I left Liujiashan and came to live in the commune.

The reason was that Mr. Zhou was transferred to the commune to work.Mr. Zhou was able to work in the commune because of his father's suggestion.The root cause is still related to Cui Xiuhe's defeat in Hongqi Commune.

That time, Deputy Director Cui suffered a lot in the Hongqi Commune, and he was fine with being contradicted by Yan Yucheng, because Yan Yucheng's qualifications were much older than him.Before the Cultural Revolution, Yan Yucheng was already the deputy director of the County Party Committee Office, and later transferred to the director of the Agricultural Bureau. Cui Xiuhe was still a small worker.With the help of the Cultural Revolution, Brother Cui soared all the way and occupied the position of deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee. In front of Yan Yucheng, after all, he lacked confidence.Officialdom has always placed a lot of emphasis on seniority, and if the cadres who come from behind do not have some real skills, their prestige is often not high.Cui Xiuhe's background is too poor, and it is all supported by Wang Benqing.What made him suffocate the most was being yelled at by a kid for no reason, and he couldn't find a place to calm down.In the end, I had no choice but to be so angry that I didn't even eat, got into the front of the jeep and ran away without turning back.

Although Cui Xiuhe had cooked a bit, the backer behind him was not someone to be trifled with.Wang Benqing has always protected his weaknesses, and it can be seen from his insistence on arranging a big bastard like Cui Xiuhe in the position of propaganda minister.

In fact, Wang Benqing is not a reckless man blindly, and the city is very deep.In the revolutionary period full of line struggles, firmly controlling public opinion and propaganda is one of the keys to victory.Cui Xiuhe is rough, but easy to control, she is absolutely reliable.Wang Benqing was assured that he would be the Minister of Propaganda. [

Cui Xiuhe was humiliated, and Wang Benqing had no reason to give up.Strangely, after Cui Xiuhe sneaked back to the county, he was as calm as before, and Wang Benqing and the county revolutionary committee all responded.

"Things that are abnormal are demons."

This is Mr. Zhou's conclusion on this matter.

"Could it be that the rain is about to come?"

Dad was a little worried.

Yan Yucheng waved his hand, and said: "Soldiers come to block, water comes to flood the earth. No matter what moves he uses, let's follow."

This conversation has been a month since the "Cui Xiuhe Incident".

"Wang Benqing may not have much skill with you, but Jincai is different. After all, his qualifications are still low. Cui Xiuhe is the direct leader who should be in charge. If he finds trouble at work, he has to guard against it."

"Well, the teacher is right."

Yan Yucheng nodded.He is majestic and majestic, and even though he is the director of the revolutionary committee of a small commune, he never shows such a majestic demeanor.But that doesn't mean he's rough-tempered.

In fact, people who are not close-minded will definitely not be able to survive in the officialdom.

"Jin Cai, you have to use your brains to make the commune's propaganda work more impressive, so Cui Xiuhe can't find a place to bite you even if he wants to bite you."

"Well... But, the theoretical policy of the central government is proposed as the highest standard in current political life. The current propaganda focus of the whole county is on this. What should we focus on in our propaganda work? Isn't it... ... also deal with it a little bit? After all, this is the policy of the central government."

Dad was a little uncertain.

Mr. Zhou and Director Yan both looked solemn.After all, their level is too low, and their grasp of the overall situation can only be guessed by intuition.It is indeed difficult for them to insist on the central government's policies.

"I think it's okay to deal with it a little bit... What do you think, teacher?"

Mr. Zhou thought for a while and nodded.

Now I'm in a hurry to get angry.Because I know that one year later, at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, this theoretical policy will be officially rejected.Faced with this kind of principled issue of right and wrong, we can't be careless.Especially in the case of offending Cui Xiuhe, it is even more uneconomical to be a fool.Naturally, if we followed the county's steps closely and vigorously publicized this policy from the beginning, even if it turned out to be wrong in the end, it would be fine.Anyway, subordinates obey their superiors, and when the sky falls, there is a taller person to support them.When the time comes, change course and follow the new policies and guidelines.As long as it is not out of line, there will be no serious disaster.This is also the strategy currently adopted by most communes in the county.Over the years, strict organizational disciplines have constrained the way these people think and act.Grassroots cadres like Yan Yucheng who have their own opinions are definitely different.

Now that I have offended Cui Xiuhe, and I shouted "practice is the only criterion for testing truth", Yan Yucheng nodded in approval in front of Cui Xiuhe, which is tantamount to expressing his own attitude towards this policy.At this time, I went to "cope with it a little bit" and changed course to follow the county's documents. People may not necessarily buy it.When this theoretical policy is denied, it will only be a laughing stock, and it will not please both sides.Seeing such a great opportunity wasted in vain. [

In any case, convince them.But how to persuade is a problem.

I am quite quick-witted, the thing I was best at in my previous life was lying to my face without blushing.However, this situation has never been encountered before.

"Continue to shrink back, although there are thousands of people, I will go... Uncle Zhou, what does this sentence in "Mencius" mean?"

After I finished speaking, I regretted that my performance was too good this time. Mr. Zhou never taught me "Mencius".He was not as interested in Meng Yasheng as he was in Kong Shengren.In comparison, Mencius is indeed a little unreasonable, but Confucius is much more interesting.

Mr. Zhou took this as my routine consultation, and explained casually: "Ask yourself, as long as it is where the truth lies, even if there are thousands of troops, I will go forward bravely...Xiaojun, you...you are What's the meaning?"

I originally planned to repeat the old trick, to warn a few big intellectuals, and then play dumb.But all three of Mr. Zhou were staring at me with twinkling eyes, which made my scalp tingle, and I cried "it's not good" in my heart, knowing that I might not be able to avoid it this time.

"Xiaojun... I don't think I have taught you "Mencius", have I? Jincai, have you taught it?"

Dad repeatedly shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You haven't taught it before, how can I teach him this? Even I don't understand "Mencius"..."

"Uncle Zhou, Uncle Yan, Dad, don't get to the bottom of it, I saw it myself. There are so many books here by Uncle Zhou, I found them at random... I think that Minister Cui, who was last time, would not be kind. Let it go... It's like when we children fight and suffer losses, we are always dissatisfied and want to win back..."

As I spoke, I watched their faces.It was inevitable to be shocked and surprised. After hearing what I said later, they all showed a look of sudden enlightenment.Hmm... not bad, not bad!Finally, I found a topic that can barely catch up with "children".

After finishing speaking in one breath, I turned around on my own, wiping off my sweat!

"Well, Xiaojun's words are very reasonable. I think Cui Xiuhe is holding back and waiting for an opportunity."

Yan Yucheng said with certainty.

"The question is, what opportunity is he waiting for? It is said that he is the deputy director of the County Revolutionary Committee, and Wang Benqing is behind him. It is not difficult to trouble you..."

Mr. Zhou was a little puzzled.

Right now, how to deal with Cui Xiuhe's possible counterattack is the most important thing. The thinking of the three of them was quickly pulled back from "Mencius", allowing me to escape.

"Could it be that there are different opinions from above?"

Dad said.

Hehe, Dad, another praise!

In my memory, not long after this theoretical policy was put forward, a very prestigious veteran in the party wrote to the Central Committee, solemnly proposing that "an accurate and complete ideological system must be used from generation to generation to guide our entire party, the entire army, and the people of the whole country." ".I can't remember the exact time, but it was around the middle of [-].And this letter is forwarded by the central government.It is expected that Wang Benqing and Cui Xiuhe and his like learned the content of this letter and could not make up their minds for a while, so they temporarily tolerated not sending it.

Just because the elder hadn't returned to work at that time, the theoretical policy proposed by the central government still dominated the party.

Dad has vaguely guessed something about this matter, and Director Yan and the others will know about it sooner or later.I don't need to rap right now. [

Yan Yucheng's heroic spirit surged up again, and he waved his hand and said, "Xiaojun is right, but he shrinks back, even though there are thousands of people, we will go. No matter what Wang Benqing and Cui Xiuhe mean, as long as it is correct, we must stick to it." persist in."

My father is also a bachelor, and immediately said: "Yes, he has his good plan, and I have my old idea. Director, let's spread it out with a big fanfare and let's talk about it after creating momentum."

Hehe, my father in the previous life was so stubborn. After becoming an administrative cadre, he tried his best to adapt to the rules of the officialdom.As soon as the time for the scene arrived, Er Ganzi's temper flared up again.

Looking at the two rather heroic directors, Mr. Zhou smiled and shook his head slightly.In terms of stubborn temper, Director Yan and Dad combined may not be able to compare with this tough professor comrade.

However, Comrade Professor Liu watched coldly for only a few seconds. Deputy Director Liu rolled his eyes and turned his attention to him again.

"Mr. Zhou, this matter still needs your strong support."

"Oh? What support can I give you?"

Mr. Zhou felt quite strange.

"Since I want to compete with the county propaganda department, my theoretical knowledge is far from enough. I need you to support me personally."

Director Yan's eyes lit up, he slapped his thigh and said, "Yes, teacher, when it comes to writing articles and discussing theory, we Xiangyang County are your opponents."

"Don't talk about Xiangyang County, even the entire N Province, I'm afraid it can be matched by others."

I got goosebumps all over my body.How is this all done? Director Yan and his dad are so blatantly flattering?First-class master demeanor!Taking a peek at Mr. again, the goosebumps that had condensed into beads finally all fell to the ground.

I saw that Mr. eyes were slightly closed, and he seemed to accept it calmly.

Thinking about it, it is true. As a former professor of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, it is indeed possible to "ask Xiangyang who is the opponent" when talking about theory and writing articles!

The gentleman was intoxicated for a long time, and then he took a deep breath: "With my current status, I'm afraid I won't be able to get on your serious platform."

Although the commune is small, it is also a first-level political institution, and it cannot casually recruit "reactionary academic authorities" with historical problems.

"That's fine. Don't we have an art team in our commune? Mr. Zhou, you are a good player in singing and singing, and you are fully qualified to join the art team. It's just that you are really wronged by this great professor. I don't know if you will Aren't you willing to settle for a while?"

Yan Yucheng laughed: "Look at this posture, the policy will definitely change. It will be a matter of time before the teacher resumes work and returns to the provincial capital. Let's hurry up and squeeze as much as we can before the teacher returns to the provincial capital, haha..."

The commune art team is not considered a serious unit, but the members of the art team are all calculated according to their hard work.Every time I go to the countryside to perform, there are some food subsidies.

Mr. Zhou and his wife are considered half-workers in the production team, and their lives are tight.Suggesting that Mr. Zhou join the art team can be regarded as a disguised form of help, killing two birds with one stone.

"Oh, Uncle is going to the commune, I will go too..."

I cheered.

It's not that I hate Liujiashan so much, but I like the commune so much.In comparison, Liujiashan is more fun.It's just that I've made a good deal, once I go to the commune with Mr. Zhou, I'm determined not to enter the elementary school again.This errand of sitting in a classroom with your hands behind your back and grinding your ass with a bunch of kids is really not very relaxing.Doing it once in a previous life is enough.

With the amount of knowledge I have shown now, it is expected that my father will not be so stubborn that I must go back to the elementary school class and suffer.

Everything went as I wished. When I came to the commune, Mr. Zhou settled down, and I lived with my eldest sister.Dad naturally also mentioned the matter of transferring schools. I briefly stated the reasons, but he really didn't insist.Except for continuing to study with Mr. Zhou for two hours a day, the rest of the time is at my own disposal.It's also leisurely.What excites me in particular is that it actually allowed me to find a way to make money.

The thing is like this, there is a small repair shop next to the commune, all household appliances such as sewing machines, radios, bicycles and even flashlights are not repaired.

The owner of the repair shop is a disabled person with inconvenient legs and feet, named Fang Wenti.

Originally, such a repair shop absolutely could not exist. In [-], there was no concept of self-employment.Because Fang Wenti is a disabled person and is somewhat related to Deputy Director Zhang of the commune, he turned a blind eye and let him earn a living.

When I am studying and leisure, I also go to his repair shop to play.It turned out he had several radios in his shop.After asking, I realized that it was sent by someone to repair, but he has never been to school, and his knowledge of wiring and electricity is quite limited.Let's put it this way, his three-legged cat's wire repair skills are just enough to repair a loud radio until it stops ringing.But since they opened a repair shop, they had to accept broken radios when they sent them over.So I tried my luck, and it happened that I was lucky enough to repair it, so I charged some fees.It couldn't be repaired, so I had to send it back to others.

This day, I saw him sweating profusely tinkering with a "red light brand" radio. After tinkering with it for a long time, the thing just refused to make a normal sound.Momentarily tickled, he said, "Brother Fang, let me try."

Fang Wenti was depressed, if he didn't recognize me as the son of Deputy Director Liu, he might turn his face immediately.

Think about it, how can a seven or eight-year-old kid not be ashamed to say that he needs to fix the radio?The "Red Lantern" radio was standing upright, and it stood taller than me. It was very impressive, and it was a great luxury at that time.

Even with Deputy Director Liu as the backer, Fang Wenti still waved his hand very unwillingly and said, "Kids, don't make trouble."

Amused and angry at the same time, I crossed my arms and said, "If I fix it, what do you say?"

"If you fix it, I'll give you a dollar."

A dollar is not a small amount.It is estimated that the cost of repairing the radio will only cost about five yuan.

"Keep your word?"

Fang Wenti panicked, took out a dollar and slapped it on the table on the spot: "As long as you fix it, this dollar is yours."

"Okay, just wait for me."

Fang Wenti watched me go out inexplicably, not knowing what I was going to do.It wasn't until I saw me bring a multimeter over that I showed a look of surprise: "Xiaojun, are you really good at repairing?"

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so I told him to step aside, rolled up my sleeves, and used the methods accumulated over the years. When Fang Wenti was dazzled, the pleasant voice of "Central People's Broadcasting Station" rang out on the radio.

I ignored the stunned Fang Wenti, put away the multimeter, picked up the one dollar, and went out Shi Shiran.

"Xiaojun, Xiaojun, wait a moment..."

"Why, do you want to go back on your word?"

"No, no, how can it be? No matter what we say, he is also a man with handles, how can he speak without counting..."

"That's good, I'm leaving, buy candy and eat."

"Don't worry, don't worry... Xiaojun, who did you learn this from?"

"My dad, he used to be a repair technician."

"No wonder, no wonder... Hey, Xiaojun, I have something to discuss with you..."

"What's the matter, tell me."

"You...can you teach me how to repair wires and cables? Don't worry, I won't let you teach in vain, and I will give you another yuan to buy candy, okay?"

I was about to say yes, but his attitude put me off.What, you want to be a teacher and want to play the master like a child, a very boring guy.

"Hey, you have a good idea. You want to learn art from a teacher for a dollar?"

Fang Wenti blushed.

"Well, I'll help you repair these wires in the future, and the repair fee is half of the repair fee, how about it?"

"Then... that's fine too!"

Looking at him like that, he must have made up his mind to steal a teacher to learn art.But that's okay, one or two yuan, maybe it's a bit useful now.Could it be possible to rely on this repairing skill for a lifetime in the future?If this is the case, I should be the most capable time traveler in history, and I might as well just buy a piece of tofu and crash my head to death.

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