Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 186 Liao Qingkai Inspects Xiangyang County

Liao Qingkai is the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee starting in the middle of this year.From the standing committee to the deputy secretary, it is considered to have entered a small category. It has risen slightly in the standing committee ranking of the provincial party committee. long.

Liao Qing opened this small case, and there were many rumors in the province that Secretary Pi Zhiping was going to be transferred to a key department of the central government, and it was also said that he had entered the highest power level.Governor Liu Dongshan is likely to take over the post of provincial party secretary, and the position of governor will naturally fall on Liao Qing's head.This little box was mentioned in preparation for Liao Qingkai's succession as governor.

The news spread so clearly that it was as if all the staff members in the Provincial Party Committee compound were heads of the Organization Department of the Central Committee.Located in an inland province with an underdeveloped economy like N Province, every small personnel change of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government will inevitably lead to many speculations. The words of the "ministers of amateur organizations" are naturally countless, and the dust can only be considered to settle after the central government's document is issued.

However, Liao Qingkai was promoted to deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, at least it can be seen that the central government has paid more attention to economic construction.Near the end of the year, as the executive vice-governor in charge of economic construction, it was reasonable to come to Xiangyang County, a small county with "remarkable progress", to inspect it in person.

Get up, contributed to Liao Qingkai's trip to the sun, Peng Fei and Bai Yang co-signed the article "Forge ahead!take off! "The long newsletter played a big role. [

Of course, this is just a superficial reason.

Mr. Zhou and Bai Yang used their personal relationship to whisper to Minister Bai, while Bai Jianming and Liao Qing had a good personal relationship, so naturally they had to mention a few words to Lao Liao.The big leaders at their level always speak in a subtle way, but a light sentence can often have an unexpected effect.

There are not many people who know the truth here. No matter how meticulous the "amateur organization ministers" observed, could they still overhear the conversation between Minister Bai and his daughter at the dinner table?

For Liao Qingkai's inspection, Long Tiejun and Zhou Peiming naturally attached great importance to it.However, at that time, the custom of meeting superior leaders on the roads at the regional borders had not yet arisen. Long Tiejun gathered the full-time leaders of the four regional teams and all the members of the prefectural committee in the regional compound to wait for Deputy Secretary Liao to visit.

To everyone's surprise, Liao Qingkai didn't come in a Shanghai brand car, but an eleven-seat van, with a jeep driving ahead, and quietly entered the compound of the prefectural committee. .

Until Liao Qingkai got off the van.The leaders of the Baozhou area were stunned to realize that it was Deputy Secretary Liao who had come.

"Oh, Secretary Liao. You are..."

Long Tiejun stepped forward to shake hands with Liao Qingkai.asked with a smile.

"Old Dragon. I'm here this time. I just don't want to disturb the comrades in Xiangyang County. Just go down like this. See the most real situation." Liao Qingkai held Long Tiejun's hand and said cheerfully: "Your prefectural committee compound. I I won’t be here soon. Please, Comrade Zhou Peiming and I will go to Xiangyang County with me? By the way, Comrade Yan Yucheng will also go together. After all, he is still very familiar with the situation in Xiangyang County..."

Astonishment returns to astonishment.Since Deputy Secretary Liao gave this instruction.Long Tiejun naturally wanted to accompany him.So Long Tiejun, Zhou Peiming and Yan Yucheng got into the van.He roared away while everyone was stunned.

haha.Where did Deputy Secretary Liao sing?

As soon as Liao Qingkai left the prefectural committee compound, Liu Heqian hurriedly called his father.

Ever since they became Long Tiejun's capable generals, Yan Yucheng and his father took great care to win over the veteran secretary beside Long Tiejun.Liu Heqian is also easy to deal with, they come and go, and the relationship between the two parties is still very good.

Dad froze when he received the call.This is something that has never happened before. Which time the provincial leaders came to inspect without prior notice, and the arrangements were well arranged?What was Liao Qingkai's intention for such a sudden attack?

Baozhou City is only about [-] kilometers away from Xiangyang County, and the road conditions of the provincial road have improved somewhat in the past two years. The car can arrive in an hour at most, and if you want to make arrangements in advance, it will be too late.Previously, I only heard that Deputy Secretary Liao was coming to Baozhou area for inspection, and he should go around Baozhou city first, but he never expected that the first stop would be Xiangyang County.

Dad thought for a while, and then ordered his secretary, Liao Shunli, to call an emergency meeting of all county committee members.

Seeing Secretary Liu's serious expression, Liao hurriedly trotted to notify.The county party committee and government all work in the same building, and running notifications are quicker than calling notifications. Only Liang Guoqiang works in the Public Security Bureau and needs to make a phone call.

Soon, all eleven Standing Committee members arrived, and Liang Guoqiang, who was farthest away, arrived at the county committee conference room in just 5 minutes.As soon as everyone sat down, they couldn't help whispering, asking what happened.

Since Secretary Liu became the leader, there has never been such an emergency convening of the Standing Committee. The work in the county is carried out in an orderly manner. [

"Comrades, I just received a call from Director Liu, the secretary of the prefectural party committee secretary Long. Comrade Liao Qingkai, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and executive deputy governor, is coming to our Xiangyang County to inspect the work..."

Dad spoke in a deep voice.

With a "boom", the meeting room was boiling, and everyone was overjoyed and applauded.

This is a great joy. The deputy secretary of the provincial party committee made a special trip to inspect it. Since Xiangyang County was established, the number of times has not been many.

"Comrades, wait a moment and rejoice..."

Dad raised his hands and pressed down, and the applause stopped.

"Secretary Liao is already on his way. He just left the prefectural committee compound and is almost there!"


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.The leaders of the province are there when they talk about it, but where did they start?Which time in the past was not notified many days in advance?

Tang Haitian was the first to come back to his senses and said, "Secretary Liu, it seems that Secretary Liao wants to get first-hand information."

"It's just..."

The Standing Committee members echoed.

"If you have the first-hand information, you should have the first-hand information. We have nothing to hide from the provincial leaders."

Dad said calmly.

Everyone is at ease.

What Secretary Liu said makes sense. The work in the county is in good order. Not long ago, the provincial newspaper even published a press release of praise.As long as the work is done in place at ordinary times, there is no need to be afraid of inspections by the provincial leaders at critical moments.

"Although Secretary Liao and the district leaders will arrive in a blink of an eye, the relevant preparations for the reception still need to be done. Comrade Liang Guoqiang immediately organizes the police to do a good job in the security of the guest house. The hooligans on the street also need to be cleaned up... "


Liang Guoqiang stood up and responded with a sonorous tone.

"The preparations for the reception at the guest house will be arranged by the secretary-general, Comrade Lu Zhen."

"Okay, Secretary Liu."

"In addition, Secretary-General Lu wants the office to inform the leaders of the districts and make corresponding preparations, especially the Red Flag Commune and the Liujiashan Brigade, which may be the focus of Secretary Liao's inspection this time. We should especially remind them to pay attention." [

"Okay, I'll do it right now."

"Other comrades, join me in preparing to welcome Secretary Liao and the leading comrades of the region."

Dad finished the assignment, and led a few members of the Standing Committee of the county party committee to the gate of the county party committee compound, craned his neck and looked towards the road. Soon, a jeep and a van appeared ahead.

"Comrade Liu Jincai and Comrade Tang Haitian come up!"

The van stopped in front of the county party committee compound, the door opened, Long Tiejun showed his face and waved.

Dad and Tang Haitian were informed by Liu Heqian in advance, and they were not surprised to know that Secretary Liao came by van, so they trotted over immediately and got into the van.

"Everyone else is gone, go and do what you should do."

Long Tiejun yelled again, and under the extremely astonished expressions of everyone, the van drove away again.

"Comrade Liu Jincai, Comrade Tang Haitian, how are you!"

The van has been modified, the seats are in a circle, and seven or eight people can sit down, which is convenient for conversation.As soon as Dad and Tang Haitian got into the car, Liao Qingkai greeted them with a smile.

"Hello, Secretary Liao...Hello, Secretary Long, Hello, Commissioner Zhou, and Hello, Secretary Yan!"

Hey, dad also got Yan Fei's problem, so he called people by their heads, without missing a single one.

"Hehe, you two don't need to be nervous, please sit down, I just came to see and get first-hand information."

Liao Qingkai's expression was very peaceful.

"I heard that the 'Wufeng Liquor Co., Ltd.' in your county is doing very well, with an annual profit and tax of more than 600 million. Let's go to Wufeng Liquor to see how it goes?"

What else can others say?Naturally, what Secretary Liao says is what you say.

As soon as they heard that they should watch "Wufeng Liquor Industry" first, Dad and Tang Haitian immediately calmed down.Xin said that even if Secretary Liao didn't propose to visit the winery, we would do everything possible to lure you there.That is the best trump card among the state-owned enterprises in Xiangyang County.

Before Liao Qingkai entered "Wufeng Liquor Industry", he was dazzled by the magnificent office building first: "Hehe, what a magnificent office building, Comrade Liu Jincai, this is much more magnificent than your county party committee and county government."

Dad carefully chose the words, and replied: "Secretary Liao, the company pays attention to an issue of external image..."

"Oh, so, Comrade Liu Jincai thinks that enterprises should pay attention to their external image, and the party committee and government must pay attention to their external image?"

Liao Qingkai still spoke calmly, with a smile on his lips, but it was really difficult to reply to what he said.Long Tiejun, Zhou Peiming, Yan Yucheng, and the leaders of these areas all of a sudden turned serious, and stared at Dad flickeringly, for fear that he might answer the wrong question.

On the sixth day of the first month of this year, Yan Yucheng and his father had the honor to visit Liao Qingkai once, and it seemed that he was a very approachable leader.But it was at home, and it was Chinese New Year, so the impression I got might not be accurate.Faced with so many leaders now, Dad naturally wouldn't become negligent because of that one side relationship.

"Secretary Liao, the party committee and government naturally need to pay more attention to the external image. However, I think the party committee and government should pay more attention to the image of being clean and honest. Hardship and simplicity are the consistent traditions of our party... Enterprises need to publicize, especially Wufeng Liquor A state-run factory of this scale is too shabby, and customers will misunderstand that it has no strength!"

Liao Qing laughed heartily, and Long Tiejun and others also laughed.

"Okay, Comrade Jincai, this business scripture reads well..."

Accompanied by everyone, Liao Qingkai inspected "Wufeng Liquor Industry", and casually asked about the production and sales of the winery. His father and Tang Haitian had a fluent answer, basically nothing to do with the heads of the winery such as Hu Jiahui and Xu Guowei.

Liao Qingkai nodded secretly, with a look of appreciation on the corner of his mouth.

After inspecting "Wufeng Liquor Industry", Liao Qingkai declined the warm invitation from the person in charge of the winery, and drove straight to Liujiashan.

"I heard that there is a province-wide 'rich brigade' in your county. Today I want to see it with my own eyes."

Liao Qing was very happy.

Long Tiejun was taken aback, and asked, "Secretary Liao, I've never heard of the title of 'Fu Brigade' in the province."

Zhou Peiming also looked surprised.

Dad and Tang Haitian felt "thump" in their hearts: It's bad, the two big bosses in this area don't know about it, how come the provincial leaders know about it?On a bigger scale, it is not an exaggeration to accuse An of being a "gaze organization".

Fortunately, Liao Qingkai immediately solved this "mystery" by himself.

"Hehe, you don't have to be nervous, that little girl Bai Yang is bragging to me..."

Long Tiejun looked at his father inquiringly.

Dad hurriedly replied: "Bai Yang is the female reporter of the provincial newspaper who wrote the newsletter for us."

As for Bai Yang's background, he was inconvenient to disclose.

Liao Qingkai didn't shy away from it, and said with a smile: "The little girl of Lao Bai's family, the Propaganda Director of the Provincial Party Committee."

Long Tiejun, Zhou Peiming and others suddenly realized, and they all smiled knowingly.They were all leaders of the provincial party committee, and it was normal for Minister Bai's youngest daughter to brag and make up gossip for Liao Qingkai.

"To be honest, I don't really believe that a big team can really make such a big noise?"

"Secretary Liao, hearing is believing, seeing is believing."

Yan Yucheng said.Along the way, he basically stayed with the last seat and kept silent, and it was rare for him to say a word at this time.He is Dad's confidant, and he knows that Liujiashan Brigade is Dad's hometown, so it is not convenient for him to say more, so it is only natural for him, the former county party secretary, to insert such a sentence.

"Comrade Yucheng is right, I'm here today because seeing is believing."

As soon as the car arrived at Hongqi Commune, Liao Qingkai saw the first "fact" - the concrete road running through the farmland like a jade belt.

"Secretary Liao, the Liujiashan Brigade funded the construction of this road. They plan to build a cement road from the commune to the county seat next year."

Dad explained.

"It was all funded and built by the brigade?" Liao Qingkai was taken aback.He is the executive deputy governor in charge of economic construction, so he naturally knows the cost of road construction.After getting an affirmative answer, Liao Qingkai nodded and said with a smile, "It's interesting!"

However, when he inspected all the factories in Liujiashan, especially the "modern" vocational technical training center covering an area of ​​tens of acres, Deputy Secretary Liao was very knowledgeable and extremely shocked. look.

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