Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1830

Although Yan Fei is from N province, as a top beauty, she doesn't like spicy food that much.On the contrary, the relatively light provincial dishes are more popular with her, so she made an exception and ate a few more mouthfuls.

Seeing that Yan Fei liked it, Xiang Han and Li Yuhua glanced at each other, both very happy.

No one mentioned any sensitive topics at the dinner table, only Li Yuhua took the initiative to introduce the names and origins of the dishes to Liu Jun and Yan Fei.During the family banquet, and Yan Fei was there, everyone didn't drink much spirits, instead they drank some red wine.

As usual, Governor Liu has a big appetite and eats it.

After dinner, several people returned to the living room, where the guests and the host were seated, chatting while watching "News Network". [

In today's "News Network", there is important news about state leaders inspecting central enterprises.

Li Yuhua's expression was slightly nervous.

Of course, Liu Jun couldn't escape the eyes of Liu Jun, and he asked with a smile, "Comrade Yuhua, is Dayang Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. doing well?"

The so-called Dayang Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd. is the large state-owned enterprise managed by Li Yuhua, subordinate to it, at the bureau level.The headquarters of the company is located in Donghai City.

Li Yuhua shook her body slightly, and said: "The past few years were pretty good. The global demand for large ocean-going freighters was relatively rigid, and the company's development was relatively fast, and the benefits were not bad..."

Liu Jun smiled lightly, and said: "In recent years, the global demand for large ocean-going freighters is still rigid."

This means that the demand in the market has not decreased, so it is called "good in the past few years", but it should be even better now.Could it be that Dayang Company has a problem.

Li Yuhua sighed slightly, and glanced at Xiang Han, Xiang Han's complexion had already darkened, and he hummed softly, with a very displeased expression.Li Yuhua thought for a while, and said to Liu Jun: "Governor Liu, to tell you the truth, Dayang Company has encountered a little problem right now. Our overseas funds have been locked up, and we have suffered a little loss. The company's turnover has encountered difficulties. difficulty……"

Liu Jun's expression suddenly became serious.

It is already a common phenomenon in China that large state-owned enterprises make venture capital in the international financial market through overseas accounts.There was a time when it was still a symbol of "fashion".In our country, the period of reform and opening up is not very long, only twenty years or so.Even less contact with the world's financial markets.After some state-owned enterprises gradually developed, they went abroad one after another and plunged headlong into the ocean of the international financial market to "swim". Because they were not familiar with this market and did not understand the huge risks of the financial market, many "trend players" were choked by the seawater. sharp.When the situation was at its worst, the vast majority of state-owned enterprises suffered losses in the international financial market to varying degrees.Many companies even suffered huge losses, which affected the subsequent development of the company.

As early as the 90s of the last century, there was a well-known large steel company that lost 7000 million US dollars in a single transaction.

The current situation is naturally better than when it was the most chaotic in the 90s, at least it is not so orderly and blind.However, there are still quite a few state-owned enterprises making venture capital investments in the international financial market.

It is not news that Dayang Shipbuilding Industry Company, which is controlled by Li Yuhua, has been locked in investment in the international financial market.

"How much was trapped?"

Liu Jun pondered for a while before asking.

Li Yuhua hesitated again.

To be honest, asking Liu Jun for help was a decision made by the couple after discussing for a long time.Before that, the relationship between Liu Jun and them was far from close, let alone an ally.It is indeed a bit unreasonable to ask Liu Jun rashly about this kind of series of problems.Now Liu Jun is asking, if Li Yuhua doesn't tell the whole story, then he doesn't trust Liu Jun. Since he wants others to help, but hides it, it's wrong; If you don't hide anything, you have to take a lot of risks.

This is tantamount to handing his little braid to Liu Jun with both hands, and there is no way out.

In other words, he, Li Yuhua and Xiang Han, must tie themselves to Liu Jun's "chariot" from now on, without any second thoughts. [

Liu Jun took a puff of a cigarette, expressed his displeasure, and did not urge him.

At such a critical juncture, it is only natural for Li Yuhua to hesitate and hesitate, and he really needs to figure it out.

Li Yuhua and Xiang Han exchanged glances again, and finally seemed to have made up their minds, saying, "Three hundred million, US dollars!"

Liu Jun frowned slightly again, and said, "The number is relatively large."

Li Yuhua said with some frustration: "Yes, the China Securities Regulatory Commission is currently investigating the overseas investment of state-owned enterprises, and we didn't expect to be caught."

Speaking of it, Li Yuhua's luck is a bit bad.

The fund was not secured sooner or later, but it happened at this time that it was trapped, and a small problem became a big problem.What's more, for a company of the scale of Dayang Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd., [-] million US dollars in cash is definitely not a small amount, and it is a big problem in itself.

Recently, the State Council has made great efforts to clean up and rectify the financial order. It not only targets all financial institutions, but also cleans up all overseas venture investments of state-owned enterprises.

When it comes to Li Yuhua, especially the cadres at Xiang Han's level, they are very clear that this financial rectification is absolutely extraordinary, and the political atmosphere contained in it is too strong.Once caught, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

Wang Zhengjie and Kong Xuehai are examples from the past.

At the recent Central Plenary Session, a decision was made to remove Wang Zhengjie as an alternate member of the Central Committee.

Wang Zhengjie has been double-regulated by the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The fall of Wang Zhengjie and Kong Xuehai was an unprecedented shock to the financial cadres across the country.In particular, Wang Zhengjie came from a family, and the election of the provincial branch president as an alternate central committee member showed his strength.As a result, in this financial rectification, the first one was taken down. It can be seen that Liu Jincai has made up his mind.

It is foreseeable that a group of heavyweight cadres will be sacked in the future.

There has never been a great political game without blood.

Li Yuhua learned from various channels that she had been targeted, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission had sent a special team to verify the details of their Ocean Shipbuilding Industry Company's overseas investment.

What this means, Li Yuhua is very clear.

After struggling for most of his life, he finally reached his current position. Is it possible that at this time, he is going to change from a high-ranking chairman to a prisoner?Just a few months ago, Li Yuhua received good news. In view of his outstanding performance, the higher authorities intend to promote him to a more important leadership position.

At that time, Li Yuhua even joked with Xiang Han, saying that he finally didn't have to worry about his wife being the leader.

Xiang Han's position is higher than that of Li Yuhua, and in fact, it has always been Li Yuhua's heart disease.As a strong man, even if he doesn't show it on his face, he can't live without a little pimple in his heart.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, the situation took a turn for the worse.

After the incident happened, Li Yuhua and Xiang Han also made a lot of efforts, but the results were not satisfactory.As for the state-owned enterprise, Lao Gao's family has no plans to get involved in it right now. [

Since Liu Jincai decided to choose the financial system as a breakthrough, it means that this area has become a "minefield", and it is easy to get involved and be "accidentally injured".

Of course, based on the analysis of the situation, Liu Jin will have the choice to carry out "rectification", which should be more obvious.Li Yuhua is not a go-getter over there, and was expected to pass through the danger.However, the real threat did not come from Liu Jincai, but from the Pearl Department.

The other side knew Liu Jincai's purpose well, and it was obviously not the best way to "confront" Liu Jincai directly.Serious problems have been found out, so the initiative is in Liu Jincai's hands.If you go head-to-head, the chances of winning are too small, and you will be strangled by the neck if you are not careful.The best way to deal with it is to involve all the heavyweights from other factions and prevent them from "sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight".

The deeper the other factions are involved, the less pressure the Pearl faction will have.In order to "save" their own people, other forces that originally planned to remain neutral had to join in to resist Liu Jincai's "offensive".

From the analysis of this situation, even if Yan Liuxi intends to let people like Li Yuhua go, I'm afraid that side will not agree, and they will definitely be dragged into trouble.

Of course Liu Jun is now very clear about Li Yuhua's purpose in entertaining him and Yan Fei.But it's not easy to express his opinion on this matter now. He still doesn't know much about the details.

"Comrade Yuhua, venture capital, as the name suggests, is risky. It is normal for funds to be trapped temporarily, so there is no need to be too anxious. If Dayang Company has difficulties in the flow of funds, it can also be resolved through other means."

Liu Jun said slowly.

Li Yuhua smiled wryly.

What Liu Jun said is of course reasonable. The problem is that Dayang Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd.'s overseas venture capital investment does not meet the regulations of Youguang. They are operating in violation of regulations.It’s okay to make a profit, but now that you are caught, you may lose a lot, and the problem is very serious.

"Governor Liu, the whole country is now undergoing a major financial rectification. Even if there is a problem with liquidity, it is not so easy to solve."

Li Yuhua reminded Liu Jun cryptically.

This matter was a coincidence, many factors came together, and it was not as easy to solve as you imagined.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Since the problem has happened, we always have to find a way to solve it. And I think it is better to solve the economic problem with economic means. Don't complicate the problem, it will be detrimental. "

Li Yuhua hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, what Governor Liu said is very reasonable..."

Judging from Liu Jun's tone, it seemed that he intended to help, at least he didn't completely reject him. Li Yuhua seemed to see hope and heaved a sigh of relief. v

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