This motion was not discussed at the secretary's office meeting, and Meng Yuhan was directly on the Standing Committee, which meant a surprise attack.

"Comrades, this time, due to the competition between the Moshi Brigade and the Niushan Brigade of the Hongqi Commune, a large-scale fighting occurred, causing more than a dozen commune members to be injured to varying degrees, and three of them were seriously injured... The impact of this incident is very bad. ...First of all, I, the secretary of the county party committee, need to conduct a self-criticism..."

Meng Yuhan's tone was very heavy.

Several die-hard Standing Committee members of the Liu family were shocked.Tang Haitian's fingers holding the teacup stiffened.Wu Qiuyang, who had been looking down at his notebook, looked up at Meng Yuhan with a cold look.

Meng Yuhan turned a blind eye and continued to express heavy emotion. [

"As party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, we must always put the interests of the people first, and put the lives and properties of the people first... The Chairman once taught us that leading cadres are the people's The servants... The leadership team of the Hongqi Commune is responsible for this incident... They didn't do their job well in advance... In my opinion, the main person in charge of the Hongqi Commune should be held accountable..."

At this point, Meng Yuhan listened, picked up his teacup to drink water, glanced at the faces of the standing committee members one by one, and finally settled on Ma Zhikuan's face.

Ma Zhikuan said coldly, "I support Secretary Meng's opinion. Party members and cadres who ignore the interests of the people should be held accountable."

Tang Haitian tightened his grip on the teacup, and looked at Ma Zhikuan coldly.

Ma Zhikuan turned his head slightly, not making eye contact with Tang Haitian.

"Hehe, Director Ma is very principled. As a leading cadre of the party, he should not show affection and stick to principles... Comrades, please express your opinions!"

Meng Yuhan smiled.Showing the face of "Bodhisattva".

"I disagree."

Wu Qiuyang said calmly.

"Although the incident between Moshi Brigade and Niushan Brigade caused certain losses and influences, this incident is also justifiable. In our county, similar incidents have happened before. It is not that the situation is more serious than this. No. Comrade Jiang Youxin has just served as the secretary of the Party Committee of the Hongqi Commune for less than half a year. He is still familiar with the situation. As far as I know, this comrade’s work style is still very down-to-earth. "

Wu Qiuyang ranked sixth in the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee.After Wei Yuhua.It is only a little higher than the newcomers Li Chengyan and Lu Zhen.As for Yu Xiaohan.Basically a "hands up" member of the Standing Committee.It is said that after Ma Zhikuan, the acting director of the County Revolutionary Committee, spoke.If it wasn't Tang Haitian, it should be Wei Yuhua who expressed his opinion.Then it was his turn.Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to speak.And he changed his habit of being silent in the past.Let's talk at length.

"Comrade Wu Qiuyang. No one has denied Comrade Jiang Youxin's work attitude. Now let's discuss the facts. The discussion is about the handling of the mass fighting incident in the Hongqi Commune. Other situations. I won't introduce it here for the time being."

Meng Yuhan interrupted Wu Qiuyang's speech very impolitely.

"You can't look at a problem in isolation. For a cadre, you can't judge the pros and cons by just one thing, right?"

Wu Qiuyang pushed back unceremoniously.

Meng Yuhan's expression sank and he remained silent.

"A meritorious deed is a demerit. If there is meritorious service, it should be rewarded. If there is demerit, then it will be punished. This is our party's consistent policy."

Ma Zhikuan jumped out to help Meng Yuhan again.

It seems that this guy is determined to mess with Meng Yuhan.He was probably counting on Liu Jincai to really move his position after attending the party school training, then he would take this step logically. [

But after careful analysis, this is also very normal.Assuming that Ma Zhikuan is still close to the Liu family, even if Meng Yuhan is squeezed out, Liu Jincai will take over as the secretary of the county party committee. In terms of seniority, it is very likely that Tang Haitian will take over as the director of the county revolutionary committee. He can at most replace Tang Haitian as the deputy party secretary. It's just a small step up in the ranking of the standing committee of the county party committee, and the level is still at the deputy county level.

The prospect is naturally not as good as taking over as the director of the county revolutionary committee.

What's more, it seems that the prefectural committee's intention to support Meng Yuhan is very obvious, otherwise it would not have "drained the bottom line" at such a critical moment.

In the officialdom, as long as you stand in the right line, you can reap great benefits.

His old horse won't accept death like Tang Haitian and Wu Qiuyang.He is not old Wei either, he has reached the end of his age and has no room for advancement.In officialdom, how can there be so much benevolence, righteousness and morality to talk about?

For grandma, if you have milk, you are a mother!

"Comrade Ma Zhikuan, the Party's consistent policy is to punish the former and the former, and to heal the sick and save the patient. If a comrade makes a mistake in his heart, he must be punished immediately. Isn't that too much?"

Tang Haitian asked lightly.

"As far as the matter is concerned, how can we go too far? Disciplining comrades who have made mistakes is also in line with our party's policy of curing diseases and saving lives. I suggest that Comrade Jiang Youxin, the party secretary of the Hongqi Commune, be given a serious warning within the party."

Ma Zhikuan went into battle shirtless and became Meng Yuhan's "pawn".

Meng Yuhan took a sip of water from his teacup, and an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the prefectural committee still values ​​him very much. In order to support him, he did not hesitate to take decisive measures to get Liu Jincai away.Seeing that I finally gradually grasped the initiative of the Standing Committee, even if Old Wei did not abstain and supported Tang Haitian, and the result of the vote was 44, I could use the final decision-making power of the party secretary to pass this resolution.

"I object!"

Li Chengyan also clearly expressed his opinion.

"Hmph, let's vote!"

Ma Zhikuan said angrily.

Of course, he is also very clear about the current structure of the Standing Committee.

"I also object! Even if the Standing Committee votes to pass this resolution, I still have to reserve my opinion, and I will state my reasons for objecting to the Baozhou Prefectural Committee in writing."

Wu Qiuyang expressed his position extremely forcefully.

Ma Zhikuan was so angry that the veins on his forehead swelled, he didn't expect Wu Qiuyang to be so loyal to Liu Jincai.It seems that he was not Liu Jincai's old subordinate, but Liu Jincai's boss.

Meng Yuhan was startled, he knew Wu Qiuyang's character, he could say it and do it.If you really state the reasons for your opposition in writing to the Baozhou Prefectural Committee, I am afraid that you will form a bad impression in the minds of the regional leaders—you, Meng Yuhan, what did you do?Making things so stiff every time?Do you have the ability to manage the work of a county well?

"In my opinion, punishment within the party is unnecessary. Comrade Jiang Youxin is still young after all, and his essence is very good." [

Meng Yuhan said in a long voice.

"However, through this incident, we can also see a problem. Comrade Jiang Youxin is too young and lacks experience in grassroots work. It is not suitable for Hongqi Commune to have such a large stall without an experienced old comrade at the helm... I Look, Comrade Jiang Youxin's job position should be adjusted. He is not suitable to be the full-time leader of the commune for the time being... Well, I think Comrade Jiang Youxin should be transferred to the Forestry Bureau as the deputy director. He will train for two years before looking at it! As for the party secretary of the Hongqi Commune

, I suggest that Comrade Zhou Guanxiong, the director of the commune, take the post. Comrades discuss

When Meng Yuhan said this, not only Tang Haitian and the others were so angry that they almost slapped the table, but Ma Zhikuan was also a little surprised.

Haha, this "Bodhisattva Meng" is too cruel, right?

In other words, the deputy director of the Forestry Bureau and the secretary of the Party Committee of the Hongqi Commune are at the same level, at the sub-section level, and the Forestry Bureau works in the county seat. In comparison, the living conditions of the Hongqi Commune are much better.If it is a commune secretary in a remote area or a veteran cadre who has worked at the grassroots level for many years, he can be transferred to the county town to work and retire in the county town after working for three to five years.

But it is inappropriate to use it on Jiang Youxin.Jiang Youxin is very young, and it is time to work hard to achieve results.This transfer to the forestry bureau to hold an important deputy position is very comfortable, I am afraid that this is the end of my official career.

Meng Yuhan is ruthless from the bottom up!

The transfer of cadres is different from punishment. Even if Wu Qiuyang has an opinion, he can only vote against it, and the reasons for writing to the prefectural committee are not sufficient.The power of organization and personnel has always been controlled by the top leaders. For normal cadre transfers, what do you sue Wu Qiuyang?

"Secretary Meng, this is not a good idea. Comrade Jiang Youxin went to Hongqi Commune to be the secretary of the party committee at the end of last year. It has only been more than half a year. Changing leaders so frequently is not good for the work of Hongqi Commune. Cadres You still need to be cautious about the transfer.”

This time it was Wei Yuhua who spoke.

This old Wei probably also felt that Meng Yuhan had gone too far, and couldn't help but come out to "see the injustice".

"That doesn't matter. Comrade Zhou Guanxiong has worked in Hongqi Commune for many years. He is young and experienced. If he takes over the post of party secretary, it will not have any adverse effects on the work of Hongqi Commune."

There was a bit of unconcealable pleasure in Meng Yuhan's peaceful tone.

Grandma, when I just took office, you ganged up to bully me, now it's my turn to "go crazy".Hey, is the authority of the leader so easy to challenge?I just want all the cadres in Xiangyang County to know who owns Xiangyang County today!

"Secretary Meng, I don't think there is any need to discuss it, let's vote!"

Ma Zhikuan said impatiently.

"it is good!"

Meng Yuhan nodded.

The result of the vote was 4 in favor, 3 against and 1 abstention.

At the last moment, Lao Wei chose to be neutral, and neither side should offend.


During morning exercise, I broke the sandbag.

Now Master has been teaching me to perform Da Zhou Tian Qi Gong for some time, and I often have a hot internal breath in my dantian, just like what Master described, I am indeed a "little mouse", not urgent to urinate!But today, when the breath moves to the pulse, it repeatedly fails, and I am impatient, and I can't stick to it.This is a big taboo that Master said, and you must not force yourself to do things.As a last resort, I had no choice but to accept the exercises and go to practice against my brothers.

Although the master is watching from the side, the senior brothers are still very considerate of me, and they are very measured.After all, I'm only 12 years old, so I can't compare with them.You are being recruited, not your opponent.

Don't be wary that this morning, I am much more agile in my movements, and with a fierce aura, two senior brothers were defeated one after another, and even Xiao Wu, who is known as a master, was accidentally knocked to the ground by me.

After Xiao Wu was knocked down, I ignored him and went straight to hit the sandbags.


Seeing that my situation was wrong, Liang Guoqiang yelled to stop.

With a sound of "chi la", a big hole was broken in the cloth sandbag, and the sand splashed all over the ground.

"Xiaojun, that's enough, that's it for today!"

Liang Guoqiang shouted again.

He knows why I'm so upset.

Jiang Youxin was transferred from Hongqi Commune to serve as the last deputy director of the County Forestry Bureau. It was approved by the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee yesterday morning, and spread throughout Xiangyang County officials in the afternoon.The significance of this matter is far more than Jiang Youxin's job transfer.There is no doubt that this transfer will have a huge impact on the hearts of Yan Liu's cadres.Even Director Liu's secretary moved. It seems that Secretary Meng is really in charge of Xiangyang County now.

I gave a heavy "hum", left the broken sandbag, and walked away angrily.

When I got home, I had breakfast, changed my clothes, and couldn't read the book, so I simply put Lao Maozi's novels aside, and walked slowly towards Qiaoqiao's bakery with my hands behind my back.

"What's the matter? Xiaojun, you look bad, are you sick?"

When Qiaoer saw it, she panicked, dropped her work and ran over, asking questions in a loud voice.Liang Shaolan also looked at this side with concern.After Miss Xiaoqing left, Liang Shaolan was added, and basically the manpower was still sufficient.However, Liang Jingwei bought two new multi-functional toasters in Nanfang City not long ago and shipped them over. Although the output has not increased much, the variety has increased a lot, and the three girls seem a little overwhelmed.It seems that there is one more person to add.But I don't care about that right now.

Qiaoer has been the boss for so many days, and I really don't need to worry about the things in a small bakery.

"I'll lie down for a while, you can pour me a cup of tea."

I slumped down on the bamboo recliner sullenly.


Qiaoer was still very worried, and reached out to touch my forehead.

I patted her hand and picked it in her palm to show that I was not sick.

Only then did Liang Qiao heave a sigh of relief, and went to make tea for me. She looked back three times at a step, and seemed still worried, so I tried my best to show her a smile.

"Qiaoer, go upstairs and bring me a pack of cigarettes and matches."

The steaming hot tea has just been delivered, I said again.

Liang Qiao showed a surprised expression, and asked softly, "Xiao Jun, what are you doing with the cigarettes?"

I patted her arm and said softly, "Go and get it."


Although Liang Qiao was puzzled, she obediently went upstairs to get a pack of Daqianmen and a box of matches, and handed them to me lightly.

My mind is in a mess now, and when I see the big front door, I habitually tear off the tin foil, take one out and put it in my mouth, the movements are skillful.I have done this job for more than [-] years in my previous life, and it is difficult to think about it without proficiency.

"Ah, Xiaojun, why are you smoking? No way..."

Qiao'er, who was as gentle as water, also protested aloud, and naturally stretched out her hand to take the big front door in her mouth.

I was slightly taken aback, smiled wryly, and muttered, "I'm used to it..."

"Habit? I haven't seen you smoking before?"

Liang Qiao was stunned.

Hey, I can't explain this to you clearly. I guess you don't have the ability to understand the heroine Sarah Connor in "Terminator 1" for the time being. Not only did you accept a man who traveled back from the future, but you also had a relationship with him.

I put down the big front door, regained my senses for a moment, stood up, and said, "Qiaoer, I'll go to Liujiashan."

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