Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2126 An Ran Leaves

Mr. Ding put on the old-fashioned yellow military uniform that had been washed clean, and he immediately looked more energetic and radiant.

He Mengying originally wanted to take out the general's coat her grandfather wore when he was awarded the title in [-], and the old man looked very majestic wearing this.But after holding it in his hand and looking carefully, he put it down reluctantly.

Compared with more than fifty years ago, the old man is really too thin.At that time, Commander He was in the prime of his life, so full of vigor and vigor.Now, the old man can no longer wear this set of general's coat that represents the heyday of a great era.Perhaps, in the old man's mind, the old-fashioned yellow military uniform is more intimate and comfortable.

The old man put on the yellow military uniform, looked at himself in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction, and then wanted to fasten the discipline buckle with his own hands, his hands trembling slightly, He Mengying hurriedly stepped forward to fasten the discipline buckle for grandpa.

Mr. He reached out and patted his granddaughter on the head, and nodded with a smile. [

He Mengying took out four glittering medals—the "First-Class August [-]st Medal", "First-Class Independence and Freedom Medal" and "First-Class Liberation Medal" awarded to Commander He when the title was conferred in [-].The other one is the "First-Class Red Star Meritorious Medal" awarded in [-].

Mr. He waved his hand and said, "Don't wear this, put it away."

He Mengying forced a smile: "It looks good on it..."

Mr. He smiled and said, "It's good to look good, but grandpa is past the age of liking good looks."

He Mengying was about to say something, Liu Jun shook his head slightly at her.

Obviously, the old man feels right about himself. This is his last time. It can be said that every minute is precious. It is obviously very unwise to dwell on such an issue for too long.

Although the old man wanted to go through the last journey of his century-old life safely, but in his current position, he really couldn't help himself in many cases.What he said now will be recorded as a will and can also be interpreted as a political last word.

The old man slowly sat down on the teacher's chair in the living room and said hello: "Everyone sit down, chat with my old man, talk..."

Mei Changzheng, He Dongjin and Liu Jun looked at each other and sat down as promised.

Every year, the He family has family gatherings, and the seats of the three of them are almost fixed.He Mengying was worried, and moved a chair to sit next to the old man, so as to deal with "emergencies" at any time.

The old man's life secretary is very clever. He has already brought a camera and started filming and recording.

"Liu Jun, is your matter settled?"

Mr. He asked Liu Jun with a smile.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but the first thing the old man said was to ask about Liu Jun.Although everyone knew the old man's great love for Liu Jun, it was still a bit unexpected that he was the first to ask Liu Jun at this moment.But after thinking about it, I was relieved.

Closely "combining" He Xixi and Liu Jun is exactly the "policy" set by the old man himself.

Liu Jun bowed his body in a hurry, and replied respectfully: "Yes, Grandpa, it's already settled. After the sixth plenum, let's go."

Mr. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Your own opinion?"

Liu Jun nodded and said, "Well, my own opinion."

Mr. He just laughed, and sighed slightly: "Okay... Now is a time of peace. If it was a time of war, it would be a pity that you didn't go to be a soldier!" [

The old man had told people around him more than once that if it was a time of war, a person like Liu Jun would be a natural commander.However, even in peacetime, the sharpness of this kind of person still cannot be concealed.

"Don't worry too much. Teach those restless guys a lesson. Whether it's international politics or domestic politics, although it's ever-changing, there's only one sentence in the end, and that's what Liu Shuai once said—the brave wins when you meet in a narrow road! remember!"

"Yes, Grandpa, I will definitely remember."

Liu Jun replied respectfully.

In fact, as soon as someone in the central government proposed to let Liu Jun go to Tianshan Province, Mr. He knew about it.Some comrades originally worried that Mr. He would come forward to stop him, but he never said a word from the beginning to the end.It's just because the old man knows Liu Jun's character very well, and also believes in Liu Jun's ability.

It may be the best choice for Liu Jun to go to Tianshan.

"You are fine!"

Mr. He looked at Liu Jun gently, and said softly after a while.

Liu Jun's eyes became moist involuntarily.

"Long March, eastward march, don't argue about the things behind you. Give whatever evaluation you should."

After talking about Liu Jun, Mr. He turned to his two sons and said in a very calm tone.

There is also a precedent for this matter.A few highly respected old comrades passed away, and the children had an unpleasant fight with the central leadership because of the evaluation in the obituary.Mr. He despises this approach.In his view, this is entirely because the children are not up to date, and he has no capital and ability to gain a foothold, so he has to rely on the shadow of the old comrades.It is also euphemistically called "to maximize political benefits."

The He Wu faction has grown into a towering tree now, has a pivotal position and strong influence in the military and political circles, and will no longer be greatly affected and implicated by the death of the old man.

This is what the old man is proud of.

There is a saying in our country called "three generations of riches", which means that the children and grandchildren do not live up to expectations.In Lao He's house, this problem does not exist.


He Changzheng nodded as an answer.

Between father and son, they have been answering like this for decades and no one thinks it is different.

Originally, according to He Dongjin's opinion, the old man's words could not be agreed casually.If the evaluation is too low, how can it be convincing?Not to mention their immediate juniors, even the many generals of the He Wu family would feel aggrieved.But He Changzheng agreed without hesitation, and He Dongjin didn't say anything more.

In fact, He Changzheng agreed so readily, which reflected a kind of extreme self-confidence.

Mr. He continued: "Don't transport the ashes back to my hometown, just bury them in the cemetery. Many old guys are waiting for me there, hehe, it's very lively!"

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth, as if he was very happy.Many of his old comrades-in-arms are indeed resting in that famous revolutionary cemetery.The old man may have thought of the glorious years of the war and the sincere friendship between his comrades. [

Hearing her grandpa talking about her funeral in such a peaceful tone, He Mengying felt sore in her heart, she couldn't help but turned her back and wiped away her tears.

In the afternoon, He Yanan, secretary of the Mingzhu Municipal Party Committee, hurried back to the capital.She left the capital yesterday and returned to Mingzhu. After receiving a call from He Mengying, she rushed back immediately.

Mr. He's mental state is not as strong as it was in the morning, but he insists on refusing to lie down on the bed, so he leans on the Taishi chair to rest, and cushions are placed behind him and on the armrests.

"Dad..." Qingcheng provided it with love.

As soon as He Yan'an entered the door, seeing his father's appearance, he couldn't help but shed tears.

Before that, all members of the Standing Committee, including Chairman Li Zhiguo, had visited the old man in Hefu.The leaders were a little anxious about the old man's decision not to go back to the hospital or continue taking medication.But the old man insisted on it himself, He Changzheng and He Dongjin didn't force it, and the leaders couldn't do anything about it.

During this process, Liu Jun stayed in He Fu and did not "avoid".His close relationship with the He Wu family is known to almost everyone at the central level.However, if it is put in normal times, there are more or less concerns about face.But today, of course, is an exception.None of the leading comrades expressed the slightest "unusualness" to Liu Jun's stay in Hefu at this time.

Seeing the young girl he loves the most, the old man showed a serene smile on his face, panting and said: "Yan'an, it's good to be back..."

He Yan'an didn't care about his identity at all, he squatted down in front of the old man, held his father's skinny palm, and burst into tears.

The old man gently stroked the top of his daughter's head, with a loving expression on his face.At this moment, the half-life veteran general is no different from an ordinary father or an ordinary old man.

When the old man was dying, all the secretaries and service personnel withdrew, leaving only the direct descendants of the He family, his old comrade-in-arms, Mr. Wu, and the second and third generations of the Wu family in Beijing.Everyone formed a big circle.

He Nanfang was the youngest among them, leaning close to his great-grandfather.

The old man gently held Nanfang's little hand with a loving light in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "...Nanfang is a good boy with tenacity, very similar to me when I was a child.

He Mengying nodded desperately and burst into tears.

"Girl, don't cry... The feast that never ends, your grandfather has done a lot of things in his life, beating devils, beating Lao Jiang, building the motherland, asking the heart, you are also very good, I am very happy to do charity, keep doing it, This can be done as your life's work, don't give up, God will take care of you."

"Ok, I know…"

He Mengying reached out to wipe away her tears, and nodded with a smile.

Mr. He's eyes passed over everyone's faces one by one, and settled on Liu Jun's face.

Liu Jun nodded heavily.

There was a gratified smile on the corner of the old man's mouth.

At 42:[-] in the afternoon, the old man sat upright in the grand master's chair, with a serene expression, and slowly closed his wise eyes.

The next day, the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the Military Commission all over the world announced He Lao's obituary with great sorrow.

The Party Central Committee gave He Lao a lofty evaluation: an outstanding party member of our party, a long-tested and loyal communist fighter, a great bourgeois revolutionist, statesman, military strategist, founder of the people's army and an outstanding leader. He Lao is an outstanding leader who has long held important leadership positions in the party and the army. During his 80-year revolutionary career, he was loyal to the cause of our people's liberation and socialist construction, dedicated his life, and made outstanding contributions.He is deeply loved by the whole party, the whole army and the people of the whole country.

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