Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1787 Report to the Party Central Committee!

Liu Jun has been away for a long time, and his elder brother has not been seen coming out of the room, and he has not even seen Liu Jun off.This is not quite like Gao Changhong's style.Gao Changhong has always paid great attention to these etiquette aspects.Not to mention the head of a province like Liu Jun, even ordinary people, as long as they are invited by Gao Changhong, they must be courteous.

Today's exception is a bit strange.

What the hell is Big Brother doing in the room?His time is very precious, and when he finally returns to Beijing, he is usually too busy to touch the ground.How many relationships do he need to sort out?

Where is it like a sophomore in high school, with a lot of time to spend, just be happy and happy, and change to a fresh little girl.

The second grader even thought gossipingly, could it be that Liu Jun got his elder brother drunk? [

This kind of person can do anything.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement in the restaurant on the water. After all, the second young man was worried, so he went over in person, knocked on the door lightly, and said, "Brother, it's me, are you inside?"


Gao Changhong's indifferent reply came from the room.

The Second Young Master was relieved, thought for a while, opened the door and walked in.To see what the elder brother is doing when he locks himself in alone.

Except that the smoke was a little heavier, there was nothing special in the room. Gao Changhong sat quietly on the sofa smoking a cigarette, as if thinking about something, and there was a thick stack of documents on the coffee table in front of him.

Such situations are commonplace for Gao Tiaohong.The eldest brother often sits quietly and thinks about things alone.

But this time, it is estimated that it has something to do with Liu Jun's visit.

The second junior high school student's heart skipped a beat, could it be that Liu Jun and his elder brother were "negotiating" about the case in Lumen City.

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

The second grader in high school smiled and sat next to the elder brother.Although the eldest brother would often "teach" him a few words, the second grader still felt that the eldest brother was very close and liked to stay with him.

Gao Changhong remained silent.Gao Jianghong looked at the stack of documents on the coffee table, and then almost jumped up and stretched out, picking up the top report.

This report is very formal and official, with a very long title. It is called Reflection on Jia Renxiong's "Rape and Murder Case" in Lumen City, Jianghan Province.

This topic is nothing, so it won't make the second-year high school student turn pale in shock. What really surprised the second-year high school student is the title under the title.On the headliner it read: Party Central Committee, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Central Political and Legal Commission!

The report has several pages and is very different from ordinary reports.It's not typeface, it's handwriting.

The font is strong and powerful. Although it is a relatively regular block letter, it still looks a bit aggressive.

The subject of this report is the so-called rape and murder case of Jia Renxiong that happened in Lumen City ten years ago.The report briefly introduced the basic situation of the case, and pointed out that Wang Meng, the fugitive criminal captured in Sanjiang City last year, was the real culprit of the forcible murder case.Judiciary of Lumen City.In the absence of solid evidence, it is extremely hasty to convict and sentence Jia Renxiong to death simply based on the so-called "confession" of the criminal suspect Jia Renxiong.Facts have proved that Jia Renxiong was killed unjustly.

The sophomore took a few quick glances, then turned to the last page. Sure enough, the inscription read: Liu Jun, alternate member of the Central Committee, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and governor of the Provincial People's Government!

Liu Jun actually planned to submit a written and formal report to the Party Central Committee, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission to correct this unjust case. [

In this report written by Liu Jun himself, he pointed out in an extremely heavy tone: Lumen Municipal Judiciary, handling the case in this way is really careless management of human life!A young man in his prime, the only son of his family, lost his life because of the sloppyness of the political and legal authorities, with humiliation and embarrassment.Ten years of injustice is very sad.

Liu Jun bluntly wrote: This is a job in the Lumen municipal law office, and it is a crime!It is a disgrace to the ruling party and government!

Finally, Liu Jun asked the Party Central Committee, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission to immediately send personnel to review the case, and return the people to fairness and justice.For the specific personnel handling this case and the relevant leading cadres, they will be severely punished by the party discipline, government discipline and even the law, so as to follow suit!

The sophomore was stunned, he couldn't help taking in air-conditioning, and made a sound like a toothache.

Gao Changhong continued to smoke in silence.

"Brother, this." Liu Jun, he "What does he want to do? What exactly does he want to do? He just hit the old man in the face! It's against him."

After a while, Gao Hehong yelled, his face flushed, and he seemed very angry.

Even though the second grader doesn't care about politics, after all, he comes from a political family. He has never eaten pork and even seen a pig walk.He knew very well that as soon as Liu Jun handed over this report, there would be an uproar.

Although it may seem like a ten-year serious case that happened in a corner of Lumen City, it actually involved a lot of people in the investigation.Let's talk about the facts, because Zhang Yongxue, the current secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Jianghan Province, was the director of the Lumen City Public Security Bureau. He was the first to be held accountable.But this Peng Yongxue is the son-in-law of a branch of the high school.In addition, the key person in charge of Lumen City was hit by billions of dollars and the court.Now they are talking about each other.Although it's not Hui Youjie's place.In Jianghan Province, it can be regarded as a remarkable role.The death sentence needs to be reviewed by the Provincial High Court, which in turn involves the review personnel of the Jianghan Provincial High People's Court.

Once the investigation went on, they pulled out the radish and brought out a small group of people who couldn't escape, including the political and legal organs of Jianghan Province.will vibrate accordingly.

In particular, this case has already been reported to Gao Jingzhang's desk.no response.When Liu Jun handed over this report, as the second young master Gao said, it was a slap in the face, a direct slap in the face of Gao Jingzhang.At that time, Gao Jingzhang will be very embarrassed.Don't check it, no, it's a big deal.This is not a civil disturbance, but a provincial governor's disturbance, and the status of an alternate member of the Central Committee is no small matter.Gao Jingzhang will most likely continue to hold back.Let's check, where is Gao Jingzhang's face going?As a giant, he was abruptly recorded by Liu Jun, a junior.

And Liu Jun will also suffer heavy losses in this matter.

Because of Liu Jun's move, he has caused public anger, and it can be said that it is contrary to the interests of the entire class.Liu Jun is tantamount to launching a positive impact on the unspoken rules established in the system.After this battle, it is bound to be difficult for Gao Xi to continue to be suspicious of Liu Jun himself.

Whether it is the Yan Liu family or Liu Jun himself, one can imagine how difficult it is to deal with the attacks of the Mingzhu family and the Gao family at the same time.

"What is he doing? This Jia Renxiong has been dead for ten years. Does he have anything to do with him? Do you want him to meddle in his own business?"

The second grader is really angry, the nose is not the nose and the face is not the face.

Gao Changhong glared at him coldly, Second Young Master Gao felt his whole body tremble and closed his mouth.

That's right, what are you worrying about, don't you see that big brother is thinking about countermeasures?

Gao Changhong glanced at his younger brother, then leaned back and continued to smoke, frowning, without saying a word.

The atmosphere in the room was particularly depressing, and Gao Jianghong felt uncomfortable all over. He wanted to just slip away, but he didn't dare.Now that you have entered the door.After seeing this report, you can't just slip away. It doesn't matter if you can't help. Sitting here with your eldest brother is also a sign of loyalty.

"Brother, he," he is threatening you! Gao Jianghong's eyes fell on the report again. Obviously, this is the original manuscript. This means that Liu Jun has not handed over the report yet, and gave Gao Changhong "appreciation" first.

For these small tricks, the second grader in high school understands very well, and he often plays like this. [

Gao Changhong remained silent.

Regardless of whether Liu Jun is "minor threat" or not, at least he is not joking.If it's just for show.There is no need to write this report by hand at all, just ask the secretary to print it out.It can be seen that Gao Changhong is probably the first reader of this report.

Liu Jun is rigorous in his work.It can also be seen in one spot.

"Brother, what are you going to do? Let me tell you, Liu Junhu can't leave this matter alone. Who does he think he is? Heavenly king, old man! You have to get involved in everything!"

The sophomore was a little impatient.He wasn't very worried about his old man.At Gao Jingzhang's position today, no one can slap his face just because he says he can.Gao Hong was worried about Peng Yongxue.To put it bluntly, Peng Yongxue is dead or alive, and the second grader doesn't care that much.He felt that his wife was quite virtuous, and she didn't make a sound when he was making such a fool.Now the daughter-in-law's cousin is in trouble.This matter is all in the hands of the Gao family. If this is the case, Peng Yongxue will not be able to keep, and the second young master feels a little sorry for his wife.

Gao Changhong slowly extinguished the cigarette butt, heaved a long sigh of relief, and said: "Although there are thousands of people, I will go! Liu Jun, you are so bold."


Gao Hong felt like his eyes were full of little stars.

Brother, what do you mean by that?It sounded like he was praising Liu Jun!


"Hong, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't get involved."

Gao Changhong sighed with emotion, regained his composure, and said to his brother calmly.


The second grader said anxiously.

Gao Changhong ignored him and picked up Liu Jun's report.Watch it again from beginning to end.Then he stood up and slowly paced back and forth in the room.This habit is exactly the same as that of the old man.

Gao Tiaohong nervously watched his elder brother's every move.He knew that this matter seemed to be decided by the old man, but in fact the elder brother had the right to decide.

On such a major event, Gao Changhong's opinion carries a lot of weight.

Suddenly, Gao Changhong took out a lighter and lit Liu Jun's report.

"elder brother

The second grader was taken aback and jumped up.

Brother, what are you doing here?

This is Liu Jun's "reverse behavior. Small "criminal evidence". How could it be set on fire?

Gao Changhong didn't look at him directly, but looked at the burning report in his hand with a very solemn expression.

In a daze, Gao Jianghong heard something muttered from his elder brother.

"Who is the enemy of the heroes in the world


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