At the first commissioner's office meeting held by Pingshan, there was no pain with Yan Yucheng

Xue Pingshan basically agreed with Yan Yucheng's "expert development plan", affirming with a smile that Yan Yucheng was indeed an expert in "economic development and construction".

It's a good thing to say, but Yan Yucheng feels uncomfortable.Not because of anything else, but because Xue Pingshan's tone of voice is so obvious that he regards himself as a leader and condescending.You, Xue Pingshan, are the top leader, but you are new here, so don't take yourself too seriously, right?

Uncomfortable is uncomfortable, the work that should be done still has to be done.No matter what, as long as Xue Pingshan affirms this development idea.Experts are experts, and the development strategies made according to local conditions are all based on reality, well-founded, and the expectations for the future are also very clear.Following this line of thinking, the rapid economic development of the Baozhou area is completely predictable.

Xue Pingshan is not an idiot. How could there be any reason for Yan Yucheng to present such a "big gift" as soon as he took office? [

The commissioner's office meeting was held in a friendly manner at first, and Yan Yucheng then threw out a plan to overhaul water conservancy.There is also a basis for this. Baozhou is located inland, with dense hills and mountains. Some places are flooded and some places are drought. Although there are few overall major disasters, local droughts and floods endanger one or two The agricultural production of this county and even the safety of the county seat still happen frequently.Last year, more than half of the counties had difficulty drinking water.The reason is natural disasters. The main reason is that many reservoirs in the Baozhou area, especially the key reservoirs, were mostly built during the "Great Leap Forward" period more than 70.00 years ago. , some small reservoirs, the water surface has been reduced to the size of a slightly larger pond, basically in name only.However, more than [-]% of the water diversion ditches, including the main canal, have lost their function, and they are completely blocked by siltation.

"The situation is very serious, comrades. If things go on like this, within a few years, not to mention the irrigation of crops, there will be great difficulties in the domestic and industrial water use of several major cities and towns. Large-scale renovations are needed immediately. ..."

Yan Yucheng's tone was serious.

The other deputy commissioners are all "Old Baozhou", and they have a deep understanding of what Yan Yucheng said, and they nodded frequently when they heard the words.Jiang Kaige, deputy commissioner in charge of agriculture, forestry and water conservancy, even voiced his support.

"Secretary Yan is right. The water conservancy facilities in our area have reached the point where they must be repaired."

Yan Yucheng's position in the party was adjusted to deputy secretary.Jiang Kaige called him Secretary Yan instead of Commissioner Yan as usual.After all, the title of "secretary".The coverage is wider.Under the premise that the party leads everything.It also looks more powerful.

Xue Pingshan frowned slightly.He asked flatly: "Comrade Yucheng. Is there a specific renovation plan?"


Yan Yucheng reported a lot of data.

He was originally a "high-rise" type leader.Once assuming the administrative leadership position responsible for specific work.We have to take Comrade Liu Jincai as our "model".Play the "numbers game".

This is a person who does specific work.Must have the basic quality.

I heard that the time span lasted three years, and the average annual regional financial investment was more than 400 million yuan. Xue Pingshan frowned even tighter. He looked up at Yao Yumei, the director of the regional finance bureau who was present at the meeting, and asked, "Director Yao, Can the regional finances be afforded by this?"

Yao Yumei is in her early 40s, with a slightly plump body and a well-rounded appearance, with the charm of an old lady.It is not easy for a lesbian to sit in the position of director of the regional finance bureau.At the very least, it shows two connotations - first, has a tough background; second, has extraordinary ability.Both are indispensable.

Listening to Commissioner Xue's inquiry, Yao Yumei smiled first, but the smile was charming and charming.Yao Yumei was always the focus of many gay men's attention in every commissioner's office meeting.Although everyone respects their identities and does not stare at her directly, especially when Zhou Peiming was a commissioner, most of the time he had a gloomy face, comrades should "see no evil", but from the corner of the eye A glance is still possible.As for Yao Yumei's turn to speak, everyone naturally looked at it, and Commissioner Zhou couldn't do anything about it.

"Commissioner Xue, all the leaders, everyone knows that the regional finances have always been tight, and it is hard for poor families... To say that the construction of water conservancy is really a great thing that benefits the country and the people. If the leaders make a decision, the regional finances will continue It is difficult, but we must resolutely implement the spirit of the commissioner's meeting...but..."

The woman spoke obliquely and sounded very strenuous.

Fortunately, Xue Pingshan had served as Pi Zhiping's secretary for many years, and had experienced many times in the provincial party committee office. He spoke obliquely and obliquely, and clouds and fog were his specialty. He was not angry at the moment, and asked with a smile: "But what? Comrade Yao Yumei, If you have something to say, you are all comrades, so there is no need to hesitate."

Seemingly being criticized, Yao Yumei was not angry, and still smiled and said: "If you invest in water conservancy, the expert development plan that Secretary Yan just mentioned, some projects, the funds will be very tight, and the regional finances will not be able to make ends meet!"

This is true. When has the government's finances not been tight?Even if the funds are very abundant, as the head of the finance bureau, as usual, you have to cry and cry poor.Otherwise, if you stretch out your hand everywhere and everyone asks for money, I'm not afraid that you, Yao Yumei, are good at dancing, so you have no choice but to hang yourself! [

Xue Pingshan smiled slightly, looked at Yan Yucheng, and said gently: "Comrade Yucheng, I don't think Director Yao's words are unreasonable. According to the spirit of the central document, we should still concentrate on economic construction and use the limited funds. Where it is most needed—good steel should be used wisely... The construction of water conservancy is of course a great thing that benefits the country and the people, but it is not very urgent right now. It’s not too late to do it with more room, what do you think?”

As far as Xue Pingshan's attitude was concerned, he was very modest and polite. He used a discussing tone, and he respected Yan Yucheng very much, giving him enough face.

But who is Yan Yucheng?How can it be so easy to fool?For Xue Pingshan's little Jiujiu, he is as clear as a mirror.To put it bluntly, Xue Pingshan came down to be gilded. After one term expires, not to mention promotion, it is a logical time to go further to become the secretary of the prefectural party committee or to be transferred back to a heavyweight department of a provincial unit to be a leader.

The prospect is bright!

In the past two or three years, he will naturally have to devote all his energy to projects that have quick results and quick money, in order to receive immediate results and add a strong stroke to his political record.As for the construction of water conservancy, which is "a waste of time and money" and has a slow effect, if it can be done, it can be slowed down.I have been here for so many years, isn’t it good?How can there be problems during my tenure?It's not too late to wait for the next one to fix it.

Leaders at all levels are eager for quick success, busy making political achievements during their tenure, and only focusing on "short and smooth"

The project has already begun to take shape here.This gets stronger as time goes on.It has caused many invisible evil consequences and buried many hidden dangers.

Xue Pingshan expected that Yan Yucheng would also agree with his opinion.

Could it be that I, Xue Pingshan, benefited from making political achievements as soon as possible?All the gentlemen here, who doesn't share some benefits?I will progress smoothly at that time. Among you, there will always be someone who will go up in order and do things that everyone is happy, and only a fool will refuse.

The squad leader made a clear statement, and everyone looked at the materials in their hands, preparing to move on to the next topic.

However, whether it is the new Commissioner Xue or his old colleagues, they underestimate Yan Yucheng's stubborn character.This person, if you say that he has no officialdom wisdom, it definitely doesn't make sense. In seven years, he was promoted from the director of a commune to the deputy secretary of the prefectural committee. How can he be an idler?In the final analysis, they only counted the level of "everyone benefits" in the officialdom, but they ignored Yan Yucheng's determination to do practical things for the common people.

"Commissioner Xue, I do not agree to postpone the repair of water conservancy."

Yan Yucheng said coldly with a straight face.

As soon as these words were uttered, everyone in the commissioner's office couldn't help but secretly excited—what?Do it so soon?This Yan Yucheng really refused to admit defeat.

Even Yao Yumei, who had been grinning all the time, was stunned, and then she revealed an imperceptible wry smile.What I said just now seems to be a good choice for the new commissioner!She knew Yan Yucheng's temper very well.When he was still the secretary of the Baozhou Municipal Party Committee, he was known for his toughness.Several times for financial appropriation matters, I called the door to make myself very passive.

Now that he is his own superior, it is even more difficult to deal with.

The first and second leaders of the Civil Administration wrestled, and the most difficult thing was the heads of these functional departments caught in the middle.It's really a mouse in a bellows, getting angry at both ends.He also suffers from a sense of uselessness, suffocating to death without making a sound.

Fortunately, Secretary Yan's "outrage" is not directed at himself, let's see how Commissioner Xue responds.

Xue Pingshan also lowered his face, looking at Yan Yucheng a little coldly.

Yan Yucheng didn't look at him, turned to the participants, and said slowly: "Comrades, I also know that the construction of water conservancy is a hard job. The investment is large, the results are slow, and it takes time and effort. But the situation waits for no one, and we have no way to slow down. If our current team doesn’t care about it, and the next team doesn’t care about it, then sooner or later there will be big problems. By then, it will be too late to regret... As a party member and a leading cadre, the basic purpose of serving the people is still to land?"

This is a serious word, Xue Pingshan's face turned black.A group of deputy commissioners all turned pale in horror, as for the head of the unit who attended the meeting, it was okay, he just looked down at the notebook in his hand, as if there were countless secrets in it, which were worth studying with great effort.

The commissioners wrestled, but they couldn't reach it anyway, so they just wanted to make a fortune in silence.As long as you don't cough and fart indiscriminately. [

"Comrade Yucheng, serving the people is the most basic purpose that our party has always adhered to. I think every comrade here understands it clearly. But I think that delaying the construction of water conservancy means not serving the people? Could it be that the construction of other projects, Vigorously developing the economic construction of our district is not serving the people? What we are discussing today is a matter of priority, there is no need to put it on the line, right?"

Xue Pingshan also spoke slowly, his voice still calm and without a trace of anger.Sure enough, he is worthy of being an "veteran" experienced by the provincial party committee and the big organization, and his bearing is excellent.

Yan Yucheng took a breath, calmed down his emotions, and said, "Commissioner Xue, I'm not going online, I'm just anxious. I have a bad attitude, please forgive me and your comrades... This matter really cannot be delayed..."

Seeing that he was overwhelmed, Jiang Kaige stepped forward to mediate in time.Among all the deputy commissioners, Jiang Kaige's qualifications are considered the oldest, and he should be in charge of the construction of water conservancy, so it is appropriate to come forward to be a peacemaker at this time.

"Commissioner Xue, Secretary Yan, let me say a few words about this matter... I think the starting point of the two leaders is very good, and they are all for the economic development of our district to reach a new level as soon as possible... Provincial experts The development idea put forward is very good, and the region should fully support it... The construction of water conservancy is also a good thing that benefits the country and the people... I have a suggestion, can the Water Conservancy Bureau come forward to do something about the reservoirs and aqueducts in the whole district? A comprehensive investigation to obtain first-hand information, and then come up with a specific plan, divided into grades and grades. For those reservoirs that must be repaired and cleaned up immediately, especially pivotal reservoirs, the repair work should be carried out immediately to avoid Accident happened, caught off guard..."

Jiang Kaige's words were realistic and reasonable, and everyone nodded frequently.

A smile appeared on Xue Pingshan's face again, and he praised: "Comrade Kaige said well, I think that's the way to do it."


I gave Yan Yucheng a thumbs up.

This time, it was not in the small study of the Yan family, but in the big living room of my house.The table was full of people, and everyone sat around and talked—the grandpa and grandma moved to Baozhou City to stay for a while as scheduled, and my uncle and cousin Ruan Weide escorted the two old people here.

Hearing that grandpa and grandma were coming, Yan Yucheng immediately led Xie Ying and Yan Fei to visit and say hello to the two elders.

"Stinky boy, what's wrong with it?"

After chatting for a while, Yan Yucheng laughed and cursed when he saw my thumbs up.

"Fair and fair, dedicated to the public, amazing!"

I sincerely praise it.

Yan Yucheng and Xue Ping were on top of the mountain at the commissioner's office meeting, and it spread throughout Baozhou official circles at a very fast speed that day.The appointment of a new commissioner is the focus of everyone's attention. How can such "news" spread so quickly?

Yan Yucheng said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, I became a 'positive model'... In fact, Commissioner Xue said that good steel should be used for cutting edge, which is also very reasonable. It is very normal to have different opinions at work."

"Open and aboveboard, broad-minded, even more remarkable!"

Seizing the opportunity, the yamen naturally flooded with flattery and flattery.Yan Yucheng's concentration was a little weaker, he must have knocked me out.

"You brat, you can talk nonsense."

Finally Yan Yucheng couldn't bear it any longer and hit me hard.

Yan Fei pursed her lips and smiled, but this time she didn't stand up for me.

"Xiao Jun, don't say such words that are not conducive to unity in the future, and pay attention to maintaining the prestige of Comrade Xue Pingshan."

After laughing for a while, Yan Yucheng said solemnly.

I looked at him carefully for a while, and felt that his expression did not seem to be fake, and I thought to myself that this person is indeed a man of extraordinary ability, and he has everyone's demeanor!

"The prestige of the leaders must be maintained, and the work that should be done cannot be put on hold."

Dad, smoking a cigarette, interjected.

Yan Yucheng glanced at him and nodded slightly.Dad didn't say much anymore.These two have worked together for many years, and they have a tacit understanding. Many things can only be said with a few words, or even a look is enough.

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