Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2036 Mingxia Island Incident

Every year during the two sessions, Liu Jun will go to the courtyard where He Changzheng lives.Usually this is also the busiest time for the He Family Courtyard.

This time is no exception.

At noon on Saturday, as soon as Liu Jun walked into the courtyard, he felt that the atmosphere in the courtyard was a bit strange.

Secretary Liu came here on the spur of the moment, and basically he would be able to catch up with his meal as soon as he arrived.It is estimated that at this time, the He Family Courtyard should be full of guests, and hearty laughter can be heard far away.

This time it was different, it was quiet, without the slightest laugh. [

Liu Jun glanced at the graceful Miss He beside him.

Miss He said: "That's right, everyone who agreed to have dinner together today should have arrived."

Liu Jun nodded, probably because of the matter of Mingxia Island.

Sure enough, as soon as I walked into the living room, basically everyone who was supposed to arrive had arrived, and the stars were shining brightly.

Except for He Changzheng and Wu Huanghe, who had already retired from active service, all present were senior generals in full uniform.He Dongjin, Xiao Dongzhan, Wu Qiuhan, and Hai Xiangjun lined up in a row. Liang Jingwei, Hu Xiaofeng, Wu Zhenghao, Wu Zhengxuan, and He Mengjie were also present.

Each officer's face is more serious.

As soon as Liu Jun arrived, except for He Changzheng and Wu Huanghe, the other active generals all stood up with smiles on their faces.

Hai Xiangjun laughed and said, "Secretary Liu is here, and I'm just waiting for you two!"

Hai Xiangjun is now the commander of the Armed Police Force, succeeding Wu Huanghe.

Liu Jun smiled slightly, and said, "It seems that the atmosphere is not very enthusiastic."

The smile on Hai Xiangjun's face suddenly disappeared, and he snorted coldly: "It's not getting hot anymore. The little devil is too bullying!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the smiles that had just appeared on the faces of the generals disappeared, and their serious expressions returned.

It is naturally not a trivial matter that can arouse Hai Xiangjun's fury.

Liu Jun still smiled indifferently, walked straight over, and took a seat under He Changzheng.Knowing that he was coming, this position was specially vacated for him.Although in terms of age, Liu Jun is a junior, but at Liu Jun's current status, even if gathering in a small area, the rules that should be paid attention to should be paid attention to.

"Third Uncle, what's the specific situation on Mingxia Island?"

As soon as Liu Junfu took his seat, he asked He Dongjin directly without any polite greetings.

He Dongjin is the commander of the navy, so it is very appropriate to ask him about matters at sea.

He Dongjin said indifferently: "Basically, it is the situation reported."

Just this morning, a non-governmental Baoming ship of our country tried to approach Mingxia Island, but was intercepted by a naval patrol ship of the island country. The "Guangfu" Baoming ship tried to bypass the island country patrol ship several times and approached Mingxia Island, but was intercepted and returned.From dawn to ten o'clock in the morning, the Guangfu suddenly accelerated and rushed straight to Mingxia Island.As a result, it collided with an island patrol ship.Although the collision was not very violent and the Guangfu was not seriously damaged, it had extremely bad effects. [

The island nation used extraordinary measures to detain the Guangfu and 27 crew members on board.

Among them were Yu Dan and Gu Qixiu.

The Guangfu was originally a new ship purchased by Yu Dan and Gu Qixiu.

Yu Dan's report has been suppressed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs for no approval. After the field battle in Beishan Field, Liu Jun personally called Minister Wei of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on the phone, and the report was officially approved.

With official approval, money is not a problem for Yu Dan and Gu Qixiu.

Liang Shaolan and Liang Qiao's "donation" is enough for them to buy a new boat.Gu Tonghui originally disagreed with his son and daughter-in-law's "nonsense", but later seeing that Liang Qiao had given money, Gu Tonghui couldn't say anything, and "donated money".

Yu Dan was in a rush to do things. With the approval and money, he immediately bought a new ship and named it Guangfu. Afterwards, he called together twenty like-minded young people to board the Guangfu and sail to Mingxia Island. sea ​​area.

The reason why he chose to go to sea at this time was also considered by Yu Dan.During the two sessions, if they can successfully land on Mingxia Island, it will undoubtedly cause an extremely sensational effect, boost morale, and raise our country's prestige.

It's just that it's not enough to just rely on passion.

Except for the captain and a few crew members who are professional sailors, the Guangfu ship is all volunteers. It is a purely non-government organization. Naturally, it does not have rich experience in maritime struggles.On the other side of the island country, it is an official naval ship, not to mention the equipment, but in terms of experience alone, it is incomparable.

It is already remarkable that Guangfu can fight with them for several hours.

As soon as the news was sent back, it immediately caused shock among the high-level officials.

Because it happened less than two hours ago, it has only been reported internally at the high level, and the public has not yet heard the news.But this kind of thing cannot be kept secret, foreign media will soon report it, and then it will spread rapidly across the country at a very fast speed, which is likely to trigger a new round of protests against Japanese products *.

For the time being, the news has only reached the level of the Central Committee members, and within the army, it has reached the level of the main army.

"Dandan and Gu Qixiu are on that boat!"

Liang Jingwei added a sentence.

Liu Jun nodded.

Hai Xiangjun said bitterly: "You brat, this is a blatant provocation!"

All eyes fell on He Changzheng's face.

Although He Changzheng has retired, as long as he is alive, he will undoubtedly be the leader of the He Wu family.As for Mr. He and Mr. Wu, they have not asked about world affairs for a long time.The health of the two old men is a symbolic meaning.It shows that the trunk of this towering tree is still tough.

He Changzheng was not in a hurry to speak, he pondered for a while, looked at Liu Jun, and said, "What do you think?"

He Changzheng's question contained too much information, but everyone present understood it very well.He Wu will get closer to Liu Jun. [

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Eat!"

Have a meal!

It never occurred to me that Secretary Liu would answer this matter with such two words.

He Mengying couldn't help staring.

Liu Jun said with a smile: "It's no big deal. Just do what you have to do. Now it's time to eat, and you should eat. Now that something has happened, you can negotiate if you need to, and rescue if you need to rescue."

He Changzheng smiled and nodded.

He Dongjin laughed: "That's right! Rescue as soon as possible! It's entirely our internal affairs!"

Hai Xiangjun stretched out his thumb, and said with a smile, "This secretary is the secretary, and his vision is indeed different. Stand tall and see far away..."

Liu Jun smiled and said: "Commander Hai, let's start with the words, there will be a meeting later, so the liquor will be free!"

Before Liu Jun came to the He Family Courtyard, he had already received a notice from the General Office of the Central Committee to hold an enlarged meeting of the Politburo at [-]:[-] pm to discuss the response to the "Guangfu Incident".

"Don't worry, I won't delay your business!"

Hai Xiangjun smiled.

Liu Jun had clearly and erroneously expressed his attitude just now.Doubt, his attitude will make every boss think carefully.It must be known that today's Liu Jun is no longer a student at South China University, but a member of the highest decision-making body of the Republic.Any opinion he expresses at a Politburo meeting will be regarded as the opinion of the entire large bloc.

Liu Jun's tough attitude is exactly what many senior generals in the military welcome.Not only the core backbone of the He Wu faction present here today, but also many important generals of other military factions hold this tough attitude.

A substantial increase in economic strength must be accompanied by a substantial increase in military strength before it is possible to achieve the status of a real great power.

Mrs. He smiled and greeted everyone to sit down, looking at Liu Jun with loving eyes.

This uncle is different.As soon as he arrived, with a few words, the originally dull atmosphere immediately reversed.Mrs. He doesn't care much about these political and military affairs, what she cares about is the harmonious atmosphere of this family.

No wonder the old man often teaches juniors to look at things from a very high altitude like Liu Jun, and to lift weights lightly!


At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the enlarged Politburo meeting was held as scheduled.

In addition to all Politburo members and alternate members, all members of the Military Commission, State Councilors, and foreign ministers were also present at the meeting.

Even in this highest meeting where all decision-making members of the Republic were gathered, Liu Jun's tall figure and young and handsome face were still particularly eye-catching.

The meeting was chaired by Chairman Li Zhiguo, and the topic was to discuss the countermeasures for the "Guangfu Incident".

During the two sessions, if such a situation occurs, it is suspected to be a very serious problem, which must be dealt with properly.

Hou Chunming, vice chairman of the Military Commission, once again briefed the situation.Foreign Minister Sang Yingfeng immediately explained the emergency response measures taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Not long ago, Minister Sang Yingfeng urgently met with the ambassadors of the island countries, and made a solemn request for their misconduct to release the detention immediately, release the Guangfu and all the crew members on board, and ensure the personal safety of the crew.

The ambassador of the island country argued that the island country did not detain the Guangfu, but in the spirit of international humanitarianism, conducted rescue inspections on the Guangfu and all crew members on board to confirm that they were not injured.

After the briefing, all the participating members looked serious.

There were two different opinions at the meeting. One was to insist on the importance of continuing to negotiate with the island countries through diplomatic channels, urging them to immediately lift the detention of the Guangfu and the crew.Another opinion is that more tough measures must be taken to put pressure on the island countries.

"Comrade Liu Jun, please share your opinion!"

After all members of the Standing Committee had spoken, Chairman Li Zhiguo unexpectedly called Liu Jun's name.

All eyes fell on Liu Jun's face.

Liu Jun nodded, straightened himself up, and said calmly: "General Secretary, comrades, since the Japanese side insists on carrying out the rescue in a humanitarian spirit, I believe that within our territorial waters, they must undertake this task." .We can immediately send a rescue fleet! If necessary, I suggest that the navy fleet accompany us to ensure safety!"


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