Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1618 Inappropriate Work

In the large box of Du Qiushui Hotel.Six Explanations of Jiji Hall※

This is Secretary Liu's treat, and the main guests of the banquet are Liang Guoqiang's family, accompanied by old brothers Cheng Xinjian, Xiao Wu, and Xiao Jian.

What happened in Jinguancheng, because it was handled in a timely manner and under control, did not cause much repercussions in the public.Even many deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference didn't even know that such a big event happened in the capital during the two sessions.

This point, Liu Jun is very satisfied.

Although Gao Jingzhang wanted to quickly establish his own prestige within the political and legal system, he also abided by the rules and did not make matters worse.In any case, Huang Wei and Guo Bingzhang are both police officers on the public security front, or leading cadres who have held certain positions. They really fight propaganda wars and expose all the things. The secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee also had a bright face. [

This is also where Liu Jun appreciates the high department.

Although the relationship between Yan Liu's family and Gao's family is not very close, there have been partial conflicts between them, which is also a political norm.There have never been two huge political groups that can truly work together without conflict.Even the He Wu faction now has conflicts with the Yan Liu faction.

Chairman Li Zhiguo is gradually cultivating his own reserve forces within the army. Although the main conflict at the moment is still focused on the smooth handover of power and positions, the layout has already begun. With the traditional army head group like the He Wu faction, some personnel arrangements will inevitably occur. conflict.

Liu Jun didn't get involved too much in this matter.

no need!

Liu Jun cannot show his existence in any field.He didn't think so either.With the personal relationship between him and He Wu's family, conflicts at this level can be resolved.The conflicts between He Wu's faction and Yan Liu's faction in these aspects will not affect He Wu's support for Liu Jun personally.

Perhaps many years later, when Liu Jun is facing the most critical moment of competition, He Wuxi's supportive attitude will play a vital role. (- - This is Liu Jun's purpose.

There are some contradictions right now, so don't worry about it.The faction bosses will reconcile themselves.

Gao Jingzhang and Gao Xi, the general rules are still relatively strict, unlike the other side, they are often not accepted by Canju, and they dare to use any means for the sake of struggle, which means that they are not used to the extreme.

This has actually caused serious dissatisfaction among other major factions.Everyone is even consciously or unconsciously joining forces to boycott some actions there.

The difference between them can also be seen from Liu Jun's coping methods.When Liu Jun was in the province, except for the initial quarrel with Di Weiqing, who had a serious quarrel with Di Weiqing, he has been relatively restrained since then, and has not taken the initiative to provoke.Even if Xie Xu was a bit of a jerk in Yulan City, Liu Jun could tolerate it.Based on the analysis of the current situation, Liu Jun is not suitable for fighting on two fronts.

It is not wise to attack from all sides and make enemies everywhere.

So Liu Jun is currently taking a defensive position against Gao Xi.On the other side, however, it was not so peaceful.After the central inspection team arrived in the province a year ago, Liu Jun actually adopted a head-on confrontation method without giving in at all.This action made many people drop their glasses.Before Gein, there had never been a local official who dared to confront the inspection team head-on. It is said that Mr. Jiang was very angry.

In the final result, there was no advantage over there.

Once again, many officials were surprised.

This Liu Jun is really not so easy to handle.

This time, the contents of Liu Jincai's government work report at the National People's Congress also clearly showed that in this big game, the Liu family and his son had the upper hand.One is beginning to consider the future political orientation.

There is no doubt who is stronger

The Liu family's father and son's victory this time has already caused a subtle change in the general situation to a certain extent.It is foreseeable that the political structure of a dominant family is quietly changing.Maybe there will be no obvious changes for a while, but everyone knows that this kind of change is indeed happening! [

"Come on, Master, I offer you a toast!"

Holding Moutai, Liu Jun smiled and toasted Liang Guoqiang beside him. (fastest update - -

Liang Guoqiang smiled, raised his wine glass, touched Liu Jun, and the master and apprentice drank it down in one gulp.

Waking up, Liang Guoqiang didn't let a stone fall from his heart until today.

After investigation and inquiry, in the "Jinguancheng incident", although Liang Xueping was present at the scene, he never participated in the fight between the two parties. Everyone proved that Liang Xueping had been trying to dissuade both parties when the incident happened.I was hit by a guy in the chaos, and I didn't "fight back." I was able to restrain my emotions.

This point was not only proved by Huang Wei and Guo Bingzhang, but also by people from Jinguancheng.

So Liang Xueping was not too implicated.

As for the truth of the fact, whether it is true or not, no one can say.But the process of Xinjian is different because Xiaojun has always admired him. Any difficult matter can be easily resolved when it comes to him.

As far as Cheng Xinjian knew, he not only took photos of this matter, but also spoke out.Even He Yan'an, Qi Che, came forward to mediate this. If Liang Xueping really didn't do anything, if they deliberately targeted him, it would not be so easy to get away.

"Dad, I'm sorry to trouble you,"

After Liu Jun toasted Master, Liang Xueping stood up, held the wine glass, lowered his head, and said dully, his face was flushed, and he didn't dare to look into Lao Tzu's eyes.

In fact, Liang Xueping dared to stand up and say this to Liang Guoqiang at this time, and he was encouraged by Liu Jun. If Liu Jun hadn't kept pointing his eyes at him, he would not have dared to speak out.

In fact, the leak this time was too big, and even Liang Guoqiang was almost implicated.

Liang Guoqiang snorted, feeling very displeased.

Seeing her son's body trembling involuntarily under the cold snort of the old man, Yuan Xiaomei felt pity in her heart, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Old Liang, Xueping didn't do anything bad, but just went out to drink with some friends." Once drinking, it happened to happen this time, and it has nothing to do with him. Who would have expected such a thing to happen? You always have such a straight face, which scares the children."

Liang Xueping is also 27 and [-] years old. He has been working for many years. In front of his father, he is still like "a mouse has seen a cat".Liang Guoqiang stands upright and is strict with himself and his children. Yuan Xiaomei has no objection.But the way it is now is indeed a bit past.

"Also, today is Xiaojun's treat, everyone finally got together, you always have a straight face, how can you make everyone feel comfortable?

Yuan Xiaomei scolded her wife again.

Liang Guoqiang glared at Yuan Xiaomei and let out a "hum" again.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Master, forget it. Xueping is an adult now, do you think he is still the little guy in Xiangyang County? .

When Liu Jun practiced martial arts with Liang Guoqiang, Liang Xueping was only three or four years old. Everyone laughed when they thought of the situation at that time.At that time, Liang Xueping was the pistachio of a group of seniors. As long as Yuan Xiaomei brought him over, everyone would cheer around and pinch his little cheeks, which really added a lot of fun to everyone.

Liang Guoqiang showed a hint of love and affection in his eyes, he calmed down and said, "You were not an adult at that time!" [

Everyone laughed.

Liang Xuejiao made sense: Dad, everyone has grown up.Secretary Liu is now the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. It's time to change your old ideas.

"Hmph! Don't all of you come after me. Liang Xueping, you're a big boss. You know Huang Wei and Guo Bingzhang are bastards, but you still hang out with them? Something will happen sooner or later!"

Although Liang Guoqiang forgave his son in his heart, he couldn't let go of his airs for a while, so he taught his son a few words.

Liang Xueping secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice: "I didn't know they would do this either." I will pay attention to it in the future

Cheng Xinjian said with a smile: "It's not too late, these two guys, this time they can't eat and walk away."

Although Liang Xueping was picked out, Huang Wei and Guo Bingzhang were not so lucky. They have been stopped from self-reflection and are currently writing inspection materials.It is estimated that the position of deputy director general cannot be kept no matter what.The incident that Chairman Li Zhiguo is personally concerned about must have an explanation, and it is impossible to leave it alone.

Huang Wei and Guo Bingzhang are lucky to be able to keep their public office and not be double fired!

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Master, in fact, I don't think Xue Ping can be blamed for this matter. Huang Wei and Guo Bingzhang are bastards. Xue Ping knows, and you, the executive vice minister of the Ministry of Public Security, don't you know? Why don't you let them stay like this?" In an important position? It should have been withdrawn long ago! So, if you really want to blame, you must first blame the heads of your Ministry of Public Security and the Metropolitan Bureau!"

Liang Guoqiang was dumbfounded and speechless.

The people at the table couldn't help laughing.

Only Liu Jun dared to speak like this in front of Liang Guoqiang. If it were someone else, even Cheng Xinjian, who was always carefree, would not have such courage.

After these few words, the atmosphere at the tip of the wine table finally became harmonious.

Cheng Xinjian acted on his own, and used the method of "wine barrels", yelling for a big cup, using Moutai as plain water, and set up a "confrontation" posture with Liang Guoqiang.

Cheng Xinjian has loved wine all his life, and he is the famous "Bacchus" of the Ministry of Public Security. However, Liang Guoqiang is not weak, and he has no "fear."

"If you ask me, Minister Liang, Xueping is really not suitable for the political and legal system." Look at his personality, he looks like a little girl, compared to that, that, that's right, Dr. Ling!He is gentler than Dr. Ling, how can this work?I think, move him to a place, don't work in the Political and Legal Committee, Xiao

After drinking for three rounds, Cheng Xinjian became a little interested, and began to keep his mouth shut, and started yelling at Liang Guoqiang.

Liu Jun gave Cheng Xinjian a thumbs up.

He had wanted to say this to Liang Guoqiang for a long time.

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