Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1928 Chairman Li Zhiguo is officially summoned

The Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Republican Party was held in the capital on October [-].

Attending this plenary session were 190 seven members of the Central Committee and 150 five alternate members of the Central Committee.Members of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and responsible comrades from relevant parties attended the meeting.

The meeting is run by the central government.Li Zhiguo, General Secretary of the Central Committee, delivered an important speech.

The plenary session heard and discussed Chairman Li Zhiguo's work report entrusted by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and reviewed and approved the "Decision of the Party Central Committee on Several Major Issues Concerning the Construction of a Socialist Harmonious Society".Chairman Guo Dingbang explained the "Decision (Discussion Draft)" to the plenary meeting.

The plenary session fully affirmed the work of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee since the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixteenth Central Committee of the Party.It is unanimously agreed that the Political Bureau of the Central Committee will thoroughly implement the spirit of the Party's *** and the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the Sixteenth Central Committee, comprehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, and unite and lead the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to firmly grasp development as the Party's governing principle. The top priority of rejuvenating the country is to focus on accelerating reform and opening up, strengthening the ability of independent innovation, focusing on economic restructuring and transformation of economic growth mode, promoting economic stability and rapid development, and achieving socialist economic, political, cultural and social construction. New achievements, the party's ability to govern and advanced construction have made great progress, and the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics has made new progress. [

The plenary session comprehensively analyzed the current situation and tasks, and completed the study of several major issues in building a harmonious socialist society.It is agreed that social harmony is the essential attribute of socialism with Chinese characteristics and an important guarantee for the prosperity of the country, the rejuvenation of the nation, and the happiness of the people.Constructing a harmonious socialist society is a major strategic task proposed by our party, guided by important aspirations such as Marxism-Leninism, fully implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development, and proceeding from the overall layout of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the overall situation of building a well-off society in an all-round way. The inherent requirement of building a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country embodies the common aspiration of the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country.

The plenary session held that, at present, my country's society is generally harmonious.However, there are also many contradictions and problems that affect social harmony.Human society always develops and progresses in the movement of contradictions.Building a harmonious socialist society is a continuous process of resolving social contradictions.We must always keep a clear head, be prepared for danger in times of peace, deeply understand the stage characteristics of our country's development, scientifically analyze the contradictions and problems that affect social harmony and their causes, face up to and resolve contradictions more proactively, and maximize the harmonious factors. Minimize the factors of disharmony and continuously promote social harmony.Comrades in the entire party must persist in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and advancing with the times, proceeding from reality in everything, consciously acting in accordance with the law, basing on the current situation, focusing on the long-term, doing what is within our capabilities, doing our best, and continuing to advance step by step in a focused and step-by-step manner. Building a harmonious socialist society is a long-term historical task that runs through the entire process of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and a major realistic task in building a well-off society in an all-round way.

The plenary session proposed that by [-], the goals and main tasks of building a harmonious socialist society are: to further improve the socialist democratic legal system, to fully implement the basic strategy of ruling the country by law, to earnestly respect and protect the rights and interests of the people; The trend of widening gaps has been gradually reversed, a rational and orderly income distribution pattern has basically taken shape, family property has generally increased, and people live a more affluent life; social employment is relatively sufficient, and a social security system covering urban and rural residents has basically been established; a basic public service system The level of government management and services has been greatly improved; the ideological and moral quality, scientific and cultural quality and health quality of the whole nation have been significantly improved, and good moral customs and harmonious interpersonal relationships have been further formed; the creative vitality of the whole society has been significantly enhanced, and the innovation-oriented country has basically completed; the social management system is more perfect, and the social order is good; the efficiency of resource utilization has been significantly improved, and the ecological environment has been significantly improved; the goal of comprehensively building a higher-level moderately prosperous society that benefits more than one billion people has been achieved, and efforts have been made to form a state where all the people do their best. A situation in which each can get their own place and live in harmony.

Under the passage, Liu Jun marked the emphasis with a red pen.

This is actually a guiding outline. In the future, regardless of the work of the central government or the local government, if we follow this outline, various tasks can be carried out better and faster, and significant progress will be made. The cause of our party will surely enter a new era. steps.

The plenary session reviewed and passed the "Resolution on Convening the No.17 National Congress of the Party", and decided that the party's congress will be held in the capital in the second half of [-].

The plenary meeting confirmed the decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee to suspend Xiang Hong, and decided that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will conduct an in-depth investigation of Xiang Hong's problems.

After the successful conclusion of the plenary session, Liu Jun did not rush back to the province immediately. The reason was simple.

Xi wants to see him.

The summoning time was set at [-]:[-] p.m., the day after the closing of the Sixth Plenary Session.

This is the first time Chairman Li Zhiguo has officially summoned Liu Jun after taking up his current position.

The last time I was summoned was in Qianzhou in [-]

"Hello, Director Wang."

Liu Jun stood up and shook hands with Secretary Wang.

Secretary Wang, who was in his thirties, with a calm demeanor, also bowed to Liu Jun and politely asked Governor Liu if he had had dinner.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "I've already eaten. Let's go."

"Yes, Governor Liu, please!"

Secretary Wang stretched out his hand to extend the guest, and followed behind Liu Jun.

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about. The person in charge of "Li Office", Yang Wangde, deputy director of the General Office of the Central Committee, greeted him personally in front of the steps.

Yang Wangde was in his forties, wearing a dark Chinese tunic suit. When he saw Liu Jun, he immediately walked down the steps, shook hands with Liu Jun, and said with a pleasant smile, "Governor Liu, here you are."

Liu Jun smiled and nodded: "I don't dare to be Director Yang.\'"

Yang Wangde only has a name in the Central Office, and his actual job is the person in charge of the "Li Office". His rank is the same as Liu Jun's, at the ministerial level.

"Hehe, Governor Liu is being polite. Come on, Governor Liu, please sit down. The chief still has some business to do.

Okay, Governor Jiuliu wait a moment. "

Yang Wangyi was very polite, and personally led Liu Jun in, and invited Liu Jun to sit down.On the day after the closing of the Central Plenary Session, Chairman Li Zhiguo summoned Liu Jun. Yang Wangde knew very well what this meant

The new layout of this faction is about to start.Rising stars like Liu Jun are exactly what Chairman Li Zhiguo is very concerned about.

The two chatted casually outside for a few minutes, then Yang Wangde stood up, gently opened the office door and walked in, then turned around and came out again, and said to Liu Jun, "Governor Liu, please!"

"Thank you Director Yang."

Liu Jun nodded as a salute, followed Yang Wangde, and walked into that quaint and simple office, the heart of the Republic.

Chairman Li Zhiguo did not sit behind his desk, but paced slowly back and forth in the office, perhaps thinking about important issues, perhaps taking this opportunity to exercise his muscles and bones to relieve a little bit of fatigue from official work.

"Chief, Comrade Liu Jun is here." Yang Wangde said softly. "Oh." Chairman Li Zhiguo turned around upon hearing this, looked at Liu Jun, and showed a friendly smile. "Comrade Liu Jun, please sit down. ""Yes, thank you General Secretary." "Liu Jun replied respectfully, but sat down in no hurry.

Yang Wangde personally served tea to Liu Jun, and when he saw that Chairman Li Zhiguo had no other orders, he retreated gently.

Chairman Li Zhiguo stopped pacing, came to the wooden sofa, sat down slowly, and waved to Liu Jun.

Liu Jun bowed slightly respectfully, sat down beside the general secretary, and looked intently at the supreme leader of the republic.Chairman Li Zhiguo's expression is still so elegant, full of energy, and looks very energetic.

"Liu Jun, I invited you here today to exchange some ideas with you."

Chairman Li Zhiguo looked at Liu Jun, and after a while, he spoke slowly, with a deep and powerful voice.

"Yes, please show me the general secretary!"

Liu Jun replied respectfully. [

"Well. Yu Xianghong had a problem this time, and everyone didn't expect it. A senior cadre, who has been educated by the party for so many years, failed to stick to his principles and his position in the end. This lesson is very profound. It also caused some adverse effects on the image of our party. Tell me, why did this happen?"

The general secretary looked at Liu Jun with a serious expression, and asked in a low voice with a little anxiety.

This topic is a bit big.

The first question summoned by the general secretary was about this matter.It can be seen that the general secretary is indeed a little anxious.As the leader of the whole party and the whole army, Chairman Li Zhiguo is undoubtedly very concerned about the construction of the cadre team.From Yu Xianghong's rape case, the leader sensed a crisis.It is necessary to sum up experience and learn lessons to avoid similar cases from happening again.It is still a matter of top priority concerning the future of the nation.

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