Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 1981 Elected Alternate Member of the Politburo

In mid-October 17, the No.[-] National Congress of our party, which attracted worldwide attention, was held in the capital.

The theme of this conference is: Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, thoroughly implement the scientific outlook on development, continue to emancipate the mind, adhere to reform and opening up, promote scientific development, promote social harmony, and strive for new victories in building a well-off society in an all-round way .Li Zhiguo, on behalf of the No.16 Central Committee, made a report entitled "Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive for New Victories in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in an All-round Way" to the conference.The outstanding contribution of the conference is the profound elaboration of the era background, scientific connotation and spiritual essence of the scientific concept of development, and the clear requirements for the in-depth implementation of the scientific concept of development.

Party and state leaders took their seats on the rostrum of the conference.The delegates were surprised to find that an extremely young face appeared in the back row of the rostrum. It was Comrade Liu Jun, the current Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress.

In fact, Comrade Liu Jun is too young, although he is not sitting in the front row of the rostrum among the large group of senior central leaders and veteran comrades, he is particularly dazzling.

Many interested people who have followed this conference know that the so-called "rumors" some time ago are about to become reality.Since the reform and opening up, the youngest member of the Politburo will be elected at this congress. [

At the age of 38, he joined the Politburo, which can not but be said to be a miracle.

Like all the representatives, Liu Jun listened carefully to the report made by General Secretary Li Zhiguo on behalf of the 16th Central Committee.Comrade Li Zhiguo’s report to the General Assembly on behalf of the No.[-] Central Committee is divided into twelve parts: [-]. The work of the past five years; [-]. The great historical process of reform and opening up; [-]. Thoroughly implementing the scientific development concept; New requirements for the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way; [-]. Promote the sound and rapid development of the national economy; [-]. Unswervingly develop socialist democratic politics; [-]. Promote the great development and prosperity of socialist culture; [-]. Accelerate progress to improve people's livelihood [-]. Create a new situation in the modernization of national defense and the military; [-]. Advance the practice of "one country, two systems" and the great cause of the peaceful reunification of the motherland; [-]. Unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development; A great new project of party building.

The meeting approved the report made by Comrade Li Zhiguo on behalf of the [-]th Central Committee.The meeting held that the report scientifically answered major questions such as which banner to hold, which road to take, what kind of mental state to use, and what kind of development goals to continue to advance the party at the critical stage of reform and development. A comprehensive deployment has been made to build and realize the grand goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and it has put forward clear requirements for the new great project of comprehensively entering the party with the spirit of reform and innovation.The report described the grand blueprint for continuing to build a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating socialist modernization under the conditions of the new era, and pointed out the direction for us to continue to develop the cause of the party and the country. The political declaration and program of action for our party to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics and continue to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics at a new historical starting point are programmatic documents of Marxism.

On behalf of the No.16 Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Yan Yucheng made a work report to the conference.

The General Assembly passed a resolution on the work report of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, fully affirming the work of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

The General Assembly passed a resolution on the "Party Constitution (Amendment)", deciding that this amendment will take effect from the date of adoption.The conference unanimously agreed to write the scientific outlook on development into the party constitution.

Liu Guangxing, Chai Shaoji, Li Hui and others looked up at the rostrum, listened carefully to the report, and glanced at the face of the young leader from time to time.Everyone's heart is ups and downs, and it's hard to calm down.At this National Party Congress, they will also be elected as members of the Central Committee and take up new leadership positions.Facts have proved that Liu Jun led them on a broad road.

The corner of Bai Yang's mouth was always slightly upturned, revealing a gratified smile.

She knew that Liu Jun might not be willing to take up such a high leadership position at this time, maybe as everyone thought, she hoped to lay a solid foundation.But since the central government decided to give him a more important mission, given Liu Jun's character, he would not resign too much.Liu Jun has never flinched from difficulties.Perhaps it is precisely because of this courageous character that he has created miracles one after another in the political arena, so that today, he is so dazzlingly on the huge stage that attracts everyone's attention.

In the report delivered by General Secretary Li Zhiguo, he paid great attention to improving people's livelihood, and pointed out that on the basis of economic development, we must pay more attention to social construction and strive to ensure and improve people's livelihood.The report puts forward many new views, new ideas, and new measures in terms of ensuring and improving people's livelihood.

Senior researchers pointed out that the general secretary's report can be summed up in ten highlights.

The first is to reform the social system.The report clearly proposes to improve the social management structure of party committee leadership, government responsibility, social coordination, and public participation, and improve the grassroots social management system.

The second is to strive to make all the people have education, earn income, receive medical treatment for illness, provide for old age, and live in housing.The proposal of the "five haves" goal to solve people's livelihood problems is the aspiration of the people, and it also makes ordinary people see hope, and feels more deeply the determination and courage of the party and the government to focus on solving people's livelihood problems.

The third is that educational equity is an important basis for social equity.Fairness is an inherent meaning of socialism and a core value orientation of socialism.In addressing the problem of unfair education, the state has taken many effective measures in recent years.To promote social fairness and justice, efforts must be made to address the issue of educational equity.

The fourth is to adhere to the public welfare nature of education and increase financial investment in education.Rather sacrifice a little speed, but also to engage in education.

The fifth is to promote employment through entrepreneurship.Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood.It is necessary to improve policies to support self-employment and self-employment, strengthen education on employment concepts, and enable more workers to become entrepreneurs.Promoting entrepreneurship to drive employment is a new way to solve the employment problem.

The sixth is to establish a unified and standardized human resources market and form a system of equal employment for urban and rural workers.A unified and standardized human resources market must be established to promote equal employment and equal income for urban and rural workers.At present, it is especially necessary to improve and implement the state's policies on migrant workers and protect the rights and interests of migrant workers according to law.

The seventh is to improve the system of labor, capital, technology, management and other production factors participating in the distribution according to their contributions. The relationship between efficiency and fairness must be properly handled in the initial distribution and redistribution, and the redistribution should pay more attention to fairness.

The eighth is to create conditions for more people to have property income.Property income generally refers to income from movable property (such as bank deposits, securities, etc.) and real estate (such as houses, vehicles, land, collectibles, etc.) owned by the family.Create conditions for more people to have property income, indicating that the state will further improve the legal environment and cultivate the market, so that more urban and rural residents can obtain income and capital gains from the price rise and revaluation of houses, stocks, movable properties, and real properties . [

The ninth is to improve the low-rent housing system and speed up the solution to the housing difficulties of urban low-income families.Improve the low-rent housing system, and speed up the solution to the housing difficulties of urban low-income families, so as to achieve the goal of living with a place to live and every home with a home.

The tenth is to adhere to the public welfare nature of public health care, strengthen government responsibility and investment, build a public health service system, medical service system, medical security system, and drug supply security system covering urban and rural residents, and provide safe, effective, convenient, and affordable services to the masses. affordable health care.

The congress elected 160 members of the Central Committee, 120 and [-] alternate members of the Central Committee, and [-] and [-] members of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

At the first plenary session of the [-]th Central Committee held subsequently, members voted to elect members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee.

Nine comrades including Li Zhiguo, Guo Dingbang, Liu Jincai, Xue Yuanshan, Jiang Xiangjie, Guo Jixian, Qu Haojin, and Zou Yongqing were elected as members of the Standing Committee.

Comrade Li Zhiguo was re-elected as General Secretary of the Central Committee.

Guo Jixian was elected secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Zou Yongqing served as secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee.

Rong Baichuan, Guo Qiliang, He Yanan and others were elected as members of the Politburo, and Liu Jun was elected as an alternate member of the Politburo.

Jiang Youxin, Yan Ming, Bai Yang, Liu Guangxing, Chai Shaoji, Yang Yuanyi, Li Hui, Zhang Chenwen, Xiao Zhixiong, Bao Wenhui, Shang Xiaozhong, Wang Daotian, Qiu Qingchuan, Gao Changhong, Cui Fucheng, He Dongjin, Wu Qiuhan, Hai Xiangjun, Xiao Dongzhan and others , was elected as a member of the Central Committee.

He Changzheng and Wu Huanghe retired from active service.Admiral He Dongjin continued to serve as the commander of the navy, Admiral Wu Qiuhan served as the head of the General Armament Department, and Admiral Xiao Dongzhan served as the chief of the general staff. All three became members of the new Military Commission.Admiral Hai Xiang took over as commander of the Armed Police Force.

The new Central Committee, the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee have successfully completed the handover.

Jing Qiuren, Yan Yucheng, Qian Jianjun, Gao Jingzhang and other leaders of the older generation and their successors embraced warmly.Chairman Li Zhiguo spoke highly of their work.

Rong Baichuan was proposed to be the head of the Central Organization Department, and Guo Qiliang was proposed to be the vice premier of the State Council.

The new positions of Liu Guangxing and others have basically been settled.Liu Guangxing was to be Minister of Communications, Jiang Youxin was to be Party Secretary of Yidong Province, Yan Ming was to be Governor of Haixi Province, Yang Yuanyi was to be Vice Minister of the Central Propaganda Department and Director of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and Zhang Chenwen was to be Party Secretary of N Province.Originally, Xiao Zhixiong was going to take over as the Governor of Province N. Under Liu Jun's suggestion, Xiao Zhixiong went to Liaodong to take over as the Governor of Liaodong.

After the Great Game, a new political structure has basically taken shape.


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