Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1821 Live within your means and live within your means

Apparently his whereabouts have been "exposed", and in Decheng County

This is very important for leading cadres in high positions.

Not to mention being the head of a province, even a high-ranking official like the secretary of the municipal party committee or the mayor would actually see nothing if he went to the countryside normally.It has become a "hidden rule" to deceive superiors by deception.News spread within the system was very fast. As soon as Governor Liu arrived at the Decheng Hotel, the news about Zeng Shaofeng's "blackmail" of the governor had already reached the ears of the main leaders of the county.Therefore, this meal, everyone ate nervously.

The cadres have all heard of Liu Jun's strength.

This is also easy to understand. As the son of the prime minister and the son-in-law of the secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, who is not proud of being appointed to Fengjiang at a young age?It would be strange if it wasn't a little bit stronger. [

But to everyone's surprise, Governor Liu expressed his displeasure at the banquet, with a smile on his face all the time, very kind.Only then did the cadres feel a little more at ease.

It seems that big people have a broad mind, and things that are serious in the eyes of others, how can they be on Liu Jun's platform? If Governor Liu is really angry at a bastard small cadre of an industrial and commercial office, wouldn't he be self-deprecating?

In public, Liu Jun usually encourages grassroots officials and rarely criticizes them.

After the luncheon, Liu Jun had a short rest at Decheng Hotel, and in the afternoon he listened to the work report of the Decheng County Party Committee and the county government in the hotel conference room.Everything is quite satisfactory, Liu Jun affirmed the work of Decheng County.

At this point, everyone was truly relieved.

However, after the dinner, Liu Jun summoned Zhou Zhaowen and Li Ankang in Building [-] of the hotel where he was staying.

As soon as they walked into the reception room of the suite, Zhou Zhaowen and Li Ankang lifted up their hearts just now, because they saw that Governor Liu's brows were slightly frowned, and he seemed a little anxious.

"Come on, sit down."

Seeing Zhou Zhaowen and Li Ankang, Liu Jun's brows slightly relaxed, and he greeted, f6 is still calm.

However, Zhou Zhaowen and Li Ankang did not dare to take it lightly.For a big man like Liu Jun, what is going on in his heart, how could they be able to get a peek through the appearance?Immediately, he respectfully agreed, and sat down on the sofa opposite Liu Jun, only sitting on half of his buttocks, with his back straight, staring at Liu Jun with four eyes, not daring to blink his eyelids.

Comrade Zhaowen, Comrade Ankang, your work has not been done properly!"

As soon as the two county magistrates were seated, they were so surprised by what Governor Liu said that they almost jumped up.In fact, the two of them did have this action. They hurriedly stood up, wanting to apologize to the governor and accept criticism with an open mind.

Liu Jun waved his hand, frowned slightly again, and said, "Don't be so nervous, tonight is purely a work discussion."

"Yes Yes"

The two agreed in unison, and the cold sweat began to break out again.

Governor Liu said it was a work discussion, but the first thing he said was to criticize them for not doing their job properly, which is no small matter.

"If you don't mention the grades, it can't escape. But if you don't talk about the problem, it will become more and more serious. Generally speaking, the economy of Decheng County is above average among the eight districts and counties in Danyang City. This is your However, there are still many problems. Let’s talk about the agricultural tax first. The province already has a document. Within next year, the entire province will abolish the agricultural tax. You Decheng, are you ready?”


Liu Jun picked up the teacup, took a sip, and asked lightly.Zhou Zhaowen and Li Ankang looked at each other, and said nervously: "Governor, we... get ready that Liu Jun is obviously not such a "credulous" leader. Hearing this, he immediately asked, "After the agricultural tax is abolished, is there any financial difficulty for the county and township?" "[

The biggest obstacle to the complete abolition of the agricultural tax comes from finances, especially in remote and backward agricultural counties like Decheng County. Whether the financial difficulties can be fundamentally alleviated is the fundamental premise of whether the agricultural tax can be canceled on time.

Zhou Zhaowen did not rush to answer this time, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Governor, there will definitely be some financial difficulties... Our Decheng is a large agricultural county, and agricultural tax is one of the key sources of tax revenue. However, the agricultural tax will be completely abolished." It is the request of the State Council, and it is also the request of the province. No matter how difficult the financial situation is, we will find a way to overcome it...

"Then what are you going to - overcome?"

Liu Jun remained calm and asked again.

Beads of sweat oozed out from Zhou Zhaowen's forehead.In the past, I just heard that Liu Yanei is not easy to fool, but this time I really learned the lesson.This guy really wants to break the casserole and ask the bottom line! Zhou Zhaowen stepped into the official career and made it to the secretary of the county party committee. He has met many leaders. Before this, he has never met Liu Jun who likes to catch him so much?Generally speaking, as long as the leaders get affirmative answers from their subordinates, they are basically satisfied.As for how to implement it, that is the subordinate's business, and the leader only cares about the result.

"Uh, this, I have discussed it with Comrade Ankang several times, we plan to start from the aspect of reducing staffing and administrative expenses. We will live within our means..."

Zhou Zhaowen replied cautiously.

Liu Junge frowned even more tightly, and said, "Comrade Zhaowen, it is right to live within our means, but it is not comprehensive. Increase revenue and reduce expenditure, increase revenue first, and reduce expenditure last. This order is very particular. It is just a compression Staffing and reducing administrative expenses are not enough. Because the meaning of any management team is not to spend less money, but to earn more. If this goal cannot be achieved, let alone cut expenses, it is considered a Every penny is a waste. What is the value of a management team that can’t create benefits?”

Zhou Zhaowen and Li Ankang were submissive and dared not speak.

Governor Liu's criticism was very severe, almost directly denouncing them as "rice buckets". Pay your bills.”

"Measure your income"

Zhou Zhaowen and Li Ankang looked at each other again, and murmured.

"Yes, you have to live within your means. You are reducing staffing and administrative expenses, and there is a limit. Some of the most basic expenses cannot be saved. That is to say, what is the annual budget of your county? At least you have to find a way to earn back these prophecies and not fall into a deficit. This is a basically qualified leader. Otherwise, if you always spend more than you need and rely on borrowing to live, you will not be able to survive this day sooner or later, and the abolition of the agricultural tax will become It’s an empty talk. On the surface, the agricultural tax has been cancelled, and all kinds of fees and apportionments are more than before. That’s still changing the soup. It’s very dangerous and a strange circle to keep thinking about farmers. If you go out, get out of this vicious circle. Comrade Zhaowen, Comrade Ankang, how to promote the development of the county economy and how to lead everyone to become rich is your duty! You should use your brains more in this regard."

"Yes, please advise the governor!" Zhou Zhaowen was very clever, and immediately begged him piously.

"Comrade Xiaoguo and I looked at your medicinal material trading market this morning and found some problems. Let's discuss it with you. Comrade Xiaoguo believes that your medicinal material market lacks correct guidance and management, and has developed for so long. , or a consortium of family workshops, without forming a large company with scale and strength, this is very unfavorable in terms of competition, and will form a buyer's market. If the price does not increase, the benefits will not increase. Without the scale advantage, there is no way Bargaining with downstream customers. Strictly speaking, the formation of this medicinal material market is not due to the credit of the two of you, but you are enjoying the shade of the previous leader. It’s impossible to live on your laurels and not think about making progress.”

Liu Jun criticized.

Zhou Zhaowen and Li Ankang felt a chill down their backs.

"For some time to come, the focus of your economic work should be on the medicinal material market, and find a way to form several large-scale medicinal material companies. Remember, you must conform to the laws of the market, don't be blind, and don't engage in administrative orders. If In order to deal with me, make some superficial articles, and then there will be big problems."

Liu Jun said slowly.

"In addition, there is another source of income in Decheng County, which you have not utilized. That is, Decheng is rich in wild animal resources. We saw many people selling wild animals in the medicinal material market today. This is illegal, and we must resolutely crack down on it. , and at the same time strengthen the publicity of the law.

However, the breeding of wild animals is a very good way.Especially Heipao, the meat is tender and the fur is precious, so it has great economic value.There are also rare birds such as long-tailed pheasant, which can also be considered for domestication.In this way, both wild animals are protected and resources are utilized.Kill two birds with one stone.Of course, experts should be invited to study this matter together and come up with a practical plan as soon as possible.Again, don't be blind. "

"Yes, yes, the governor's advice is really wise. Why didn't we think of it before?" [

Zhou Zhaowen and Li Ankang nodded a series of times, with expressions of excitement and admiration on their faces, and their flattering skills are very good.

Liu Jun did not show joy, and frowned and said: "Comrade Zhaowen, Comrade Ankang, it is not difficult to think of this, and it does not require much wisdom. The key is to work hard! Every party member and cadre, especially the leader Cadres, if you can put your thoughts into practice on these practical things, you can come up with many solutions, and you don't need others to remind you."

Zhou Zhaowen and Li Ankang nodded in embarrassment.

Governor Liu was really merciless when he spoke.to be continued

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