Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1838

Jin Youwei, do you care about money? "

Liu Jun glanced at him and asked calmly.

"Don't care!"

Without even thinking about it, Jin Youwei replied immediately.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Then what do you mean by holding on to money so desperately?"

"Hey, Governor Liu, this is inertia. Don't you often say at the conference that you want to do what you want to do and love what you do? Since we are in this money-losing industry, we have to love it and keep embracing it. Just like you , Originally, you could not be an official, but you are not enlightened, so you want to be an official. Then you have to keep doing it. When you retire, you say hello, and I will close the stall immediately and go fishing with you!"

Jin Youwei said with a smile.

Liu Jun shook his head and said with a smile: "Only your fishing level? Save yourself!"

Although Governor Liu disapproved of Mr. Jin's words, he actually felt the same in his heart.Many things are involuntary.Jin Youwei always thought that he chose to be an official because he was not enlightened, and he was a fool!

Qing smiled and said, "Mr. Jin, if you can often invite him to go fishing, I would be very grateful to you!"

As time went by, Liu Jun's beauties began to pay more and more attention to Liu Jun's physical and mental health.At his current position, there are too many things to worry about every day, and it is really not enough to change his mind if he does not move around frequently.

It's just that this kind of words is not easy to say too much to Liu Jun.

Too much, isn't it just to show that Liu Jun is old?

I'm afraid Governor Liu will not be convinced.

Jin Youwei smiled and said, "I really want to, but people think I'm not good at fishing and think I'm not good at fishing... Hehe, in fact, Liu Jun is as strong as a cow. It doesn't matter, don't worry about his body."

Qing glanced at Jin Youwei, slightly surprised.

This Mr. Jin, his brain is really not so easy to use.With just one sentence, you can guess your intentions.He was able to become Liu Jun's friend, which shows that it was by no means lucky.

"Li Hui, it's been almost a year since you've been in Jiangkou City?"

Liu Jun ignored Jin Youwei and asked Li Hui.

Li Hui was not so relaxed in front of Liu Jun. After all, Jin Youwei was not in the system. He and Liu Jun were pure friends.Now Li Hui still treats Liu Jun as a direct superior.Wen Yan straightened his body, and said in a respectful tone: "It's almost a year, maybe ten months."

Liu Jun smiled and asked: "How is it? How do you feel?"

Li Hui took a deep breath and said, "To be honest, it's very difficult."

Liu Jun laughed.

He knew that Li Hui was telling the truth.As the bridgehead of domestic reform and opening up, Jiangkou is a sub-provincial city with the largest economic output, which is far from comparable to Qianzhou City.It can be said that we are on the cusp of the storm all the time, and I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at it.When Yan Liuxili Li Hui became the mayor of Jiangkou, he was criticized by several people as a very irresponsible approach. [

Letting the secretary of the Qianzhou Municipal Party Committee serve as the mayor of Jiangkou gives people the feeling that it is a bit unreliable to let a village head manage the nightclub.

As far as the whole country is concerned, the political situation in the province is the most complicated, where various forces are in trouble.A long time ago, the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of the province was concurrently held by a member of the Politburo, which shows the complexity of the political situation in the province.However, Jiangkou City is the city with the most complicated political situation in the province. Various forces from the province and even the central government are all involved in this city.

Li Hui has to deal with attacks from all directions every day, how can it be easy!

"Well, the situation in Jiangkou is more complicated. As the most economically developed city in China, its development model is also different from that of Qianzhou. However, it is not completely without context."

Liu Jun said slowly.

Li Hui immediately lifted his spirits, straightened his waist, looked at Liu Jun, and said, "Please give advice to the Governor."

Liu Jun waved and said: "We are all old colleagues, so there is no need to say more polite words. I am not that familiar with Jiangkou's specific situation, so I can't make any suggestions that are too specific, so I will generalize them." Let’s chat casually, I hope to inspire you.”


Li Hui replied respectfully.

It can be seen that Li Hui's respect is not fake.If Li Hui still had a certain "hostility" towards Liu Jun in the past, after so many years, Li Hui's "hostility" has long since disappeared.For Liu Jun's ability, whether it is political struggle or economic construction, Li Huijun fully admires it. It is of course a wish for Liu Jun's guidance.

"Actually, what Jin Youwei just said is of great reference value."

"Me? Hehe, the governor praised me, but I really didn't say anything."

Jin Youwei was a little puzzled.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Young Master Jin is too modest. You said just now that if you want to do what you want to do and love what you do, it has become a habit, right? This sentence is equally effective when applied to the governance of Jiangkou City. .As far as economic construction is concerned, Li Hui, I suggest you 'govern for what you want'."

"Government for?"

Li Hui was a little puzzled.

"Yes, it is to rule by reason. After so many years of development, Jiangkou City has become the most mature market economy in China. The operation of the market economy has its own laws. It is unwise to interfere forcefully and try to change its trajectory. The effect is often counterproductive. Such stupid things that replace market laws with administrative orders have happened many times across the country, and I don’t need to say more about the results, which are very bad. Therefore, the key to governing Jiangkou City is to follow the trend. As the mayor , Don't always think about being new and different, always thinking about creating something new, thinking that only in this way can you show your existence. This is not necessary. Whether it is the superior or the city, the evaluation of the manager will only look at the end It is easy to understand the so-called following the trend. A small government and a big market are the best explanations. The most important job of your city government is to do a good job in logistical support. It is enough for the market to provide protection for investors. Jiangkou’s economy will develop along its inertia. It is enough for managers to follow the trend and provide support and encouragement.”

When Liu Jun said this, he stopped and took a sip from his teacup.

The other three people in the room were all lost in thought.Even Mr. Jin, who was fooling around, showed a look of deep thought.Jin Youwei was careless, extremely clever, and could digest Governor Liu's "wisdom" very well.

After a while, Li Hui sighed, and said: "The governor taught you well, but I just can't figure out the mystery...every day I am trembling like walking on eggshells, for fear that I will not do my job well and let down the trust of my superiors."

In fact, this is a common problem of many rulers.It doesn't mean that those in power just want to mess around on purpose. Maybe when they formulate a certain policy, they have a good intention.After all, every ruler wants to make dazzling achievements during his term of office in order to leave his name in history.But just as Liu Jun said, the market has its own laws, and if we try to change this law by forcefully interfering with administrative means, problems will arise if we are not careful.

These words, when Li Hui took office, Liu Jun did not communicate with him in a hurry, but waited until now, and there is a reason.Li Hui must first let Li Hui experience the difficulty of governing Jiangkou City, so that he can really listen to it.Otherwise, even though Li Hui admired Liu Jun very much, in his daily work, he would inevitably have to act according to his own inertial thinking. [

Liu Jun smiled and said: "As the mayor, economic construction can be done as it is, but in terms of people's livelihood, we can't take it lightly. We must take the initiative. As the most economically developed city in China, Jiangkou City has considerable financial resources. What? This is an important issue worthy of your careful consideration. Li Hui, in charge of a city, your achievements are not only reflected in economic construction, but also in the construction of people's livelihood. Above. Jiangkou has money, but how to spend it is a big problem. Simply put, since this is the richest city in the country, the residents here should also be the happiest citizens in the country. This is complementary. If this Huge fiscal revenue is spent where it shouldn't be spent, and even goes into some people's private pockets. Then, no matter how fast the economy develops and the fiscal revenue is large, you will still fail to manage this city. Created by the people They did not enjoy the wealth themselves. So, why did the masses support us cadres?"

"Yes, Governor, I keep your teachings in mind. When the Prime Minister talked to me, he also taught the same way. The Prime Minister said that while Jiangkou City has become the most economically developed sub-provincial city in the country, it cannot become a burden on the people's livelihood across the country. The tallest city cannot become the most polarized city! Over the past year, the Prime Minister’s teachings have always echoed in my ears, and I dare not slack off at all.”

Li Hui said softly.

Li Hui's words were not considered "flattery". What Liu Jincai talked to him at the beginning was actually his "performance evaluation index".After he took office, he has been devoting himself to the improvement of people's livelihood in Jiangkou City. As always, he has followed the policy of his predecessor, Qiu Qingchuan, continued to stabilize housing prices, and promoted the city's livable construction.

At present, the house prices in Jiangkou City are far lower than those in Nanfang City, the capital of the province, because Jiangkou City’s house price control is in place, which has affected the overall situation of the real estate industry in the whole province. In comparison, the rising trend of house prices in the whole province is obviously lower than that in Mingzhu City and other eastern cities. developed areas.In addition, Li Hui has also made great efforts in other constructions that benefit the people.

Liu Jun nodded slightly, affirming Li Hui's words.

Although he is far away in the province, he is still very concerned about Li Hui's administration in Jiangkou.Li Hui can be said to be a senior leading cadre he single-handedly promoted, and his weight in his system is no less than that of Chai Shaoji.

If Li Hui leaves Maicheng in Jiangkou City, it will also be a blow to Liu Jun.

During their conversation, Xiaoqing never interrupted, just sat and listened with a smile, acting very "lady", when Jin Youwei saw it, he sighed secretly.

This Liu Jun really has a hand!

ps: Seeing being exploded and falling out of the top fifteen, Pie is actually very puzzled.Last month was not good, and the final monthly ticket was ranked thirteen.I worked hard this month, but it was sixteen.Hehe, it seems that there is no necessary connection between the number of monthly tickets and the amount of updates.It depends on who will pretend to be pitiful.Forget it, I won't pretend, two chapters a day, always saying how poor I am, how hard I work, it's not good.Work hard or not, you can see it.So far, eighteen months, Pie has never let readers dove, which should be a testament to the efforts.


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