Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1744 Let the Yamen Conquer

Governor, the invitation letter from Mingzhu City Ke Qifan said in a low voice.

Governor Liu raised his head.Smiling: "What invitation letter?"

During this time, Mr. Zhou was in Yulan City. Governor Liu often chatted with Mr. Zhou, listened to his teachings, and was in a happier mood.

Ke Qifan gently placed a very elegant invitation letter and a red-headed document in front of Liu Jun, and said: "Pearl City is scheduled to hold this year's East China in June. You are invited to attend

The so-called Huadong is actually the governor.It was initiated by Mingzhu Mayor Zheng Hao.This has a more obvious official meaning. In the past, the provinces in East China were monolithic, at least they seemed to be monolithic.Zheng Hao's original intention of initiating this project was to meet with the chief executives of several provinces in East China to "discuss the big plan together."Of course, the influence can also be expanded.this.Some well-known foreign entrepreneurs and presidents will also be invited to participate, which will play a certain role in promoting investment. [

It was Liu Feipeng who participated in this event in Wunian.

This year Liu Jun became the governor, as usual, he also sent an invitation letter.As for Zheng Hao's heart.Do you welcome Governor Liu to visit Mingzhu City?That's hard to say.If governor liu refused on the grounds that he was busy with official duties, it would be okay to appoint another deputy governor to do it for him.

Liu Jun took a look at the exquisite invitation letter, and said with a smile: "Okay. You reply to them, and I will go

A look of surprise flashed across Ke Qifan's eyes, and he nodded in agreement.

"Also, make a phone call and ask Gan Kehui to come to my place."

Liu Jun ordered again.


Ke Qifan agreed and withdrew.

Looking at Ke Qifan's back, Liu Jun was thoughtful.

When Gan Kehui came, he received a call from Ke Qifan, and District Chief Gan, who was inspecting the company, rushed over without stopping. When he entered the governor's office, he was a little out of breath.

It should be said that Gan Kehui has learned a lot of tricks in the officialdom, such as being summoned by the leader, and when she arrives, she should sweat or pant slightly to show her respect for the leader.But in front of Liu Jun, this trick is useless, Gan Kehui is really in a hurry.

The so-called confidants of the direct line are like this.

"Brother Liu".

Sit down opposite Liu Jun.Gan Kehui yelled with a smile.When there are no outsiders.Gan Kehui has always insisted on this title.

"Kehui, is the district chief doing well?"

Liu Jun asked with a smile, and handed him a cigarette.

Gan Kehui was officially promoted to the mayor of Huacheng District at the end of last year.This promotion.It's a bit out of the ordinary.But there is a dazzling halo on his head, and Liu Jun is taking care of him.Others have something to say.Moreover, Gan Kehui was born in a political family, and her knowledge is completely different from that of ordinary grassroots cadres, and she has a strong view of the overall situation.Without Liu Jun's teaching, he can look at problems from a very high altitude.

This is what Liu Jun is particularly satisfied with Gan Kehui, otherwise he wouldn't be put in the position of district chief so soon.

"Hey, it's easy. In Yulan City, can you not be easy?" [

Gan Kehui lit a cigarette and said with a smile.This one has just become the head of the district and is in charge of the administration.District Mayor Gan is also very high-spirited.Liu Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile: "So, District Chief Gan doesn't want to stay in the greenhouse anymore, but wants to go to a difficult place to practice and practice? .

Gan Kehui was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Governor, I didn't say that, you said it yourself"

Looking at his expression, although he was "frightened", his eyes showed eagerness to try.Although he is already the mayor of the district and has experienced several years of career, after all, he is 26 and seven years old, and Gan Kehui is in essence.Still, "A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger." There is a little hero complex in his bones.Or "blue sky complex".

Liu Jun is very unimpressed with "Qingtian".He believes that it is precisely because the system is not perfect and the supervision of power is not in place that the so-called "blue sky" appears.In countries with relatively developed democratic systems, they don't know what the "blue sky" is.

Qingtian is really a remnant of feudalism!

However, in the minds of young cadres like Gan Kehui, there is still one. "Blue Sky Dream."

"Hehe, look at this first"

Liu Jun smiled and handed Gan Kehui a document.

Gan Kehui quickly took it with both hands.

"A letter of complaint?"

Gan Kehui said in surprise, thinking what kind of document Liu Jun was showing him.Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a "complaint letter." It was just printed, and it looked more neat.

Without saying a word, Liu Jun lit a cigarette by himself, leaned back on the sofa, and smoked slowly.

Gan Kehui read the complaint letter very seriously.

This complaint letter is about the pollution situation in Zhouxi District, Yuannan City.Zhouxi District is one of the three municipal districts in Yuannan City. It is currently the fastest growing district in Yuannan City, and has received some praise.The former secretary of the district party committee was promoted to deputy mayor because of his outstanding achievements.However, the rapid economic development of Zhouxi District is mainly due to the large number of paper mills.

In Lanzhong, which is under the jurisdiction of the "Quan" Xiaoer District, Zhouxi District has a relatively large jurisdiction. The population is also relatively large, and Nanshi is the prefecture-level city with the largest population in the province.

In Zhouxi District, there is a very lush coniferous forest, which is the wood suitable for papermaking.A few years ago, according to this condition, the local area vigorously attracted investment, introduced dozens of paper mills of different sizes, and started production at full capacity, resulting in good economic benefits.However, the pollution of the paper industry is also extremely serious.Most of the paper mills introduced in Zhouxi District have no awareness of environmental protection, and the environmental protection equipment and investment are basically zero, and the papermaking sewage is directly discharged into the river.Over the past few years, it has caused huge pollution to the rivers in Zhouxi District and even the entire Yuannan City.

The letter of complaint stated that the main river in Zhouxi District is now.All are heavily polluted.The big rivers and creeks in Zhouxi have all become black rivers and smelly rivers. Not to mention the disappearance of fish and shrimps, in summer, when the climate is hot, the river water emits bursts of stench, and no one who smells it will feel sick.What is especially serious is that these black rivers have polluted drinking water sources.According to tests, most of the drinking water in Zhouxi District is "polluted water" that does not meet the sanitary requirements. The health of the people has been greatly damaged as a result.Various diseases caused by pollution have increasingly seriously affected the health of the masses.

In this letter of complaint signed by "Conscience", I directly appealed to the governor that the health of the masses should no longer be exchanged for economic benefits. I hope that Governor Liu "Liu Qingtian" can take care of this matter and let the people in Zhouxi District To be able to live a little healthier and live a little longer.

The letter of complaint was very long, citing a large number of facts and attaching photos.

Judging from the photos, the water in the river was all black, rolling with disgusting white foam, which shows that the situation reflected in the complaint letter is true.

"Any ideas?"

Seeing that Gan Kehui looked up after reading the complaint letter, Liu Jun asked. [

"Well, this. The situation is very serious. Although it is an anonymous letter, there are photos and test data. The situation reflected should be true and credible. In the long run, the pollution in Yuannan City and Zhouxi District will only become more and more serious. And the coniferous forests in Zhouxi District are not fast-growing forests, but primary forests. It takes a long time to mature, and it is difficult to replenish them in time if they are felled in such a way. The damage to the environment is also devastating. When these coniferous forests are cut down , These paper mills will become trees with roots, and it will be difficult to survive. At that time, the economic development of Zhouxi District will have no support. This is a typical short-sighted behavior!"

When it came to business, Gan Kehui became serious and said very seriously, and the issues discussed were obviously beyond the scope of the complaint letter, standing at a higher level, seeing farther, and deeper."

Liu Jun took the lead slightly, and said: "It's good that you can see these problems. You have considered them more comprehensively. The results of the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau's inspection are basically consistent with the situation reflected in this complaint letter. Yuan Nan The pollution in the city is already very serious. Among them, Zhouxi District is the most prominent. Of the 57 paper mills in Nanshi, 34 are within the jurisdiction of Zhouxi District. This problem is similar to that of the shantytowns in Anfeng City. Renovation is the same, it is very serious, it cannot be delayed any longer, it must be resolved

"Governor, let me see that the problems in Zhouxi District are far more serious than those in Anfeng City. The renovation of shantytowns in Anfeng City involves the vital interests of 10,000+ people. But the pollution in the former Nanshi City involves At least millions of people are in good health. The transformation of shanty towns can solve the problem once and for all as long as the cadres are competent, the funds are allocated, and the resettlement area is built. But the pollution in Yuannan is far more complicated than this. Anfeng City will give money It can solve the problem. In the case of Yuannan City, I am afraid that even giving money may not be able to solve the problem.

It is easy to pollute rivers, but difficult to control them.Moreover, if all these paper mills are closed, the economy of Zhouxi District and even the entire Yuannan City will suffer heavy losses.Therefore, the resistance to pollution control in Yuannan City will be much greater than that of the shanty town renovation project in Anfeng City. "

Gan Kehui said, frowning, and her address to Liu Jun became very formal.

Liu Jun's eyes flashed, and he said with admiration: "Okay, it seems that I did not choose the wrong person, and you have indeed matured."

Gan Kehui was taken aback, and said, "Brother Liu?"

Liu Jun said: "Your opinion is exactly the same as mine. The pollution problem in Yuannan City must be solved immediately and cannot be delayed. I plan to let you go to Zhouxi to serve as the secretary of the district committee. How about it? confidence?.

Gan Kehui straightened up immediately, and replied with a sonorous tone: "Yes!"

"Well, it's good to have confidence. However, you must not underestimate the difficulty of this job. Yuannan City's economy is backward, and the cadre team is also very complicated. It is by no means as easy as you imagined. You don't need to answer me in a hurry, I will I'll give you a day to think about it carefully before giving me an answer."

Liu Jun stared at Gan Kehui and said in a deep voice.

"Governor, don't think about it, I'll go!"

Gan Kehui met Liu Jun's gaze and replied firmly without any hesitation. ,


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