Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1748

The atmosphere in the room is serious and dull.

Not many people attended the meeting. It was presided over by Governor Liu Jun. The former Nanshi Party Secretary Wu Xingping, Mayor Long Shenghan, Executive Deputy Mayor, Deputy Mayor in charge of Industry, Director of Environmental Protection Bureau, Director of Industry Bureau and the new Zhouxi District Committee Secretary Gan Kehui and others attended.

Mr. Huang and Professor Zhang were specially invited to attend the meeting.

Although Mr. Huang did not attend the banquet of the Yuannan City Committee, he did not refuse the invitation to the meeting and gladly accepted it.Liu Jun originally wanted to politely let the old master take the first place, but the old master refused with a smile.

"Party meeting, you are the governor. Do your part."[

Mr. Huang said with a smile.

Governor Liu was no longer modest.

Liu Jun presided over the meeting in person, and it was difficult to think whether the atmosphere of the meeting was serious or not.

The main body of this meeting is how to solve the pollution problem in Yuannan City.This is already the fifth day since Liu Jun arrived in Yuannan City.

Liu Jun spent three full days inspecting the main paper-making enterprises in Yuannan City one by one, inspecting almost all the sewage outlets.He also took the time to go to the forest farm under the bare mountains, Liu Sheng said for a long time, his face was very gloomy.

Accompanying Wu Xingping, within two days.I don't know how many times I broke out in a cold sweat.

The former secretary of the Nanshi Municipal Party Committee was not so easy to be.

Especially with a governor like Liu Jun, it is even more difficult to be the secretary of the municipal party committee.

"Comrade Xingping, let's talk about how you plan to deal with this matter."

Liu Jun's eyes slowly swept across the faces of the participants one by one, and fell on the face of Wu Xingping beside him.

Wu Xingping and Mayor Long Shenghan looked at each other, and said in a deep voice: "Governor, I discussed it with Comrade Shenghan. The paper industry is the pillar industry of our Yuannan City. The development has created greater profits and solved many employment problems.” However, the pollution is so serious that we did not think of it before.Compared with the health of the people, economic interests are of course secondary.Therefore, our opinion is that paper-making enterprises will rectify in batches and gradually meet environmental protection requirements.”

With that, Wu Xingping opened the notebook in front of him, and began to report the city's measures to Liu Jun one by one.

According to Wu Xingping's plan, the 57 paper mills in the former southern urban area will be rectified in three batches.The first batch is relatively strong and large-scale enterprises.The city will temporarily suspend production of these paper mills, stop discharging sewage into rivers, and increase environmental protection facilities and environmental protection processes.The production can only be continued after the environmental protection inspection is qualified.The subsequent two batches of enterprises also followed suit.

The plan listed by Wu Xingping takes about one year.Complete the process.According to preliminary calculations, to complete the rectification of all paper mills, at least [-] million yuan must be invested in order to achieve the basic goal.

After listening to Wu Xingping's plan quietly, Liu Jun was noncommittal, turned to Mr. Huang and Professor Zhang, and said, "Mr. Huang, Professor Zhang, what suggestions do you two have for Yuannan City's plan? .

Huang Lao glanced at Professor Zhang indifferently.

Professor Zhang nodded and said: "Governor Liu, Secretary Wu, the plan of Yuannan City is feasible to a certain extent. However, it is not perfect in terms of pollution control measures." According to the information provided by relevant environmental protection experts, papermaking Environmental pollution from industry can be divided into three categories: water pollution, air pollution and solid waste pollution.Solid wastes include sludge, pulp residue, bark, wood chips, grass, grass roots, grass powder, silica-containing white mud, lime residue, pyrite slag, butterfly ash, etc. They occupy the site, and the turbidity leached out Water pollution of water bodies and groundwater sources.In addition, there is noise pollution, which is also a major problem in the paper industry. Professor Zhang also opened his notebook and began to explain in detail.

People who are really scholars have such a serious attitude.

"Pollution prevention and control can be divided into two types: on-site chemical treatment in the factory and wastewater treatment outside the factory. In-factory treatment includes: [-]. Strengthen material preparation and dust removal, sediment removal, peeling, pith removal, etc., and use water film dust collectors , reduce dust pollution in the material preparation workshop, collect waste materials, burn and recover heat energy. For example, use bark, wood chips, and straw to burn boilers; [-]. Save water, recycle white water, and reuse water for many times; [-]. Improve the extraction rate of cooking black liquor, Strengthen management, increase the number of countercurrent pulp washing stages, reduce the amount of cooking black liquor taken away with the washed pulp, and adopt perfect technologies for recovering chemicals and heat energy from cooking waste liquid, such as alkali recovery, and other waste liquid comprehensive utilization technologies; [-]. Use chlorine dioxide or oxygen-alkali bleaching or hydrogen peroxide bleaching to reduce the discharge of toxic substances such as chlorinated lignin and chlorophenols in wastewater; Discharge of reduced sulfur and soluble organic matter in wastewater; [-]. Collect black liquor, green liquor, and white liquor, and use computer to control and measure their concentrations. Automatically send them back to corresponding tanks. Reduce sewage discharge; [-]. Recover lost fibers, Reduce the content of suspended solids in wastewater; [-]. Improve the recovery rate of turpentine sulfate soap and reduce the discharge of toxic substances; [-]. Treat solid waste by adopting three treatment methods: combustion and recovery of heat energy, comprehensive utilization and pit filling; [-]. Treatment Dust can be treated by air pollution treatment such as electric dust removal, water film dust removal and cyclone separator, etc., and the odor of each workshop is collected. Including sewage condensed water, steam and non-solid odor, after cooling, dehydration, explosion-proof and other measures, it is sent to boilers, alkalis, etc. Recovery furnace or lime kiln combustion treatment", noise control, take measures to eliminate vibration, sound insulation and switch to low-noise equipment. "[

Professor Zhang listed all the ways to deal with the pollution of the paper industry in one breath, took a sip from the teacup, and continued to speak.

"With regard to the wastewater treatment outside the factory, the following procedure can be used: the wastewater from the general discharge outlet of the whole factory is subjected to primary or secondary treatment before being discharged into the water body, and then discharged into the water body, or the wastewater is used for irrigation, and the soil and plants are used to purify the waste water. Wastewater. The primary treatment is mainly to remove suspended solids, including sedimentation filtration and air flotation, and flocculants can also be added to the wastewater to remove some dissolved colloidal organic matter, such as lignin and pigments. The secondary treatment is biochemical treatment. There are oxidation ponds, biological filters, biological turntables and activated sludge methods, including adsorption regeneration, accelerated aeration, contact oxidation, etc., "the former paper-making enterprises in Nanshi, if they want to continue, they will take measures to deal with pollution and environmental protection "It must be thorough, to the point. Otherwise, pollution cannot be effectively controlled. It is just a difference between rapid pollution and slow pollution, which cannot solve the fundamental problem."

What Professor Zhang meant was to completely shut down the paper mill, and resolutely not allow it to start work if it fails to meet the standards.

Liu Jun's eyes returned to Wu Xingping's face.

Wu Xingping said with some embarrassment: "Governor, Professor Zhang, we also know that pollution cannot be controlled. But in terms of methods, should we think about it? It's too urgent, one size fits all, not to mention whether the finances can bear it, it's just like this all at once. A lot of workers are laid off, tens of thousands of people, and it is not easy to resettle them. Maybe it is a social problem

It should be said that Wu Xingping's worries are not unreasonable.

After all, he was the top leader of Yuannan City, so he couldn't think about problems like Professor Zhang did, purely from a technical point of view, and he had to consider a lot of things such as financial revenue and social stability.

Zhang Jiaojie remained silent.

He is an expert, not a leading cadre of the party and government, so it is difficult to express his position on this issue.

Liu Jun thought for a while, and said: "Comrade Xingping, I think Professor Zhang's opinion is correct. Sudden illness should be treated with strong medicine. I always emphasize this or that objective difficulty. I am afraid that this issue will never be truly resolved. solution. However, the pollution continues day by day, and the bodies of the masses may not be able to withstand the pollution for such a long time

Wu Xingping bit his lip and didn't speak.

You, Liu Yanei, are also the parent official of the Jiuli district, so you should be very clear about the local difficulties.You don't need me, Wu Xingping, to remind you?

Liu Jun said: "I think this matter can be divided into three steps. The first step is to suspend all operations and stop emissions. As for the resettlement of workers, self-owned enterprises are responsible. Comply with the provisions of the "Labor Law". If workers are laid off because of the company's reasons, the company will be responsible for compensation. No matter who opens a factory in Yuannan City, they should abide by the laws of our country. There is nothing to say about this. The second step is to merge. 57 paper mills, no matter what, the number is too much. They compete with each other in a regular order and maliciously, and they can't promote each other and make progress together. There is no paper company with a real scale. Forming advantages of scale, if the cost cannot be reduced, they will have no money to invest in environmental protection. Therefore, there is no need to keep so many factories. To merge, three or five large-scale paper-making enterprises are enough. Formation Scale advantage, unanimity to the outside world, and healthy competition are the way to develop. When the company's scale and output increase, so will its profits, and only then will there be funds for environmental protection transformation. This, your city must earnestly identify and guide it. Don't do it Wu Xingping and Long Shenghan couldn't help but nodded.

"The third step is the supply of raw materials. Although I haven't visited all the forest farms in Yuannan in the past few days, at this rate of consumption, it may take a few years. The coniferous forests in Yuannan City are basically It will be completely felled. At that time, if you ask these paper mills to stay, they will not do it. This is a typical dry marsh, where chickens are killed to extract eggs. Therefore, from now on, we must cultivate Sufenglin. This is the fundamental solution. If Sufeng forest is not cultivated, the paper industry in Yuannan City will be rooted in water, and there is no way to last. You should invite relevant forestry experts to demonstrate this issue. If the problem of raw materials is not solved, I will It seems that these paper mills can be closed now. Is it worthwhile to cut down the forest and pollute the river just for the financial income in the next three to five years? Comrades, parents should take a long-term view!"

Sigh: It’s 600 million words. If I accidentally reached this small data, I’m a little dizzy!It is the last few days of the Year of the Tiger, and the last few days of the month.It's the daily update of the last month of the book again, and so on and so forth.Many reasons are condensed into one word monthly ticket

Gentlemen, if you still have a monthly ticket, please support it, thank you very much! ! ! ,


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