Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2009 We all underestimated him!

"Bazhenxuan" in Nanfang City can be regarded as a well-known old shop.

Therefore, although Bazhenxuan does not occupy a large area, the decoration is not top-notch luxury, and even looks a bit old and ancient, the business in the store has always been very prosperous.Many times, reservations are required in advance.

Of course, this is only relative to ordinary diners. For Wei Ningsheng and Zhao Xianjue, this problem certainly does not exist.

There is a special box in Bazhenxuan, which is never open to the public and cannot be booked by any other diners. It is always reserved for Wei Ningsheng and Zhao Xianjue.The governor and the secretary of the municipal party committee are frequent visitors of Bazhenxuan. What an honor it is?

Now in this box, Governor Wei and Secretary Zhao have finished their dinner and are making tea in the inner lounge.Without the presence of a third person, Zhao Xianjue, secretary of the Southern Municipal Party Committee, put a cup of yellow tea in front of Wei Ningsheng himself. [

It's no secret that Wei Ningsheng and Zhao Xianjue have a good relationship.Before Wei Ningsheng became governor, he was the secretary of the Southern Municipal Party Committee, and Zhao Xianjue was his deputy at that time.Without Wei Ningsheng's support, Zhao Xianjue might not have been able to reach this position.Therefore, Zhao Xianjue has always respected Wei Ningsheng very much.

"Governor, he is going to play hard!"

Zhao Xianjue took a sip from his teacup, frowned, and said with a gloomy face.

Wei Ningsheng drank his tea in silence without saying a word.Each finds a way to inquire about specific news.

"One hundred exchange cadres, fifty party school indicators, hehe, he really dares to think..." Zhao Xianjue sneered again, and said: "When Secretary Qu was here, he didn't dare to make such a big move. .”

Obviously, Liu Jun is about to carry out a "cleaning".

The 150 "indicators" are all cadres at the director and deputy department levels, and can basically cover all important positions in the province.The most frightening thing is that no one knows whether they are on this "list".

Ordinarily speaking, cadre exchanges are not necessarily a bad thing.The cadres working in some localities really want to accumulate some experience in working in national ministries and commissions.With this experience, you will have a great advantage in future promotions.This is especially true for young cadres who are conscious of their future.

As for party school study, it was once synonymous with "promotion and reuse", which is not a bad thing.

But this situation is not so applicable in the province.The reason for him is that the province is the wealthiest province in the country, and it is also the province with the most active economy. It is no exaggeration to describe the rich and wealthy people here as "the crucian carp that crosses the river".If you work in the provincial party and government department, even if you are not a big official or a high-ranking official, as long as you are in charge of affairs, you will have no worries.Most of the time, there is no need for you to show up in person, someone will deliver the benefits to you.

It is no exaggeration to be a neighborhood committee director or village director in a developed city in the province, and his annual income far exceeds that of some dishonest "county officials" in the Mainland. Liu Jun has just returned from the capital. , it quickly spread among the provincial cadres, and all of a sudden, people panicked, and local officials from all walks of life ran to Nanfang City one after another. As for the party and government officials who really hold important powers, they must always Only by fighting against your inner greed can you avoid making mistakes.

If all of them are exchanged to serve in national ministries and commissions, then it's better, it's right to be seniority.After three or two years, activities, and then returning to the province, maybe the position can be raised to a higher level, which is not a bad thing.However, according to the information I have heard, the situation is not optimistic. In addition to the positions of the national ministries and commissions, the exchange positions also have positions in other provinces, even in provinces like Xisai Province in Hercynian Province.If you really want to communicate and go there, it will really kill you.

The wind and sand alone may not be able to bear it.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, what does he want to do with this?"

Zhao Xianjue said angrily.

In fact, judging by Zhao Xianjue's age, he is not such an impatient person. As the secretary of the Southern Municipal Party Committee, Zhao Xianjue is usually very concerned about the authority and dignity of officials.Showing such "bluntness" in front of Wei Ningsheng does not rule out the possibility of "show".

In front of the old leader, you can show your true colors, too deep may not be a good thing.It didn't arouse the suspicion of the old leader, but it was not beautiful.

Wei Ningsheng drank a cup of tea slowly, put down the teacup, and said in a low voice: "I feel that we underestimated him."

Zhao Xianjue was taken aback for a moment. [

Zhao Xianjue also understood the meaning of Wei Ningsheng's words.Liu Jun communicated with Wei Ningsheng and talked about three issues, economic transformation, development of border mountainous areas and radiation to the surrounding areas.Ask the provincial government to come up with a complete plan and discuss it at the Standing Committee.

Wei Ningsheng came up with this plan, and it went to the Standing Committee.But obviously, Wei Ningsheng's plan was far from Liu Jun's request.

Wei Ningsheng fully agrees with the economic transformation, and plans to basically complete the province's economic transformation in the next four years, that is, within the term of the current government, and gradually reduce the dependence on export-oriented enterprises and labor-intensive industries. Increased investment in high-tech industries and high value-added industries, and changed the proportion structure of various types of enterprises.

And Liu Jun's request is to act immediately, strive to complete the economic transformation in the shortest time, and prepare for the possible outbreak of financial and economic crises in the European and American markets.

Four years!

The day lily has been cold several times!

As for the development and support of the northern and western border areas, as well as the plan to radiate to surrounding provinces and drive common prosperity, it is also a colorful plan. The plan is very ambitious and a lot of data is listed. The plan will basically achieve the goal in four years.It is planned that within the next four years, we will establish sister city relationships with many domestic cities, and carry out the work of exporting funds and technologies.

The proposal made by Wei Ningsheng on behalf of the provincial government was approved and supported by the majority of the Standing Committee when it was discussed at the Standing Committee.

After all, there was no third party present in the first communication between Liu Jun and Wei Ningsheng, and many members of the Standing Committee were not very clear about the specific content of the communication.Most of the time, the first communication between the secretary and the governor is just a matter of etiquette, and does not necessarily involve specific work content.

As far as the facts are concerned, the plan made by Wei Ningsheng and the provincial government is still very complete, and the feasibility is relatively high, at least it can be understood literally.As for the financial crisis that may break out in Europe and the United States, it is beyond the scope of the discussion.After all, it's something that hasn't happened yet. It's really inappropriate to use testing to make a province's development plan.

Unexpectedly, Liu Jun did not express dissatisfaction with Wei Ningsheng's plan at the Standing Committee meeting, but instead affirmed it with a smile, just reminding that some things can be taken a little longer.

Wei Ningsheng nodded in agreement, but it was not easy to take in his heart.

His perfunctory attitude was so obvious that others didn't know it, but he and Liu Jun definitely knew it. Wei Ningsheng played a "blindfold" for Liu Jun at the Standing Committee.Originally, he was prepared to respond to Liu Jun's question, but Liu Jun didn't say anything, as if the first communication between them was purely polite.

This seems to be contrary to the rumored "dominant reputation" of Zhongliu Yameni.

Perhaps, Liu Jun didn't want to cause unhappiness at the first Standing Committee meeting.He had just taken office as the secretary, and had a conflict with the governor when the Standing Committee was held for the first time. No matter what, it was a sign of political immaturity.

Wei Ningsheng felt that Liu Jun would definitely have a follower, and he was always on guard. Let's see what kind of request Liu Jun will make when he communicates with him again.However, what Wei Ningsheng didn't expect was that Liu Jun didn't intend to communicate with him a second time at all, and took measures directly.

There is no doubt that Liu Jun wants to achieve his goal through large-scale exchange of cadres.The secretary of the provincial party committee has strong control over a province. In addition to the control over the Standing Committee, it is also manifested in the control over the prefectures, cities and provincial government departments.Liu Jun has only been in office for more than a month, and the team is still running in. It is too early to talk about the control of the Standing Committee.Moreover, the authority to change the deputy provincial cadres is in the central government. If it is only for the adjustment of individual deputy provincial cadres, perhaps Liu Jun can do it if he is strong, but it is absolutely impossible to replace three or four members of the provincial team at once.

Central is not run by Lao Liu's family.

Liu Jun took the method of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot, bypassing the Standing Committee and directly attacking the prefectural, municipal and provincial government agencies.Once the list of [-] cadres for exchange and the list of [-] party school trainings are implemented, even if the cadres exchanged are not all Liu Jun's direct descendants.But it is so realistic in the officialdom, whoever has thick thighs can hug their thighs.Now that Liu Jun holds the official hat of a middle-level cadre in his hand, if these "newcomers" don't move closer to the secretary of the provincial party committee, who else will they lean toward?

And those cadres who were "lucky" not to be exchanged and trained, seeing this posture, must scramble to "go to" Liu Jun's family, in order to keep their current positions.

Liu Jun directly controlled the prefectural and municipal teams and important departments directly under the provincial government. It's really hard to say whether people will pay attention to the decrees of the governor Wei Ningsheng outside the provincial government.This method is so powerful that it is worthy of being the leader of the "Princess".

Only Liu Jun has the ability to get so many communication cadre indicators from the Central Organization Department in one go. I heard that even Xue Yuanshan is very supportive. [

Zhao Xianjue refused to accept it, and said: "Then let him be so foolish? Chinese New Year is coming soon, isn't he afraid of causing local unrest?"

Wei Ningsheng sighed softly, and said, "Xuejue, of course he is afraid. But others are even more afraid!"

Zhao Xianjue held back again.

Liu Jun has just arrived, and the cadre exchange has not yet begun. The local government is in chaos. Whose responsibility is it?No matter what, this board can't hit Liu Jun's head, and it will hit them "old men" in the end.Perhaps this chaos was exactly what Liu Jun hoped, and with the excuse, he immediately began to adjust the cadre team.

Adjust whoever messes up!



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