Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1932 The true connotation of governing for the people

"Comrades, first of all, thank you for your trust in me. It is an honor and a challenge for the representatives to elect me as the secretary of the provincial party committee. Here, let me share with you some of my views..."

Liu Jun's opening remarks were not very exciting, let alone impassioned, as if they were making a routine.

The cadres who are familiar with Liu Jun all know that this is Liu Jun's talking style. Unless necessary, they usually don't give very violent speeches, and they mostly discuss things as they are.

Because of Liu Jun's influence, the "speech style" in the provincial officialdom is gradually changing, with less empty talk and more real talk.

"In September this year, the central government made an important decision to suspend Yu Xianghong, secretary of the Mingzhu Municipal Party Committee, and conduct further examination of his problems..."[

What Liu Jun said next surprised not only the delegates, but also the leaders of the provincial party committee sitting on the rostrum.No one expected that Liu Jun would talk about Yu Xianghong at the Provincial Party Congress.

"As a senior leading cadre of our party, Yu Xianghong passed away. A leading cadre who has been educated by the party for many years has a problem. Why did the problem happen? I have summarized several reasons. First, It is that he has relaxed the requirements on himself, and lacks the ability to resist some unhealthy trends in the current society. The world outlook and outlook on life have deviated. This gives people with ulterior motives an opportunity to take advantage of it. Comrades, all of you here today are The party representatives are jointly elected by the party members of the whole province. They are outstanding members of the party members. Some comrades also hold important leadership positions. We should learn from Yu Xianghong. We can’t think that we have become leading cadres. Just relax the requirements on yourself. With the rapid development of economic construction, the changes in society will become more and more serious. It is difficult to resist all kinds of temptations and outlook on life. Facts have proved that no matter how high your position is or how much credit you have made, once you have committed suicide or something goes wrong, the Party Central Committee will not tolerate it and investigate to the end. So , Don’t be lucky. Anti-corruption is a long-term and arduous task. The provincial and provincial committees will fight resolutely against all acts of corruption.”

Liu Jun said in a sonorous tone.

No one doubted Liu Jun's words.He has worked in the province for 11 years, and no matter what position he holds, he has never made more than half a concession to corruption.It was only under his insistence that several major corruption cases that shocked the whole province were uncovered, and finally the terrorists were brought to justice.

As Liu Jun said, anti-corruption is a long-term and arduous task, and it is an important task that the central government has always emphasized. It is only natural that provincial and provincial committees insist on fighting corruption and promoting integrity.However, in Liu Jun's first speech as the newly elected Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, he first talked about the issue of anti-government, which is of extraordinary significance.In other words, this work will become one of the top priorities of the provincial party committee during Liu Jun's tenure as secretary of the provincial party committee.

This can also be regarded as a weathervane, as a "declaration".

"Secondly, Yu Xianghong didn't manage the staff around him well. His secretary Xia Zhongxing was also a rioter, and some other cadres of the Mingzhu Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government all became rioters. Such a group of people , A group of ulterior motives surround Yu Xianghong all day long, whitewashing the peace, so that he cannot hear or see the real situation. He thinks that he is always right and always right. Isn’t this dialectical? As long as you are human, you may make mistakes. No matter who you are, you can’t always be right. Is there such a situation around us? I think there are. The problems that occur around Xiang Hong will not exist in isolation Yes. Therefore, we must be more vigilant to prevent this kind of situation from happening around us and prevent it from getting worse. This involves a problem of cadre selection and supervision. The first is selection. Our cadre inspection process is rigorous and complete Yes. Logically, under such a rigorous and complete cadre selection and inspection system, the selected cadres should have both ability and political integrity. Why would there still be rioters? The reason is that we are selecting cadres, inspecting When I was a cadre, I didn’t really implement these systems unswervingly. Many leading cadres like to interfere with the normal cadre inspection process based on their own likes and dislikes. This is wrong. Over time, our cadre inspection will change. In the future, the organization When inspecting cadres, the department must be more fair and transparent. The system of cadres’ proposed appointment announcement must be resolutely implemented. This is an important measure to promote the construction of democracy within the party.”

When Liu Jun said this, Wang Deyu, who was sitting beside him, applauded first, and then a wave of applause resounded in the Magnolia Auditorium.

After the applause lasted for a while, Liu Jun raised his hands and pressed them down lightly. The applause gradually died down, and Liu Jun continued to speak: "Comrades, after the selection of cadres, supervision becomes very important. There is no need To put it bluntly, the current supervision of cadres, especially the supervision of leading cadres, is not in place. Some leading cadres have a serious feudal patriarchal style, and think that their decisions are the truth, which cannot be questioned. Comrades, be vigilant. Many cadres* *The degeneration started from this mentality of Lao Tzu being number one in the world. Being the number one, being comparable to other people, you can’t listen to normal opinions, and you can’t listen to opposing voices. How can this be done? I said earlier In this world, it is impossible to have people who are always correct. It is imperative to strengthen the supervision of cadres. Not only must the resignation audit system be resolutely implemented, but the provincial party committee will also strengthen discussions on this aspect in the next period of time, and introduce some New measures. Comrades, the construction of the cadre team cannot be overemphasized. Only by building a qualified cadre team is the foundation of sustainable development. To maintain the advanced and exemplary nature of our party, we must Do a good job in the construction of the cadre team at all times"

Thunderous applause broke out again in the Magnolia Auditorium.

"The third question I want to talk to you about is governing for the people. Governing for the people is the consistent purpose of our party and the basis for our party's survival. However, what is called governing for the people requires our careful consideration. Think about it. Some comrades will say that the satisfaction of the masses is the criterion for governing. This is very correct. However, how satisfied the masses are and what is the real satisfaction is debatable. Our cadres, Especially the main leading cadres, they can’t be the lords, hold a few symposiums, invite a few members of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference to talk and express their opinions. Does it represent the public opinion? No, besides this, we must go out and go deep into the grassroots , go deep into the front line, go deep into the masses. Comrades, this is a fine tradition of our party. The representatives present here are all elected by the party members. In this regard, we must set an example and take the lead. Comrades Ladies and gentlemen, we have learned a lot from the cadres who took the three shots. As a leading cadre, one of your decisions is often related to the daily life of thousands of households, and even the happiness and survival of several families and the masses. Therefore, when making decisions At the time, you must be cautious and cautious again and again. All decisions must be based on sufficient investigation and research. Don’t always cover up your mistakes with such words as paying tuition fees and crossing the river by feeling the stones. When such a major mistake, then I am here to tell you clearly that the Provincial Committee will unceremoniously pursue the leadership responsibility of the relevant cadres."

All the delegates, including the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee on the rostrum, looked serious.

Even in his heart, no one refuted Liu Jun's words.Because when Liu Jun made this request, he himself had already done so.Whether he is in charge of a city or the whole province, every major decision of Liu Jun is based on extensive investigation and research.So far, no major mistakes and deviations have occurred.

Liu Jun verified his policy speech with his actual actions.

"Here, I want to specifically talk about the petition system. There are problems with our governance measures, which have caused losses to the masses. The way the masses respond is to petition. I know that when it comes to the word 'appeal', we have many There is no doubt that the number and scale of petitions by the masses reflect the correctness of our governance measures at the most fundamental level. We must be serious about petitions by the masses. Now there is a sign that we are in harmony with Thin mud. Some cadres do not put their minds on helping the masses to solve their problems. Instead, they do everything possible to cover up and use coaxing and even threats to treat the masses who report problems, or give money and benefits, in short It is very wrong to prevent the masses from reporting the real situation. If there are masses of petitioners in your area, it means that some work has not been done well and has not been done properly, which has aroused strong opposition from the masses. Correct it and let the masses live and work in peace. Covering the cover will not work. Sooner or later, the problem will explode. By that time, many cadres will be punished. It is too late to regret. Therefore, the petition system must be strengthened. This Start from the province, and implement it level by level. In a word, we must solve the problem when the masses complain. What is governing for the people? This is governing for the people.”



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