Daning City has to pass through Baozhou City. I rushed to the road on Sunday morning. I originally wanted to go to see my eldest sister together. Who knows that this idiot has become a commune secretary and is so busy that the daily price is 21 in Hongqi Commune. The brigade went around, urging people to raise pigs and chickens, plant honeysuckle, and asked at least half of the Waseda fields to stock fish fry.

It seems that Sun Youdao is to blame for this. Relying on his position as the director of the supply and marketing cooperative, he has set up a vegetable sales network in several cities in the whole province.He encouraged Jiang Youxin so much that he squatted in the fields all day, and couldn't even find time to see his girlfriend.

Well, he doesn't have time to see his girlfriend, but I do.

Passing through Baozhou City, and it's Sunday again, how can we not stop by to see Yan Fei?In the past, I lived in the same courtyard and saw each other every day, but I didn't feel that this separation, I know what a "childhood sweetheart" is, and I really miss it very much.

Yan Yucheng has a habit of resting on Sundays, at least half a day, the reason is to relax his mind.Unlike my father, who worked day and night at work, even Jiang Youxin was "poisoned". [

This has something to do with personal temperament. Yan Yucheng is the kind of person who can afford it and let it go, and he is quite like everyone.I also think that those who are in charge should often "clear" the things in their heads, be pragmatic, jump out of the circle, and evaluate their own gains and losses outside.In fact, I have communicated with my father more than once about this matter, but his old habits are hard to change, and he plausibly said that he is "learning to walk", and by then "painting a tiger will not be an anti-dog".

Alas, everyone has their own way of working, and that makes sense.

I know Yan Yucheng's habit very well. When he arrived at the Standing Committee of the Baozhou Prefectural Committee in the early nine o'clock, he happened to be walking in his small garden with his hands behind his back, while Yan Fei sat on a stone bench and read the comic books seriously .My little daughter-in-law is wearing two bows, and her focused expression is indescribably cute.


When the car arrived in front of the door, Yan Yucheng turned a blind eye, but Yan Fei had sharp eyes, she caught a glimpse of me, immediately dropped the comic book, Fei Yeruo ran to open the door, and then took my hand, very happy.

I haven't seen her for a while, the little girl seems to have grown a little taller, her face is also a little sharper, more beautiful, and a little less charming.

"Boy, are you coming to see me or Feifei? Where's your father?"

Yan Yucheng is really grand.My daughter is 13 years old.Still so veiled.But you can see it.He is very happy.First arrived in Baozhou City.Rao is his strict secretary, who is majestic and majestic.There are thunder means.After all, it's a bit lonely.

"Uncle. It's not like you don't know my dad. He's a workaholic. Don't mention it!"

I laughed.A word that is popular in later generations popped out casually.

"Workaholic? Hehe. It is indeed appropriate to use it on your father!"

Yan Yucheng laughed.

I sighed slightly, and said, "If my dad had uncle's mentality, my mom wouldn't have to worry about his health every day."

"Okay, don't act like an old man, young people should have the vigor of young people."

young people?

If I remember correctly, this is the first time Yan Yucheng used this "attribute" to me.I couldn't help but look at myself, bright yellow jacket, tender white shirt, black trousers, black leather shoes, close to 1.5 meters ten, barely worthy of this title.

Facing Yan Yucheng's piercing gaze, I gently freed my hand from Yan Fei's.Since you are a young man, it would be inappropriate to hold hands with other girls.

This detail was captured by Yan Yucheng, who smiled slightly, showing some approval.

"Good boy, I'm shaking, there is a special car? Ask your driver to come in and take a seat." [

"Uncle, don't get me wrong, this is the car of Liujiashan Tongda Logistics Company, I borrowed it temporarily."

The matter is so important that I can't help but "talk nonsense with my eyes open" and deny it.

"Come on, don't pretend to be clear in front of me, you have no choice but to hide it from others."

Yan Yucheng waved his hand, his face full of disdain.

Since Secretary Yan said so, the yamen will no longer deny it. Anyway, there are no outsiders, so there is no need to rush to clarify.He laughed and called Su Jianzhong to come in and sit down.It was the first time he entered the small villa of the prefectural committee leader. Su Jianzhong was unusually reserved. He sat down with his back straight, his hands on his knees, and his eyes fixed on him.I don't bother to pay attention to it, this person always needs to see the world a few more times before he can slowly develop his tolerance.

"Uncle, I plan to go to the provincial capital to visit Uncle Zhou and Mrs.

As soon as I sat down, I said to Yan Yucheng.

"Boy, I knew you didn't come to see me specially. I said you can't lie and make me happy for a while?"

Yan Yucheng scolded with a smile.

I smiled and scratched my head.

"Ah, Xiaojun is here... Feifei has to say it hundreds of times a day these days..."

Xie Ying came out of the kitchen, smiling all over her face.Look at her high spirits and plump body, which shows that Mrs. Secretary's little life is quite happy.


Yan Fei felt a little embarrassed, and gave Bai Qingying a look.

Hehe, the little girl also knows how to be shy, and has grown up!

Shyness is shyness, but she sat next to me, never refusing to stay away from me.

"Xiaojun, have you had breakfast yet?"

Xie Ying asked enthusiastically.

"I've eaten, I'm not hungry."

I replied with a smile.

"Auntie Xie, did Brother Yan Ming send you a letter? I heard that he has become a training model in the regiment. He is very powerful."

Yan Ming didn't live up to expectations before, it was Yan Yucheng and Jieying's heart disease, which made me dare not mention it in front of them.Now "the prodigal son turns back" can be used to please the "father-in-law and mother-in-law". [

Sure enough, Xie Ying narrowed her eyes with a smile, and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, he called, and your Uncle Yan was very happy..."

Yan Yucheng was a little embarrassed.

Although Mr. Lu Xun said, "Love may not be a real hero, how can a pity not be a husband?" When the majestic secretary Yan heard his wife mention his "children's love", he still could not help showing a little vanity of ordinary people.

I smiled and said, "Uncle Yan is happy, don't tell me you're unhappy?"

"Happy, happy, how can I be unhappy...that Liang Qiao's brother is really talented..."

Yan Fei looked directly at her with a pair of dark eyes.

Too bad, the little girl is getting older and older now, and when she hears the word "Liang Qiao", she becomes extremely sensitive.You have to change the subject quickly, so you don't ask for trouble.Fortunately, Yan Yucheng solved this problem for me.

"How did your father feel after he went back yesterday?"

There was concern in Yan Yucheng's eyes.

"Fortunately, I didn't see him downcast, and he said that he would cooperate well with Secretary Meng's work."

I deliberately bit the word "Secretary Meng" very hard, and I somewhat took it with me.

meaning.How respectful is a county party secretary who always has to rely on the support of his superiors.

"That's good." Yan Yucheng nodded reassuringly: "I'm still worried that he will lose his temper."

"Hey, when it comes to stubborn temper, the first is Uncle Zhou, the second is your Uncle Yan, and the third is my father's turn..."

Thinking of the stubbornness of these three over each other, I am a little funny.

"Stinky boy, it turns out that you have been arranging me like this behind my back all day long?"

Yan Yucheng stared.

"Don't dare, that's the truth."

Yan Yucheng thought for a while, then smiled self-consciously, and changed the subject: "What do you want to say to Mr. Zhou when you go to the provincial capital?"

"Hey, I just went to see..." Seeing Yan Yucheng's eyes widened again, knowing that he couldn't hide it, he quickly changed his words: "I want to discuss with him the issue of cadre rejuvenation..."

"Young cadres?"

Yan Yucheng was very surprised.Seeing that expression, I wanted to cut open my head to see what strange things were still inside.


It's about ten o'clock to say goodbye to Yan Yucheng.Because it is a special car, it is far faster than the long-distance bus with three steps and three shakes. It arrived at the Provincial Party School at about three o'clock in the afternoon.Mr. Zhou and his wife were naturally very happy.Mrs. and I sat across from each other as Mr. Zhou and I talked about the current situation in Xiangyang County.

Mr. Zhou's meaning is consistent with that of Long Tiejun Yan Yucheng, who believes that Dad and Tang Haitian should abide by organizational discipline and maintain the unity of the team, which is conducive to the economic construction of Xiangyang County and the stability of the cadre team.

"Go back and tell your dad that gold will always shine, and you must endure loneliness."

Mr. Zhou said so.

I was depressed for a while, these old comrades, everyone has this attitude - to be patient, to cooperate, to abide by organizational discipline!But I know that time waits for no one, and the central government will soon raise the issue of rejuvenating cadres. In my memory in my previous life, it seems that this year's event is to vigorously promote and employ young cadres.

Dad is 41 years old this year, at the county level, not old, but not young either.If we spend a few more years at the county level, it is estimated that it will not have much to do with the rejuvenation of cadres.In the foreseeable future, this age will be an extremely important "hurdle" in officialdom.Isn’t there a jingle in later generations called——Age is a treasure, isn’t a diploma indispensable?

It is related to my father's official career and my "career in the yamen", so I can't allow me to play this "gentle and courteous" trick with them!

But this matter must be brought up with Mr.There are many things, just work hard, talkative.

I am here today, firstly for my husband's own future, and secondly for my father to run and save a way.

Mr. is 52 years old, and he has little connection with the rejuvenation of cadres.But that is also relatively speaking, at the county level, 52 years old is too old, the bureau level can only be said to be basically suitable, put it in the circle of the provincial and ministerial level, it is still considered young and vigorous.

You are a scholar, and you don't have a strong backer. You have little experience in local government. No matter how you operate, it is unlikely that one side will be in charge.However, it is very promising to give full play to his profound theoretical knowledge, give advice to high-level officials, and enter a think tank, and his level of treatment can also rise with the tide.Compared with his previous life, letting him die in the position of executive vice principal of the Provincial Party School is quite different.

Some big-name experts in the intelligence group often discuss the international and domestic situation with national leaders, and often one sentence can influence the entire national policy and determine the fate of several people. Their invisible influence and control are far from those of the Provincial Party School The vice-principal is comparable.

In a short while, the teacher's wife cooked two bowls of noodles and came out with two poached eggs, which were steaming hot and full of fragrance.Although Su Jianzhong and I had lunch on the road at noon, when our appetite was strong, we were not polite at the moment, we just picked up the noodles and ate them.

"Uncle, I want to talk to you about the rejuvenation of cadres."

I ate the noodles and said deliberately lightly.


The gentleman immediately opened his mouth wide.

The husband's surprise was already expected, and he didn't talk nonsense at the moment. He took out a few crumpled pages of letter paper from his pocket and put them in front of the husband.This is the "result" that took me a lot of thought and killing a few brain cells.

To be honest, I am not good at purely theoretical articles.On these few pages, the writing is also in a mess, and it is too far-fetched to say that it is an article, and it can barely be regarded as some thoughts.

But that's enough. When it comes to writing theoretical articles, my husband is not so tough. The key is to make him agree with my point of view.

Although the hammer here and there doesn't look like it, after all, I transcribed it clearly, and the handwriting is still neat, and it looks effortless, sir.

Mr. is still the old rules, watching very carefully, his face is calm.Before reading it, he will not express his opinion easily.What surprised me was that Mr. actually read it three times, and he had to close his eyes and meditate for a while after reading it.

"Xiaojun, did you write this?"

After a while, Mr. asked.


I nodded.

"There is no starting and turning, and there is no interlude. I think you are getting more and more regressed, and your studies have been delayed, right?"

Mr. said with a straight face.

I smiled, not afraid: "Uncle, this is not an article, but some suggestions, and the article should be done by you."

"Even if it's a suggestion, it needs to be organized, it's too messy!"

The gentleman continued to keep a straight face.

I couldn't help scratching my head, picked up a chopstick of noodles, and smiled: "Uncle, I'm eating noodles..."

"But it's a good idea."

Mr. was amused by me, the black face was just pretending.

"It seems that this article can only be written by me. It is inappropriate for Yucheng and your father to write it."

I couldn't help being overjoyed, I almost choked on a mouthful of noodles and coughed again and again.I was so panicked that my teacher's wife came over quickly, beat my back to make me feel better, and blamed my husband endlessly.Although he has never had a child, the husband and his wife have a very strong relationship, and the husband and wife are deeply affectionate. He listened to the nagging of the teacher and his wife, and the husband naturally laughed it off.

Seeing that Mr. closed his eyes again and fell into deep thought, I knew he was already thinking about the details of the whole article, so I quickly finished a few mouthfuls of noodles and sneaked aside to avoid disturbing his train of thought.

I originally prepared a large set of rhetoric, but I never thought that I would not be able to use one of them.It seems that the understanding of Mr. needs to be improved.An educated scholar like him has an extraordinary understanding of the overall situation in the country. With just a little click, he can draw inferences from one instance and consider the whole situation immediately.

I don't need to worry about the next thing at all. When it comes to writing articles, I am not qualified to make irresponsible remarks to my husband in two lifetimes.

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