Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 164 Who Would Say My Hometown Is Good?

Sister Bai Yang, Brother Peng Fei, here, here..."

I stood up and waved towards the door as if they were my guests.

Bai Yang has sharp eyes and saw me immediately, it's hard for her to have a good memory, but she was in the same car and hadn't seen me for a year, she still recognized me immediately.

"Xiaojun, it's you!"

Bai Yang walked over with a smile. Peng Fei seemed a little unhappy, but he still followed with a smile. [

"Liu Hua, what a coincidence, you guys are coming to eat too?"

Bai Yang greeted the elder sister again.

The elder sister got the address I gave her, but she often kept in touch with Bai Yang.Bai Yang is a few years older, but he still gets along very well with his elder sister.

"Yes, Xiaojun is here, let's have a meal together. Sister Bai Yang, let's eat together..."

The eldest sister greeted warmly.

Bai Yang was not polite at all, sat down with a smile, and said to Peng Fei: "Peng Fei, it's better to come early than coincidentally. Since we met, I will hit Xiaojun's local tyrant, hehe..."


How did she know that the "local tycoon" at this table is from this yamen?It seems that I am very "gentle, kind and courteous, and want to show off a little bit. I guess it was the "indelible" impression on her that was made by charging a large sum of money at the People's Hotel in Xiangyang County last year.

Peng Fei looked a little strange.The bitterness is mixed with Chennai.

strangeness.How could it be such an expression?

I thought about it for a while.I have a bottom in my heart.

It's Peng Fei's kindness to invite her to dinner.And Bai Yang couldn't take off his face.Had to reluctantly agree.Didn't expect to run into us here.It was a surprise for Bai Yang.Gently take off Peng Fei's invitation without hurting people's self-esteem.But Yu Pengfei was so depressed that "drinking cold water also clogged his teeth".I guess I don't know how many times I have gritted my teeth and cursed Ben Ya Nei in my heart.

The natural curse is the curse, but I really don't hold grudges.Peng Fei is not that kind of idiot, how can he not know that this time is completely a coincidence, and this yamen didn't mean to spoil his good deeds.

The eldest sister was busy introducing her roommate to Peng Bai and the others.

Yanzi and the others were surprised when they heard that Bai Yang was a high-achieving student at Renmin University and was working as a reporter for the provincial newspaper at a young age.

To say that the college students at that time, especially the students of Ningqing University, did not feel generally good about themselves. Naturally, they did not know how to flatter the rich and powerful. momentum.The only thing that can silence them immediately is that the other party has a higher level and a better school.

Undoubtedly, Huaxia Renmin University is several grades higher than Ningqing University, and it is a well-known university in the whole country.What's more, Bai Yang is so young and beautiful, with an elegant temperament, and he doesn't show good upbringing in his gestures. It is obvious that his family background is also excellent.In comparison, although Peng Fei also came from a prestigious school and has a decent job, his temperament is much worse.

The family education received in childhood is different, and it has the most profound impact on a person's temperament.

At this time, the waiter came over with the menu and threw it on the table with a bang. [

I was depressed again.

The first-class hotel in the province is still foreign-related. How can the waiters be so virtuous?Could it be that when foreign guests or provincial leaders come, is this recipe also here?

The service awareness of this service industry really needs to be improved!

Now that Bai Yang and Peng Fei are here, it is natural to ask her to order food first.

I was about to speak, when Peng Fei picked up the recipe and began to order.

"Braised Sea Cucumber..."

When the first dish was ordered, everyone was taken aback, and Bai Yang glanced at Peng Fei in surprise.It should be noted that province N is an inland province and does not produce seafood. The price of this braised sea cucumber is quite expensive.

"Seven layers of water fish..."

Peng Fei ignored everyone's surprised expressions and announced the second dish.

Water fish is soft-shelled turtle, and it is also a very expensive dish. It can be regarded as the signature dish of the Eleventh Hotel.

"Braised Lamb's Knuckle..."

Peng Fei's third dish was announced again.

Mutton is not a very expensive raw material, but sheep's feet are different.Veteran diners who really know how to eat know that the most delicious part of sheep is the sheep's feet. If it is cooked well, it is fragrant, waxy and chewy. It is really a first-class delicacy.It's just that a sheep has only four hooves, and the hooves that can be taken are only four lumps. To make a dish, at least three or four sheep's hooves are needed, so the price will naturally remain high.

"Braised duck feet..."

Hey, another dish with scarce ingredients.At that time, unlike later generations, the breeding industry was prevalent, and there were many professional chicken farmers and duck farmers.Especially ducks are less than chickens.Because raising chickens can also be a "part-time job", it is not a big problem for a housewife to raise thirty or fifty chickens in her spare time.Jiang Youxin is currently engaged in a "courtyard economy" in Hongqi Commune, and family chicken raising is one of Daliguang's projects.But raising ducks is different. They have to be taken care of by special personnel. Every day, they go to the ponds and rivers with lush water and grass to eat some snails and small fish. There is no way to keep them at home.Naturally, ducks were also raised in captivity in later generations, but there was no captive breeding method at that time.

Naturally, in later generations of hotels and restaurants, the most ruthless trick is the so-called "plating technique". It looks like a plate is colorful and beautiful, but there are very few real things, which may not be enough for each table. Stretch your chopsticks once.In contrast, the restaurant in [-], although the service attitude and dishes were lackluster, was better than the real thing, and the price was based on the quantity of the main dish.This plate of "Fragrant Braised Duck Feet" has more than a dozen duck feet at least, and the price is not cheap.

“Steam Pot Chicken…”

Peng Fei was still sorting out the most expensive dishes on the menu and reporting them all the way down.

Steam pot chicken is a famous dish in a certain province in the southwest, but as the signature restaurant of the province, Eleven Hotel cannot only have local dishes.It should be noted that the guests who come here are from all over the world.

Hehe, this buddy Peng Fei dared to hold his breath, knowing that this yamen was trying to show off in front of a group of girls, and deliberately played tricks, wanting a guy to eat me up, so as to relieve the depression in his chest.

It's the same, I finally seized an opportunity to show courteousness to the beautiful woman I like. Coincidentally, I was disturbed by Liu Jun, a stinky boy. I don't want to take revenge. How can I feel relieved from the bad breath in my chest?

Although there was a reason for the incident, after all, he was a little less generous, so it was no wonder that Bai Yang looked down on him. [

But this yamen should thank him.He couldn't find a reason to invite Bai Yang and his eldest sister's roommate, Haizhuo, to have a meal. It would be great to have this buddy come forward to fill the garlic.It not only shows the sincerity of the yamen's hospitality, but also does not pretend to be annoying.

"Peng Fei!"

Bai Yang could bear it, and scolded coquettishly.

"what's wrong?"

Peng Fei turned his head, looking very innocent.

Bai Yang originally wanted to say a few words to Peng Fei, but after thinking about it, he endured it, and he couldn't lose face in front of these many people.Sometimes for the sake of this so-called "face", men can do big stupid things like "becoming a beauty in anger".

"We are all girls, you order so many greasy meat dishes, are you deliberately trying to make us gain weight?"

Poplar Qiaoxiao

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