All right……"

I couldn't help cheering.

Liang Qiao looked at me in surprise, with strange eyes.

The yamen felt ashamed for a while.That's right, when I heard that someone was going to get a divorce, I yelled "That's great" first, which is really unreasonable and unkind.

Seeing that Qiaoer's autumn-like eyes were full of puzzlement, I fell in love with her, hugged her again, and kissed her again with a "da" sound.Qiaoer Xia Fei gently pushed me on both cheeks, bit her lip, and complained: "I'm so worried, but you're still happy..." [

I sat down on the edge of the bed, hugged her soft and slender waist, stretched out my hand and scratched her nose, and said with a smile, "Tell me, what's going on? Be more specific, so I can help you figure out a solution."

Hehe, as long as Qiaoer tells me, no matter how trivial it is, I love to hear it.

"Well...Cao Shengyong...he...he didn't come back to the house all night..."

I smiled and said, "This kid is very addicted to cards, playing all night..."


Qiaoer is in a hurry.

"Yes Yes……"

I immediately became alert: "What is it? Could it be that he is messing around outside?"

Seeing Qiaoer so hard to speak.It is estimated that [-]% of the tune is this.

Sure enough, Qiaoer nodded.Very embarrassed.

I couldn't help being surprised and depressed.

What's the matter?Cao Shengyong married a wife as beautiful as Liang Shaolan, and if he didn't take a good look at it, he actually went outside to make trouble?Could it be that there are so many beauties in Xiangyang County, and there is even one more beautiful than Liang Shaolan?Even if there is, how can others think highly of Cao Shengyong?

It was also Liang Shaolan who had already married him, but there was nothing he could do.If it was another woman, it would be strange not to be frigid because of his big pockmarked face.

This thing is really weird!

"This Cao Shengyong is getting worse and worse. Tell me, what kind of woman does he mess with outside?"

"I... I don't know, my sister didn't say..."

It is estimated that for a girl like Qiaoer who has no "personnel affairs", it is inconvenient to ask too detailed questions about this aspect.

"Okay, I'll call and ask Sister Shaolan myself."

I don't want to discuss this topic with Qiao'er.My Qiaoer is so pure, don't let these messy things get contaminated.But I still comforted her. [

"Qiaoer, there is nothing to worry about. Cao Shengyong is not good enough for Sister Shaolan at all, it is best to leave."

"Cao Shengyong said that he would split the bakery in half..."

Qiaoer said timidly.


I immediately fainted!

Brother Cao, his tone is unusually loud, and his head is also unusually insane.But according to this statement, the separation of the family has been brought up, and the divorce is probably not an angry word of the couple quarreling.

To be honest, I have always disapproved of Liang Shaolan and Cao Shengyong's life, even if they have children, I still do not agree.Not entirely because of the great contrast in appearance between the two.This yamen has not yet reached that level of superficiality.The most important thing is that at the beginning of their union, they carried a lot of humiliation.Because the grandfather of the Liang family was paralyzed and had no medical expenses, Liang Shaolan was forced to marry Cao Shengyong, which was basically a "buying marriage".This kind of thing is not uncommon in the entire Baozhou area and even in various impoverished areas across the country, otherwise the phrase "a flower stuck in cow dung" would not be so popular.I can't be so lenient when this kind of thing happens to someone I'm not familiar with, but it's naturally different when it happens to Liang Shaolan.

Back then when we uprooted the Cao family and threw Cao Bin into prison for severe punishment, we had formed a "death feud" with the Cao family. We will live together with Liang Qiao in the future. Whenever I think of Cao Shengyong as a "brother-in-law", I feel strange. weird.Once Cao Shengyong knew that his father was in prison and that the "prodigal" of the Cao family was my "behind the scenes", he would not be afraid of him retaliating against me.

It's better to leave.

It's just that I don't want to take the initiative to encourage Liang Shaolan to divorce from a rational point of view.Opportunities are here now, so grab them.Even giving half of the bakery to Cao Shengyong would not hesitate.With my current net worth, half a bakery is really not in my eyes.

In fact, the feeling of "like awns on the back", the taste is too bad.

"Forget it, stop calling, let's go to Xiangyang County."

Qiao'er was a little hesitant, and said timidly: " don't know how to beat him?"

With my current skill, the Cao brothers are really not enough for me.

"We are going to try to persuade a fight, to be a peacemaker, what kind of fight is it?"

I laughed, pulled up Qiaoer and left.

"Wait, I, I'll wipe my tears."

Hearing that she was going out, Qiaoer immediately cared about her own image.That's right, if such a beautiful girl runs out with disheveled hair, people who don't know the inside story will think I'm bullying her.

As soon as I thought of this, the "beast thoughts" in my heart were ready to move again, and I quickly walked out and said, "I'll wait for you below."

I want to stay here to paint Qiaoer's eyebrows and rouge, as I wish.It's not impossible to even watch her change her clothes.I am afraid that the "devil" in my heart will not be able to restrain it, and the "big event" will be ruined.


The car was going to Xiangyang County. I didn't take this matter very seriously. The couple quarreled and wanted a divorce. It's very common for future generations.So much so that for a period of time, the greeting between good friends once changed from "Have you eaten" to "Have you left".Although there is a certain amount of joking involved, it can also be seen that the divorce rate is high.But at the time, divorce was a big deal. [

I was thinking about it. When I arrived in Xiangyang County, I had to use this time to drop by and see friends.

Since I went to Baozhou City, although my old friends don’t talk about their birthdays anymore, they walk around less. After all, contacting by phone is not as close as meeting each other.As for the relatives and friends in Xiangyang County, especially those in the officialdom, there have been many changes.

First, Jiang Youxin was transferred from the executive district chief of Taishan District to the director of the newly established county township enterprise management office (later changed to the township enterprise bureau).

On March [-], the Party Central Committee and the State Council forwarded the "Report on Creating a New Situation for Communal and Brigade Enterprises" issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries and the Party Group of the Ministry, and issued a notice, agreeing to the proposal in the "Report" to change the name of the commune and brigade enterprises to township enterprises. It is emphasized that the development of diversified operations is a strategic policy that our country must always adhere to in realizing agricultural modernization; township enterprises are an important part of diversified operations and a new important source of national fiscal revenue; township enterprises have become a branch of the national economy. An important force and an important supplement to state-owned enterprises.

This "Notice" made many people in Wubo and Liujiashan rejoice. Listen, "Township enterprises have become an important force in the national economy and an important supplement to state-owned enterprises." What a high evaluation this is!I was a little worried

I am worried that the national policy will change again, and there will be another "review of funding for funding", so as not to waste money, but also to wear a big hat.There is no need to be afraid now, but it is almost time to shake off your arms and work hard.

There are a large number of township enterprises in Xiangyang County, and they are blooming everywhere. The township enterprise management office was first established in the whole district.Jiang Youxin served as the secretary of the Hongqi Commune and the deputy head of Taishan District. He vigorously advocated the construction of team-run enterprises. He was a pioneer in the construction of township enterprises and achieved remarkable results. The Baozhou area is recognized as a good player in economic construction, and it is expected to be influenced by what one sees and hears and learn a lot of knowledge.It was a matter of course for him to serve as the first director of the township enterprise management office, and no one had any objections.

After Jiang Youxin took office, the first thing he did was go to Liujiashan to poach the wall, and forcibly poached his seventh uncle Ruan Chengsheng away. The price he paid was the official title of "head of the operation and management department".

Uncle Qi hesitated for a long time to say this.How many brigade cadres dream of being a national cadre, and becoming the head of a unit with real power right from the start?But to Uncle Qi, it was tasteless.The reason is that the salary of the so-called "head of the operation and management department" is less than a tenth of his salary in Liujiashan.As the deputy director of the Liujiashan Enterprise Management Committee and the sales manager of Tengfei Machinery Factory, the fixed salary is not counted, and the commission is just one item, how much should it be?

Uncle Wu hesitated at first and refused to let him go.When it comes to management, Seventh Uncle is indeed a good hand, and he is also young. Fifth Uncle also expects to retire in a few years, take care of himself, and hand over the position of the leader of Liujiashan to Seventh Uncle.Unexpectedly, District Chief Xiaojiang came here to pry people, so unreal!

Fortunately, Uncle Wu's mind and bearing are not the same as others, but he is a man of great courage and great wisdom.After thinking about it, it's a good thing for Liu Jiashan to have more "official family members". Now that the twelfth brother has become a deputy division cadre, and he will go up in the future, there should be a few "junior soldiers" under him to support the situation!

The fifth uncle made up his mind, and immediately decided to transfer the seventh aunt to the enterprise management committee, and pay a high salary every month, so as to reassure the seventh uncle.With the worries about the future relieved, Uncle Qi had both face and liking, so he happily went to the county to become a national cadre.

As for the position of sales manager that Uncle Qi left behind, he didn't have to worry about it.After several years of development, many outstanding talents have emerged from the younger generation of Liujiashan. After strengthening cultural and professional training in the "Vocational Technical Training Center", they can all be responsible for their own duties and entrust them with important responsibilities.

At this time, Uncle Wu secretly admired my foresight in deciding to spend a lot of money to build a "training center".

Another gratifying change is that my uncle Ruan Chenglin was transferred to the county party committee office at the beginning of the year and served as Tang Haitian's secretary.This is also a gossip.You must know that my brother-in-law has the title of special correspondent of "Baozhou Daily", so it goes without saying that his writing skills are first-class.After many years of experience at the grassroots level, it is logical to enter the county party committee office. According to the usual practice, it is expected that he will be able to rise to a higher level in the near future and become a deputy department-level cadre.

Then there is Cheng Xinjian, as I have explained before, this stalwart and loyal captain of the public security brigade has also made a step forward, becoming the deputy director of the Xiangyang County Public Security Bureau, and is still the captain of the public security brigade, which is very impressive.Xiao Jianshui rose to the top and was promoted to the deputy captain of the Public Security Brigade.Cheng Xinjian insisted on holding on to the position of team leader, with obvious intentions. Once Xiao Jian had more qualifications, the part-time job of team leader would be handed over to Xiao Jian.

Even Fang Kui, a local guy who is a fool, followed suit and made a team leader Dangdang.The so-called team leader has only a few serious defense members under his command. He has a good reputation, but at least he has the word "long". In essence, he is still an ordinary policeman.

But this is enough to make Comrade Prosecutor Fang Jinde feel relieved.

This is the son who was almost sent to labor camp back then!

There are also deputy county magistrate Chen Liyou and director Sun Youdao, who have not seen each other for a long time, and I really miss them a little.After dealing with Cao Shengyong and sister Shaolan's affairs, I want to get together with everyone.

It's a pity that there is no mobile phone, so we can't notify in advance, and maybe someone is on a business trip.


An hour later, the car drove to Xiangyang County. From a distance, I saw a group of people gathered in front of Qiaoqiao Bakery. They stretched their necks to look inside, as if they were watching the excitement.

I felt a "thump" in my heart: Could something have happened?

Liang Qiao held my arm even more tightly, her face turned pale.

The car stopped about ten meters away, and I jumped out of the car, and I heard Liang Shaolan crying at the top of her lungs: "Get out... get out..."

I immediately felt relieved and patted Liang Qiao's hand.Liang Qiao nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you're still yelling, you're fine.

"Hey, please let me go..."

I said to the crowd of onlookers.

Seeing these two people who came, the man was very handsome, the woman was surprisingly beautiful, she seemed to be two points more beautiful than the crying one in the store, and the spectators were also quite interesting, so they immediately made way for a passage.

"Sister Shaolan, what's the matter? There are so many people gathered around the door of the store, are you still doing business?"

When I entered the door, I lowered my face and yelled.

It's not that I deliberately want to show off in front of Liang Shaolan, but it's because of decades of "persuasion experience" in my previous life. When a woman is hysterical, if you step forward to persuade her, she will only become more and more violent.The best strategy is Mo Ruo to calm her down with serious matters first, let her make a three-point loss first, lower her voice, and take the initiative to ask you to explain the reason, and then Xu Tu can solve it.

The situation in the store is also chaotic.Cao Shengyong stood in the corner, holding his little daughter's hand with one hand, with a look of shamelessness, Liang Shaolan burst into tears, her hair was disheveled, and she pointed at Cao Shengyong's pockmarked face with trembling fingers, as if she wanted to pounce on him and bite him.

Liang Xiuli and the other helper stood by, helpless.

"Xiaojun, you came at the right time, this... this shameless person is playing tricks here..."

As soon as Liang Shaolan saw me, she shouted as if she was seeing a relative.

I frowned and said, "I'll discuss matters at home behind closed doors, so as not to affect business..."

When Liang Xiuju saw me coming, she immediately had a backbone, and hurriedly persuaded the crowd outside the store to leave, and another helper also stepped forward to help guide them away.

Seeing the person in charge came, the crowd of onlookers knew that there was nothing left to watch, so they dispersed in twos and threes, discussing among themselves.Most of them are lamenting the difference in appearance between Liang Shaolan and Cao Shengyong, and some people even don't believe that they will be a couple.

"Okay, Sister Xiuju takes care of the store's business. Sister Shaolan, and you..." I pointed at Cao Shengyong: "...Go upstairs and talk!"

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