Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1951 "Cyber" Secretary Liu

On the eve of the Spring Festival, Lieutenant General Liang Jingwei, the chief of staff of the Southeast Military Region, came to Yulan City to inspect a certain department of the Army in the province and the troops in the Yulan Garrison District.

When Liang Jingwei inspected a regiment in the Yulan Garrison District, Comrade Liu Jun, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Provincial Political Standing Committee, and First Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Military Region, participated in the inspection together. Major General Wang Zhong, Commander of the Provincial Military Region, and Major General Tian Guangjun, Political Committee and Party Secretary of the Provincial Military Region Leaders of the provincial military region, as well as leading cadres of the Yulan Municipal Party Committee and Yulan Garrison District accompanied the inspection.

The Yulan Garrison District has a certain number of field troops, including a fully organized air defense regiment.

When inspecting the troops, Lieutenant General Liang Jingwei delivered an impromptu speech, and then Commander Wang Zhong asked Secretary Liu to also give instructions.Liu Jun smiled and said: "Today I am accompanying the inspection, mainly to see the soldiers, and the instructions will not be followed. If the troops have any difficulties that need to be resolved, they can be raised."

When talking with the soldiers, the soldiers were all surprised by the beautiful environment of Yulan City, especially some new soldiers who said they had never seen such a clean and tidy city with such fresh air.The whole city is like a big garden, so beautiful. [

Only one soldier mentioned that there were too few buses passing the gate of their camp, and it was not very convenient for them to go for a stroll in the city on their rest day.Liu Jun immediately instructed the officials of Yulan City accompanying him to ask them to solve it properly immediately.

The Spring Festival is coming in a blink of an eye, and it is necessary to make it as convenient as possible for the soldiers to travel between the urban area and the camp.

In the evening, the leaders of the provincial military region hosted a banquet at the "Silver Shield Hotel" under the jurisdiction of the provincial military region to entertain Secretary Liu and Chief of Staff Liang and his party.

Originally, Commander Wang Zhong wanted to host a banquet at the most luxurious Qiushui Hotel. After all, Liang Jingwei and Liu Jun are both important people.However, Liang Jingwei rejected it with a smile, and finally decided to stay at his own Silver Shield Hotel in the provincial military region.

The army's banquet has long been different from the past. It is not a big bowl of wine and a big piece of meat, but the true biography of Confucius - never tire of eating fine food!It's no worse than a local banquet.At this level, no one dares to "fill" the secretary of the provincial party committee with alcohol.

Although Liang Jingwei is the youngest lieutenant general in active service, he is the same as his father-in-law, He Changzheng, taciturn and majestic. His subordinates are all cautious in their words and deeds in front of him, not daring to exceed the standard.

The atmosphere at the banquet was warm and solemn.

After the banquet, Commander Wang Zhong and Political Commissar Tian Guangjun personally accompanied Liang Jingwei to the suite where he was staying. Together with Liu Jun, everyone sat and chatted for a while, then Commander Wang Zhong and Political Commissar Tian Guangjun left.I think Chief of Staff Liang still has some matters to communicate with Secretary Liu alone.

They are authentic fellows.

Although Liu Jun's official resume stated that he was from Nanfang City, his ancestral home was clearly from Xiangyang County, Province N, and he and Chief of Staff Liang came from the same county, so they should have a lot in common.

In the huge living room, only Liang Jingwei and Liu Jun were left, and the chandelier on the ceiling gave off a soft luster.The luxurious suites of Silver Shield Hotel are comparable to five-star hotels.

Liu Jun said with a smile: "There were so many people just now, why didn't you drink? Why don't you ask them to prepare a few small dishes and I'll drink with you?"

Liang Jingwei also laughed, and said, "Just your drinking capacity? Forget it!"

Liu Jun laughed: "Schools will be impressed by you in three days. Maybe I have grown up?"

Liang Jingwei shook his head with a smile: "You have to practice how much you drink, and you still have a certain amount of talent. Your progress is probably limited. If you don't want to drink, who dares to force you to drink?"

After that, Liang Jingwei got up himself, made two cups of strong tea, and the two brothers sat opposite each other.

"Let's chat casually, and you don't have to drink. I'm not Chief Hai. He really likes wine, and it's a bit uncomfortable not to drink for a meal."

Liu Jun smiled, and sure enough, he didn't mention drinking anymore.

"How many days do you plan to stay in Magnolia?"[

"One day. I will go to Wuxi tomorrow. I will go around and visit several important troops."

Liu Jun was surprised and said, "So fast? I was thinking about inviting you to my house as a guest tomorrow."

Liang Jingwei said with a smile: "Next time, there are plenty of opportunities."

"Well. Are mom and dad healthy? Are they staying at home for the New Year this year, or are they going to Jinghua for the New Year?"

Liang Jingwei replied: "Stay at home. The elderly are getting older, and they are more and more reluctant to go out. Especially Dad, he is reluctant to part with the old folks in Fengshu Village. During the Chinese New Year, everyone plays cards together and is lively. Now Xiangyang is a big It has changed, and the urbanization of small towns has been relatively thorough. I went back last year, and I can’t find what it was like back then, and there are busy cities everywhere.”

Liang Guocheng and his wife are over [-] years old, and it is hard to leave their homeland. Although their son and daughter are well-off, they are firmly nailed to Fengshu Village and are not willing to move.Fortunately, as Liang Jingwei said, Xiangyang District has changed a lot, and Fengshu Village has developed into a modern small town just like Liujiashan.Because the two elders were unwilling to settle outside, Qiaoer poured a lot of money into it, abruptly turning Fengshu Village into what it is today.

"Yeah, I've heard that too. Qiaoer said that the village-run enterprises in Fengshu Village are very profitable and have developed into large modern companies. Every household in the village gets dividends, and life is very prosperous."

Liu Jun nodded.

Xiangyang District has always been ranked among the top three counties in the country, and has never fallen out of the top three.In terms of the wealth of the people, it is unmatched in the whole country.

Liu Jun said with a little emotion: "Xiangyang County is on the right track. Small government and big market, wealth hidden in the people. This should be the future development direction of our country."

Liang Jingwei nodded slowly, and said: "Actually, we have discussed in private how to develop the country. I agree with your point of view. Although the advantage of our national system is that we can concentrate our efforts on major tasks, and we also have good steel to use on the blade. However, it may not be the best way to over-concentrate private wealth on large government-led projects. As you said, a small government with a large market can store wealth among the people and stimulate the enthusiasm of the people to the greatest extent. That’s the way of the future.”

Liu Jun was slightly moved.

The so-called "we have discussions in private" naturally refers to a military general who is of the same status as Liang Jingwei.The generals are not completely indifferent to foreign affairs.With the development of the times to this day, how can military and politics, a strong army and a strong country be completely separated?

Liu Jun said: "The key lies in the cadres. Only when more and more cadres realize this problem can they consciously develop in this direction."

Liang Jingwei nodded: "The line policy is determined, and the issue of cadres is the key. The chairman's teaching is very applicable even today... Hey, Liu Jun, what do you think about the issue of Mingxia Island?"

Liu Jun raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked back, "Why do you suddenly want to discuss this matter? Is the army going to do anything?"

Originally, it was too sensitive for the secretary of the provincial party committee and the chief of staff of the military region to discuss this issue, and they generally avoided it.It's just getting along in a secret room, so don't care too much about their relationship.

Liang Jingwei shook his head and said, "That's not true. Last time when Dandan and Gu Qixiu came to Beijing to play, they occasionally asked me this question. Hanning was also there at that time. Both Hanning and Dandan were a bit angry."

The so-called Dan Dan naturally refers to Yu Dan, the daughter of Liang Shaolan, and Han Ning is Liang Hanning, the son of Liang Jingwei.Most young people can't understand what the little devil did in Mingxia Island.Yu Dan's temperament is relatively lively, and he dared to speak in front of the general's uncle.

Sure enough, Liang Jingwei went on to say: "Dandan is even more cynical than Hanning, and asked me angrily why the army didn't take action to drive the little devils out of Mingxia Island. He also said that for wolf ambitions, we must resolutely resort to force They drove them out. Otherwise, what's the use of the country raising the army?"

Liu Jun couldn't help being very surprised, and said: "Dandan is not young, is she? They have been married for two or three years, how can they be more angry than Han Ning? This is not like Miss Shaolan's temperament at all, it is too subversive. "

Liang Jingwei smiled, and then said seriously: "At that time, I was really caught by her question. What she said did have some truth. She may not understand the general international trend and the subtle relationship between countries. But I think the majority of people who don’t understand this should be the majority? It’s precisely the majority of people who constitute the cornerstone of our entire country. If they are too disappointed, it may not necessarily be a good thing.”[

Liu Jun took a sip from his teacup, picked up the cigarette on the coffee table, handed Liang Jingwei one, lit one himself, took two puffs slowly, and said: "I also talked about this with Uncle He when I was in the capital. Problem. Friendship and sovereignty are not contradictory. In fact, the fact that the government is not good at action does not mean that the people must also be consistent. Many non-governmental organizations in foreign countries have played a very positive role in similar issues. Often the government is not easy to come forward At that time, civil society organizations can do it for us. I think we can also learn from this method. If we keep doing nothing for a long time, others will take it for granted.”

Liang Jingwei said in surprise: "How come your point of view is so consistent with Dandan's. That's what she meant, and she also said that she would set up a special foundation for 'baoming matters'. Hehe, sometimes, I appreciate it more. her persistence."

Liu Jun smiled and said: "It's a good thing. Anyway, Gu's family is rich, and Sister Shaolan can support her. I think this method can work. Don't let the little devil worry too much about the trouble. When you meet the scene, there will be reason for meddling."

"That's what I'm talking about here..."

Liang Jingwei smiled and shook his head.

After working for a long time, it turned out that Secretary Liu actually had the potential to be an "angry youth", which was unexpected before.


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