Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1727 Six Strategies to Enrich the People and Strengthen the Province

Governor Liu, hello!First of all, on behalf of all my colleagues in CCTV, I welcome Governor Liu to our news studio..."

Jiang Meilin was wearing a decent moon-white dress with thin powder on her face. Sitting opposite Liu Jun, the sensual beauty of an intellectual woman and the appearance of a young and beautiful girl were organically combined, making her even more touching.

Liu Jun, who was sitting opposite Jiang Meilin, was dressed in a more casual outfit. The standard "Yan Fei style" was just Yan Fei's designs. They were always made to order in advance by big-name movie stars and rich people, and they were rarely sold in China.Otherwise, Governor Liu would be greatly criticized by many people who don't know the inside story with this set of hundreds of thousands of "Philippine" clothing alone.

This Liu Yanei is really a dandy, as the head of a province, he appeared on CCTV

Live, wearing such an expensive designer brand. [

For Liu Jun's live broadcast, Jiang Meilin did her best and made two separate appointments with Liu Jun. The "simulated rehearsal" was a simulation, but it was a complete "dress rehearsal". The only difference was that there was no live broadcast.

After all, this is the first time Liu Jun has appeared on CCTV since he was elected to the provincial government. It was also during the two sessions, when the whole world focused on the Republic, and the impact was even greater.If there are any mistakes in this interview, it will be a waste of effort.

In fact, Jiang Meilin also tactfully proposed to Liu Jun that she could record it first and then play it.The same can be labeled as "live broadcast".This is not technically difficult, but it can guarantee [-]% success.The previous governors who were interviewed basically all used this method.

Liu Jun smiled and refused.

His reason is simple: politics sometimes requires honesty.

The head of a province doesn't even have the courage to face the live broadcast. How can he lead the province to become prosperous together?

Seeing Liu Jun's insistence, Jiang Meilin couldn't say anything, she could only secretly sigh in her heart that this Liu Jun was really "different"

"Hello, Miss Meilin. Thank you to CCTV for inviting me, and also to Miss Meilin for your kindness. On behalf of the 500 million children of Jianghuai, I would like to express my gratitude to CCTV and Miss Meilin!"

Liu Jun replied with a smile, his demeanor was very calm and calm.

"Governor Liu, please tell us a little bit about—from your point of view, the current economic development of the province

How is the exhibition going?"

With a professional smile on her face, Jiang Meilin asked the first question.This is also a standard routine. You must first make a basic statement about a comprehensive thing, and then you can "show their own characteristics"

"As far as I am concerned, the current economic development of the province has achieved very good results. Last year, the province achieved a growth rate of 11.00%, exceeding the target we set last year. The growth target we set last year was [-]%. ..." Liu Jun recounted part of the "Government Work Report" with a smile, and said: "...Of course, the province is an inland province. Compared with the coastal provinces, it has no geographical advantages and no transportation advantages. From history Shanglai Province is a traditionally large agricultural province with a weak industrial foundation and a relatively poor foundation. Comparatively speaking, our economic development is still at the level of catching up with the developed coastal provinces. The gap exists objectively, and we do not avoid this problem.

Jiang Meilin nodded with a smile, and said, "So, Governor Liu, how does the provincial government plan to promote the economic development of the province this year?"

Liu Jun pondered for a while, and replied: "At the provincial government executive meeting at the beginning of this year, we determined six directions for this year's economic construction through collective discussion. The first is to continue to unswervingly implement the central macro-control policies , Strictly prohibit repeated investment! $ and other wasteful behavior, continue to check the infrastructure projects under construction in the province, so that government orders are smooth and orders are prohibited..."

Jiang Meilin nodded slightly.

As the son of Liu Jincai, it was only natural for Liu Jun to make such a statement.

"The second point is to resolutely implement the spirit of the central government's document on reducing farmers' burdens year by year. According to the Prime Minister's statement in this year's "Government Work Report", within the next two years, the provincial agricultural tax will be completely cancelled, and the tax on the three provinces will be increased. The investment in agriculture will further promote the development of agriculture and rural areas in the province, and further reduce the burden on farmers and increase their income. The workers are not rich, and the farmers are not poor. As a traditional agricultural province, the province must earnestly strengthen its attention and investment in the three rural issues in order to Really promote the great development of rural areas and agriculture..."

Liu Jun calmly talked about his second opinion [

This is still "opening eyes" for his old man.However, Liu Jun's determined expression and tone convinced the audience in front of the TV that the young governor could do what he said.

Jiang Meilin smiled and said, "Governor Liu, I heard that when you were the mayor of Qianzhou City, you canceled the agricultural tax in the whole city in [-]? It's the first city in the province to completely cancel the agricultural tax, right? "


The economic development of Qianzhou in those few years was relatively rapid, and the fiscal revenue increased year after year. It has already met the conditions for the complete abolition of agricultural taxes.As long as we persevere in accelerating the economic development of the province, it is entirely feasible to completely abolish the agricultural tax within the province.

Jiang Meilin nodded and said, "Governor Liu, please continue.

"The third point is to thoroughly rectify the existing special economic zones such as development zones, economic zones, high-tech zones, and joint venture zones. Many economic zones in our province were mostly established in the early 90s. At that time, these projects were comparatively Urgent, without a good argument, with a certain intention to complete the target. After years of operation, some economic zones have actually existed in name only, and have not played any positive role. For these economic zones, the provincial government is determined A comprehensive cleanup will be carried out this year, and all economic zones that cannot produce benefits will be abolished or merged. Every economic zone that is established must play its due role, otherwise it will be a waste of fiscal revenue.”

At this point, Jujun waved his arm to express his determination.

Liu Feipeng, the head of the provincial delegation who was watching this program, heard this, let out a cold "hum", and frowned tightly.

At the executive meeting held by the provincial government at the beginning of this year, this resolution was indeed discussed and passed.This is also the main reason why Liu Feipeng once made up his mind to "make a big commotion" at the National People's Congress.Liu Jun has gradually taken control of the provincial government, determined to lead the province's economic construction onto a healthy and benign development path.This is "running counter to the request" over there. Liu Feipeng has been under strong pressure.

Unexpectedly, Liu Jun made a decisive move, took down Hong Tianjing, and audited the "Huangshan Charity Foundation". A beautiful combination of punches came out.

Liu Feipeng knew very well in his heart that he couldn't stop Liu Jun anymore!

A suffocatingly powerful politics rises rapidly in front of my eyes, and it has surpassed my own height, so I need to look up.What Liu Feipeng urgently needs to consider now is how to maintain a parity with Liu Jun.

The fourth point Liu Jun talked about is to vigorously develop characteristic industries.

This is also an effective method for Liu Jun when he was in charge of Qianzhou City and Yulan City.Adapting measures to local conditions, adapting measures to current conditions, not sticking to Chenggu, not sticking to experience, we must strive to cultivate a group of local well-known brands, and take the road of strong brands in the province.

When talking about this point, Liu Jun added a little bit of free play.He vaguely pointed out that there is a kind of thinking in China at present, which is to be satisfied with becoming a "big manufacturing country", in other words, to be satisfied with the positioning of a "global factory".No matter how developed the manufacturing industry is, without its own brand, it is always just a "processor", earning only a processing fee and labor fee, and all the real added value is earned by the brand owner.And we have to bear a huge resource consumption.With our resources, manpower and technology, we are serving many foreign companies.

Liu Jun believes that if the province wants to develop rapidly, it must vigorously cultivate its own brand, give full play to its own characteristics, and form pillar industries and leading products.For this reason, the provincial government decided to set up a research institution and foundation dedicated to supporting brand development, providing free consulting services to enterprises in the province, and at the same time giving care and support to local self-created brands in terms of policies and funds.

The fifth strategy for enriching the people and strengthening the province is to revitalize the old industrial base and successfully realize the economic transformation of several resource-rich cities in the north.Revitalizing aging state-owned assets will not only make a great contribution to economic construction, but also have an immeasurable positive effect on social stability.

Liu Jun specifically talked about Songdu's economic transformation plan as evidence.

"The sixth point of enriching the people and strengthening the province is not actually a specific economic construction project but a change in thinking. Some of our cadres have a misunderstanding in the process of economic construction. Judging an economic construction project It is actually wrong to use direct economic benefits as the criterion for the quality of a project, or at least not comprehensively.

Liu Jun said in a deep voice.

Jiang Meilin asked with great interest: "Governor Liu, if you don't use direct economic benefits as the criterion, what should you use as the criterion?"

"The needs of the masses should be used as the final criterion. For example, there is no problem in building a paper mill, production and sales, and it can generate good economic benefits. However, the paper mill will pollute the river and consume a lot of wood. At this time, we have to settle the accounts, whether economic benefits are important, increase fiscal revenue and employment opportunities, or environmental protection is important, and the health of the masses is important. There is no doubt that the latter is more important, and we cannot rely on The health of the people is exchanged for short-term economic benefits. Another example, when introducing a project, we must not only consider its direct economic benefits, but also whether it can maximize the prosperity of the people in the surrounding areas. Governance for the people Common prosperity has always been the goal that our party is unswervingly pursuing. I think this should be reflected in our specific governance process all the time, not just a slogan!" [

"That's very well said, Governor Liu!"

Jiang Meilin applauded Liu Jun lightly.


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