Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1756 After the old man

Soon, Governor Liu received a private letter

Of course, even though the envelope said "Uncle Liu Jun received." Ke Qifan still checked the letter.This is the job of the secretary.Every day, the governor's office received a lot of letters, and Ke Qifan couldn't read them by himself, so he needed the help of a colleague from the secretary's office to check them.In fact, there is a clerk in the first office of the secretary who is in charge of reading letters.Generally speaking, most of the letters written to the governor reflect problems, that is, "complaint letters".

After reading it, the clerk will make a classification according to the type of letters, and then present the more important ones to Ke Qifan.Ke Qifan is currently the director of the first division of the secretary, and is a division-level cadre.It is no longer when he first entered the provincial government, acting as the deputy director of the first division of the secretary.

This personal letter from "Uncle Liu Jun" was sent from Jianghan Province.

The name of the person who wrote the letter was Song Xiaolei. Judging from the content of the letter, it was true that she had some contact with Governor Liu. In the letter, she fondly recalled Uncle Liu's help to her family.He also briefly introduced his situation.In the letter, he vaguely said that he had some questions in life, and people could answer them, hoping to get Uncle Liu's teachings. [

Ke Qifan didn't dare to deal with such letters privately, and kept them together with the documents and newspapers of the day.It was presented to Liu Jun's desk and placed at the top.

Ever since Ke Qifan became Liu Jun's secretary, he rarely dealt with Liu Jun's personal letters.In the era of such advanced information, generally speaking, Liu Jun's friends would directly contact him by phone.Letter writing has gradually become a "historical noun".Now suddenly a personal letter from Liu Jun appeared, which was more or less unexpected to Ke Qifan.

In fact, Governor Liu himself was also surprised.He immediately picked up the letter and read it.But after reading a few lines, Liu Jun immediately remembered who this Song Xiaolei was.

Song Xiaolei is the daughter of Song Yueyue, a villager in Xiuxi Village, Datang Town, Ningbei County.Before the Spring Festival of 26, Liu Jun served as the secretary of the county party committee in Ningbei County. Because Mao Ai, the cadre of Datang Town, first collected funds from Xiaxiuxi Village on December [-], the widow Song Yueyue had no money and was forced to commit suicide by drinking pesticide in anger.Fortunately, the rescue was timely and saved his life.

Liu Jun personally rushed to Xiuxi Village to deal with it, helping Song Yueyue's family tide over the difficulties, and through the Huaxing Charity Foundation, subsidized Song Yueyue's children to go to school.The fate of Song Yueyue's family has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Judging from the content of this letter, Song Xiaolei was successfully admitted to Zhongnan University of Political Science and Law. She graduated a few years ago and was assigned to work in a judicial office in Sanjiang City, the capital of Jianghan Province. A law firm opened by a friend is a full-time lawyer.

In the letter, Song Xiaolei expressed her sincere gratitude to Uncle Liu Jun for his kindness.At the end of the letter, Song Xiaolei said that she recently encountered a major problem in her life, and she was very confused, even a little confused, and didn't know what to do.I implore Uncle Liu to take time out of his busy schedule to give her some guidance and let her find the correct coordinates of life again.

Song Xiaolei carefully wrote her mobile phone number and policy on the last line.

Liu Jun looked at the letter, and the little girl in her mother's old clothes that she saw at the Datang Town Hospital appeared in front of her eyes again.In fact, he met Song Xiaolei twice later, when Song Yueyue took her daughter to send Secretary Liu a special product from her hometown.But it was the first time I saw the good side in the hospital, and I was more impressed.

However, Governor Liu can't remember Song Xiaolei's appearance clearly. After all, more than ten years have passed, and Governor Liu can only have a vague impression no matter how good his memory is.

After reading the letter, Liu Jun was not in a hurry to make a phone call, nor was he in a hurry to read other documents.Instead, he picked up the envelope and looked at it casually.Maybe it was just a subconscious action, but it made Governor Liu see the "suspicious point"

The postmark of this letter was not the postmark of Sanjiang City, but the postmark of Yulan City.In other words, this letter was sent out in Yulan City, the day before yesterday.

Could it be that Song Xiaolei is in Yulan City?

But the letter said that she was working at the software firm in Sanjiang City.

Liu Jun couldn't help frowning slightly.It seems that this time, Song Xiaolei really got into more trouble, and even rushed to Yulan City in person to write this letter to him, waiting for his reply.

Liu Jun immediately picked up the phone, and dialed the phone number that was newly written.

"Hello. Who is this?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a soft but somewhat resolute young woman's voice, speaking Mandarin very standard.

"Excuse me, are you Song Xiaolei? I'm Liu Jun." [

On the other end of the phone, there was a sound of taking a deep breath. It was obvious that Song Xiaolei never expected that Liu Jun would call her back so soon.

"Well, yes, Uncle Liu, I'm Song Xiaolei

After a while, Song Xiaolei finally suppressed her turbulent mood, very excited

Liu Jun smiled faintly and asked, "Xiao Lei, are you in Yulan City now?"

Song Xiaolei said in surprise: "Yes, Uncle Liu. How do you know? I'm in Yuxiaolan City now."

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Your letter. It was mailed in Yulan City. It can be seen from the postmark."

Song Xiaolei exclaimed: "Uncle Liu, you are really perceptive. A great man is different!"

Liu Jun couldn't help laughing, Song Xiaolei's evaluation of him was indeed too high, "great man"!But in Song Xiaolei's mind, Liu Jun might be a great man.Because of Liu Jun, the fate of her family has been completely changed.Otherwise, she would not have any books to read, and I am afraid that in the end, like many ordinary rural girls, she would marry early, have children, and take care of the fields.How come there are now female lawyers in big cities?

"Okay, Xiaolei, stop flattering Uncle Liu. What kind of problem did you encounter, tell me if Uncle Liu can help you."

Governor Liu seemed to be in a good mood and said with a smile.

Mainly because of Song Xiaolei's identity.He can be regarded as Liu Jun's hometown.At the beginning Liu Jun helped her family, although it was because of his status as the secretary of the county party committee and his responsibilities as a parent, but Song Xiaolei was very upbeat, got admitted to university, and made a bright future.Liu Jun gave her a high look, and felt that his help had brought great benefits.Now that she has encountered a problem, Liu Jun is naturally willing to help her again.

As soon as this question was asked, Song Xiaolei's happy laughter stopped abruptly, and the phone suddenly fell into silence, as if Song Xiaolei didn't know how to speak.

Liu Jun waited patiently.He is well aware of the psychological pressure that ordinary people face the governor.Speaking of which, Song Xiaolei's real origin with him is the relationship between ordinary people and the governor.I haven't contacted him for many years, and I wrote rashly to the governor. The possibility of being ignored is very high.Now that Liu Jun heard back so quickly, and he made the call in person, Song Xiaolei was momentarily at a loss.

"Well, Uncle Liu, it's actually not my own business. It's a very important case. Human life is at stake. I don't know what to do." Speaking of it, the matter is more complicated. I "Can I meet with you?" Make a report to you?"

After pondering for a while, Song Xiaolei cautiously made the request.

Liu Jun didn't hesitate, and agreed directly: "Okay, I'll treat you to dinner at Qiushui Hotel at noon.

Even though she hadn't seen him for many years, Song Xiaolei recognized Liu Jun at a glance.She arrived at Qiushui Hotel early and sat in the lobby waiting.Song Xiaolei wore a well-fitting blue professional dress.Under the suit, the white corset tightly wrapped the towering twin peaks, and the tight skirt clearly outlined the curve of the plump buttocks.The short hair is black and soft, and the eyebrows are lightly swept.Tap the red lips, it looks very youthful, beautiful, sexy and charming.

"Uncle Liu, hello!"

Seeing Liu Jun's tall figure walking in from outside the door, Song Xiaolei's eyes lit up, her little leather shoes thumped, and she walked up to him very quickly.

Liu Jun was taken aback, looked her up and down a few times, and said in surprise, "Are you Xiaolei?"

This image was far from Governor Liu's memory.In Liu Jun's mind, Song Xiaolei was that timid country girl in old clothes.But what appeared in front of him was a [-]% urban avant-garde girl, full of vigor, beauty and charm.

"Yes, Uncle Liu, I am Song Xiaolei, Song Yueyue's daughter. Hee hee, I haven't seen you in ten years, and you are still the same as before, young and handsome, um. It just adds a lot of mature charm!" [

Song Xiaolei is worthy of being a lawyer.Quick thinking and articulate.

Liu Jun laughed, shook hands with her and said: Xiaolei, you are very good at talking.You might as well just say that Uncle Liu is old. "

"No way, Uncle Liu, you really don't look old at all. You are exactly the same as the secretary of the county party committee I saw at Datang Town Hospital back then. You are so handsome. If I had known that you were still so young, I wouldn't have Dare to call you Uncle Liu."

When Song Xiaolei and Liu Jun were talking on the phone.The tone was very respectful and cautious, but this time they met, they were very open-minded, and they laughed and said Yan Yan, and the response was extremely decent.It can be seen how great the influence of the environment on people is.

"Have you been here for a long time?"

Liu Jun asked with a smile.

"Well, it's not long, it's only a while."

Song Xiaolei quickly replied, in fact, she has been here for a full hour, and she has been constantly looking in the mirror and touching up her makeup, as if she was afraid of showing a blemish on her face and making Uncle Liu unhappy. "Hehe, come on, let's go up to eat together. Talk slowly."


Governor Liu strode forward, and Song Xiaolei obediently followed behind, with a bright smile all over her face. It seemed that because of Liu Jun's arrival, her whole body became radiant.


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