go down and have a look. Many representatives are very close to him, and they are not afraid of the No. [-] municipal party committee known for its strength among the cadres. .

"Secretary Liu, you don't rest at noon?"

a rural representative asked loudly.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Didn't Party Secretary Ying take a rest?"

This rural representative was a village party secretary in Yudong County named Du Yingguo, in his forties.Hearing Liu Jun call out his name, he couldn't help being surprised and moved, and said repeatedly: "Secretary Liu, do you still remember my name?"

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Of course, you were the top ten village party secretary in the city last year, and we also had dinner and conversation together, how can you not remember? .

"Oh, Secretary Liu, you have a really good memory. My honorary certificate and certificate are still handmade by you. It's an honor, my little one."

Du Yingguo was amazed.

Liu Jun sat down in the chair and asked with a smile, "Secretary of the Party Committee Ying Guo, what do you think of Mayor Li's government work report this morning?"

Du Yingguo hurriedly said: "Very good, Secretary Liu. Mayor Li said that this year we will increase investment in the countryside and focus on the development of the countryside. We are very happy. The city is paying more and more attention to our farmers."

"Hehe, Party Secretary Ying, agriculture is the foundation of the country. It is a matter of course for us to attach importance to rural work and care about the lives of farmers. If this year's taxation task can be completed as scheduled, the city plans to start from next year. The agricultural tax has been exempted. This is also the request of the central government

Liu Jun said with a smile.

"Exemption from agricultural tax? That's great, great." Secretary Liu, does this really work? "

Du Yingguo first applauded loudly, then paused, and then asked in a low voice with some uncertainty.For thousands of years, farming land, paying taxes and paying public grain has become a traditional model, so it's no wonder Du Yingguo asked this question.At present, in the entire province, only Qianzhou City has been exempted from agricultural tax, which was also done when Liu Jun was in charge of Qianzhou City.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Of course it works. As long as our economy develops and the government has the financial resources, it will be able to do this well. In the past, in order to develop industry, we have made agriculture take too many obligations. It's time to repay the agriculture! Don't worry, Party Secretary Ying, I don't think the problem is serious!"

Du Yingguo trusted Liu Jun very much. Hearing what he said with certainty, he immediately believed it.

"Secretary Liu, Mayor Li said in the government work report that all primary and secondary schools in urban areas will implement a one-fee system this year. Regardless of whether they have local or non-local hukou, as long as one of their parents works in Yulan City, children will be able to enroll equally. Can this be done without paying the expansion fee?

Another middle-aged representative asked aloud, with a look of expectation on his face.

"As long as Mayor Li has promised in the government work report, it will definitely be done. The person next to me is Comrade Yi Han, director of the Municipal Education Bureau, who is going to be added as the deputy mayor in charge of education at this People's Congress. He is leading this education reform, and if the policy is not implemented by then, you will scold him.”

Liu Jun smiled, pointed at Yi Han and said.

The words made the representatives laugh.

"However, there is a prerequisite, that is, during the election, Comrade Yi Han must be able to get everyone's support and be elected as the deputy mayor before he can be in charge of this job, otherwise he will not be able to find him, everyone said, right? "[

Liu Jun said with a smile.

The delegates laughed again.

"Of course, of course, we must vote for Mayor Yi. Let him be elected!"

The representative spoke up, and the others echoed.

Du Yingguo said: "Secretary Liu, although I haven't dealt with Mayor Yi, but your personal cadres must be reliable. We can trust you and Mayor Yi!"

Four days later, the Second Session of the [-]th National People's Congress of Yulan City successfully concluded.

The meeting unanimously passed the "Yulan City Land Transfer and Housing Construction Management Regulations", which means that Yuxiaolan City has officially entered the era of legal system to stabilize housing prices.

According to the Yulan Municipal Party Committee, the delegates voted, Comrades Luo Zaiyi and Yi Han were elected as the deputy mayors of the Yulan Municipal People's Government.

Luo Zaiyi also resigned from the positions of deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Yulan City People's Congress and chairman of the Legal Work Committee.

Bi: As usual, drag your tail and ask for a few in a low voice "Well, ask for twenty or thirty monthly tickets! Thank you

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