Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2129

After completing the handover procedures with Shang Xiaozhong, Liu Jun did not go directly to Tianshan Province, but returned to the capital on the same plane as Rong Baichuan the next day.Tomorrow, Vice Chairman Xue Yuanshan, accompanied by Rong Baichuan, will fly to Beiting City, the capital of Tianshan Province, with Liu Jun on the same plane.Wei Zhenxiong, outgoing secretary of the Tianshan Provincial Party Committee, is also a member of the Politburo.

The handover of the two Politburo members who concurrently served as the feudal officials is also an important border town, and the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau should be present in person to show the central government's importance to Tianshan Province and respect for the two Politburo members.

Yan Fei and Liu Yang had moved back to the capital a few days earlier and lived in Da Nei.

In the end, Ruan Bixiu and Xie Ying "won" in this matter. The two mothers took turns calling Yan Fei to do work, and even Xie Ying planned to fly to Nanfang City in person to "speak clearly" to Yan Fei face to face.

The Tianshan Mountains are so far away, and the climate is so harsh, Xie Ying is more worried about Yan Fei and Liu Yang's passing than Ruan Bixiu. [

According to the usual practice, Liu Jun will have at least six years to "defend the border" this time, and he will serve for a full term, and there will be no changes until the [-]th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Don't say it's safe or not, how can Yan Fei stand the wind and sand alone?

Liu Jun's second sister, Liu Ye, and Yan Ming lived in Haixi for a few years, and she couldn't bear it.

Yan Fei was far weaker than Liu Ye, so naturally she couldn't bear it even more.

Yan Fei was not afraid of wind and sand, and besides, just because Beiting City was windy and sandy and the weather was bad, she "abandoned her husband" was not a sufficient reason.But she finally agreed to the suggestions of the two mothers, mainly out of Liu Yang's safety considerations.Moreover, the teaching quality of Capital Middle School seems to be more reassuring.

As for Yan Fei herself, she doesn't have to be too restrained. Whenever she misses her husband, she can fly to Beiting City to reunite with Liu Jun.Now the traffic is very developed, and Yan Fei is a freelancer, and her time is completely at her own disposal.In the past two years, Yan Fei has started to reduce the number of orders. After a year, she only designed ten or twenty sets of clothes, and she refused to accept any excess orders.

Pang Dahai was ordered to be cautious, and "made decisions without authorization", doubling the order price of each set of clothes.In short, it doesn't matter whether others are willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to order clothes from Yan Fei. to Yan Fei's account for daily expenses only.

Yan Fei has already become a billionaire woman, and she has nothing to spend money on, so she donates when she has nothing to do.

Speaking of which, Mrs. Liu, Miss Yan, is the authentic "dandy", who enjoys "spending money" and never frowns.Moreover, Yan Fei's donation is [-]% anonymous, and she will never leave her name for doing good deeds.

Liu Jun naturally let his wife's temper refuse to disagree.

Last night, all the in-service leaders of the five sets of provincial teams gathered at Caiyun Hotel and set up a grand dinner to practice for Secretary Liu and welcome Minister Rong and Secretary Shang.

In addition to the in-service leaders of the five sets of teams in the province, many retired comrades have also arrived.This is not just a matter of political treatment. Many old comrades have voluntarily practiced it for Liu Jun.In just four years, Liu Jun has left a lot of virtues in the province. The development of the province is faster and better than before, especially the development of the mountainous areas in the northwest, which is changing with each passing day. He admired this young secretary with admiration and praised him.

The dinner was very grand and warm.

When many cadres came forward to toast Secretary Liu, Liu Jun was very moved by their true feelings.Mao Wenle, Party Secretary of Sanwen County, Guangnan City, also attended this banquet.

Originally, with Mao Wenle's position, he was not qualified to be invited to this banquet. Liu Jun asked him to attend the banquet by name.

Mao Wenle also bravely stepped forward to toast Liu Jun with a glass of wine.

Liu Jun did not refuse Mao Wenle's toast, drank a toast with him, and praised him for doing a good job in Sanwen County, and he really stood up wherever he fell.

Mao Wenle was implicated in the case of Rao Fengshan in Sanwen County. Although he still served as the deputy secretary of the Guangnan Municipal Party Committee, his real position was the secretary of the Sanwen County Party Committee. His colleagues once regarded him as a "political death sentence."Unexpectedly, when Liu Jun was about to leave office, he was invited by name to attend the cadre meeting and have a banquet together.

It seems that Secretary Liu is not really "tired" of him, and letting him go to Sanwen County is also a training.

In any case, Mao Wenle's nature is very good, he stands upright, and has a good conduct. After going to Sanwen County, he realized his shame and was almost brave, and organized the cadre team in Sanwen County to look decent. [

For such a cadre, Liu Jun will never really beat him to death with a stick.If you think about it carefully, you can become a tool.

After hearing Liu Jun's praise, Mao Wenle burst into tears.

Throughout the dinner, there was more than one cadre with moist eyes, Mao Wenle.

After the dinner, Liu Jun communicated with Wei Ningsheng and other major leading cadres in the province. He earnestly hoped that they could unite closely around Comrade Shang Xiaozhong and make persistent efforts to make the province's various tasks reach higher levels.

When alone with Liu Jun, Wei Ningsheng sighed and said something in his heart-Secretary Liu, I admire him very much!

At Wei Ningsheng's age and status, he has experienced too many storms in his life, and he will not easily reveal his inner feelings.When Liu Jun was about to leave the province, the governor of the province was able to say such a sentence, which showed how respected Liu Jun was in his heart.

This is about politics!Provided by Qingcheng Qingcheng.

In the morning of the next day, Liu Jun and Shang Xiaozhong handled the relevant handover, mainly to give Shang Xiaozhong the details of the province's cadre allocation and the province's main property, so that he can know what he knows.

Regarding the follow-up arrangements of several important cadres, Liu Jun also expressed his views without hesitation.Shang Xiaozhong agreed with a smile.Shang Xiaozhong knew the weight of this kind of "entrustment", and he would never go against Liu Jun's intention.

When the plane arrived in the capital, Liu Jun was not in a hurry to go home, but was invited to Xue Yuanshan's office, and communicated with Xue Yuanshan for about an hour.Tomorrow, they will fly to Beiting City on the same plane. In some cases, they will naturally have to communicate.

Xue Yuanshan knew very well that Liu Jun's trip to Tianshan Province this time was completely different from his predecessor Wei Zhenxiong.Liu Jun received the unanimous support of the central government. Several giants of the Pearl family, including Yan Haojin, made it clear that they agreed to give Liu Jun greater discretionary power.

In modern society, communication is developed. Although there is no such thing as "will not accept the orders of the emperor outside the country" in the traditional sense, the support of Liu Jun by the leaders of the Central Committee and the elders in unanimous voice represents an attitude.

Perhaps the situation on the frontier will change qualitatively after the powerful Liu Jun passes away.

Dedicated authority is indeed an important principle in management.However, the authorization given to Liu Jun by the central government this time is still very special.Gein's authorization was not granted to the post of "member of the Politburo and Secretary of the Tianshan Provincial Party Committee" but to Liu Jun himself.That is to say, this improvised right to dispose will be canceled with the change of Liu Jun's position.

It can be said that it will be difficult for the succeeding Tianshan Provincial Party Committee Secretary to obtain the same authorization again.

Liu Jun left Xue Yuanshan's office, took a stroll and returned to Chunhua Garden, just in time for dinner.

Because Liu Jun will go to Tianshan Province to take up his post tomorrow, this dinner can also be said to be a small, small practical family banquet.Both Yan Yucheng and Xie Ying came over, and the two families sat around and ate together.

During the banquet, Secretary Yan seemed to be very interested. He personally held up the wine glass, toasted his son-in-law, and recited two lines of poems - urging you to drink more wine and go west to Yangguan old friend!

Naturally, these two poems have nothing to do with Secretary Liu's situation. Secretary Yan is just a poet.

Liu Jun said with a smile: "Father, hearing these two lines of poetry makes me feel a little frightened."

Yan Yucheng rolled his eyes and said, "You, don't be a good boy for being cheap. To be honest, if I were ten years younger, you might not be able to go to Tianshan Province. I will go by myself!"

One sentence made everyone laugh. [

The heroism in Yan Yucheng's heart will never melt away.

Liu Yang opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Yan Yucheng laughed and scolded: "Boy, just say what you want, don't be as virtuous as your father, hesitating."

There was another burst of laughter at the table.

Originally, the Liu family's rule was "no words to eat, no words to sleep", and it was always quiet when eating.Naturally, this rule does not apply to Yan Yucheng.

Liu Yang smiled and said: "Grandpa, do you want to imitate Duke Zuo Wenxiang and be famous all over the world?"

It seems that even Liu Yang is well aware of Secretary Yan's heroism.

Liu Yang is 15 years old this year, and has grown into a half-grown boy. He is about 1.7 meters taller than Yan Fei. He has completely inherited Liu Jun's tall and burly genes, and he acts calmly. Although he is a little bit teasing about his grandfather at this time Meaning, but it is airy.

Yan Yucheng laughed and said, "You still understand Grandpa."

Liu Yang smiled and said: "Grandpa, the background of the late Qing Dynasty is different. Now our national power is far stronger than then. Duke Zuo Wenxiang's expedition to Agupai was to carry the coffin. Not above a level. Jumping clown, vulnerable."

Yan Yucheng couldn't help but widen his eyes and said in surprise: "Liu Yang, how did you come up with these things?"

Not only Yan Yucheng, but almost everyone stopped eating and looked at Liu Yang, Liu Jincai and Liu Jun in amazement, the eyes were even more radiant and shining.

Liu Yang smiled and said: "This is not complicated, you can think of it with a little bit of thinking."

"Okay, very good. The daily news broadcast is not in vain."

Yan Yucheng nodded with a smile, his expression very appreciative.Secretary Liu smiled very proudly.But what Secretary Yan said next made Secretary Liu very depressed.

"You are not bad, better than your father!"

Secretary Yan said seriously.

Secretary Liu had no choice but to shake his head, picked up the bowl, and continued to eat.

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