Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1914 Mr. Zhou loses his temper

Mr. Zhou lost his temper. (

Got a big temper!

The reason is very simple, Shao Yiping was suddenly taken away by the inmates.

Originally, after Shao Yiping wrote the article "On How to Strengthen the Supervision of the Power of Party and Government Top Leaders under the Current System", Liu Jun felt a sense of danger.This article was interpreted by many cadres as a "call" against Xiang Hong.The article blatantly cited Mingzhu City as a negative example and made unkind criticisms.It aroused huge repercussions within the party, and for a while there were many discussions.

Perhaps many cadres took this article as a signal.The fact that such a sharp-pointed article can appear on the central theoretical publication "The Horn" itself represents that the central government has a basic conclusion on Xiang Hong's problem.Some cadres who are more courageous and impatient have even begun to carry out frequent activities, preparing to move closer to the Yanliu faction. [

He doubted that this kind of situation was extremely unwilling to see there, and he hated Shao Yiping too much.

Liu Jun had a premonition of the danger, and suggested to the husband, hoping that he could make some kind of hint and give Shao Yiping some protection.Mr. Zhou did exactly that.Recently, I attended a few public meetings which were rare, and brought Shao Yiping with me, introduced him to the public, and pointed out that this was his student, who was following him to take a course in Marxist philosophy.

It should be said that the meaning of the gentleman has been expressed quite clearly.

Even so, something happened to Shao Yiping.Just the day before Liu Jun left for Beijing, Shao Yiping was suddenly taken away from his work unit by the detainees.And these law enforcement officers are from Mingzhu City, and they are police officers from the Mingzhu City Bureau.The reason they took Shao Yiping away was "spreading rumors to confuse the public" and "blatantly attacking the party and state leaders".

The policemen who led the team even said very clearly that they wanted to find out who was behind Shao Yiping and see who ordered him to do this.

Shao Yiping was arrested suddenly. His wife panicked and called Mr. Zhou crying. On the phone, she burst into tears and snotted her nose. She was terrified, thinking that Shao Yiping would never come back.

After Mr. Zhou heard about this, he was furious, and immediately called a person in charge of Mingzhu City, and asked them sharply why they wanted to arrest Shao Yiping?

It is a basic right for party members to publish articles and expound their views in party journals, and it is clearly stipulated in the "Party Constitution".In Shao Yiping's article, even if the point of view is wrong, it should be criticized and educated. How could the public authority be used casually to arrest people?

Who gave you the power!

Mr. Zhou questioned the main leading comrade on the phone.

Although the old master has retired, his influence in the party, especially in the theoretical circles, is extremely huge. He was once a guest of honor for the main leaders of the party and the country. one.The old master doesn't lose his temper easily, but now because of Shao Yiping, he made an exception to speak so harshly to a senior leading cadre, it can be seen that he was really angry.

The leading cadre didn't want to be tough, so he chatted with the old man on the phone, saying that he didn't know about this matter, and he would report to the old man after he understood the situation.

This is a typical kickball, and it is one of the necessary skills for leading cadres, just like "research and research" and "discussion and discussion".

Mr. Zhou has been in a high position for many years, and he is very clear about these official tactics, how can he be willing to be fooled?At the moment, clearly inform the leading cadre and tell him to give him 24 hours. Within 24 hours, he had to see Shao Yiping, otherwise, he would personally report the situation to the main leaders of the central government.

The leading cadre only said that he was right, but he didn't think so in his heart.

The old man is very angry.

What era is this? I've changed my family. Do you think it's so useful to show off your old status?

24 hours, nothing happened.It is not even known where Shao Yiping was detained, and the law enforcement agencies in Mingzhu City did not follow the practice of handling cases to inform Shao Yiping's family of the place of detention.

Mr. Zhou was furious, and immediately requested a meeting with Zou, the deputy and minister of the Central Political and Legal Committee. [

Minister Zou still respects Mr. Zhou.

Everyone knows that Mr. Zhou Yifei is Yan Yucheng's teacher, he is also a retired veteran cadre enjoying ministerial treatment, a professor at the Central Party School, and a doctoral supervisor.

However, Minister Zou was polite and met with Mr. Zhou in person, but the matter was still not resolved.Shao Yiping still didn't hear from him.

In Mingzhu City, it seems that they are determined to punish Shao Yiping severely.

Liu Jun had just finished dinner in He Mansion, and was about to go to another courtyard with He Mengying to have a heart-to-heart talk with the old man, when Cheng Xinjian called.

"Minister Cheng, the news is so well-informed, you knew it just after I arrived?"

Liu Jun said with a smile, his tone was very relaxed.

Miss He, who was the driver herself, also smiled knowingly when she heard this title, and lightly started the BMW.It is estimated that Cheng Xinjian expected that Liu Jun had already arrived in the capital, so he was in a hurry to invite him to drink.

Because of Liu Jun's relationship, Cheng Xinjian has a deep friendship with He Shengli. He is a frequent visitor to the Great Wall Club, and he is also a good friend with He Mengying.Cheng Xinjian is loyal and a good friend, and He Mengying also likes his character very much.

"Can I not know? Your teacher, Mr. Zhou, has been very angry these two days..."

Cheng Xinjian said something amazing there.

Liu Jun frowned immediately, and asked, "What's going on? Who made him mad."

Hearing this, Liu Jun was really surprised.Mr. has a stubborn temper, but he has a good self-cultivation. He is a great Confucian of the generation and a master of philosophy. He should pay attention to his demeanor and will not get angry with others easily.

Ordinary people, how can they be qualified to make him angry?

"Who else, Yu Xianghong..."

Cheng Xinjian immediately gave an overview of the matter on the phone.Not to mention the ups and downs in the capital in the past two days, at least several leaders of the Ministry have heard about this matter.Cheng Xinjian knew that Liu Jun was coming to the capital for a meeting, so they were in charge of the security of the venue.So I informed Liu Jun of the news as soon as possible.

Following Cheng Xinjian's report, Liu Jun's frown became tighter and tighter, and after a few "hmm", he hung up the phone and said: "Grandpa's place, I'll go later, I'll go to Uncle Zhou's first. Something happened."

He Mengying also knew about the so-called Uncle Zhou, Liu Jun's tutor.Hearing that something happened to him, and seeing Liu Jun's serious expression, he also knew that the problem was serious, so he nodded, turned the steering wheel, and the BMW drove in another direction.

"Xiaojun, here we are, shall we have a meeting tomorrow?"

Seeing Liu Jun, Mr. Zhou was still calm and asked indifferently.

Knowing that the master and apprentice had something to talk about, the driver comrade didn't follow in, otherwise he was just busy chatting and wasted a lot of time.Besides, He Mengying didn't dare to show her face in front of Mr. Zhou at will.Mr. Jiao knows that Liu Jun has many confidante, which may not necessarily be something glorious.After sending Liu Jun to the field, He Mengying left straight away. Naturally, she would notify the real driver to wait for Governor Liu nearby.

"Yeah, just arrived. Cheng Xinjian called me and said that you are furious." [

Liu Jun said with a smile.

Before the husband can answer, the teacher's wife has already counted and said: "Yes, Xiaojun, it's good if you come. In the past two days, your uncle was really angry, and several teacups were broken... "

After decades of getting along with each other, the teacher's wife seldom saw the old man lose such a big anger, and she was very worried that he would lose his body due to anger.After all, for a year-old person, if something goes wrong with his anger, he will be in big trouble.Now that Xiaojun arrived in time, the teacher's wife felt relieved.

Mr. Zhou let out a heavy "hum", and couldn't hold back his anger any longer.

"The dog jumped the wall in a hurry! No one will be spared. Who does he think he is? The emperor of the land? No one is allowed to say a word!"

Mr. Zhou has always been concerned about his identity, a big-name intellectual, and he will not utter bad words easily.It is conceivable that the anger in his heart is so great.Of course, this is also in front of Liu Jun, so the husband will not deliberately cover up anything.

Liu Jun walked over with a smile, asked the gentleman to sit down, offered a cigarette, and lit the fire for the gentleman himself.

"Uncle, there's actually no need to be so angry. Your remark just now couldn't be more clear. Some people just jump over the wall in a hurry, and there is no way out. If the sky wants them to die, they must first make them crazy."

Liu Jun understood why Mr. Zhou was so angry.Not only because Shao Yiping is a student valued by the master, with outstanding character.It is also because Mr. Zhou himself is also a victim of "convicted for his words". A professor at the party school of the provincial party committee has been sent to work in the countryside for more than ten years, without enough food and clothing.To Mr. Zhou, that experience was unforgettable.Now his students, in a completely different era, in a "legal society", have encountered such an experience again, why doesn't it make the teacher full of anger!

Mr. Zhou hummed heavily again, and said, "That's the last madness..."

The teacher's wife said displeasedly from the side: "Old man, things have happened, don't be in such a hurry... It's not that Xiaojun is here too, you two have a good discussion, don't you think it's okay? If you don't care about you, you'll always be fine." Someone cares about you..."

In the eyes of the teacher's wife, there is another understanding of the anger of the husband.Shao Yiping's arrest was only one aspect, and another aspect was a matter of face.The old man made a phone call, and even went to the door to beg for someone in person, but nothing came of it, and he couldn't hold back his face.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Uncle, Master's wife is right. Some people are not sober, but there are still people who are sober after all. He is so crazy, maybe it just happens to be an opportunity."

Mr. Zhou was just angry, but the Lingtai has been kept clear, and his wisdom has not been lowered because of it. After listening to Liu Jun's words, he gradually calmed down, pondered for a while, nodded slowly, and said: "It's time to close the net, I will Let me give you a little more strength."

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