Yanei of Rebirth

Chapter 2131 Meaningful arrangement

The cadre meeting was held in the conference room of the Tianshan Provincial Party Committee Guest House, known as the "Tianshan Hotel" to the outside world.

A long row of jet-black cars drove into the courtyard of Tianshan Hotel, and Liu Jun felt the difference in the atmosphere in the car. Not to mention the three steps, one post, five steps and one sentry along the way, even the security measures of Tianshan Hotel are similar to those in other places. Provinces are hard to see.There are a lot of people in the open posts and sentries, all of them are armed, and there are many secret sentries that cannot be seen from the outside.

Hu Haoran, who was closely guarding him, was an expert, and he could tell at a glance the rigor of the security measures.

It seems that the situation in Tianshan Province is really serious.

The cadre meeting was presided over by Wei Zhenxiong. On behalf of the five teams of Tianshan Province, he expressed his gratitude to the central government for its concern for Tianshan Province and extended a warm welcome to Comrade Liu Jun. [

Rong Baichuan then announced the appointment of Liu Jun and Wei Zhenxiong by the Central Committee and the Military Commission.

After Wei Zhenxiong resigned from his post as secretary of the Tianshan Provincial Party Committee, he will be transferred back to the capital as a member of the Politburo, where he will serve as deputy secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee and assist Comrade Zou Yongqing in his work.

The same thing about Liu Jun's position in the military aroused the surprise of the participating cadres.It is currently the only exception in the country where the local party secretary concurrently serves as the first secretary of the party committee of the military region.Several recent provincial Party secretaries have not concurrently served as the first secretary of the Southern Military Region Party Committee, and the Capital City Party Secretary is also a member of the Politburo, nor have they concurrently served as the Party Secretary of the Capital Military Region and the Capital Garrison District.Even Wei Zhenxiong, who was entrusted with the frontier mission, had never received such a military position.If we say that the first secretary of the Party Committee of the Northwest Military Region is still an "honorary position", the first political commissar of the Tianshan Military Region is a real military position worthy of the name.

According to military sources, Liu Jun, the first political commissar, does not interfere with the daily management of the Tianshan Military Region, but for major military operations, military leaders must ask Liu Jun for instructions, and the first political commissar has the final decision.

It can be said that Liu Jun is the only local party secretary who has been given real power in the military.

Perhaps this arrangement is to avoid the recurrence of controversial issues like the "South China Sea Incident".Since the powerful Secretary Liu is going to go to Tianshan Province to preside over the work, he must be given corresponding powers.

Of course, there may be deeper considerations involved in this process, which involves the redistribution of power within the military.But this matter is too sensitive, so it is not for local cadres to get involved.

Among all the people present, only Liang Jingwei and Wu Zhengxuan were very pleased with this.

Corresponding to Liu Jun's concurrent post in the military's real power, the entire rapid response column has been stationed in Tianshan Province.Prior to this, the rapid reaction column had only one forward command post and one full-staffed division stationed in Tianshan Province. Wu Zhengxuan, as the chief of staff of the rapid reaction column, concurrently served as the director of the forward command post and the division commander of the division he belonged to.Become the elite ace main force with the fastest maneuverability and the strongest combat effectiveness among the garrison in Tianshan Province.Now, in order to cooperate with Liu Jun's appointment, the entire rapid-reaction column has been dispatched, and all of them have arrived in Tianshan Province, which shows the determination of the central government to vigorously solve the border issue.

The commander of the Northwest Military Region was replaced by Liang Jingwei, and Wu Zhengxuan was promoted to the commander of the rapid reaction column, which was by no means an intentional arrangement.

Chairman Li Zhiguo has equipped Liu Jun with the strongest lineup.

Among them, it cannot be said that there is no intention to prepare for the next ten years.

Vice Chairman Xue Yuanshan gave Wei Zhenxiong and Liu Jun high affirmation and praise at the cadre meeting.

On behalf of the Central Committee, I fully affirm and thank Comrade Wei Zhenxiong for his 20 years of work experience in Tianshan Province.

Xue Yuanshan's evaluation of Comrade Liu Jun was no less than his evaluation of Wei Zhenxiong.This is also easy to understand. Liu Jun is now also an official member of the Politburo, and should enjoy this level of political treatment.

Since then, Wei Zhenxiong, the outgoing provincial party secretary, and Liu Junjun, the new provincial party secretary, have delivered speeches.

Liu Jun's first inaugural speech was very simple. It lasted only ten minutes before and after the speech. It was very low-key and peaceful. He only asked comrades to support and cooperate with his work. The name "strongman" is quite different.

The cadre meeting was very successful.

The cadre meeting was held in the afternoon. After the meeting, Xue Yuanshan, Baichuan, Liu Jun and others attended the grand dinner held by Tianshan Province. The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. [

The leaders have had a hard journey, so naturally they will not arrange official activities at night.Xue Yuanshan and others stayed at Tianshan Hotel.Liu Jun has just arrived and has not yet arranged a place to stay, so he is also staying in the hotel.

Wei Zhenxiong and the main leading cadres of Tianshan Province and the Northwest Military Region paid a courtesy call on Xue Yuanshan, Rong Baichuan and Liu Jun, and had a pleasant exchange.

In the afternoon of the next day, there was another battle like yesterday at Tianshan Airport, with high-ranking officials gathered and the guards heavily guarded.But this time, the leader of the five teams in Tianshan Province was replaced by Liu Jun.

In the morning, Liu Jun and Wei Zhenxiong had gone through the handover procedures, held a joint meeting of the five teams in the province, formally met with the comrades in the team, and took over the governance of Tianshan Province from Wei Zhenxiong.

Wei Zhenxiong and Xue Yuanshan and Rong Baichuan returned to the capital on the same plane.

Prior to this, his family had already gone to the capital first, arranged a residence, and waited for Wei Zhenxiong to return to Beijing to take up his post.

After returning from the airport, Liu Jun did not go to work in the office of the Provincial Party Committee.

You have to settle down first.

In fact, this is relatively simple. When Wei Zhenxiong returned to the capital, Liu Jun simply moved into Building No. [-] of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee where he used to live.

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Tianshan Province, like the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of other provinces, is built by the mountains and rivers, and the scenery is quite beautiful.However, there are still some differences, that is, the region is more independent, almost completely isolated from other places, and the security measures are much stricter than the general standing committee of the provincial party committee. The established special police squadron is responsible for security and security work. Each sentry post has a double-post system and is fully equipped.

Building No. [-] is an independent courtyard, covering a vast area. It is located in the highest position of the entire Standing Committee and has a complete internal configuration, including independent wing rooms for staff.

Accompanying Secretary Liu to inspect the residence, in addition to Wang Daxin, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, and Relia, Director of the Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the three most notable people were the three active generals, Liang Jingwei, Wu Zhengxuan, and Major General Wu Zhenghao, Director of the Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security.

Wu Zhenghao arrived this morning.

Originally, he needed to be so serious, but in view of the special circumstances of Tianshan Province and Liu Jun himself, Wu Zhenghao didn't dare to neglect, and rushed to Beiting City in person, making sure to do Secretary Liu's security work well.

Wei Zhenxiong just left his post this afternoon, and it was too late to make any renovation changes in Building [-], only doing the necessary cleaning work.

"Secretary Liu, do you see any furniture in the room that needs to be changed?"

Wang Daxin asked for instructions very respectfully.

Wang Daxin is in his fifties. In the provincial party committee team of Tianshan Province, he is considered a relatively young cadre at the department and bureau level who has served in the League Central Committee for a long time. He is also a reserve cadre that the large group wants to focus on training.For Liu Jun's appointment, Wang Daxin is very happy.He is well aware of Liu Jun's actual status within the group, and it is an excellent opportunity to work under such a leader.As long as Liu Jun's approval is obtained, the future is limitless.

Wei Zhenxiong is an old-school leading cadre. The decoration of the entire No. [-] building is mainly in dark tones, which is very majestic and grand.Considering Liu Jun's age, Wang Daxin is not sure whether Secretary Liu also likes this decoration style.

Relia, Director of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, also looked at Liu Jun with great concern.Provided by Qingcheng Qingcheng.

Relia was only in her [-]s. She was a minority cadre and a lesbian. She had worked in the Provincial Party Committee Office for a long time, and she was trusted and valued by the former Secretary Wei Zhenxiong.It has been several years since Wang Daxin took up his current position, and Relia vaguely heard that after the [-]th National Congress of the Communist Party of China next year, the position of Secretary-General Wang Daxin may change.If this is the case, then the position of standing committee member and secretary-general of the provincial party committee will be vacant. Relia thinks she is still very competitive.The key depends on whether she can win the trust of the young new secretary in front of her.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "I think this is very good and there is no need to make major changes. For the time being, my family members will not come over, so there is no need to make it too luxurious. It is mainly for work." [

Wang Daxin hurriedly nodded in agreement and didn't say much.Secretary Liu has just arrived in office, and he doesn't know his temperament. The best way is to follow the secretary's instructions, and don't make up your own mind, so as not to be misunderstood by cleverness.

Wu Zhenghao said: "Secretary Liu, do you have any specific instructions regarding your security work? I checked and found that the topography of the Standing Committee is good for the development of security work."

Liang Jingwei and Wu Zhengxuan nodded at the same time.

They are also military experts and feel the same way.

Liu Jun smiled and said: "In this regard, you are an expert and I follow orders in all actions.

Wu Zhenghao laughed, and said: "Secretary Liu is really humorous, how dare I command you. My task is to do a good job in the safety and security of the leaders... I think so, we will still have the same staffing, 12 people. Eight male comrades and four female comrades. Haoran will still be your chief guard, and Xiaoliang and the others have performed very well in the province, so let them stay by your side. In addition, you can choose from the Armed Police Corps or the regular Choose a few people from Xuan. Zhengxuan, what's your opinion?"

Wu Zhengxuan said: "I see, I'll choose three from my place, and four from the Armed Police Corps. The gay films in the Corps are more familiar with the situation in this city."

Needless to say, the military quality of the officers of the rapid anti-column is first-class.But what Wu Zhengxuan said also made sense. Secretary Liu's guard team must have comrades who are familiar with the local conditions.

Liu Jun nodded and said, "That's fine, I agree."

Wu Zhenghao said: "Then it's settled. However, Secretary Liu, I would like to ask you an opinion..."

Liu Jun smiled and said, "Wuju, please tell me."

"Hehe, I heard that when you were working in other places, you used to have the habit of making private visits via WeChat. The situation here is different. I suggest you change this habit."

Hearing this, Liu Jun frowned slightly, pondered for a while, and then nodded slightly.

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