Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2109 Scared and Confused

Everyone knew that Liu Jun would attach importance to Rao Fengshan's election bribery case, but they didn't expect to pay so much attention to it.

Liu Jun went to Guangnan to handle the matter in person!

As a result, the leaders of Guangnan City really panicked.Notified by the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, Guangnan City immediately convened an emergency Standing Committee meeting, mobilized from top to bottom, and thoroughly cleaned the sanitation environment in the city.

In any case, Secretary Liu's trip to Guangnan was conducted in the name of a work inspection.

Although everyone knew that Secretary Liu actually came here for Rao Fengshan's bribery case, but since the name was a work inspection, the possibility that Secretary Liu would go to other places in Guangnan City to take a look at it could not be ruled out. [

Receiving Liu Jun is a very head-scratching job.Basically, there was no "precise" itinerary in advance. When the Guangnan Municipal Party Committee Office contacted the Provincial Party Committee Office, the leader of the Provincial Party Committee Office was also vague. a lot of space.

That is to say, Secretary Liu may change the itinerary at any time and go to some places that have not been determined in advance.

Now that such a leader who does not play cards according to common sense is on the table, the cadres of Guangnan City have no choice but to "resign to their fate".Municipal party secretary Guo Hongyun and mayor Han Kechang acted separately. Before Liu Jun arrived, they urgently summoned the secretaries and district and county heads of the subordinate districts and counties and made some emergency arrangements.

Hope it works.

In mid-July, the fire shines golden.Under the scorching sun of the victory, Guo Hongyun and Han Kechang led all the in-service leaders of the four teams of Guangnan City to greet Secretary Liu at the exit of the expressway.

This is another ny.

The General Office of the Provincial Party Committee has a clear notice on this, don't engage in this welcoming and sending ceremony. Secretary Liu doesn't catch a cold.But Guo Hongyun did not dare to neglect.

The leader said so, who knows what's in his heart?

Guo Hongyun, who came out of the Raofengshan election bribery case in Guangnan, was "waiting for the crime", if he neglected Secretary Liu in the reception, the consequences would be really unpredictable.Now that there is such a battle, even if Secretary Liu is unhappy, he will definitely not be deeply responsible if he criticizes a few words.

As the saying goes, it is not surprising that there are many people who are polite.

The situation at the exit of the Guangnan Expressway is spectacular. Dozens of small cars are lined up neatly, all with the air conditioners fully turned on. The leaders sit in the cars and stretch their necks to look at the expressway from time to time.

In fact, there is no need for this.The entire expressway was covered with "secret sentinels." As soon as Secretary Liu's car got on the expressway, news came immediately, and thereafter every [-] kilometers, the report was made, and the driving situation was clear.When Secretary Liu is about to arrive, it's not too late for everyone to come out and line up to welcome him.

It's just that everyone is nervous.

Finally, "the last stop" news came, and Secretary Liu's convoy was about to arrive.

Guo Hongyun immediately walked down from the big Audi alley, straightened his clothes, and walked to the pre-set position.Guo Hongyun’s action was like the sound of a starting gun, and all the doors of the cars were opened, and all the leaders in white shirts and black trousers came out of the car in unison, and stood next to Guo Hongyun one by one according to the "rehearsal" mode. He straightened his waist and leaned slightly to the side of the highway.

The sun in July in the province is indeed very poisonous. The leaders were sweating profusely within less than a minute after getting out of the car.A few secretaries hurriedly opened the parasols and came forward with fans in hand, intending to relieve the leader from the summer heat a little, but they were immediately stared back with stern eyes.

Don't even look at what occasion it is now?

Secretary Guo is standing upright!

Finally, the big black and shiny Audi appeared on the other side of the expressway. The officials of Guangnan City couldn't help but straighten up again, and the faces of some cadres turned slightly blue due to nervousness. [

"Secretary, comrades from Guangnan line up in front to welcome you!"

Sitting in the passenger seat, Zhou Liangchen caught a glimpse of the dark crowd at the exit and hurriedly reported to Liu Jun in a low voice.

Liu Jun's face suddenly sank, and he didn't say a word.

Da Ao forced out of the toll gate, and Guo Hongyun and Guangnan cadres had smiles on their faces.But immediately, the smile froze, and the big Audi drove past without stopping.

The cadres in Guangnan were full of embarrassment. When they were at a loss, the big Audi stopped slowly, the reverse lights came on, and then slowly backed up again. It stopped in front of Guo Hongyun, and the car glass slowly lowered, revealing the provincial The majestic and quiet face of the party secretary.

Guo Hongyun hurriedly stepped forward, straightened his body, looked directly at Liu Jun, and waited for instructions.

Liu Jun sighed softly, and said, "Hong Yun, tell comrades to get in the car and go talk in the city."

"It's Secretary Liu!"

Guo Hongyun straightened his waist again, and replied loudly in an obviously unnecessary loud voice.

Liu Jun nodded, the car rose slowly, and the big Audi moved forward slowly again.


Han Kechang, the mayor of Guangnan next to Guo Hongyun, asked in a daze.

"Get in the car, hurry up and follow!"

With a wave of his hand, Guo Hongyun ran forward and got into his car.

There was a panic on the road, and the leaders hurriedly got into their special cars separately.

Guo Hongyun's driver didn't wait for the secretary's order, and immediately stepped on the gas pedal to follow the guard car behind the Audi.

From the rearview mirror, the driver saw that a smile appeared on Secretary Guo's face.

It seemed that although Secretary Liu was angry, he still cared about Guo Hongyun, and finally saved him some face.Guo Hongyun is only 46 years old this year, and he is in the prime of life.Like many leading cadres of the Zhuang faction, when Liu Jungang came to the province, Guo Hongyun was nervous, but he also saw a rare opportunity in it.

The first is age.

When it comes to the young school, people all over the world can get into Liu Jun's head. The 38-year-old alternate member of the Politburo and secretary of the provincial party committee is unique.Liu Jun's own youth determines that when he forms his own team, age will become an extremely important reference factor.

The secretary of the provincial party committee is a very special class in the political territory of the Republic.Beginning in the 90s, after the political ecology gradually normalized, most of the members of almost all giant conferences were produced in this class, with very few exceptions.

Everyone knows very well that the secretary of the provincial party committee will also be a transition for Liu Jun, not the end.The pinnacle of Liu Jun's official career must be on a high altar.Based on Liu Jun's age to analyze the position of Provincial Party Secretary, Liu Jun may serve another term.In other words, his future team will basically be finalized within the tenure of these provincial party committee secretaries.After Liu Jun ascended to the top of the power pyramid, there were very few middle and grassroots cadres who could really get in touch.At that time, it was much more difficult to get close to Liu Jun than it is now, and it required great opportunities. [

So at this stage, the secretary of the municipal party committee in his forties like Guo Hongyun will be Liu Jun's primary training target.

If Guo Hongyun is lucky enough to win Liu Jun's favor, he is likely to accompany Liu Jun to the end.

Therefore, most of the leading cadres of the young and strong faction in this province, although they don't say anything, they are not secretly competing in their hearts, they want to show themselves in front of Secretary Liu and win the great opportunity of Conglong.

Relatively speaking, Guo Hong's calculation is a relatively outstanding one.Secretary Liu is very satisfied with the development of Guangnan City in recent years.Guo Hongyun often gets some praise.Provided by Qingcheng Qingcheng.

Guo Hongyun also heard that Secretary Liu intends to expand the membership of the Provincial Party Committee. In addition to one more member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Government, there will be another member, which will fall on the head of the local princes.

Prior to this, the secretary of the Guangnan Municipal Party Committee had a precedent of "joining the cabinet".If Secretary Liu really had this intention, wouldn't he, Guo Hongyun, want to be a lucky star and step into the ranks of deputy provincial and ministerial cadres?Moreover, he is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee with extremely high gold content.

It's so hard to die, but the Rao Fengshan case happened at this time. Guo Hongyun ruthlessly greeted all eighteen generations of Rao Fengshan's ancestors in his heart.If it weren't for the fact that the Rao Fengshan case had already been taken over by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Guo Hongyun would have screwed off the bastard's head without hesitation to express his determination to Secretary Liu!

The moment the big Audi passed by Guo Hongyun, Guo Hongyun felt like a thunderbolt.

The most slanderous thing in the officialdom is face. Secretary Liu is so "resolute" and recorded the face of Guo Hongyun and all the leaders of Guangnan City, which shows how angry he is.

Fortunately, the big Audi finally fell back.

Guo Hongyun heard a hint of resentment from Secretary Liu's soft sigh.This Chennai by no means means that Liu Jun "yielded" to the cadres of Guangnan City, but gave him Guo Hongyun's face.

For the cadres he values, Liu Jun is still quite protective.

From this point of view, Guo Hongyun has not yet lost his "sacred family" and there is still room for redemption.

Thinking of this, Guo Hongyun couldn't help but raised his wrist and wiped his forehead.

The secretary sitting in the co-pilot's seat saw this scene from the rearview mirror and couldn't help being shocked. He hurriedly took two tissues and handed them to Guo Hongyun.

Guo Hongyun took it, and "smeared" it all over his face in a very unrefined posture. Then he let out a long sigh of relief, and leaned back on the chair suddenly, as if his whole body was a little weak.

"Xiaoye, are the conference rooms all set up?"

Guo Hongyun paused for a while, then asked again suddenly.

Xiaoye is his secretary.

Xiaoye was even more horrified.

Is this still a question?

It seems that Secretary Guo was really "scared" and confused by Secretary Liu, a bit like the meaning of Cao Chengxiang anxiously asking about the head after Xia Li Changban Qiaotou faced Zhang Yide in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

But at this moment, Xiaoye naturally didn't dare to bring out the slightest bit of strangeness on her face and replied respectfully: "Yes, secretary, everything is arranged, and the comrades in the office arranged it last night."


Guo Hongyun nodded, and once again heaved a long sigh of relief and leaned back on the back of the chair. (to be continued)

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