Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2065 The prime minister summoned Liu Qing

A Mercedes-Benz sedan appeared at the entrance of Ouchi.

Sitting inside the car was a luxurious beauty in a black professional dress.

Sheng Ye Group's office in the capital has a dark black Rolls-Royce sedan, which is specially used to receive VIPs.Chairman Liu came here in person today, and the car should have been handed over to Chairman Liu.However, Liu Qing went to Da Nei this time to meet with the Prime Minister, but it was not easy to make it public.Liu Qing's current status is extremely sensitive, and it is better to keep a low profile when meeting with the Prime Minister of the Republic during the financial crisis.

In the end, it was replaced by this Mercedes-Benz sedan.

The Mercedes-Benz car was not interrogated, and Fu Jiwei, the person in charge of the "Liu Office", sat in the leading car.Fu Jiwei went to greet Liu Qing in person in the name of Liu Jincai. [

The Mercedes-Benz drove to the small courtyard where the prime minister's office was located. Liu Qing got out of the car, looked up at the situation around her, and took a deep breath.It was the first time for Liu Qing to come to this solemn and sacred place.The richest man in the world still feels a little nervous when he thinks that he will face to face with Uncle Twelfth, whom he has not seen for many years.

"Chairman Liu, please!"

Fu Jiwei bent slightly and made an inviting gesture.

To be honest, Fu Jiwei's heart is full of curiosity about this beautiful and petite richest woman in the world.As Liu Jincai's "big secretary", Fu Jiwei knew very well that Liu Qing was the niece of the prime minister's family house. Although there was no direct blood relationship, the two came from the same village.

I don't know what kind of geomantic treasure is that remote mountain village that can cultivate so many outstanding people.

Interestingly, ever since Liu Jincai ascended to a high position and Tengfei Company occupied the top spot in domestic private enterprises, Liujiashan's geomantic omen has been followed by many geographers. , Exploring around Liujiashan.However, the cemetery area in Liujiashan has become the most "sought-for" area. Some rich men from other places try their best to gain connections and "go through the back door", wanting to relocate their ancestors to Liujiashan, or reserve a cemetery for themselves. The purpose is to occupy a place in this geomantic treasure land, so as to bless future generations and be extremely rich!

However, this matter, so far, is still a "successful" precedent.

Liu Jinwen, the old patriarch of Liujiashan, is not a vegetarian, nor is he old-fashioned.The younger nephew of Liu Family Mountain, whoever dares to play tricks on this, beware of the old patriarch's dragon-headed cane and knock it off!

"Yes, thank you, Director Fu! Please, Director Fu!"

Liu Qing smiled and replied, and under the guidance of Fu Jiwei, she walked to the office that was more sacred in the eyes of Chinese people.

Liu Jincai had already turned from behind the desk to the office, smiling all over his face.

"Hello Prime Minister!"

Liu Qing walked a few steps quickly, came to Liu Jincai, and bowed deeply.

"Hehe, good, Chairman Liu!"

Liu Jincai smiled, looking really happy.He also has not seen this niece of the same family for many days.Liu Qing is very competitive, not only won a high social status, but also made a lot of contributions to the country by using the resources in her hands, which was affirmed and highly praised by President Li Zhiguo.

This is what makes Liu Jincai particularly happy.

"Chairman Liu, please sit down!"

After Liu Jincai shook hands with Xiaoqing, he personally invited the guests to their seats.

Fu Jiwei served green tea to the two of them, waited for a while, and retreated gently when he saw Liu Jincai and other orders.Right now, Liu Qing is not a citizen of the Republic, but can be regarded as a friendly person from abroad. Logically, Liu Jin should have a formal meeting with her at the State Guest House where Liu Qing stayed. Now that she is invited to come to the office for a meeting, if there is no personal relationship between the two parties, in fact It's rather rude.Moreover, such talks should also be interviewed by journalists, and then broadcast on the "News Network", which is in line with the rules.Liu Jincai made such an arrangement today, so it can be seen that what he is going to discuss with Liu Qing is a relatively secret matter. [

Fu Jiwei estimated that it has something to do with the response to the international financial crisis.

As soon as Fu Jiwei went out, Liu Qing immediately stood up again, bowed to Liu Jincai, and said, "Uncle Twelve!"

Liu Jincai nodded with a smile, looked at Liu Qing kindly for a while, and said softly: "Xiao Qing, just treat it as if you are at home, don't be formal. Sit down, sit down!"

"Yes, Uncle Twelve."

Qing hurriedly nodded in response, sat down, and looked at Liu Jincai intently.

"Xiaoqing, it's really hard for you to work hard overseas all these years. It's not easy..."

Liu Jin said with a sigh.

Qing Yanran smiled and said: "It's okay, Uncle Twelve, I'm not alone, there are many people helping me... especially Xiaojun, who is always guiding us."

In front of her husband, Xiao Qing had to hide something.It is expected that Shengye Group, and even her own relationship with Liu Jun, are not too deep secrets among the top core leaders in the country.

"Well, Xiaojun often talks to me about you and Shengye Group. Although he has given you some help, it mainly depends on your own efforts. To be honest, among the younger generation in Liujiashan, Uncle Twelfth admires you the most. Although Zhaoyu and the others are also very capable, Tengfei Industrial has also developed rapidly, and they have made great contributions to the country and their hometown, but after all, they mainly develop in the country, not You are struggling alone. You are the only one working hard overseas, and it is truly remarkable to have achieved today's achievements..."

Liu Jincai sighed softly again.

For a moment, Xiaoqing's eyes were a little sour, and she almost couldn't help crying.These years, she has indeed had limited success, but the pressure is also extremely huge. Even with Liu Jun's support behind her, she still feels very tired many times, and she just wants to stop here and have a good rest.However, her competitive character made her unable to stop moving forward no matter what.

Now facing Twelfth Uncle's soft compliment, Xiaoqing only feels warmer.It seems that all the hard work has paid off.

"Xiaoqing, Comrade Li Zhiguo already knows about your work in Russia and other parts of the world, and expressed his appreciation. This is also very remarkable."

Liu Jincai said.

Chairman Li Zhiguo's affirmation of Sheng Ye Group and his appreciation for Xiaoqing's efforts, Liu Jun has already told Xiaoqing to know.But now that Liu Jin said it himself, the feeling is different.

"Uncle Twelfth, this is all arranged by Xiaojun...Well, he had this request a long time ago when Sheng Ye Company was first established in Hong Kong. He said that making money is not the goal, the key is to be able to Serve the country. Otherwise, no matter how much money you earn, it’s just a pile of waste paper. How much money can a person and a family spend?”

Qing said with a smile.It's not that he wants to plead for Liu Jun in front of Liu Jincai. There is no such problem between father and son.Xiaoqing felt it.

Liu Jincai smiled lightly and nodded.

There is no doubt about the foresight of my son.Whether it is in politics, economy or planning in the international situation, he is not far-sighted, and gives full play to the wisdom of life.What is especially rare is that although Liu Jun is rich in the world, he has never become a slave to money; even though he is powerful, he has never been eroded by power.Whether it is power or money, they are all under Liu Jun's control and become his tools for the benefit of the country and the nation.

Many veterans, even senior leaders from different political camps, affirmed and appreciated this point.

"Xiaoqing, I invite you to come here today. It is about the countermeasures against the financial crisis. I want to discuss it with you." [

Liu Jincai smiled and said the purpose of meeting Xiaoqing today.

Liu Jun had discussed this with Xiaoqing on the phone a few days ago.Originally, Liu Jincai didn't have to meet Xiaoqing, and left everything to Liu Jun to handle, the effect was the same.But Liu Jin just felt that it was necessary to meet Xiaoqing in person, even if it was just to give her a few words of encouragement and say "hard work", it was an attitude.It not only represents the entrustment of the elders, but also represents the country's affirmation of her.

For these young children who are struggling overseas and always have their motherland in their hearts, sometimes all they need is just a word of "hard work".

Qing quickly straightened up, and said in a respectful voice, "Uncle Twelve please give me instructions, but I have orders, Xiaoqing will not try my best."

"Yeah, this is very good. Xiaoqing, you are a financial expert. You should understand that the current competition is not just at the economic level. Western countries, especially the United States, have rich experience in dealing with crises."

Qing said: "Yes, Uncle Twelve. The United States and Western countries not only have rich experience in dealing with crises, but also have a variety of methods, and there is another key point. They are an integration of government and business. On matters related to the future of the country, businessmen and governments Their attitudes are basically the same, they work together and work together. I think this is worthy of attention, and it is also worthy of our reference."

When it came to serious matters, Xiaoqing put away her "sentimental feelings" and restored her image as a shrewd and capable superwoman.

Liu Jincai said appreciatively: "That's right, this point really deserves our attention. In a capitalist country, the national interests are in fact bound up with the interests of capital. It is not an exaggeration to say that their government is a capitalist government. And The cooperation between their government and businessmen has also gone through several drills, and they are very familiar with each other. Many things almost do not need to be coordinated, and they start to act on their own... Now the United States is putting us under a lot of pressure, and they are constantly using various channels. Put pressure on us to take some of the blame for them."

"Uncle Twelve, please forgive me. This is not advisable." Xiaoqing said firmly: "The United States is a country that puts national interests first, that is, capital interests first. Other so-called rules, in their eyes, are Secondary. They are always trying to pass on the disaster. Although our country has undergone 30 to [-] years of construction and its economy has developed relatively fast, overall, the total size of the economy is still relatively small. There is a bottom hole on their side. Even if we take all our belongings, it won't be able to fill this hole."


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