Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2095 Fiscal Reform

"Premier, our administrative expenses are too high."

In the Office of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Liu Jun said to Wei Ningsheng unequivocally, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.On the coffee table in front of him was a thick stack of materials and reports.

General economic issues, Liu Jun is basically handed over to the provincial government to take the lead, and does not interfere casually.But this does not mean that Liu Jun will never intervene in administrative affairs.Liu Jun pays close attention to some major principle issues all the time, and will intervene without hesitation when he finds something abnormal.

Liu Jun's habit has gradually become familiar to the members of the team.

Wei Ningsheng was not disgusted by this. [

Although the party and the government are separated, there is no place where they are truly completely separated.It makes sense for the top leader to take care of the whole situation.Moreover, Liu Jun generally does not directly interfere with administrative affairs, but mainly communicates with him and gives a reminder.Liu Jun would only intervene directly when the provincial government did not deal with it in time or did not do enough.

Wei Ningsheng nodded and said: "Yes, the administrative expenses are indeed relatively large. But our situation is also relatively special, and the expenditure is larger than that of other brother provinces and cities."

Although the province's permanent resident population is not the largest in the country, it is definitely the first in the country when the temporary resident population is counted.Many migrant workers actually live in the province most of the time, but their household registration is not in the local area.As the population increases, various institutions and managers also increase accordingly.The annual expenditure on public security management in the province is several times that of other brother provinces and cities.Moreover, the province's economic activities are extremely active, and reception and entertainment activities naturally increase, which is also one of the main reasons for the huge administrative expenses.

Liu Jun shook his head lightly, and said: "Governor, it is understandable if the absolute value is larger than other provinces and cities. But the average value is far higher than other provinces and cities. It is hard to say. This year's fiscal revenue, growth rate It has slowed down significantly, and it is expected that the growth will continue to slow down next year. At the same time, our expenditures are getting bigger and bigger. As a result, the contradiction between income and expenditure will become more and more prominent. "

Wei Ningsheng nodded slowly.

As the governor of the province, he has a better understanding of the province's financial revenue and expenditure than Liu Jun.

In fact, the global financial crisis has had some impact on the province despite the proactive response.This year's financial situation is much more severe than last year.The growth rate of fiscal revenue has dropped significantly, and the situation of high growth that has lasted for many years no longer exists.

On the other hand, due to the implementation of proactive fiscal policies, the pressure on fiscal expenditures has further increased.

Economic growth is slowing down and the employment situation is grim. It is necessary to increase social security expenditures and subsidize expenditures for needy groups.The large and rigid fiscal expenditure base also increases the pressure on fiscal expenditure.

According to the unified deployment of the State Council, the province is expanding government public investment in a planned way to vigorously promote consumer demand; at the same time, it is reforming taxes and fees to reduce the burden on enterprises and residents, increase the scale of financial subsidies, and strive to increase the income of low-income groups; optimize the structure of fiscal expenditures , to protect and improve people's livelihood.The provincial government has also established a large scientific and technological innovation support fund to drive economic restructuring and transformation of development patterns.

"Governor, you must further reduce administrative expenses, especially the scale of official vehicles. This is a big project. If it is done well and controlled in place, this alone can save tens of billions of funds."

Liu Jun said.

Liu Jun had discussed this matter with the old man in detail, and Liu Jin took it seriously. He is now working on a research plan and preparing to regulate it nationwide.Liu Jun took the first step in the province, and it was also a common practice for the father and son to cooperate.

Wei Ningsheng also felt the same about this, and immediately replied without hesitation: "Okay. Let's hold a meeting to discuss this matter immediately, and strive to come up with a feasible plan as soon as possible, and discuss it at the Standing Committee."

Liu Jun nodded and said, "In addition, I think we should hurry up on the issue of fiscal reform in the jurisdiction."

Wei Ningsheng's complexion changed slightly, and he didn't speak up immediately, instead he frowned and muttered.

The so-called "financial reform of jurisdictions" is an idea put forward by the central government last year.The key is to focus on the equalization of basic public services and the construction of themed functional areas on the premise of maintaining the basic stability of the tax-sharing fiscal system, and improve the system that matches the financial resources and powers of the central and local governments.Gradually establish a county-level basic financial guarantee mechanism to improve the ability of grassroots governments to provide public services.Standardize the financial transfer payment system.Improve transfer payment allocation methods, and scientifically and rationally set transfer payment factors and weights.Standardize the special subsidy policy, which belongs to the central government's responsibility, and the central government shall bear the full amount; if the local government needs to share the burden, it will gradually implement project-based or proportional sharing.

As soon as this idea was put forward, it aroused great repercussions.

Strictly speaking, it aroused the repercussions of provincial governments, and most provinces and cities have reservations about this idea. [

As far as the specific situation is concerned, the reform idea of ​​the central government is correct.At present, the division of responsibilities between governments at all levels in our country is not clear and standardized, that is, the powers are not clear.The authority for basic public services is mainly assumed by the county and township grassroots finances, and expenditures such as compulsory education, public health, social security and welfare relief are mostly borne by the grassroots finances.However, the financial rights and financial resources of the grassroots governments are subject to various constraints, and it is difficult to undertake the responsibility of this payment.

The reform idea of ​​central finance is to further clarify the basic public services such as compulsory education, public health, social security and ecological environment between the central government and local governments and between local governments according to the different nature and characteristics of various public services. Powers in service A sound financial system in which financial resources and powers match.

To put it bluntly, it is just a sentence, if you want the horse to run, you have to let the horse eat grass.

Since the grassroots governments have assumed great responsibilities, they should also be given corresponding financial powers.

But theory is one thing, and practice is another.Regardless of whether it is a provincial government or a prefecture-level government, who is willing to decentralize the financial power in their hands and would rather live a tight life by themselves?

Liu Jun can quite understand Wei Ningsheng's hesitation.Rebirth of Ya Nei Bar is produced by Qingcheng, please support the genuine version.

The governor is in charge of economic development. Once he has no money in his hands, he will not be so smart in his speech.Only when there is funds can we start projects, and only when we start projects can we achieve political achievements.The truth is that simple.Back then, Premier Hong implemented the tax-sharing system, and the financial power was taken back to the central government, which greatly increased the central government's voice.Now it is easier said than done for the provincial governments to decentralize financial power.

Liu Jun poured a cup of tea, placed it lightly in front of Wei Ningsheng, and said, "Governor, we must make up our minds to change. It is not enough for our provincial finances to live better. County finances, especially those in the western and northern regions , are extremely difficult. This is not conducive to the rapid development of the northwest region, and will affect our overall development plan."

Liu Jun's words were in a negotiating tone.

Wei Ningsheng sighed lightly.As a veteran government leader, he is also very clear that the key to the overall financial difficulties at the grassroots level lies in the "hierarchical finance" we are currently implementing.

The so-called hierarchical finance is based on the assumption that each level of government has the same functions, but in fact, from the central government to the townships, the functions of each level of government are not necessarily the same.For example, some counties and townships are not suitable for development and have no conditions for development. Even in accordance with the requirements of the construction of theme function areas, development is restricted or even prohibited.Therefore, there is a certain deviation in understanding the fiscal system and intergovernmental fiscal relations according to levels.It cannot be emphasized that each level of government has its own food, because under this premise, transfer payments are used to make up for it. Once the transfer payments are not in place, there will be very difficult financial difficulties at the grassroots level.

Judging from the existing "official ecology", it is almost inevitable that transfer payments will not be in place.Often a normal appropriation requires grassroots leaders to go to the higher-level yamen to ask their grandparents to sue their grandma, and they may not be able to get it.In the middle, a series of "operations" such as entertaining guests and giving gifts not only increased administrative expenses, but also spawned a lot of corruption.

"Governor, this matter is related to the reputation of our party and the government, and even life and death. It cannot be corrected." Liu Jun's words are not alarmist. In fact, once the grassroots finances are in trouble, it is not just the law that provides Necessary public services are so simple. In order to maintain their own operations, the grassroots government will definitely set up clever names and get ideas from the common people. Various charging names emerge in endlessly. This financial difficulty will eventually be transferred to the ordinary people.

Over the years, many grassroots governments have had prominent conflicts with the masses, and the relationship between cadres and the masses has become extremely tense. This is the root cause.The grassroots government has insufficient financial resources and competes with the people for profit.

Therefore, it is necessary to match the financial resources with the powers of affairs. When the powers of affairs are shifted downwards, the financial resources must also be shifted downwards so that all levels of government can share and solve the financial difficulties at the grassroots level. Only then can this problem be fundamentally resolved.

Wei Ningsheng picked up his teacup and drank slowly, frowning, he pondered for a long time before making up his mind and said: "Okay, change!"

Liu Jun nodded in relief.

Wei Ningsheng belonged to the rigorous type of leading cadre, who would not easily express his position, and once he expressed his position, he would not easily "break the promise".This is exactly what Liu Jun appreciates very much.

When Wei Ningsheng left, Liu Jun held Wei Ningsheng's hand and said sincerely: "Governor, thank you!"

This "thank you", Wei Ningsheng knew very well that it was aimed at Sanheng Company and Liao Youqing.

Surprisingly, his work was very effective. After Wei Ningsheng ordered, he found Liao Youqing and successfully persuaded him to take the initiative to explain the problem to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

According to Liao Youqing's situation, as long as he took the initiative to confess, the result would be very different. [

Liu Jun felt very relieved.

"You're welcome!"

Wei Ningsheng smiled slightly and said.


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