Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1681 Liu Feipeng was held back again!

"In order to strengthen the effect of this anti-corruption campaign, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee negotiated, and decided to learn from the model and experience of the Central Inspection Team, and transferred capable cadres from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee to form a working group. Go deep into the cities to collect stories, learn the real situation from the frontline cadres and the masses, and conduct necessary supervision on the main leading cadres in each city. b Ask Secretary Liu and Governor Liu for instructions!" Xu Hongjiu said, looking at Liu Feipeng and Liu Jun , Putting on a posture of asking for instructions.Liu Feipeng couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart.It is simply unreasonable!

For such a major action, Xu Dangjiu didn't report it to himself, the secretary of the provincial party committee, and whispered to Xiang Han in private, and then brought it to the secretary's office meeting to discuss it. Isn't it a slap in the face of Liu Feipeng?

Xu Hongjiu still pretended to ask for instructions at the meeting

Really disgusting!

However, Liu Feipeng once again tasted the unspeakable taste of bitterness.In any case, Xu Hongjiu's application procedures are correct. The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection took a big action and brought it up for discussion at the secretary's office meeting, which is a prudent attitude.As for private communication, it is official practice.Xu Hongjiu was clearly dissatisfied with Liu Feipeng and was unwilling to follow this practice, so Liu Feipeng couldn't openly speak out. [

In the final analysis, Xu Dangjiu and Xiang Han were unhappy with Liu Fei's hunger for "falling Tai" and deliberately wanted to add trouble to him.The rules of officialdom are set for those who "keep the rules and obey the rules".If there was a normal alternation between Tai Weiqing and Liu Feipeng, Xu Hongjiu and Xiang Han would abide by the rules and report to Liu Feih in advance.This time, it is not necessary!I'm disgusted!You figure it out!

In Liu Feipeng's eyes, flames of anger flashed out, but quickly faded away.Now is not the time to get angry at Xu Dangjiu and Xiang Han. With a slap on the table, Xu Dangjiu and Xiang Han were easily put into Liu Jun's "arms".Such a risk cannot be taken.Compared with face, Secretary Liu naturally paid more attention to actual interests.

"Hehe, of course, the work of fighting corruption and promoting integrity must be unremitting. Even without the deployment of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, our province should also pay attention to this work. This is very important for strengthening the construction of cadres and improving the prestige of our party and government. Significance. I personally agree with the proposal of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Organization Department. Comrades, please share your views.” Liu Feipeng quickly suppressed his anger and said with a smile. "Secretary Liu, Governor Liu, let me talk."

The head of the organization said to Han, his voice was as soft as ever.Since Che Bu was discussing the construction of the cadre team, the head of the organization was naturally invited to attend the office meeting of the secretary.Both Liu Feipeng and Liu Jun nodded with a smile.Xiang Han and Xu Hongjiu, at least in terms of face, are very well-behaved, "Secretary Liu and Governor Liu" are inseparable

"Secretary Liu, Governor Liu, some time ago, the Organization Department of our Provincial Party Committee conducted a relatively extensive discussion on the basic situation of leading cadres above the county level in the province at this stage. The four cadre departments of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the The research offices all produced written report materials. We believe that there are currently five problems among the leading groups and leading cadres above the provincial and county levels in our province..." Xiang Han opened his notebook and said calmly.

"The first aspect is that there are weak links between theory and practice, and ideological and political construction. The main manifestations are that individual leading cadres have a floating ideological style, a false work style, and a poor mental state. The democratic centralism of the leadership team is not effectively implemented, and the problem of top leaders is serious... ...The reports of the cadre department and the research office include some actual materials and examples. Due to time constraints, I will not read them here...The second aspect is that the cadre evaluation mechanism is not perfect. The public opinion polls usually used , democracy, democratic evaluation, individual talks and forums, etc., do not take into account the particularity of leading cadres, especially in public opinion surveys and democracy, where personal factors are more prominent, and the results are difficult to accurately reflect the performance of cadres' morality and ability.' Cadres The problem of "numbers" and "numbers for cadres" is more prominent. The third aspect is that the problem of "cadres being able to step down" has not been really solved. Our cadres are basically able to go up or down. Once they reach this position, Even if the facts prove that he is incompetent, it is very difficult to adjust his position. It seems that in everyone's mind, a cadre who does not make mistakes is a good cadre. As for whether this cadre is really capable of doing things, there are not many factors to consider. The fourth On the one hand, the supervision mechanism is not perfect, especially the supervision of the top leaders and the supervision of "beyond eight hours". The problem of "promotion with illness" and "employment with illness" has not been completely solved and effectively prevented. The fifth aspect is that the public The quality and quantity of selection and competition for employment need to be further improved... In view of these actual conditions, I think it is necessary to learn from the working methods of the central inspection team. We send the working group to help solve or alleviate these problems. Xiang Han explained his opinion.

As for the official report materials of the Organization Department, it will be specially sent to the secretaries and the review committee of the provincial party committee for review.Liu Feipeng smiled and nodded again.

In fact, everyone can know a little bit about what Secretary Liu thinks in his heart.The problems Xiang Han mentioned did not exist for a genius, it should be said that they have always existed.As for the open selection and competition for employment, it has only recently begun to be tried out, and the natural quality and quantity need to be further improved.Even this has become the main problem!

But Liu Feipeng didn't intend to criticize Xu Dangjiu and Xiang Han at this meeting.After all, Tai Weiqing's sudden resignation was a "heavy blow" to the provincial Tai department cadres. Xu Hongjiu and Xiang Han jointly made this move, in essence, just to protect themselves.

They can neither choose to rejoin the ranks like the cadres below, nor do they want to be marginalized in the province, so they must work hard to make their voices heard.The Fourth Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection called for vigorous efforts to fight corruption and promote integrity, which is undoubtedly an opportunity.Once this joint working group is sent down, it goes without saying that it will encourage the cadres of the Tai Department.Although Tai Weiqing has left, the banner of our faction has not fallen, and a new banner-bearer has stood up again!

In addition, it is not ruled out that the working group can find some problems.At present, the main leading cadres at the provincial, prefectural and municipal levels, especially the party committee secretaries, are mostly people on the Liu Feipeng line. Xu Dangjiu and Xiang Han can win one or two of them, which is enough to deter the officialdom and establish their own authority. "Tai Weiqing era" continued to maintain the independence of the Tai system.This measure is currently the most favorable measure that Xu Dangjiu and Xiang Han can take.

No matter how unhappy Liu Feipeng was, he couldn't think of any good reason to dismiss it.If he had Qu Haojin's strength, he could forcefully veto it.Now that Liu Jun and Liu Guangxing are staring at him, Liu Feipeng really can't take the risk easily and bring shame on himself. "Secretary Liu, comrades, let me talk a few words." Liu Jun spoke with a smile.

All eyes fell on his face.Now in the province, no one dares to underestimate Liu Junluo's opinion.

"First of all, I am very much in favor of Secretary Dang Jiu and Comrade Xiang Han's plan. This is definitely an effective and good way. I think that it is not only the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the organization that should vigorously fight corruption and promote honesty and strengthen the party style and clean government of the f department. It is a big project, and the provincial party committee and the provincial government should give strong support. In addition to playing the role of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the working group of the Organization Department, I think the government should also join this vigorous anti-corruption campaign Let's go." Liu Jun said slowly, his voice was deep, full of magnetism and appeal.Liu Feipeng frowned again.This man was too good at seizing the opportunity, he hit the snake with the stick, and immediately inserted a stick in.

"In my opinion, we must do a good job in fighting corruption and building a clean government, and do a good job in building a clean and honest government in the f department. Supervisory agencies and auditing agencies must also participate. Focus on improving government execution and credibility, and fully develop the functions of administrative supervision and auditing. Therefore, the provincial government has decided to send monitoring and auditing teams to various cities. They will mainly carry out administrative monitoring and auditing work from the following areas..." Having said that, Liu Jun took a sip from his water glass.

"Specifically speaking, we must focus on solving ten problems... The first is to solve the problems of inadequate compensation for the expropriation of farmers' collective land and the problems in management and use. It is necessary to strengthen land law enforcement and supervision, strictly manage construction land, and seriously investigate and deal with violations of regulations. Arbitrary approval and occupation of cultivated land, as well as default, retention, and misappropriation of land compensation fees.

The second is to solve the problem of harming the interests of residents in the demolition of urban feeder.The third is to solve the problem of infringing on the interests of employees during the restructuring of enterprises.Ensure that state-owned assets are not lost and the interests of employees are not damaged.The fourth is to solve the problems of arrears and deductions of migrant workers' labor payments and government arrears of project funds.Protect the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers in terms of wages and benefits, labor security and basic living rights in accordance with the law.The fifth is to solve the problem of arbitrary fees for education.Strictly regulate the charging behavior of schools at all levels and types.The sixth is to solve the problems in the purchase and sale of medicines and medical services.Strictly regulate the medication and diagnosis and treatment behaviors of depository institutions and their medical staff.The seventh is to solve the problem of reducing the burden on farmers.Severely crack down on the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy agricultural materials and the behavior of driving up the price of agricultural materials, and seriously investigate and deal with vicious cases and incidents involving agricultural burdens.The eighth is to solve the problems of non-disclosure of finances and unfairness of village cadres.The ninth is to solve the problem of "three chaos" on the highway.The tenth is to focus on solving the problem of commercial bribery.In departments and industries such as medicine, construction, transportation, electric power, telecommunications, commerce and trade, and finance, we must focus on carrying out special campaigns against commercial bribery to seriously investigate and handle a number of commercial bribery cases. "

After listening to Jue Jun's speech, Xu Dangjiu and Xiang Han exchanged glances very quickly, and faintly read a look of worry from each other's eyes.

Maybe Liu Jun didn't intend to "collude" with them deliberately, but once Liu Jun made this suggestion, it was inevitable to form a certain opinion in Liu Feipeng's mind.hold.Xu Hongjiu and Xiang Han didn't want to make a choice so soon.Then Luo Beili and Liu Guangxing also expressed their opinions, expressing Liu Feipeng's anxiety and unhappiness in support of several motions, and nodded in agreement. [

It seems that the next round of storms is about to unfold in the Northern Province.

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