Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1677 The Four-Word Mantra

After all, the governor of a province cannot leave his post for too long. Governor Liu stayed in the capital for two or three days and went straight back to Yulan City. b Yan Fei originally wanted to take Liu Yang with him, but Ruan Bixiu hadn't seen her grandson for a long time, so she tried her best to persuade her to stay, so Yan Feinai had to stay with her son for two more days to talk to the mother-in-law.During this period, the two leaders' wives were very excited. They took their daughters-in-law and grandsons, surrounded by guards, and went shopping for a while. Although they didn't buy many things, they really got a taste of the new changes in the capital. They were very happy.

Governor Liu was not in such a good mood. When he returned to the provincial government, he non-stop summoned the mayors of the subordinate cities to communicate and negotiate with them.According to the order, Liu Jun should first summon Li Tao, Mayor of Yulan.However, he is still concurrently serving as the secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee, and the affairs of the Municipal Party Committee have not been completely let go. The meeting was still presided over by Liu Jun himself, and the weekly routine communication with Li Tao was never interrupted, so this time, Li Tao was exempted from the summons.To everyone's surprise, the first mayor that Governor Liu summoned was Su Jie, the mayor of Song City.

Su Jie has been in anxiety during this time.He was single-handedly promoted by former Provincial Party Secretary Tai Weiqing, and he can be called Xi Weiqing's confidant cadre.However, Tai Weiqing's sudden resignation and irregular transfer made Su Jie's position in Song Dudu suddenly awkward.Originally, Song City was strongly controlled by Chai Shaoji, secretary of the municipal party committee, but Su Jie didn't have much power to speak. In the past, with the backing of Tai Weiqing, he could barely support it.Now Tai Weiqing's "downfall" Su Jie's right to speak is even more insufficient.

Su Jie knew very well that after Liu Feipeng and Liu Jun joined forces to "seize power", once the personnel layout at the provincial level was finalized, the next step would definitely be to adjust the main leadership team at the prefecture and city level.One emperor and one courtier, this is unavoidable.

Although Xu Dangjiu, Xiang Han, Zhao Dan and others still occupy a place in the provincial party committee and have three standing committee members, they still seem to have a lot of influence.But everyone knows that without Tai Weiqing, Xu Dangjiu and the others are just a mess, and the "combat power" of leading the army is very weak.I am afraid that at this time, Xu Hongjiu Xianghan and others are also worried about their own future. How can they care about the "life and death" of Su Jie and other city officials? [

Of course, everyone also knows that the conflict between Liu Fei and Liu Jun is very deep, and there are faint traces of big faction games in the village, and this kind of conflict is difficult to reconcile.Perhaps, this is the only hope for Tai clique cadres to protect themselves in future political games.

In other words, everyone must report to be clear-headed and stand in line again.

Whether to support or donate willows is the biggest question that needs to be considered most urgently before everyone.

As far as feelings are concerned, the cadres of the Tai family have no special "preference" for Liu Feipeng and Liu Junjun.As far as each other's power is concerned, it is also difficult to distinguish Xuan Cheng.Liu Feipeng is a general of the Mingzhu Department, and is highly appreciated by the high-level bosses. Liu Jun is also the designated successor of the Yanliu Department, with two giants behind him.Of course, Liu Jun is far younger than Liu Feipeng. In terms of long-term potential, there is no doubt that Liu Jun has a brighter future than Liu Feipeng.It's just that people don't pay attention to this thing.What they are thinking about now is how to keep their current position in the province.When Liu Jun stepped onto the altar in the future and received the congratulations from all nations, they had already retired.It should be noted that Liu Jun is not only the youngest governor in the country, but also the youngest among the top leaders of the prefecture-level party and government in the province.All the municipal party committee secretaries and mayors in the province are older than Liu Jun.

How to stand in line, or whether there is still a chance to stand in line, is what Su Jie and others are most worried about.

At this moment, Su Jie received a notice from $y Qifan that Governor Liu was going to summon him, so one can imagine the nervousness in his heart.Su Jie knew very well that this summoning might determine his political future.

The problem is that Ke Qifan only said the time of the summoning, urging him to arrive on time, but did not mention a word about the content of the summoning.Su Jie is heartbroken.Fen, I don't know how to prepare.One wrong answer, maybe it won't be long before the mayor of Song Dynasty will not have the surname of Su.

Su Jie counted the generals of the Liu family he was familiar with in his heart, and found sadly that there was no one who was close to him. If he wanted to inquire about some "insider" news, he had to start from the beginning.

Seeing that Su Jie didn't finish a bowl of rice, but just sighed and looked anxious, his wife reminded him, why not ask Secretary Chai for instructions?Secretary Chai is recognized as a kind person. Although there are some contradictions in his work, he is not a villain who makes trouble.At critical moments, he may be willing to lend a helping hand to Su Jie.

It really is a word that awakens the dreamer!

Su Jie seemed to see a glimmer of light in the haze of the sky.

What my wife said is right, isn't there a confidant of Liu Jun's most important direct line by my side?To show loyalty to Governor Liu, the first step is to approach Secretary Chai!Such a "blessed" condition, I didn't know how to take advantage of it, I was so confused!Governor Liu summoned the meeting tomorrow morning. Su Jie could visit Secretary Chai first and then rush to the provincial capital overnight. There was no time left.

Without further ado, Su Jie immediately picked up the phone and called Chai Shaoji, who lived not far away from Building No. [-] of the Municipal Party Committee. He said euphemistically that he had some work problems and needed to ask Secretary Chai for instructions. He wondered if Secretary Chai had time. ?As expected, Chai Shaoji did not refuse, and accepted with a smile.

Su Jie was very excited immediately, before going out, he even hugged his wife, kissed his wife hard and drove him away.Su Jie didn't stay long in Building No. [-] of the Municipal Party Committee, and soon got into a car and went straight to the provincial capital.

Su Jie, who was sitting in the back seat, obviously calmed down. He thought carefully about what Chai Shaoji said to him along the way, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

Chai Shaoji was indeed a kind person, and he did not guard against him because of conflicts at work, and explained to him in detail some of Liu Jun's most concerned issues, and asked him to work more on these aspects.

"Governor Liu's\'.: It's not hard to think about f, you just memorize the eight words and you've got eleven hearts for the public and the people!"

It is the "eight-character mantra" that Chai Shaoji solemnly told Su Jie before he left!

At 25:[-] the next morning, Su Jie appeared in the governor's office. [

The governor's office, Su Jie has been here twice before, and that was when Tai Weiqing was the governor.However, Liu Jun's office is no longer the one that Tai Weiqing used before.The layout is also slightly different. The interior decoration is simple and heavy. A few pots of iron trees, evergreens and gladiolus add a bit of vitality to this solemn and solemn office. "Hello Governor!"

From a distance away, Su Jie bowed deeply to the young governor sitting behind the huge desk, and greeted him very respectfully. "Well, Comrade Su Jie is here, please sit down!" Liu Jun didn't get up to shake Su Jie's hand, but smiled and nodded as a salute.

It turns out that Su Jie is actually Liu Jun's old subordinate. When Liu Jun served as the deputy governor and secretary of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee, Su Jie was the executive deputy mayor of Yulan City.During that time, Su Jie was quite cooperative with Liu Jun's work.Even though he is Tai Weiqing's direct descendant, facing the extremely powerful Liu Yanei, he dare not make trouble at will.For the old subordinates, Liu Jun has always been not very polite.Su Jie was overjoyed.

The more casual Liu Jun treated him, the happier he was.Usually when the leader greets you with a smile and is polite, it means that you want to be in the position of God.Maybe there will never be a chance to talk face-to-face with the leader in the future, so naturally you have to be polite.

Su Jie replied respectfully again, walked over cautiously, slumped in the chair opposite Liu Jun, straightened his back, looked intently at Liu Jun's young and handsome face, and respectfully listened to Governor Liu's teachings. "Comrade Su Jie, I invite you here today. I mainly want to know about the situation in Songdu City. Let's chat casually. You don't have to be too formal. You can say whatever you think of, and speak freely.

Liu Jun really put on a posture of chatting casually, and handed Su Jie a cigarette.Su Jie was overwhelmed by the flattery, pressed his hands over, grabbed the lighter on the table and lit it for Liu Jun, and then lit it himself.

As soon as this action was performed, Su Jie immediately felt that the tension in his heart was relieved a lot. It seems that any action of the superior has connotation, and a casual small action can often have an unexpected effect. "How is the process of nationalizing Songdu's mining rights for mineral resources?" Liu Jun asked.

When Su Jie heard this, he couldn't help admiring Chai Shaoji very much.The first thing Chai Shaoji instructed him was to nationalize the right to exploit mineral resources.Speaking of this issue, it was originally Governor Liu who personally represented him. Governor Liu has always been very concerned about this matter and asked him to make more preparations.

With Chai Shaoji's reminder, Su Jie raised his pillow in the provincial government guest house last night, and thought about the whole matter clearly. Facing Liu Jun's question at this moment, he was naturally confident, and he was not in a hurry at the moment report to Liu Jun.

"Governor, according to your instructions, under the personal command of Secretary Chai, our city will divide this matter into three steps. The first step is to establish the company 'Zhenbang Coal Energy Company', which is personally directed by Secretary Chai. As the chairman, I am the vice chairman..."

Su Jie reported the progress to Liu Jun.In fact, this strategy was thought up by Yu Huaixin on the banquet. After Chai Shaoji went back, he immediately "acted according to plan" and established a large state-owned coal company. Appointed six members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, which is not insignificant.

"A few days ago, our city has basically taken back the mining rights of coal resources. Except for the coal mines directly under the Songdu Mining Bureau and several approved collective coal mines, other small coal mines and private coal mines have all been closed. Zhenbang Company's The economic benefits are very good, and it is expected to provide a net profit of 25 billion yuan for the municipal finance this year..."

Su Jie said, his face shone with excitement.

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