Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2061 The situation is grim

Chapter 61 The Situation Is Severe In the spacious and bright conference room, a meeting of the Politburo is being held.

Relatively speaking, the atmosphere of the meeting was not very serious.In this meeting room, who is not a seasoned genius?Although the financial crisis in the United States is intensifying and the pressure from diplomatic channels is also increasing, it may not be able to really make these people so nervous.

Because the main topic of today's Politburo meeting is to deal with the financial crisis in the United States, Liu Jin first reported to the Politburo.

Basically, members of the Politburo are relatively clear about the countermeasures taken by the State Council, and they have been informed regularly.But for some of the latest actions and specific operation methods, it is better to listen to the Prime Minister's own explanation.

Liu Jincai put on his glasses, opened the file, and began to report. [

Since the beginning of last year, because we foresee the possible outbreak of the financial crisis in the United States, we have taken action as expected.At present, the negative impact of the US financial crisis on us is relatively small, and the withdrawal of funds is relatively smooth. More than 80.00% of the foreign exchange reserves are in their own hands, which is very safe.The overseas virtual assets held are also mainly US treasury bonds, and most of other derivative financial bonds were sold off before the outbreak of the financial crisis, with little loss.

According to the established plan, on the one hand, we withdraw capital from the foreign virtual asset market, and on the other hand, we begin to shift the direction of investment to other physical fields.Central Asia is the focus of our business.Over the past year, we have frequently conducted bilateral communications with several influential countries in Central Asia, and the negotiations have made gratifying progress. We have entered the stage of substantive negotiations on cooperative development in the field of energy and resources, and will soon be able to produce results.As for a country in Central Asia that has always had a close relationship with us, the progress is even faster, and substantive cooperation has already begun.my country plans to invest more than 300 billion US dollars in the country in the next five years to help the country improve its backward exploration and refining industries, and also help the country to establish a sound market economy system.In return, the country's largest state-owned oil company conducts joint development and operation with a petrochemical giant in my country, and we send senior management personnel to help the oil company manage and occupy a relatively large proportion of shares.

Another destination for funding is Africa.Since the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, my country has attached great importance to developing diplomatic relations with African countries, and has a large number of friendly countries.In recent years, due to changes in the domestic political situation and international trends, the diplomatic relations between these traditional friendly African countries and us are also constantly changing, but generally speaking, the number of friendly countries is still quite a lot.For a period of time, our relations with these friendly countries have been in a state of gentle development. Although economic assistance and construction are constantly being carried out, the intensity is not too great, and the depth is not enough. In other words, the relationship has not yet risen to a strategic cooperation relationship.

This is related to our previous grand economic strategy, and it can even be said that there are certain misunderstandings.For quite a long period of time, we misunderstood the true meaning of global integration, thinking that global integration means following in the footsteps of developed countries in Europe and America, not only learning from their experience in economic construction, but also trying to integrate our economic circle with theirs. The economic circles of the people are more closely linked together, thinking that only in this way can we catch up with the pace of developed countries.As a result, a large amount of capital, manpower and material resources have been invested in the markets of Western countries.

Now it seems that this is not a very correct choice.Because of the difference in ideology and the degree of marketization, in that circle, we are always in a subordinate position without much autonomy.

There are also political considerations.

Due to historical reasons, the African region was once divided into colonies by many imperialists.Even today, the influence of the so-called overlords is far from eliminated.The Republic's involvement in Africa is too deep, which may arouse the sensitivity of Western countries.

Now it is natural to take advantage of this opportunity and go a step further.

With this good foundation, cooperation with African countries should be more convenient than cooperation with Central Asian countries.But the truth is just the opposite.The influence of the major powers in the African region is too deep, and it is not easy to go further.On the other hand, the countries in Central Asia have been under the jurisdiction of the former Soviet Union before, and the tentacles of Western countries cannot reach in at all.After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia's influence in these countries is still unparalleled, far from being comparable to Western countries.It can be said that in Central Asia, the Republic and the Western countries are on the same starting line.In recent years, the diplomatic relations between the Republic and Russia have developed relatively rapidly, and they have relatively consistent demands.Russia is relatively less sensitive to the infiltration of republic forces into these countries.Even because of the need for strategic cooperation, Russia will mediate in it and act as a bridge.

That's why Liu Jincai's report listed Central Asia before Africa.

The third aspect of the Prime Minister's report is the development of the Southeast Asian market.The financial crisis that broke out in the United States this time has caused the most serious damage to my country's foreign trade export industry and foreign-related service industry.Since the outbreak of the financial crisis, in just a few months, a considerable number of export-oriented central enterprises have encountered operational difficulties. Some enterprises have stopped production, and a few enterprises have directly gone bankrupt.The performance of the foreign-related service industry has also declined significantly, and many companies have been closed.In some coastal provinces, there is a large-scale return of migrant workers.

Liu Jincai specifically pointed out that in this regard, the province's approach is worth learning.

The province has set up research and development support funds in several major cities where there are many foreign trade export enterprises, and has given practical support to the transformation in terms of policy and economy.At the same time, the reform of the enterprise's shareholding system will be implemented to fully attract overseas funds and mobilize provincial private funds to inject new vitality into the enterprise.Moreover, financial support has been given to a group of key enterprises, financial means have been used to subsidize enterprises, increase orders, and transfer some products from export to domestic sales to stimulate domestic demand.Therefore, as the province with the highest concentration of migrant workers, there has not been a large-scale return of migrant workers in the province.

Provincial exploration is beneficial in securing employment and supporting sustainable urban development.

As for Liu Jincai's special praise of the province, no one thought he was "fake public affairs for personal gain".At such a level of meeting, there has always been one thing to say, one thing to say, and another thing to say, just discuss the matter as it stands.It is not to say that there is no game in this kind of meeting, but it is by no means so superficial.But Qi Liu Jincai paid great attention to his wording, mentioned the provincial government and Wei Ningsheng's name many times, and pointed out that these tasks were led by Wei Ningsheng.

As for Comrade Liu Jun, I will mention it briefly.

In order to support the rapid transformation of foreign trade and export-oriented enterprises, the country is leading the vigorous development of the Southeast Asian market.Judging from the current situation, the progress is not bad, but it is not very optimistic.The Southeast Asian market is relatively small, with limited digestion capacity.Among them, the countries with the strongest economic strength are also the countries with the most successful and deepest marketization. All of them have been strongly impacted by the financial crisis, and their domestic markets are shrinking, which increases the difficulty of development.

All in all, because the financial crisis mainly broke out in the virtual asset market, the global financial industry and financial derivatives industry have been hit the hardest.Therefore, the State Council's countermeasure is to withdraw the main funds from the financial market and its derivative industries, and turn it to resources, energy, traditional heavy industry, light industry and other markets.

Liu Jincai emphasized one point, that is, the state has increased support for technological innovation to enterprises, especially in traditional industries.It is planned to gradually increase investment in this area in the next few years, so as to take advantage of this opportunity to greatly enhance the technical strength of my country's traditional industrial fields and enhance the core technological competitiveness. [

At the same time, the state will invest more funds in the fields of medical reform and education reform.

Later, Liu Jincai reported some developments in the U.S. Congress, including the sanctions proposals that several congressmen are working on and the U.S. military budget.

In early April this year, the G[-] Financial Summit will be held in London, the capital of the United Kingdom.General Secretary Li Zhiguo and the newly elected US President Jack will both attend the summit.The U.S. State Department has contacted my country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to arrange a meeting between the two heads of state during the summit.

This will be the first official meeting between the two heads of state since Jack was elected president.

There is no doubt that Jack will bring up the topic of cooperation between the two countries to jointly resist the financial crisis and promote the rapid recovery of the world economy in this meeting.In a sense, this will also be a condition that the United States puts forward to our country.

The United States has always pursued the policy of "first Europe, then Asia".

After Jack came to power, uncharacteristically, the United States returned to Asia with a high profile, and frequently held joint military exercises with Japan, South Korea and other allies. The regions of the military exercises were very close to the

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