Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2121 The Dawn of Victory in the Financial National War

After Xie Jin gave Pan Zhiren a few words, he turned to Xie Yixiang and said, "Yixiang, you are quite clear about the situation in Jiangkou City. After you pass by, you should focus on two things. The first one is to continue to control the flow of funds, especially It is the flow direction of private capital. The amount of private capital in Jiangkou is very large and active. At such a critical moment, you can’t get confused. The second is to complete Jiangkou’s economic transformation as soon as possible, strengthen its own hematopoietic function, and establish itself. Only with our unique brand and advantages can we exert greater autonomy in the future and not be restricted by others."

"Yes, Prime Minister."

Xie Yixiang responded respectfully.

Only then did Pan Zhiren know that the candidate for Jiangkou City Party Committee Secretary, which had been secretly contested for a long time, was finally settled.Never would have thought that Xie Yixiang would be the party secretary of Jiangkou City.

Xie Yixiang is an alternate member of the Central Committee. [

Thinking of this, Pan Zhiren couldn't help but cast a glance at Liu Jun, Liu Jun smiled and nodded.

Pan Zhiren saw a very indifferent determination on the old leader's face.

It should be said that Liu Jun was as strong as ever in the adjustment of the provincial party committee team.

Originally thought that Zhao Xianjue would take over the position of executive vice governor, but ended up going to Yidong, and Tan Qigong took over as executive vice governor. With this change alone, the political structure of the entire province has undergone profound changes.Some conventions, all were broken.Perhaps this change was not just Zhao Xianjue's transfer, but a new precedent for the province's future political layout.

In detail, this is also very beneficial to the province itself.No matter how rich a province is, the cadre team is always the key.If there is no increase in exchanges and the introduction of fresh blood, it will gradually lose its vitality and fall into the quagmire of egotism and empiricism, which will not benefit the development of the province.

Secondly, Pan Zhiren's appointment as vice governor of the Provincial Standing Committee and Xie Yixiang's appointment as the governor of Jiangkou City can be seen as Yan Liu's move to penetrate the political territory of the province.

Prior to this, Yan Liu's voice in the province was relatively weak.Liu Jun cannot be counted among them.After all, he has different identities, and it is impossible for the secretary of the provincial party committee to always be a member of the same faction.After Liu Jun leaves the province, how much influence the faction can continue to exert in the province is the most critical.

If it is said that Pan Zhiren's appointment seems a little bit reluctant, Xie Yixiang's appointment as Jiangkou Municipal Party Committee Secretary is a thunderbolt.

As far as Pan Zhiren knows, as early as three years ago, the big group had put Xie Yixiang out to run for the position of the Central Committee member. Later, because of the need for balance, they had to settle for the second best. Xie Yixiang and Liao Shunli, the two former secretaries of Liu Jincai, both Elected as an alternate member of the Central Committee.But in terms of use, it is heading towards the ministerial position.

Liao Shunli has officially become the governor of Jianghan Province this year.There are also rumors that Xie Yixiang will go further in the near future and become a ministerial-level official in charge of a certain ministry of the State Council.

It is estimated that the competition for Jiangkou Municipal Party Committee Secretary is too fierce, and cadres with ordinary qualifications will not be able to gain an advantage in the competition, so the big group simply sent Xie Yixiang out.In terms of qualifications and experience, Xie Yixiang is second to none among all the candidates. As the "Minister-designate", he competed for the position of Party Secretary of Jiangkou City, and compared all other competitors at once.

This shows how important the position of Jiangkou Municipal Party Committee Secretary is in Liu Jun's mind, and he is determined not to let this position fall into the hands of other factions.

As for saying that Xie Yixiang and Pan Zhiren went there to strengthen Liu Jun's right to speak, that's not true.

With Liu Jun's current prestige in the province, there is no need to do anything more.Liu Jun's original intention was to cultivate more reserve talents for his faction, and also to prepare for his future transfer from the province.

Xie Yixiang, Pan Zhiren, Yu Huaixin, Mei Wenhua and others, together with a group of young cadres trained by Liu Jun in the province in the past few years, are enough to form a decisive force and greatly increase their voice in the province.Of course, it is also one of Liu Jun's plans to strongly control Jiangkou, the bridgehead of reform and opening up, when the financial national war is about to come to an end.

He didn't hesitate to send Xie Yixiang, an alternate member of the Central Committee standing on the threshold of the ministerial level, to Jiangkou City, but Liu Jun spent a lot of money.

"The audit work in Zhiren Province is far more difficult than that in Q Province. You have to be mentally prepared."

After the old man came to an end, Liu Jun said with a smile.

Not to mention anything else, but the total economic volume of the province is not comparable to that of the province, and various business activities are much more complicated. Even many village-level administrative agencies have large accounts of money transactions, which means that not only work The workload has increased, and the difficulty of the work has also increased a lot. Pan Zhiren has to take charge of other tasks, and the burden on his shoulders is really heavy. [

Pan Zhiren quickly replied: "Yes, Secretary, I have already made mental preparations for this.

Liu Jincai said: "Everything is not difficult as long as you do it with your heart."

"Yes, Prime Minister!"

Pan Zhiren replied respectfully.

Liu Jun said: "There is already a vacancy in the province. The two of you should hand over your work as soon as possible, and strive to report to the province as soon as possible."

Xie Yixiang and Pan Zhiren nodded in agreement.

This visit did not last too long, about an hour later, Xie Yixiang and Pan Zhiren got up and left immediately, Liu Jun personally sent them to the door and waved goodbye.

Back in the living room, Liu Jincai was still leaning on the sofa, frowning slightly as if he was still thinking about some important issue.

"Xiao Jun, what do you think if you increase your holdings of US treasury bonds by US$1000 billion?"

Seeing his son sitting down opposite, Liu Jin asked slowly.

Liu Jun smiled slightly and said, "That depends on what the 1000 billion US dollars can be exchanged for. As long as it's a good deal, it's fine."

Liu Jun has always been very familiar with the country's financial situation.Before the outbreak of the financial crisis, we decisively withdrew capital from the European and American virtual asset markets, and basically did not suffer much loss. Most of the foreign exchange reserves of nearly two trillion US dollars were withdrawn safely.After more than two years of operation, the Republic’s strategy of opening up other energy and resource supply bases has been implemented relatively successfully. The bases in Central Asia are gradually becoming more stable, and the diplomatic relations between our country and several countries in Central Asia have also been further strengthened. , a relationship similar to a strategic partnership is gradually established.Penetration into Africa and Southeast Asia is also being further strengthened.

It should be said that this approach has been fully recognized by many small and medium-sized developing countries. Western developed countries headed by the United States have also been severely suppressed.The reason is simple: we have not been a miser. On the contrary, in order to stimulate global economic growth, we have spent a considerable part of our foreign exchange reserves. For three consecutive years, my country's trade deficit has continued to expand, and imported materials and equipment have surged.

Of course, our trading partners and partners are no longer limited to developed countries.Basically, it imports energy and resources from developing countries, imports technology and equipment from developed countries, vigorously cultivates domestic enterprises, stimulates domestic demand, and stimulates the development of the domestic market.

Huge foreign exchange reserves are being turned into tangible products and growing domestic productivity.

This is exactly what Liu Jun wanted to achieve when he tried his best to launch the financial national war.

At the same time, the strategy of private capital going out is also bearing fruit.Many potential companies affected by the financial crisis and struggling to operate have been acquired by our private capital.The tentacles of the Republic have really extended into the back gardens of Western countries.In the junior high school stage of reform and opening up, the scene where foreign capital continued to erode our national industry has now reappeared.It's just that the subject and object have been reversed.In the past, people continued to acquire and annex our potential companies, and now it is our turn to annex their potential companies.

Some changes, invisible but intangible, are actually happening.

Without the "generous assistance" of the Republic, the economic crisis in European and American countries cannot be alleviated for a long time, and the real economy of the United States is facing the possibility of a second bottom.At the beginning of this year, debt crises erupted one after another in the European Union countries, and the euro zone was deeply in debt. The economic crisis in the United States can only be hopeless and helpless.

Tiho, a country with stable economic development, has increasingly become the "source of hope" for the world.

At this moment, the United States can only be forced to put down its arrogant airs and strengthen communication and negotiations with us.The so-called increase in holdings of US treasury bonds by US$1000 billion was proposed on this basis.The United States desperately needs the economic assistance of the Republic.

"Second Bretton Woods!"[

Liu Jincai said in a deep voice.Provided by Qingcheng Qingcheng.

The so-called Bretton Woods system refers to the international monetary system centered on the US dollar after World War II.As a supplement to the Bretton Woods Conference, the predecessor of the World Trade Organization, the General Agreement on Tariffs, together with the agreements adopted by the Bretton Woods Conference, are collectively called the Bretton Woods System, which is the main content of foreign exchange liberalization, capital liberalization and trade liberalization. The multilateral economic system constitutes the core content of the capitalist group, and it is a system to realize the economic hegemony of the United States in accordance with the principles formulated by the United States.

The Bretton Longing system was based on gold, with the U.S. dollar as the main international reserve currency.The U.S. dollar is directly linked to gold, and the currencies of various countries are linked to the U.S. dollar, and can be exchanged for gold in the United States at the official price of $35 an ounce.Under the Bretton Woods system, the U.S. dollar can be exchanged for gold and countries implement an adjustable pegged exchange rate system. These are the two pillars that constitute the currency system. The International Monetary Fund is the central institution that maintains the normal operation of the system. It has Supervising international exchange rates, providing international credit, and coordinating international monetary relations have three major functions.

But there is a fatal flaw in this system, that is, it uses a country's currency (the U.S. dollar) as the main reserve asset, which is inherently unstable.Because only by relying on the long-term trade deficit of the United States, can the US dollars be dispersed all over the world, so that other countries can obtain the supply of US dollars.But in this way, it will inevitably affect people's confidence in the dollar and cause a dollar crisis.However, if the United States maintains a balance of international payments, it will cut off the supply of international reserves, causing insufficient international solvency.This is an insurmountable contradiction.

Since the late 50s, as the competitiveness of the U.S. economy gradually weakened, its balance of payments began to deteriorate, and a global "dollar surplus" emerged. Countries have sold U.S. dollars for gold, and U.S. gold began to flow out in large quantities.The Nixon administration was forced to announce the abandonment of the U.S. dollar "gold standard" in which the official price of 35 U.S. dollars an ounce was exchanged for gold, and implemented a free floating exchange rate between gold and the U.S. dollar, marking the fact that the Bretton Woods system had actually collapsed.

Yet the two organizations that formed the Bretton Woods system, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, still play this vital role in international trade.

After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, a new financial system has not been established, so the current world monetary system is actually in a very chaotic state.

The European Union was once ambitious and wanted to take advantage of the weakening of the United States by the financial crisis to forcefully use the euro as the world currency and replace the dollar.Two years ago, it was proposed to establish a second Bretton Woods system, readjust the rights and obligations among the world's major economies, and play a more important role in international affairs.

At that time, the United States failed to deal with the impact of the European Union toughly.

But now, the European Union is also in trouble. The debt crises that have erupted in various countries have caused the euro to plummet. Before it can compete with the US dollar, it will automatically be out.

Liu Jun frowned slightly, and said, "What are the characteristics of this second Bretton Woods system?"

"Rebuild the world monetary system. But it is no longer dominated by the United States, or the United States is no longer the sole master of the monetary organization. There is currently a motion to list the US dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen and the renminbi as the world's currency, and to fix the Exchange rate, in order to stabilize the international currency market and exchange rate market that continue to fluctuate."

Liu Jincai briefly explained to his son.

Liu Jun's eyes lit up, and he pondered: "You can try this. No matter whether it succeeds in the end, at least it can shake the hegemony of the United States."

Facts have proved that once a certain dominance is shaken, it is not so difficult to restore it later.

The establishment of the second Bretton Woods system is obviously not an overnight achievement, and requires protracted negotiations. Perhaps the world economy will have recovered long before the negotiations are successful.But this is not the focus of Liu Jun's concern.Judging from the current motion, Western countries have already intended to make more concessions to the Republic, and are ready to accept the RMB as one of the world's circulating currencies, which is freely convertible.

In other words, the economic status of the Republic has been recognized by everyone, and finally there is hope for the right to dialogue on an equal footing. This is what Liu Jun desperately desires to obtain, "the right to control the formulation of rules" or at least the right to participate in the formulation of rules.

This is crucial to the rise of the country.

Always in a passive position, always adapting to the rules of the game formulated by other countries, and always unable to get rid of the fate of being manipulated.

Perhaps this second Bretton Woods system will never be achieved, but as long as the unipolar status of the United States is shaken, other countries will have more opportunities.The United States also has no ability to prevent my country from further playing its due role in the international community.

The financial country war has reached the dawn of victory.

To be continued,)

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