Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1911 Where to Go

"Mayor Sui, I've seen your theme park plan three times."

Liu Jun said slowly, his expression became serious.

Sui Shanyi was taken aback.He didn't doubt Liu Jun's words. Liu Jun said he had seen it three times, so he really had seen it three times.Even though Sui Shanyi was not a direct descendant of Liu Jun single-handedly promoted, Liu Jun's serious attitude towards work was well known to all provincial cadres.

There is no need for the governor of a province to lie and deceive each other in front of him.

Sui Shanyi did not expect Liu Jun to attach so much importance to their plans.In their minds, the planning of this theme park was relatively simple at the beginning, and it was a normal economic construction measure.But after Liu Feipeng and Liu Jun had a dispute, this plan inevitably turned into a tool of political struggle.Since Liu Feipeng agrees, Liu Jun must oppose it, there is no reason at all.That being the case, why did Liu Jun read it three times? [

In a word, just disagree

Could it be that Liu Jun summoned him today to "excuse the teacher"?

"I don't think it's appropriate to set up such a large-scale theme park in Wuxi."

Liu Jun ignored Sui Shanyi's astonishment, and spoke directly according to his own thinking.

Sui Shanyi smiled wryly in his heart.No matter how many times Liu Jun has read this plan, his final attitude has come out, it is not suitable.It seems that in the final analysis, it is a political issue.Liu Jun summoned them specially to persuade him that Wu Xishi would voluntarily give up the project.Originally an economic construction project, the governor clearly and erroneously expressed his opposition, and any prefecture or city should stop.But Sui Shanyi knew that he had no way out.

In other words, he also wanted to persuade Liu Jun to support their plan.

Although this was the request of Liu Feipeng and Wang Guozhao, it would be great if Liu Jun's approval could be obtained, and Sui Shanyi would have no risk.

With the backing of Liu Feipeng and Wang Guozhao, who would be willing to confront Liu Jun?

"Governor, we all know that the economy must develop steadily and not be too hotheaded...the limited fiscal revenue must be used where it is most needed. We will resolutely implement this instruction from the governor. Therefore, our city government has decided to This theme park does not rely on the city's financial investment, but conducts purely commercial operations and invites external bidding. In this way, there will be no financial problems."

Sui Shanyi thought for a while and said seriously.

This is also a countermeasure that Sui Shanyi has planned for a long time.In this theme park, Liu Feipeng and Wang Guozhao urged him to get on the horse, but Liu Jun didn't sign at all, and it was very difficult to put Sui Shanyi in the middle.After much deliberation, it seems that operating in this way is a compromise.

Sui Shanyi also knew that although it was a compromise, Liu Jun probably would not agree.No matter what method is used, once the theme park that Liu Jun opposes breaks ground, it will mean a certain failure for Governor Liu.The political meaning reflected here is far greater than the economic meaning.

Liu Jun didn't rush to answer, and after pondering for a while, he said: "Pure economic construction projects, pure entertainment projects, commercial operations, and reduced financial investment, this idea is correct. But, Mayor Sui, the key to the problem is Wu Is it necessary to build this theme park in West City? When you planned this theme park, you planned to establish the city with tourism. There is a problem with this way of thinking. Our province already has several cultural landscapes like this. Yulan Film and Television City, The water park in Dahu is one of the representatives. If you build such a theme park in Wuxi, what do you think is the chance of success in terms of commercial operation?"

"Governor, don't worry about this. Once the theme park is built, there will be tourists. Investors should not lose money. They are businessmen, and they still have a vision. They should be more accurate."

Sui Shanyi quickly replied.

Liu Jun smiled slightly, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and put the case in front of Sui Shanyi.Sui Shanyi quickly picked up the lighter, first lit it for the governor, and then lit one himself.Faint smoke rose from the reception room.

Liu Jun took two puffs of his cigarette, and said calmly, "Comrade Shanyi, it seems that you still have concerns. Today we are just discussing, and we can say anything."

As soon as Liu Jun's words came out, Sui Shanyi was a little caught off guard, and couldn't help being stunned for a while, with an embarrassed look on his face.

He really didn't get the word out. [

If this theme park is a purely financial investment, of course, the ratio of budget input to output must be repeated. If it loses money, the financial burden will be heavy. Not only will it not be a political achievement, but it will also be criticized by the upper class.But now that it has become a purely commercial operation, it is relatively simple.Businessmen invest and are responsible for their own profits and losses.They made money and they deserved it.If you don't see the market correctly, you will lose in the end, which seems to be a matter of course.

Risks and benefits coexist.

This is not something Sui Shanyi should worry about.

As for the deeper business operation methods, there is no need for him, Sui Shanyi, to worry about it.

Seeing that Sui Shanyi was silent, Liu Jun took another puff of cigarette, and said slowly, "Mayor Sui, I understand what you're thinking. This theme park is open to the market, so you can just sit back and ignore it. In terms of profit and loss, it's all the investors' business." thing, right?"

Sui Shanyi quickly said: "Governor, it's not like you just sit idly by. We will do a good job of logistical support and support for investors, and try our best to create a good investment environment for them..."

"Yes, that's it. Investment environment It seems that you also understand the importance of the investment environment for attracting investment. But, Mayor Sui, have you carefully considered what is a good investment environment?"

Sui Shanyi couldn't speak anymore.

Governor Liu's question is really a bit big, and I don't know how to answer it properly.This is the reason why many people are very nervous when talking to leaders.Thinking for a long time and not answering the leader's questions in time is definitely not enough, that is called arrogance.Isn't it self-inflicted to be arrogant in front of the leader?But it is also not advisable to answer indiscriminately without consideration.If it is wrong, it will be even more uncomfortable.

"This, Governor..."

Sui Shanyi stammered.

This is also a strategy of Sui Shanyi's. Since it is difficult to answer, but he has to answer, he "stutters" and delays for a while, so that he can think more and be more thoughtful.

Liu Jun waved and said: "A really good investment environment is not only the city's infrastructure, but also not only the diligence and integrity of the government departments. These are just the foundation. What do investors really value? Profit If most of the investors in your Wuxi investment projects are making money, then your investment environment is good. If on the contrary, no matter how good your foundation is and how diligent and honest your government is, your The investment environment is far from good. The loss of investment in such a large project is a heavy blow to the confidence of latecomers. It is really good to allow investors to obtain the maximum benefit within the scope of abiding by the law. Investment Environment."

Sui Shanyi was startled for a moment.

Not that he hadn't thought about it before.As the mayor, in charge of economic construction, these issues must be considered from time to time.It's just that I didn't think it through so thoroughly, and even if I thought it through, I might not dare to say it.Many things can be done, but it is best not to say.Every official has such "consciousness".Now that Liu Jun blatantly said this, it still had a great impact on Sui Shanyi.

"In addition, tourism is the development trend in the next few years. With the continuous growth of the national economy and the continuous increase of people's income, tourism will become more and more a rigid demand. Vigorously developing tourism is the established strategy of the provincial government. However, the implementation of this strategy is not static and needs to be treated differently. The Phoenix Film and Television City in Yulan City is unique and exclusive to a certain extent, and it was built very early, ten years ago. Good business operation, has now become a national tourism brand. So it is successful. As for the water park in Dahu City, it has its unique geographical conditions. The Great Lake is there. Your Wuxi City has such geographical conditions Are your theme parks and ferris wheels exclusive? No. Wuxi City is not far from Yulan and the Great Lakes. After tourists have visited the film and television city and the scenery of the Great Lakes, how much do you think they still want to go to Wuxi? What about a theme park?"

Liu Jun looked at Sui Shanyi while talking, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Sui Shanyi thought for a while and said, "Well, governor, we can compete fairly..."

Liu Jun smiled slightly and said, "Mayor Sui, fair competition is okay. But it also needs to be coordinated. The development focus of your Wuxi should not be placed in this province. Such intensive construction of artificial landscapes is duplication. Investment is waste. If it must be called competition, it is also vicious competition. It is not beneficial to everyone.”

Sui Shanyi was speechless.

Liu Jun's opinion has been expressed very clearly, that is, he does not support them to build this theme park and Ferris wheel at all.Moreover, it is clearly and erroneously characterized as "repetitive investment" and "vicious competition".This is a very serious problem.Without the approval of the governor, they got on the horse without authorization and put it into construction. To put it nicely, it was a borderline and illegal operation.As long as Liu Jun doesn't pursue it afterwards, everything will be fine.Everyone is acquiescing to this "cut first and play later".Sui Shanyi felt that although it was a risk, the risk was not that great.So he dared to act without authorization.

But now it's completely different. [

Liu Jun clearly warned him that this matter is not allowed

If he insisted on sticking to his point of view, he would commit crimes against the wind. Even if Liu Jun wanted to turn a blind eye, it would be impossible.

In other words, he, Sui Shanyi, will be Governor Liu's next target.

As far as the middle-level cadres in the province are concerned, no matter who they are, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to this consequence.


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