Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2078 Siege Smugglers

After Jia An left, Liu Jun returned to his desk, grabbed the phone on the desk, and dialed it.


On the other side of the phone, came the majestic voice of Navy Commander He Dongjin.

"Third Uncle, it's me."

He Dongjin was slightly taken aback, and asked in a deep voice, "Liu Jun, what's the matter?"

Liu Jun said calmly: "Anlang has a smuggling channel through the South China Sea. I have already told Jia An and the others to prepare to go and catch a few boats."

There was silence on the phone.As the commander of the navy, He Dongjin is very clear about this so-called smuggling channel. The South China Sea Fleet had a detailed report a few years ago, and asked He Dongjin for instructions on whether to interfere.He Dongjin's instruction was to "watch closely".

Now, Liu Jun is going to move this channel.

He Dongjin knows why

"They were armed smugglers, with a lot of firepower."

After a while, He Dongjin reminded Liu Jun.

The smuggling channel in Anlangguo is said to be controlled by high-ranking officials of the country's government. The background is very strong. Basically, the police department in Anlangguo turns a blind eye to it, or even conspires at all.

Liu Jun remained silent.

He Dongjin took a deep breath, knowing that Liu Jun had made up his mind.Many facts in the past have proved that as long as Liu Jun is determined to do something, almost no one can stop it.

"The First Marine Brigade has a training base over there. They submitted an exercise plan the day before yesterday, and I have already approved it. Let Zhenghao and Jia An get in touch."

After a little silence, He Dongjin said slowly.

Unauthorized mobilization of troops is never allowed.Both Liu Jun and He Dongjin are very clear about this point.However, regular exercises are normal, and the army often has some exercises.The exercise conducted within a marine brigade will not be very large.It's just a coincidence that the location of the exercise coincides with the sea area where smugglers are arrested

Liu Jun smiled slightly and said, "Okay, thank you Third Uncle."

He Dongjin reminded: "Liu Jun, aren't you being too radical?"

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Third Uncle, the teaching of your army is that you can't fight back when you hit or scold you. I haven't trained in the army, so I don't have a good self-cultivation."

He Dongjin couldn't help laughing: "Haha, you, you..."

At this moment, only Liu Jun still has the mind to joke around

It's not without reason that the old man and several other senior figures valued Liu Jun so much.

On the evening of the third day, in the depths of the South China Sea, four Anlang ships loaded with smuggled goods were suddenly surrounded.Jia An attacked with all his strength and made the best of his talents.The smuggling ship of Anlangguo tried to break out of the encirclement by relying on the advantages of high horsepower and high speed, but was intercepted by our customs anti-smuggling ship...[

"Secretary Liu, I caught it"

At four o'clock in the morning, the phone next to Liu Jun's bed rang suddenly. As soon as Liu Jun picked up the phone, Jia An's slightly excited voice came from the receiver, still panting slightly.


"A total of four boats were captured, 49 smugglers were arrested, and a large number of smuggled substances were seized."

Jia An briefly reported the results of the battle.

Liu Jun asked, "What about the casualties?"

"The smugglers were equipped with standard weapons with powerful firepower. During the arrest process, they fired shots with the cooperation of the Reconnaissance Brigade of the First Brigade of the Resistance War. They exchanged fire for 10 minutes, killing three smugglers and injuring five others. We have two anti-smuggling policemen and One Marine Corps officer was injured. All minor, non-life threatening."

Jia An calmed down and gave a concise report.

Liu Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Okay, Director Jia, you have worked hard. Comrades have worked hard."

"Thank you Secretary Liu for your praise. It is the duty of our customs to catch smugglers and fight crime."

Jia An replied according to the standard official "language".

Putting down Jia An's phone, Liu Jun was about to hang up the old man, raised his wrist and looked at his watch, at four o'clock in the morning, he gently put down the receiver again.

The old man doesn't have enough sleep, so don't bother him at this time.

"What happened?"

This conversation had already woken Yan Fei up, she sat up quickly, turned on the bedside lamp, and asked with concern.

Liu Jun smiled and said, "It's nothing. Customs caught several smuggling boats at sea. Jia An called to report the situation."

Yan Fei nodded and said, "Then, it's all right. You can rest for a while."

"Okay, you rest first, I'll go out to smoke a cigarette, and I'll be right back."

Liu Jun turned sideways, hugged his wife gently, and said softly.


Yan Fei also gave him a soft kiss, and got into bed again to sleep.

Liu Jun got out of bed and put on slippers, picked up the cigarette and lighter from the bedside table, and walked out of the bedroom. [


Jiangbian City, the capital of Anlang Kingdom.

The Jiangbian chain store of Qiushui Hotel was not built on the most prosperous street in Jiangbian City, and its location was relatively remote.But this does not change the fact that Qiushui Hotel has been the most luxurious hotel in Jiangbian City since its establishment, and this dazzling "title" has never wavered in the slightest.

Over the years, Qiushui Hotel has become the favorite place for dignitaries of Anlang Kingdom to come and go.From high-ranking government officials to wealthy businessmen, none of them are proud of owning the membership card of Qiushui Hotel.

Anlang had been fighting wars until the mid-80s.Played for hundreds of years.Due to the long duration of the war, a large number of young and middle-aged men were killed and injured, so far, the total number of women in the country is still more than that of men.The wounds caused by the Hundred Years' War are far from being healed.

Beginning in the 90s of the last century, Anlang began to learn from the Republic and carry out reform and opening up. Over the years, he has made great progress in economic construction. At the same time, various corruption phenomena have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.A privileged class quickly formed in the country.The vast majority of high-ranking officials and successful businessmen colluded with each other to form the "main force" of this privileged class, while other small officials and small businessmen were the peripheral forces of this privileged class.

The small officials and small businessmen by the river sharpen their heads and want to get a membership card of Qiushui Hotel, so as to make themselves among the top circles of this high society and gain more opportunities.The method used is simply unbelievable.All the managers who work in the key departments of Qiushui Hotel are all objects of flattery and flattery.

The "super treatment" given to the executives of the Qiushui Hotel Jiangbian chain store has even become the envy of the entire group.Some senior executives within the group would be very excited when they heard that they were about to be transferred to the Jiangbian store. Even if their positions and salary had not been improved, they would hold a party to celebrate.

The general manager of the Jiangbian store is named Ruan Chengwu, who is a native of Jiangbian. It is said that he is the second generation of a powerful official. He once studied in the School of Economics and Management of the Capital University of the Republic of China and obtained a master's degree.But this is not the reason why Ruan Chengwu became the general manager of the Jiangbian chain store of Qiushui Hotel.The real reason is that Ruan Chengwu is a genuine second-generation official.His father had been a patriarch of the country and had a lot of power in his life.Even though he is dead now, his influence is still there.Ruan Chengwu's elder brother, brother-in-law and others are currently holding important positions in the high-level positions of Anlang State, and one of his elder brothers is the deputy leader of the powerful organization of Anlang State.

With such a backstage background and the title of general manager of Qiushui Hotel, Ruan Chengwu usually can be said to be a man of the upper class in Jiangbian City. Anyone who sees him should be polite .Especially the hotel staff, when they saw Mr. Ruan, they were always respectful and did not dare to show any disrespect.

Ruan Chengwu himself is also personable and can be called a handsome man.Many girls in the hotel are often fascinated by General Manager Ruan.

However, something unexpected happened today, Ruan Chengwu seemed to be preoccupied, with anxiety directly on his face.So much so that Mr. Ruan, who never gets angry, also "made an exception" and reprimanded the beautiful secretary.The reason was simply that when Miss Secretary entered the door, the footsteps were a little louder.

The secretary was terrified, and quickly backed out, caressing her towering chest outside, panting continuously, and it took a long time to calm down.In the eyes of outsiders, Ruan Chengwu is an extremely kind person, gentle and polite.Only those who are close enough to him know how vicious Ruan Chengwu's methods are.

It is said that almost all of Ruan Chengwu's enemies were dead, even the opponent's family members were all dead.

In this country, the law of the jungle has become the most basic law.

Ruan Chengwu would get angry at her, which shows how serious the situation is today.

After Ruan Chengwu "drives away" the secretary, he still sits alone behind the huge desk smoking, and the ashtray on the desk is already full of cigarette butts.

Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang, and Ruan Chengwu hurriedly threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray, almost grabbing the phone with a "flutter" gesture.

"General Manager Ruan"

A majestic baritone voice came from the phone.

"Yes, President, I am Ruan Chengwu"

Ruan Cheng straightened up uncontrollably, and replied respectfully, even showing a trace of awe in his voice.In normal times, although Ruan Chengwu respected President Yan, he never feared him.Although Qiushui Hotel is the world's top hotel chain group, if there is no Ruan Chengwu, the Jiangbian Branch will definitely not be able to achieve the scale and achievements it is today.

Ruan Chengwu felt that he deserved credit.

But the incident that happened in the South China Sea two days ago changed everything.If the Republic does not show its power, it is enough. Once it takes action, it is possible to uproot them.

"Already contacted?"

Heizi asked calmly.

"Yes, President. I have already contacted you and look forward to your visit"

Ruan Chengwu speaks Beijing movies fluently.

"Well, my plane will arrive at Jiangbian Airport in about an hour."

Heizi said solemnly.

"Yes, I'll go to the airport to meet the president right away."

Ruan Chengwu replied hastily.After President Yan hung up the phone, Ruan Chengwu carefully put the receiver back, then stood up, hurried out, ordered the secretary to prepare the car, and went straight to Jiangbian Airport.


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