Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2083 Dream?no?

Had a great time outdoors today.

First, I picked lychees for a while in the lychee garden.Speaking of which, Secretary Liu has a family of three. , I have already eaten enough in the litchi garden.However, I still bought a large pile of lychees, probably weighing dozens of catties, and took them back in the car, and asked Li Shuying to take them to the headquarters of Huaxing Company as a favor, and distributed them to the office staff to try them out.

The key is that you can't just eat without buying, otherwise Secretary Liu and Chairman Liang would be too unkind.I had Chinese food at a farm restaurant near the Lychee Garden, and went to the shrimp fishing ground in the afternoon to catch shrimp.It was the first time for Lele to participate in this event, and she was very happy.Shrimp fishing does not require much skill, and compared with fishing, there is almost no technical difficulty.Although Lele is a novice, he can still catch a lot of shrimp.

It was the first time Lele caught a shrimp, and she yelled with joy. She was quite different from her usual image of a good girl.

Qiaoer said a little strangely: "This child, it's not like this usually, today is more special"

Liu Jun smiled and said, "It's because of me. Dad is here, and if someone backs her up, let her go."

Qiao'er couldn't help but glared at him, and said angrily, "What do you mean, I'm a stepmother? You are just a spoiled child. No wonder Xiaoqing said, you are always a good person, and we are the ones who are evil!"

Liu Jun smiled and shook his head.It seems that except for Yan Fei, every wife "has something to say" to Secretary Liu in this regard.In fact, the reason why Liu Jun dotes on his children is also because of a sense of guilt.He spends too little time with the children.Although Yang Yang lives with him, he doesn't have much time to think and entertain with his children.

So as long as he is with the children, Liu Jun will be very doting.

For dinner, we had a barbecue at the barbecue place attached to the shrimp fishing farm, picked fresh fish and shrimp, and then made some vegetables and steamed buns. Everyone ate with gusto.It's not how delicious the food is, the key is to be in a good mood.

But Qiaoer always felt that Liu Jun seemed to have something on his mind, and would often be distracted.This situation is very rare.Qiao'er followed Liu Jun. For three years, even when Liu Jun was very young, he was able to make up his mind about everything.There is almost never anything that can make him uneasy.

Has something happened nationally or internationally?

The "South China Sea incident" not long ago caused a great storm, which has not subsided so far.

The customs anti-smuggling police and soldiers of the Marine Corps fired their guns and killed the three smugglers on the spot.The problem is, we say that this is a smuggler, but some other countries and politicians with ulterior motives do not recognize it.Those four smuggling boats were all flying the national flag of Anlang, and they were also registered in the name of fishing boats.

The Republic's law enforcement agencies and elite troops jointly shot and killed three people on four "fishing boats" from neighboring countries. How could it not be made a fuss by the National People's Congress?

Qiaoer couldn't directly ask Liu Jun about this matter, but instead invited Heizi over and questioned his opinion.In name, Qiaoer is the chairman of Qiushui Group, and Heizi is in charge of daily affairs, and the "Political Research Office" is also directly responsible to Heizi.Liu Jun valued many of Heizi's opinions on politics.This time, Heizi even directly participated in the incident in the South China Sea, and went to Jiangbian City to meet with senior officials of Anlang Kingdom.

According to Heizi, the biggest problem is not abroad but domestic.

Although there are many doubts and even "challenging" voices in the world, there is actually nothing to worry about.On this point, Liu Jun's judgment is completely correct. The so-called international struggle, to put it bluntly, is "the strong prey on the weak".The tougher the Republic behaves, the more cautious other countries will be, and they will not dare to provoke casually.

This can be seen from the official attitudes of Western countries and the attitudes of regular media.With regard to the "South China Sea incident", politicians from Western countries, including the United States, are very cautious in their speeches, and there are almost no public comments.Occasionally, when asked by journalists on certain occasions, politicians mostly talk about him without giving a positive reply.

When we protested in the past, many people jumped out to make irresponsible remarks, citing classics and saying that the protest of the Republic was unreasonable.This time, he went straight to the point and killed a few of them, but all of them stopped.

"People are bullying and fearing hard."

These are Heizi's original words. When Heizi said these words, a proud look appeared on the corner of Heizi's mouth.He went to Jiangbian City in person, but saw the faces of those so-called senior officials of Anlangyuan.Everyone is honest!

As for the ulterior motives of individual politicians in Western countries and clamor, don't take it to heart.

However, some domestic politicians have a lot of opinions on Liu Jun's "beheading first and then playing" and mobilizing troops without authorization.It is said that in a private occasion, one of the elders publicly questioned this. [

Liu Jun mobilized a brigade of marines with just one phone call. What kind of problem is this?

Be vigilant!

The army is a public instrument of the state, not a private thug!

For this matter, several elders have already come forward.Most of the elders spoke for Liu Jun.The participation of the [-]st Marine Brigade just coincided with the meeting. Could it be that the Marine Corps sat idly by when smugglers opened fire on our anti-smuggling boat?

Several elders came forward to express their opinions at the same time. On the surface, this matter has calmed down, but it is hard to say whether someone will bring up the matter again during the meeting.

It is not known what the giants think.In any case, there can be no lumps in my heart.

However, Heizi's judgment is more optimistic.The so-called toughness not only acts as a deterrent to the outside world, but also plays the same role internally.This article is reproduced from - - Change Allure Si, please support the genuine version.

It may be a taboo to mobilize troops without authorization.But being able to mobilize already speaks volumes.

Not everyone can put a marine brigade into battle with a single phone call.

Liu Jun has inadvertently revealed his majesty.

Politics, in the final analysis, is a showdown of strength!

Liu Jun is restless today, maybe it has something to do with this matter.When there are too many people talking, it is not convenient for Qiaoer to ask, but she is secretly worried.

After eating the barbecue, Lele was satisfied, and the family got into the car and headed home.

In the car, Lele pestered Dad to tell stories again.

When she was a child, listening to her father tell stories was a great enjoyment for Lele.Same now.Maybe what Lele wants to listen to now is not a story, but a warm feeling of being loved by her father.

Liu Jun promised with a smile, and told the story to his daughter.

"In the past, more than 30 years ago, at that time, the great turmoil was not over, and the countryside was in chaos." Liu Jun told stories to his daughter, and Liang Qiao would listen in most of the time.This time is no exception, with a smile on his face.Every now and then, Liang Qiao is the happiest.But listening, Qiaoer was a little surprised.

It seems that what Liu Jun is telling his daughter is his own story.

But after hearing it, Qiaoer felt something was wrong.Because in this story, there is no girl named Liang Qiao, and there is no girl named Yan Fei who has accompanied her so far.Then, what Liu Jun said was not his own business.

The protagonist of the story is very ordinary.

Go to school in an ordinary way, grow up in an ordinary way, go out to work to make a living in an ordinary way, get married and have children in an ordinary way, without any disturbance.It's just that Liu Jun was very involved when he was talking, and seemed to be very familiar with this person's affairs.

Lele listened with gusto, but Qiaoer was a little puzzled. [

"What happened later? Dad, what happened to him later?"

Lele kept asking.In fact, such an ordinary story is the true portrayal of most people's life. If it weren't for Liu Jun's talent in storytelling, it would definitely not have caused Lele to question him endlessly.

"Later, he fell asleep and had a long, long dream. After that, I don't know."

Liu Jun said softly, there seemed to be a faint sense of fear in his voice, Lele couldn't hear it, but Qiaoer could feel it, so he couldn't help giving Liu Jun a strange look.The car was very dark, Liu Jun didn't notice Qiaoer's eyes.

Lele pursed her lips a little unhappy, and said, "Dad, next time you tell a story, don't tell half of it. You have to finish it." Liu Jun stroked his daughter's head lightly, and nodded: "Okay, Dad next time Notice."

The journey was relatively long, and it took almost an hour and a half from the suburban county back to Qiaoer's luxurious seaside villa in Nanfang City. Lele couldn't bear the sleepiness, so she fell asleep in the car cuddled in her father's arms.

"Xiaojun, I'm tired today, take a bath and go to bed early."

After finally returning home, after setting up Lele, and entering the master bedroom, Qiaoer was busy preparing clothes for Liu Jun to take a bath.

Liu Jun nodded with a smile, put his arms around Qiao'er again, smiled and said to wash together.Qiao'er's cheeks flushed immediately, but she didn't refuse.The couple walked into the bathroom together.

When he went in, he looked a bit tired, but two hours later, Liu Jun was full of energy, holding Qiao'er's delicate body, walked out of the bathroom with a smile, threw him on the bed, and threw himself on top of him.

"Xiaojun, do you have something on your mind?"

Qiaoer supported him with a smile, and asked softly.

Liu Jun was slightly taken aback.

He knew Koji could feel it.But this matter cannot be mentioned to anyone.

Today is August [-]th, [-]!

This date is deeply compared in Liu Jun's mind, and nothing can erase this date from his mind.If everything is true, on this day 33 years ago, he woke up and everything changed.

But is everything real?

Not a dream?

Wasn't it a long, long dream?

Today, will you wake up and nothing has changed?

Who can tell the truth about the secret arrangement!

For the first time in 33 years, Liu Jun felt scared.Fear from the bottom of my heart.

"No, I'm fine." Liu Jun shook his head and said, as if he lacked confidence.

"No, you have something on your mind. Tell me, what is it? Also, whose story was that story you told Lele in the car just now? It sounds familiar and unfamiliar to me. Feel"

Koji looked into his eyes and said seriously.

Liu Jun got down from Qiaoer's body, hugged her lightly, and said: "Qiaoer, let's not sleep tonight, talk and chat, you chat with me, don't let me fall asleep!"

"What's the matter with you?" Qiaoer asked puzzled.

Liu Jun shook his head again and lit a cigarette.

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