Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1807

Liu Jun obviously didn't care what Cao Xiaoguo was thinking.

This is the way Liu Ya Nei always behaves.For a cadre of Cao Xiaoguo's level, Liu Jun will give him a choice, but only once.

Cao Xiaoguo could also choose to continue to follow Liu Feipeng closely. After returning, he hastily explained to Liu Feipeng what the party was about.As for whether Liu Feipeng believed his explanation, that was another matter.

However, if Liu Feipeng didn't believe it, it would be extremely difficult for Cao Xiaoguo to turn around and approach Governor Liu.

In officialdom, the most taboo thing is "both ends of the first mouse". [

Liu Jun has no obligation to "share worries" for Cao Xiaoguo.I have forced you, but I have also given you an opportunity. It is up to you to seize this opportunity firmly.

"Governor Liu, why did you think of asking us to shoot targets today? If I remember correctly, Governor Liu doesn't seem to have any experience in the army, does he?"

After shaking hands with Cao Xiaoguo politely, Rong Baichuan said to Liu Jun with a smile.

The purpose of Rong Baichuan's visit to Beijing this time is to meet Chairman Li Zhiguo.Chairman Li Zhiguo often takes time to communicate with important leading cadres within the party. Of course, he also expresses his concern for the construction of cadres and economic construction in Haixi Province.

The Fifth Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee will be held soon, and Chairman Li Zhiguo also needs to listen to the opinions of senior party cadres from various sources.

After meeting with Chairman Li Zhiguo, Rong Baichuan visited the two old leaders Yan Liu as usual.Regarding his whereabouts, Liu Yanei knew relatively well.Based on the friendship between him and Rong Baichuan, since everyone has arrived in the capital, no matter what, they need to meet and chat for a while.

They can only meet in the capital.No matter whether he went to Haixi or Rong Baichuan went to the province for investigation, they both needed very strong reasons, and they were laborious and attracted a lot of attention. If they wanted to calm down and chat, it would be inconvenient.

It is one of the "daily jobs" of faction leaders to strengthen contacts with the heavyweights in the faction.As the son of Yan Yucheng's son-in-law Liu Jincai, Liu Jun is the second-generation successor recognized by the faction, and it is his duty to do a good job in this job.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "I don't have military experience, but the three of you are all comrades in arms. I just want to join in the fun."

Rong Baichuan, Mei Aohan and Cao Xiaoguo had all been soldiers. "Brother-in-arms" is a generalized term. In this sense, it is not outrageous that they are comrades-in-arms.

Rong Baichuan laughed and said, "I haven't touched a gun for almost 30 years. Although Governor Liu has good intentions, I'm afraid I'm going to make a fool of myself."

Mei Aohan said with a smile: "Governor Liu, don't be fooled. Secretary Rong is a sharpshooter. Last time he came to the capital, he and Minister Liang went to the shooting range of the Ministry of Public Security to shoot targets. Secretary Rong's marksmanship is even admired by Minister Liang." of."

Come to think of it, Rong Baichuan and Liang Guoqiang are also old colleagues. When Rong Baichuan was the Propaganda Director of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee, Liang Guoqiang was the Secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Law Committee and the Director of the Public Security Bureau. The relationship is very good.

Liu Jun is very clear about the situation that Mei Aohan mentioned, otherwise he wouldn't have invited Baichuan to shoot targets for entertainment today.Rong Baichuan gave people the impression that he was gentle and polite. How could people who don't know the inside story associate him with "pure man" activities like target shooting?

"Haha, Aohan, it's obviously your itchy palms that forced me to come here, but now it's all on me?"

Rong Baichuan seemed to be in a good mood, he laughed and joked with Mei Aohan.

Mei Aohan said with a smile: "Secretary Rong, you are entangled in government affairs every day, and it is rare for friends to get together. Relaxing once in a while is the way of civil and military affairs, right? This is also what Secretary Yan often teaches, you need to change your mind regularly."

This "stunt" of "changing brains" has been "educated" by Yan Yucheng for most generals of the Yanliu family.Yan Yucheng always believes that the human brain is also like a machine. It needs regular maintenance and always goes to the dark. As a senior leader, the vision and structure are too narrow.When it reaches a certain level, it will affect it further.

Thinking needs to be constantly replaced and broadened. [

Hearing that Mei Aohan mentioned Yan Yucheng's name without any scruples, Cao Xiaoguo, who was laughing beside him, was even more shocked.From Mei Aohan's point of view, since Liu Jun asked Cao Xiaoguo to attend such a party, it meant that Cao Xiaoguo could be trusted.

In other words, Cao Xiaoguo is "one of his own".

Cao Xiaoguo was shocked, but also a little happy.

Liu Jun is really a "bachelor" in his work, and he is absolutely unambiguous.This is tantamount to broadening his network obviously.Characters like Rong Baichuan and Mei Aohan, the idle deputy governors, are not often seen, and they can shoot targets together for entertainment.

Cao Xiaoguo didn't have this kind of treatment with Liu Feipeng.

Cao Xiaoguo knows very well how important connections are in officialdom.

Rong Baichuan smiled and said: "Okay, since we're here, we naturally have to fire a few shots, in order to live up to Governor Liu's enthusiasm."

Liu Jun stretched out his hand to greet the guests: "Come on, Secretary Rong, Minister Mei, Xiaoguo, everyone please!"

What Liu Jun has set up this time is an independent small shooting range, apart from them, there are no other guests.Lao Lai, the manager of the shooting range, personally led his staff to serve on the sidelines.

Although Lao Lai didn't know the relationship between Liu Jun and He Mengying, he knew that Liu Jun was the holder of the No. [-] diamond card.

Based on this point alone, Lao Lai should devote all his energy to serve him.

Theoretically, the owner of the Laihao diamond card is equivalent to the big boss of the Great Wall Club.All free bills are just a trivial matter, even if Liu Yanei wants to sell the entire Great Wall Club or give it away, it is all right.

Seeing the standard equipment on the shooting range, Rong Baichuan also revealed a look of astonishment on his face, and said, "Good guy, this is standard equipment. Comrade Guoqiang may not have such complete equipment."

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Minister Liang has police guns, but here are military guns."

In front of everyone, it is not easy to call Liang Guoqiang "Master".Although he used to call it that in front of Rong Baichuan and Liu Jun when he was in Baozhou, after all, his identity is different now.

"To tell the truth from the three of you, my shooting level is very average. I'll come first, and I'll be a good example!"

Liu Jun smiled, and without waiting for everyone's answer, he ran straight to the target position and grabbed the Type [-] automatic rifle.In the past, the shooting range used Type [-] rifles. After the troops were reequipped, Beishan Shooting Range also "advanced with the times" and replaced Type [-] and Type [-] automatic rifles.

Liu Jun's level of firearms is very sloppy, whether it is the [-]st style or the [-]th style and the [-]th style, to him, the difference is not very big.The [-]th Form is far lighter than the [-]st Form, but this weight is not a problem for the tall and powerful Governor Liu.

If you just want to look beautiful, Governor Liu's figure is a good match for the American-made multi-barreled high-speed heavy machine gun. If you put on a black leather jacket and a pair of cool sunglasses, you will look like a "Terminator".

Governor Liu knew that his level was limited, so he didn't dare to push it too far. He used a kneeling position to shoot, and he also hit a 50-meter chest target.

There was a crisp gunshot, and the target announcer loudly reported the data - 78 rings, no target jumping.

Such a result, compared to Liu Jun, is already very good.In fact, many shooting ranges now adopt the method of automatic target reporting, and the shooting range of the Great Wall Club still insists on using target reporting staff to report targets.I think it's more "cool" this way. [

Rong Baichuan and others applauded.

"Hehe, Governor Liu, you played well. You have never been a soldier, and you can achieve such a result, which is very good."

Rong Baichuan praised with a smile, but his tone was sincere and meant to be teasing.

"Throwing bricks to attract jade."

Liu Jun insisted on saying so.

Cao Xiaoguo said with a smile: "The governor's level is already very high. I haven't touched a gun for more than 20 years, so I definitely can't achieve such a result."

Mei Aohan smiled and said: "Governor Cao, you don't have to be polite, it's entertainment, everyone does their best. How many shots?"

Cao Xiaoguo thanked him humbly: "It's Minister Mei who will show his skills first, and I will learn more."

Mei Aohan knew that he had concerns in his heart, so he didn't force it, walked over to pick up the 89-style rifle, didn't squat down, and directly adopted a standing position to shoot.His shooting speed was faster than Liu Jun's continuous gunshots, and the target reporter announced the score loudly - [-] rings.

A full eleven rings more than Liu Jun.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Minister Mei is worthy of being a soldier. His level is much higher than mine. I admire you."

Mei Aohan laughed, and said: "Don't praise me, after Secretary Rong's performance, everyone will know what a sharpshooter is."

Cao Xiaoguo was anxious for a while, but now he gradually calmed down, and he was more relaxed, and said with a smile: "Then I have to make a fool of myself first."

Rong Baichuan smiled and stretched forward: "Governor Cao please."

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

Cao Xiaoguo continued to be humble, stepped forward to pick up the rifle, and took a kneeling position just like Liu Jun.Mei Aohan scored 89 rings, it was a "reassurance" for him, it seems that this matter can really be regarded as a kind of entertainment.

Cao Xiaoguo played relatively slowly, and his rate of fire was comparable to that of Liu Jun. In the end, he was also comparable to Liu Jun, with the same 78 rings.

Mei Aohan smiled and said: "Governor Cao, I never thought you are the real sharpshooter!"

Cao Xiaoguo humbly said in a hurry: "I'm ashamed, ashamed, it's just a coincidence!"

Both Rong Baichuan and Liu Jun laughed without saying a word.

Mei Aohan said that Cao Xiaoguo is a sharpshooter, but he didn't just talk about it.His grades are better than Liu Jun's, that's nothing.Shifazi's 78 rings, at most, can be regarded as a medium level, but Cao Xiaoguo just hit a 78 ring, which is not an ordinary level. It can even be said that he can "hit where he points".

Deliberately achieving such a result is not just to take care of Liu Jun's face.

Those who once won the ranking in the army's shooting competition were not lucky.

Rong Baichuan's finale performance did not disappoint everyone. Shi Fazi scored 93 points, and the other three naturally applauded.Next, two more firearms were changed, and everyone had a good time gun addiction.

Between talking and laughing, Cao Xiaoguo's request for money was settled.

Mei Aohan must support Liu Junhe's work. v


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