Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1735 Candidate for Mayor of Eguchi

"Dad, last night, I had a chat with Qiu Jingchuan about the appreciation of the renminbi. Liu Jun lit a cigarette and said slowly, his brows furrowed.

Talking about this issue, Liu Jincai was relatively relaxed, and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

Discussions on the appreciation of the renminbi have been going on for several years, and there have always been different opinions, each with its own reasons.Liu Jincai also wanted to hear the opinions of Liu Jun and Qiu Qingchuan.Of these two, one is a recognized financial elite, and the other is a "financial genius". Only then did Liu Jin vaguely know that the rapid rise of Sheng Ye Fund and its development to today's terrifying level have a great relationship with Liu Jun.Or Liu Jun is not a "financial theory expert", but he has proved by his actions that he is the real driver of the market.

"Judging from the current general trend, appreciation may be inevitable. If we want to further integrate into the national market, we cannot completely ignore the requirements of other countries. Over the past 20 years of reform and opening up, the average annual growth rate of my country's go households is over nine percent. This is For more than 20 years, my country's economic growth has undoubtedly been the fastest in the world. That is to say, we currently implement a fixed exchange rate and depreciate along with the US dollar. In fact, it deviates from the actual value of the renminbi. Long-term undervaluation of the renminbi is also unfavorable. But if we must appreciate it, it must be gradual and controllable, and we cannot raise it too much at once. We cannot become victims of others' pressure. This is the premise.

Liu Jun said in a deep voice. [

Liu Jincai nodded: "Well, a substantial appreciation will definitely not work, there is no doubt about that.

"Relatively speaking, we are relatively easy to control. Speaking of it, this is also relatively cheap. Because our market economy is not fully integrated with the world market, and relatively independent, we can control it. Yen It won’t work. After the Plaza Accord, the piles rose all the way, and the economy collapsed as a result.

However, Dad, the appreciation of the renminbi is only one aspect.At present, my country's economic growth is highly dependent on foreign trade. Starting from foreign trade, it is not easy to reduce the pressure of RMB appreciation.However, among my country's foreign trade partners, the surplus with the United States is the largest, and the pressure from the United States is also the greatest. Therefore, we can reduce our dependence on the US market by adjusting the geographical structure of foreign trade.In response to the pressure brought by capital inflows, while continuing to encourage foreign capital inflows, our enterprises can moderately consider entering other countries' markets through foreign direct investment.Simply buying US Treasuries and other countries' Treasuries is not the only feasible way.Enough should be enough.Money and foreign exchange reserves are beneficial to us only when they become real resources.It’s a very simple truth. The United States desperately issues banknotes and national value, and turns them into products, which are used for civilian and military purposes.These things can't be eaten, and when there is a war, you can't use their banknotes and national debts to bomb their land, right? "

This is what Liu Jun has always wanted to talk to the old man.

Liu Jincai took a sip of tea and said, "Well, this makes sense too. Government investment! The way of $ is not easy, and enterprise investment is feasible. On the premise that the domestic currency is not a hard currency, for financial security, foreign exchange reserves It is necessary to maintain a certain amount. However, it must also be controlled within a certain amount, and it is not too much. It is feasible for us to control the scale of foreign exchange reserves while promoting the construction of RMB hard currency." "Yes, my opinion That's it." Liu Jun said with a sigh of relief, a smile suddenly flashed across his face.

This "strange" smile never escaped Liu Jincai's eyes, and asked with a smile: "What's the matter?" "... Qiu Qingchuan and I are guessing, when will you officially announce this matter?"

Liu Jincai laughed and said, "Then what time do you guess?"

Liu Jun smiled and said, "At the very least, you won't agree to the appreciation until Shujiu and Graham formally give up on the proposal."

The so-called Shujiu and Graham are two senators in the U.S. Senate. They led a proposal to force the appreciation of the renminbi, and they are going to put it to a vote in the U.S. Congress.

If this proposal is not abandoned but passed by the US Senate, the appreciation of the renminbi will be delayed or even become distant.The Yankees don't understand our politics and think that their Congress can help our country make policy, but they don't know that doing so will only serve to anger us.Liu Jincai will definitely not agree to the appreciation of the renminbi under such pressure and show weakness to the Yankees.

Liu Jun said with a smile: "These two self-righteous Yankees may not have experienced the toughness of our Prime Minister, have they?"

Liu Jincai also laughed.My son, of course, knows better than anyone else his character that he would rather bend than bend.Facing the aggressive offensive over there, Liu Jincai never backed down in the slightest, let alone the two troubled senators on the other side of the ocean? "You go and sit over there later. Your father-in-law and I may want to talk to you about the candidate for the mayor of Jiangkou." Liu Jincai smiled for a while, and ordered to obey.Liu Jun's expression froze and he nodded. "Ah, Xiaojun is here?" Xie Ying said with a smile when she saw Liu Jun. "Mom, where's Brother Yan Ming?" Liu Jun walked into Yan's courtyard and asked with a smile.

Xie Ying said with a smile: "Hehe, he is also a very busy person, busier than your father, and socializing every day." The one who said this was the second sister Liu Ye who heard the words, and when she saw her brother, she started nagging.

Xie Ying felt the same: "Exactly. Drinking so much wine is not good for your health. Xiaojun, if you have time, you should have a good chat with your brother Yan Ming and drink less. He can listen to what you say."

Liu Jun nodded with a smile, and said, "Mom, Second Sister, there's nothing you can do about it. You can't help yourself in the officialdom. It's okay. I'll chat with him. If you have some wine, don't drink it if you can." Yes, yes , is this word.You sit, you sit..." Xie Ying greeted her son-in-law repeatedly.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Mom, I'd better go in and talk to Dad first, otherwise I will be criticized later, and I will bear it."

Both Xie Ying and Liu Ye laughed.It turns out that Governor Liu, who was coaxed by Niu Pi, still has someone who can "subdue" him. "Liu Jun, why is there still no change in the problem of talking about people's right and wrong behind their backs?"

Unexpectedly, at this time, Secretary Yan's voice came from the study, but the sound insulation effect of the old-fashioned courtyard was very average. They were talking in the living room, but Secretary Yan heard them all.

Yan Yucheng moved into Da Nei, where living and working are actually integrated.But he is very regular. After get off work, he usually doesn't work in the office. He comes back to the study near the living room, whether it's reading a book or dealing with official business, at least he stays at home. [

This gentleman's stubbornness is no small matter, second only to Mr. Zhou Yifei.

Liu Ye then made a strange face at her younger brother.

Governor Liu laughed, didn't take it seriously, opened the study door and walked in.

"Xiaojun, don't tempt your dad to smoke..."

Xie Ying chased after him and gave an exhortation.

Liu Jun couldn't help laughing, and said, "Secretary Yan, it's hard to be under control, isn't it?"

The powerful secretary of the Central Commission for Disciplinary Inspection really can't frighten this son-in-law.

Yan Yucheng was not sitting at the desk, but sitting on the sofa, drinking a cup of strong tea, slowly flipping through a thread-bound "Journey to the West".It seemed that it was time for Secretary Yan to change his mind again.Seeing Liu Jun enter the door, Secretary Yan just raised his eyelids to take a look, and then focused on the book again.

Liu Jun was not polite, and sat down directly opposite his father-in-law and Laozi, and was about to make tea by himself, but Yan Yucheng stretched out a hand. "Marriage!" Secretary Yan said simply.

Liu Jun smiled, quickly took out a cigarette, and offered one to the old man.Yan Yucheng looked rosy, and he didn't look like an old man in his seventies at all. He was not much different from when he was the secretary of the provincial party committee in province n.Liu Jun lit a cigarette for Yan Yucheng, and he also lit one himself.

Footsteps sounded outside the door. Fortunately, it was Liu Ye who came in with tea. If it was Jieying, both of you would inevitably be "reprimanded". Seeing such a scene, I just sang and laughed, put down the tea, He went out and closed the door gently. "Dad, which episode of Journey to the West have you seen?" Liu Jun asked casually.Yan Yucheng replied: "When I arrived at Lingshan, I was reborn." Liu Jun smiled and said: "It's good to be reborn, and the cultivation will be fruitful soon."

Yan Yucheng raised his head, glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Cultivation to the right fruit? It's still early! Qin Duo is just a few of them who have cultivated the right fruit, and there is still a long way to save all living beings."

Liu Jun's expression became more serious, he nodded, and said: "Yes, it is very difficult to save all living beings. Monsters and ghosts emerge in endlessly." Yan Yucheng "hummed": "The golden monkey raised his stick, and Yuyu clarified thousands of miles. Ah!" Liu Jun sighed slightly, Yan Yucheng deserved to be Yan Yucheng, always so heroic. "Qiu Qingchuan is about to be transferred, and the mayor of Jiangkou is talented, what's your suggestion?" Yan Yucheng took a few puffs of cigarettes and asked directly.

The political situation in the province has always been very complicated, and the forces of all major factions have infiltrated.Even though Qu Haojin is a powerful figure, it seems that the Yanliu faction does not want to give up all of the provincial "positions";Liu Jun thought for a while, and said: "Li Hui said it together. Yan Yucheng smiled slightly. Liu Jun is still so sharp, and he can guess what he is thinking right away.

"Li Hui is a person with good abilities and a strong view of the overall situation. The only shortcoming is that there are too many traces of localization. It will be of great benefit to him to let him go out to practice at this time. Liu Jun then explained a few words." Well, there will be no trouble over there in Qianzhou, right? "

Liu Jun smiled and said confidently: "No."


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